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Wood Man Stage (Mega Man II)

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Wood Man Stage in Mega Man II.
In-game screenshot.
Stage icon(s).
Name(s):Wood Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Friender A gaint dog that stands in place and breathes a line of fire in an inverted arc. 20 8 (contact)
4 (projectile)
Wood Man Stage
Batton A bat that starts on the ceiling and takes some time to wake up, then chases Mega Man. If it touches him, it slowly flies back onto the ceiling. Can only be harmed while it is awake. 2 4 Wood Man Stage
Robbit A robo-rabbit that hops and fires three carrots at Mega Man between jumps. 10 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Wood Man Stage
Needle Press A stationary spike on the ceiling or floor that extends and detracts in a set rhythm, harming Mega Man if he touches it. It deflects all shots. N/A 4 Wood Man Stage, Needle Man Stage
Cannon Opens up to shoot cannonballs at Mega Man in an arc. The cannonballs are indestructible and deflect shots. Can only be harmed while the shield is open. 3 (Cannon) 6 (contact)
2 (cannonballs)
Wood Man Stage, Needle Man Stage
Kukku A rooster than runs very fast and jumps at certain points. It spawns infinitely and has to be avoided. 10 4 Wood Man Stage


Robot Masters

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Wood Man Wood Man Stage Leaf Shield Metal Blade

Other media



None [This statement needs its accuracy checked]

