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Metal Man Stage (Mega Man II)

From Mega Man Wiki

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Template:Place Holder/Header

Stage Info
Metal Man Stage in Mega Man 2.
In-game screenshot.
Stage icon(s).
Name(s):Metal Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Springer Slides along the ground, speeding up when on the same level as Mega Man and popping up on a spring when touched. Can only be harmed by special weapons. 3 4 Metal Man Stage,
Pierobot A clown robot balancing on a gear, which can be damaged separately and makes the robot drop off the screen if destroyed first. Unlike in Mega Man 2, destroying the clown first does not slow down the gear, but makes it easier to jump over. 1 (robot)
6 (gear)
4 Metal Man Stage
Press An invincible, spiked press on a chain that drops down, then is slowly pulled up again. N/A 8 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Mole Drill bits that constantly spawn to Mega Man's left and right in certain corridors, drilling up or down through solid tiles and through the air. 5 4 Metal Man Stage


Robot Masters

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Metal Man Metal Man Stage Metal Blade Crash Bomber


Name Sprite Description Location within the stage
E-Tank x 2