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Mega Man (Classic era)

From Mega Man Wiki
(Redirected from Rock)
<-- DLN-000Robot Master Serial NumbersDLN-002 -->
Character Info
Artwork from Mega Man.
All Classic era games
Other Media:
Character Details
Name(s):Mega Man, Megaman, Mega, Rockman, Rock, The Blue Bomber
Creator(s):Dr. Light
Weapon(s):Mega Buster, Special Weapons
Behind the Scenes
Designer(s):Akira Kitamura, Keiji Inafune
Voice (JP):
Hekiru Shiina (OVA-TPF), Ai Orikasa (MM8-SAR), Kahoru Fujino (MvC), Miki Ogura (Cannon Spike), Yumiko Kobayashi (MMPU), Ayaka Fukuhara (MM11)
Voice (EN):
Doug Parker (Captain N), Ruth Shiraishi (MM8), Gregory Smith/Christopher Gray (OVA), Cole Howard (MMPU), Ben Diskin (MM11), Alkaio Thiele (Secret Level)

Mega Man, known as Rockman (ロックマン) in Japan, is the main protagonist and playable character in the Classic era of Mega Man games. Originally built by Dr. Light as a household robot named Rock (ロック), or Mega in some sources, he volunteered to be upgraded into a fighting robot to help stop the evil plans of Dr. Wily. His robot sister Roll and his brother Proto Man sometimes assist him in doing so, as do the numerous helper robots made by Dr. Light.

Mega Man uses an arm cannon, the Mega Buster, as his weapon of choice. His most notable ability is copying the powers of his foes by defeating them to acquire their Special Weapons.

In the Games

Classic era

Mega Man

In the original Mega Man, Mega Man is given his abilities by Dr. Light after Dr. Wily steals most of Light's other robots and reprograms them to take over the world. Initially equipped with nothing but his Mega Buster, Mega Man must take down these first six Robot Masters in any order and finally face Dr. Wily, a formula that would be repeated for most of his future adventures.

Apart from being able to obtain the Robot Masters' weaponry, Mega Man can find the Magnet Beam in this game, which enables him to use his arm cannon (and weapon energy) to create temporary platforms. This would become the base for many similar utility upgrades Mega Man can acquire in later games.

Mega Man 2

Dr. Wily returns in Mega Man 2 with his own Robot Masters, and Mega Man must once again save the world from him. Although Mega Man's fighting abilities are unchanged (apart from new weapons to equip), he now has the ability to carry and use Energy Tanks.

Dr. Light also upgrades him over the course of the game with Item 1, Item 2 and Item 3, three moving platforms that can be used like weapons, similarly to the Magnet Beam from the previous game.

Mega Man 3

In Mega Man 3, Mega Man is tasked with retrieving energy crystals for Dr. Light and Dr. Wily's joint peace-keeping project. He has gained the ability to slide on the ground, allowing him to quickly move forward and duck under enemies or projectiles.

Throughout the game, Dr. Light periodically upgrades Mega Man with the power to call upon three different modes of his new canine robot companion, Rush: the Rush Coil, Rush Jet and Rush Marine.

This game marks the first appearance of Mega Man's brother Proto Man, who he fights at various points in the game without knowing his identity.

Mega Man 4

Mega Man 4 marks the first time that Mega Man can charge his Mega Buster. This is done by holding down the button, then releasing for a single, powerful shot. While charging, Mega Man flashes green, which would be replaced with variations on his blue colour in later games.

In addition to calling Rush as in the previous game, Mega Man can acquire additional upgrades in the Wire Adapter, which allows him to fire a grappling hook, and the Balloon Adapter, which can be used to create floating platforms to help him progress through a stage.

Mega Man 5

Mega Man 5 sees Mega Man pitted against Proto Man, who has seemingly gone berserk and is attacking the city with eight new Robot Masters. His skill set remains largely the same, apart from a colour change on the charge ability, which is now interrupted by taking damage. Rush also returns from Mega Man 3, with the same modes as before.

New in this game is the mechanical bird Beat, intended as an upgrade for Mega Man worked on by Dr. Light and Dr. Cossack.[1] To unlock the power to call him, Mega Man must find the letters "M-E-G-A-M-A-N-V" in the Robot Master stages. The Super Arrow is another new upgrade, which Mega Man can use to harm enemies or create platforms by sticking the arrow to a wall.

Mega Man 6

In Mega Man 6, Mega Man is called upon to stop the evil machinations of Mr. X, who has stolen and reprogrammed the winning robots of the First Annual Robot Tournament. In addition to his skills from Mega Man 5, he is now able to find and equip two Power Adaptors, built by Dr. Light. These upgrades replace the previous Rush modes and enable him to fuse with Rush, becoming either Jet Mega Man - who is able to fly - or Power Mega Man, who has a strong close-range attack.

Beat also makes a return and can be called by Mega Man after finding the letters B-E-A-T, which are obtained by defeating four of the Robot Masters in special hidden boss rooms. Furthermore, Mega Man may discover and equip an Energy Balancer, which causes weapon energy items to refill the weapon with the lowest energy level if the current active weapon is already full.

Mega Man Soccer

Mega Man's stats
40 62 96 128

In Mega Man Soccer, Mega Man is sent to compete with Dr. Wily's robots in soccer matches after they take over a stadium. The intro shows him in civilian clothes and only has him don his Mega Man outfit after being upgraded, suggesting that he was downgraded back into Rock/Mega some time prior to the game's events.

As a player, Mega Man has a generic statline and is able to kick the ball like a charged Mega Buster shot as his special move, which stuns an enemy. There can be multiple copies of Mega Man on a soccer team, explained away by the manual as "a reserve of blue crime-fighting robots" created by Dr. Light, with only one of them being the actual character.

Mega Man's associated playing field is Rock Field, after his Japanese name, Rockman.

Mega Man 7

In Mega Man 7, Mega Man must once again stop Dr. Wily, who has been broken out of prison by four of his Robot Masters. Along the way, he encounters Bass and Treble for the first time, who he initially considers allies and trusts enough to take them to Dr. Light when Bass is damaged before discovering their true intentions. He also has the aid of Auto, one of Dr. Light's robots debuting in this game, from whom he can purchase items and upgrades in exchange for screws.

This is the first game in which Mega Man is given extensive in-game dialogue, most of his interactions being with Dr. Light, to whose laboratory he returns frequently to ask for clarification on how to best use his weapon upgrades or where to go next. It is also the first to address in-game Mega Man's compliance with the Three Laws of Robotics found in the works of American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov - as Mega Man threatens to kill a defeated Dr. Wily with a charged Mega Buster shot in the game's ending, he is reminded that robots cannot harm humans (the First Law of Robotics). Mega Man retorts by declaring himself "more than a robot", but as this line is not present in Japanese and the confrontation cut short by the collapse of Wily Stage and his rescue by Treble, the situation creates confusion on whether Mega Man is able to break the laws or not, a question that is never revisited in later games.

X era

Mega Man does not appear in the X era games, although the design of X, also a creation of Dr. Light, is strongly based on him and shares many of his abilities. There have been no direct references made to the Classic era Mega Man in the X or later games' canon, and his fate is unknown.

Super Smash Bros. series

Name Source Game Weapon Assist Trophy Smash Tour Item Boss Stage Mii Costume Enemy Trophy Spirit Music
Mega Man (Classic era) Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 6, Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8, Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, Super Adventure Rockman, Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters Mega Buster N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 864 - File:SSBU - Mega Man.png N/A

Due to Mega Man being pretty similar to Kirby in terms of functionality, Mega Man in Smash Bros. is more of a collection of weapons from his home games, rather than one who copies weapons of others in Smash Bros.

He can also use multiple weapons in sequence without pausing to switch them, always staying the same color pallet/scheme the player started with.

Super Smash Bros. 4

  • Trophies: Mega Man, Mega Man (Alt.)

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

  • Spirit #864

Street Fighter X Mega Man

Street Fighter X Mega Man,

Mavel vs. Capcom series

Mega Man appears in Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes, Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite.

Cannon Spike

Cannon Spike

Dragalia Lost

Dragalia Lost

Other Media

1994 animated series

Mega Man is the main protagonist of the 1994 Mega Man animated series.

Captain N: The Game Master

Mega Man appears as a member of the main hero team in Captain N: The Game Master, though he has been drastically redesigned and does not share many similarities with his game counterpart. He is voiced by Doug Parker and known for his habit of prefixing words with "Mega-", something he is never shown to do in the games.

Archie Comics

Mega Man appears as a main character in the Mega Man comic series by Archie Comics.


  1. Mega Man 5 English manual, 1992

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