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Wily Stage 2 (Mega Man 2)

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Wood Man Stage in Mega Man 2.
Wily Castle from Mega Man 2
File:MM2 - Wily Stage 2 Portrait.png
Stage icon(s).
Game(s):Mega Man 2, Mega Man: The Wily Wars
Game Info
Name(s):Wily Stage 2



(Note: When playing on "Normal" difficulty in versions that include a difficulty selection, Mega Man's shots deal twice the amount of damage. As a result, enemy HP is effectively halved.)

Minor Enemies

Name Image Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Fly Boy A pullstring robot that falls from the sky and respawns endlessly. It uses its string to pull itself upwards diagonally before falling back down. 5 4 Heat Man Stage, Crash Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Mole Drill bits that constantly spawn to Mega Man's left and right in certain corridors, drilling up or down through solid tiles and through the air. 5 4 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Press An invincible, spiked press on a chain that drops down, then is slowly pulled up again. - 8 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Shotman A stationary robot that fires shots in an arc to the left, occasionally changing its firing angle. 5 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Flash Man Stage, Crash Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3

Name Image Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Fly Boy File:TWW - Fly Boy Sprite.png A pullstring robot that falls from the sky and respawns endlessly. It uses its string to pull itself upwards diagonally before falling back down. 5 4 Heat Man Stage, Crash Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Mole File:TWW - Mole Sprite.png Drill bits that constantly spawn to Mega Man's left and right in certain corridors, drilling up or down through solid tiles and through the air. 5 4 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3, Wily Stage 4
Press File:TWW - Press Sprite.png An invincible, spiked press on a chain that drops down, then is slowly pulled up again. - 8 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3, Wily Stage 4
Shotman File:TWW - Shotman Sprite.png A stationary robot that fires shots in an arc to the left, occasionally changing its firing angle. 5 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Flash Man Stage, Crash Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3, Hyper Storm-H Stage, Mega Water-S Stage, Wily Stage 2


Robot Masters

Name Sprite Description Stage Weakness
Mega Man 2
Picopico-kun A group of 14 flying robots that attack Mega Man individually. Each one is built out of two blocks from the boss room's walls or floor and ceiling, which detach and move towards the centre of the screen. Wily Stage 2 Bubble Lead
Mega Man The Wily Wars
Picopico-kun File:TWW - Picopico-kun Sprite.png A group of 14 flying robots that attack Mega Man individually. Each one is built out of two blocks from the boss room's walls or floor and ceiling, which detach and move towards the centre of the screen. Wily Stage 2 Bubble Lead



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Other media

Other Versions

Other appearances

See also
