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Mega Man II

From Mega Man Wiki
Game Info
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man II, Rockman World 2
Publisher(s):Capcom (JP, NA), Nintendo (PAL)
Release Date(s):
JP: December 20, 1991
NA: February 1992
EU: July 31, 1992
Genre(s):Action, Platformer
Game mode(s):Single Player
Platform(s):Game Boy

Mega Man II, known in Japan as Rockman World 2 (ロックマンワールド2, Rokkuman Wārudo Tsū) is the second Game Boy series game in the Classic era of the Mega Man series, developed by Biox and published by Capcom (or by Nintendo in PAL regions) for the Game Boy in 1991-1992.

The game is the only Game Boy series entry not to be developed by Minakuchi Engineering, though it nonetheless keeps the same basic premise of its predecessor, Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, this time reimagining content from the NES Mega Man 2 and Mega Man 3, as well as newcomer Quint, a brainwashed Mega Man from the future.

Four Robot Masters from each game appear, each with their own stage, while the gameplay bases itself on that of Mega Man 3, introducing both Rush and the slide ability to the Game Boy series.



Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Batton A bat that starts on the ceiling and takes some time to wake up, then chases Mega Man. If it touches him, it slowly flies back onto the ceiling. Can only be harmed while it is awake. 2 4 Wood Man Stage
Bikky A giant, jumping robot. It can only be harmed while its visor is open, shortly before and during its jump. 6 8 Needle Man Stage
Blocky A slow-moving stack of blocks; only the one with eyes can be harmed. Non-lethal damage makes it break apart into harmful, indestructable blocks, then reform. 2 8 Crash Man Stage
Cannon Opens up to shoot cannonballs at Mega Man in an arc. The cannonballs are indestructible and deflect shots. Can only be harmed while the shield is open. 3 (Cannon) 6 (contact)
2 (cannonballs)
Wood Man Stage, Needle Man Stage
Fly Boy A pullstring robot that falls from the sky and respawns endlessly. It uses its string to pull itself straight up, jumping forward at its highest point and falling back down. 5 4 Crash Man Stage
Giant Springer Slides along the ground and fires the indestructible missile from its head, which circles around and tries to target Mega Man. If Mega Man gets too close, it spring up and harms him. 8 6 (contact)
2 (missile)
Magnet Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Goblin A large head that hangs in the sky and spawns Petit Goblins from its ears, which launch upwards and then float towards Mega Man. It acts as a platform, but its retracting horns cause damage. - (Goblin)
(Petit Goblins)
2 (horns)
(Petit Goblins)
Air Man Stage
Hammer Joe A stationary Joe that swings an iron ball around and throws it forward, which deflect Mega Man's shots. It can only be harmed when its eye is open, shortly before and during its throwing animation. 8 4 (contact)
2 (hammer)
Hard Man Stage, Needle Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Hari Harry A large hedgehog that stands still and shoots destructible needles in five directions three times, then rolls to another spot as an invincible sphere. 6 (Hari Harry)
1 (needles)
6 (contact)
2 (needles)
Needle Man Stage
Have "Su" Bee A bee that flies in from the side and drops a nest of five Chibees, which chase Mega Man. 3 (Have "Su"&nbspBee)
1 (Chibee)
6 (contact)
2 (nest)
3 (Chibee)
Hard Man Stage
Kaminari Goro A robot riding a cloud that goes in circles while throwing thunder bolts in an arc at Mega Man. Defeating it lets him ride its cloud. 3 4 Air Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Kukku A rooster than runs very fast and jumps at certain points. It spawns infinitely and has to be avoided. 10 4 Wood Man Stage
Komasaburo A stationary enemy that releases destructible tops from its belly, which move along the ground. It is often found at the top of stairs. 6 (Komasaburo)
1 (tops)
6 (contact)
2 (tops)
Top Man Stage
Mag Fly A flying magnet that slowly pulls Mega Man upwards and can carry him. 1 4 Magnet Man Stage
Matasaburo A stationary robot that blows Mega Man away with the fan in its body. 5 6 Air Man Stage
Mechakkero A jumping enemy that is flat and harder to hit with the Mega Buster while it is on the ground. 1 3 Top Man Stage
Metall Deluxe Hides under its helmet until Mega Man comes near, then shoots bullets in three directions and quickly dashes forward before hiding again. Only vulnerable while attacking or running. 1 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Wood Man Stage, Top Man Stage, Magnet Man Stage, Needle Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Mole Drill bits that constantly spawn to Mega Man's left and right in certain corridors, drilling up or down through solid tiles and through the air. 5 4 Metal Man Stage
Needle Press A stationary spike on the ceiling or floor that extends and detracts in a set rhythm, harming Mega Man if he touches it. It deflects all shots. N/A 4 Wood Man Stage, Needle Man Stage
New Shotman A stationary enemy that fire three projectiles in a row to both sides and sometimes flings two projectiles at Mega Man in an arc if he is near. The latter cannot pass through walls. 3 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Top Man Stage, Magnet Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Peterchy An eyeball with plunger legs that plods along the ground. 3 4 Magnet Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Pickelman Bull A Pickelman that advances towards Mega Man on a tall bulldozer, occasionally stopping. Only the Pickelman on top can be harmed. 3 6 Hard Man Stage, Top Man Stage
Pierobot A clown robot balancing on a gear, which can be damaged separately and makes the robot drop off the screen if destroyed first. Unlike in Mega Man 2, destroying the clown first does not slow down the gear, but makes it easier to jump over. 1 (robot)
6 (gear)
4 Metal Man Stage
Pipi A bird that flies overhead and drops an egg. If the egg reaches the ground without being destroyed, six Copipis are released that dart towards Mega Man after a while. If the Pipi is destroyed while it is holding an egg, the egg also disappears. 1 (Pipi)
1 (egg)
1 (Copipis)
4 (contact)
4 (egg)
2 (Copipis)
Air Man Stage, Crash Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Press An invincible, spiked press on a chain that drops down, then is slowly pulled up again. N/A 8 Metal Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Returning Monking A monkey that jumps onto the ceiling and hangs there, waiting for Mega Man. When he comes near, it drops down and attempts to jump on him. 8 3 Hard Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Robbit A robo-rabbit that hops and fires three carrots at Mega Man between jumps. 10 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Wood Man Stage
Scworm A contraption on the ground that flailing metal tubes jump out of. Mega Buster shots go over it if Mega Man is on the same level. 5 (Scworm)
5 (tubes)
2 (contact)
2 (tubes)
Air Man Stage, Wily Stage 1
Shotman A stationary robot that fires shots in an arc to the left, occasionally changing its firing angle. 5 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Crash Man Stage
Springer Slides along the ground, speeding up when on the same level as Mega Man and popping up on a spring when touched. Can only be harmed by special weapons. 3 4 Metal Man Stage,
Telly A spinning robot that slowly floats towards Mega Man. They are usually spawned endlessly from holes or the side of the screen. 1 2 Crash Man Stage
Wanaan A bear trap-like robot that pops out of the ground after Mega Man walks across its hiding spot, harming him if he stops on top of it. N/A 4 Hard Man Stage
Yambow A dragonfly that hangs in the air until Mega Man comes near, then flies forward, descends when it is behind him, and darts forward again when it is at his current height. 3 3 Needle Man Stage


Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Friender A gaint dog that stands in place and breathes a line of fire in an inverted arc. 20 8 (contact)
4 (projectile)
Wood Man Stage
Tama A giant cat that tosses a yarn ball, which bounces around. If it is destroyed or leave the screen, it releases three tiny, hopping flea enemies, and cycles back to throwing a yarn ball if the fleas are destroyed. 10 (Tama)
4 (yarn balls)
1 (fleas)
8 (contact)
3 (yarn ball)
2 (fleas)
Top Man Stage


Robot Masters

The second set of Robot Master stages is accessed through a teleporter room in Wily Stage 1. Though all of these Robot Masters possess complete stages (unlike the previous game), they are technically part of Dr.Wily's fortress, and no weapon energy is restored after beating the boss.

Fortress Bosses

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Quint Wily Stage 1 Sakugarne Hard Knuckle
Crash Bomber
Name Sprite Description Stage Weakness
Wily Machine II (phase 1) Wily Stage 2 Mega Buster
Wily Machine II (phase 2) Wily Stage 2 Sakugarne
Wily Machine II (phase 3) Wily Stage 2 Sakugarne



Mega Man II Stage SelectCrash Man Stage (Mega Man II)Metal Man Stage (Mega Man II)Wood Man Stage (Mega Man II)Air Man Stage (Mega Man II)Hard Man Stage (Mega Man II)Top Man Stage (Mega Man II)Magnet Man Stage (Mega Man II)Needle Man Stage (Mega Man II)
Mega Man II Stage Select




Relation to other games

  • Mega Man 2: Crash Man, Metal Man, Wood Man and Air Man come from here
  • Mega Man 3: Hard Man, Top Man, Magnet Man and Needle Man come from here
  • Ports, Remakes and Compilations:
    • Nintedo 3DS (Virtual Console)

External Links

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