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Mega Man Battle Network
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First of the series | Battle Network series | Mega Man Battle Network 2 --> |
Box Art | |||||||||||||||||||
General information | |||||||||||||||||||
Game Title(s): | Mega Man Battle Network, Battle Network Rockman.EXE | ||||||||||||||||||
Developer(s): | Capcom | ||||||||||||||||||
Publisher(s): | Capcom (JP, NA), Ubi Soft (EU) | ||||||||||||||||||
Release Date(s): |
| ||||||||||||||||||
Genre(s): | Action, RPG | ||||||||||||||||||
Game mode(s): | Single Player, 2-Player Competitive | ||||||||||||||||||
Platform(s): | Game Boy Advance | ||||||||||||||||||
Mega Man Battle Network, known in Japan as known in Japan as Battle Network Rockman.EXE (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ, Batoru Nettowāku Rokkuman Eguze) is the first entry of the main Battle Network series, developed by Capcom and released for the Game Boy Advance in 2001. Set in an alternative timeline from the Mega Man games that came before it, it details the adventures of Lan Hikari and his NetNavi MegaMan.EXE in a world centred around the Internet and digital programs rather than robots.
Though its gameplay features would become typical for later Battle Network games, the game marks a major departure from previous Mega Man series, being an action RPG rather than a platformer or pure action game. It also focuses strongly on the collection of Battle Chips, making use of the Game Boy Advance's Game Link Cable to trade these items between different game carts or battle other players for them.
An enhanced port for the Nintendo DS called Rockman.EXE: Operate Shooting Star was released in Japan only in 2009.
Chapter 1: (Boss: FireMan.EXE) One day in ACDC Town, Lan Hikari was woken up by his NetNavi MegaMan. After getting up, Lan reads the latest news bulletin regarding the increase of NetCrime due to the actions of an criminal organization called World Three, followed by an e-mail from Yuichiro with a Battle Chip attached on his PET. After eating his breakfast, Lan leaves for school and takes MegaMan with him. Lan met up with his neighbor and friend, Mayl Sakurai, who scolds him for making her wait.
As they walked to school, Mayl talked about the recent oven accidents that have been occurring and suspected it was another WWW plot while Lan told her that she's imagining things.
Once at school Lan is issued a challenge to NetBattle by an fellow classmate called Dex Oyama, but he was quickly halted by fellow classmate called Yai Ayanokoji that NetBattling is against school rules just as the class bell rings.
After class Lan decided to take up Dex's challenge and take on his NetNavi GutsMan.
Returning home, Lan meet a handyman working on his control panel with Haruka saying that he was checking viruses due to the oven incidents. After being promised a snack, Lan decided to play on the net for a while with MegaMan and helped Yai's Navi Glyde locate a missing program. Suddenly Haruka screamed from the kitchen and Lan rushed to find the oven ablaze just like the incidents Mayl mentioned earlier. He jacked in MegaMan to stop the oven from exploding and discovered that it was caused by a WWW virus. When the flames intensified, Lan lost contact with MegaMan and rushed to his room to grab a Water Gun which doused some flames to restore the connection. Eventually he learned that the handyman, Mr. Match, is actually a WWW agent who was after the fire program in Lan's oven, and together, they delete his Navi FireMan stopping the oven explosion from burning the house down.
Chapter 2: (Boss: NumberMan.EXE) After some days later, Lan rushed to school in a panic after waking up late and oversleeping through MegaMan's attempts to wake up him. Luckily, he gets an e-mail from Yai who called his name during an Call. Realizing that class had already started, Lan sneaked in from the back of the classroom undetected just in time for his teacher, Ms. Mari, to introduce her new assistant teacher Higsby. Lan and the other students gossiped about Higsby because he was strange, then he returned alone and putted an math lesson. But an WWW annoucement video appeared on blackboard saying to reeducate the students to work for them. Dex and GutsMan attempted to take out the video, but sadly, GutsMan was deleted so Lan then stepped up to send MegaMan, but before that, he received Roll's Navi Chip from Mayl.
Now MegaMan traversed the school network, Lan assisted him by going around the school to find passwords to unlock the doors. Eventually when MegaMan steps in a trap, he tells to Lan go to the school's AV room and restart the sabotaged computer, but Lan was bumped into Higsby leaving the AV room with damaged computer beforehand. Soon MegaMan requested that Lan finds an School ID card to open the path to continue, which led to Lan finding Ms. Mari in the storage closet tied by an rope. After freeing her, she tells Lan that Higsby is causing incidents and gave him her ID card. Then Lan and MegaMan defeated Higsby's Navi NumberMan, who promised to make amends in the future, and Lan restarted the server for the schools network just in time for English class, that made Lan upset.
Chapter 3: (Boss: StoneMan.EXE) After class and the incident, Lan and MegaMan remembered that the Metroline Station opening was today. Lan suggested to go to the SciLab and pick up the program that your dad planned to give him. At the station, they learn that the Metroline has been closed because the main system was attacked by a virus. Lan then sends MegaMan on the net to try to investigate, but he can't access the Metroline's network because it has been blocked off by Dex. Lan then gets an e-mail from Dex who challenges him to another NetBattle with an improved GutsMan with an cost of a Battle Chip Recovery50 L.
Lan defeat him and leave Dex in shock, then gives Lan access to his links with /Dex, and he also gives the GutsMan's Navi Chip which solidifies Dex's friendship.
Lan once more sends MegaMan on the net to find the suspect for the Metroline attack and he finds StoneMan, a solo WWW NetNavi. After deleting him, Lan and MegaMan clear the blockage on the Metroline network and they go to the Government Complex to meet your dad. To their disappointment, Lan finds his father's lab empty and decides to leave a message on his computer. Later Lan recieves an e-mail from Yuichiro with the program attached, then he decides to turn in your day.
Chapter 4: (Boss: IceMan.EXE) One month later Lan is woken up by MegaMan because he have weekend classes, on the kitchen, your mother alters that the water is off, so he can't eat the breakfast now. When Lan go to school with Mayl again, she comments that her water was turned and she wasn't able to wash you face. Both of them then see that the fountain at the school completely drained and they started to worry. Later on at school, He learns that the entire town has no water and decides to check out the Waterworks. Yai comments that a student from class 5-B went missing and later tells him that he was kidnapped and to not tell to anyone.
At the Waterworks, Lan meets an Official NetBattler called Eugene Chaud, who brushes him aside for being in the way. After the Chaud's rudeness, Lan goes to his father's lab and borrows his SciLabID to go into the Waterworks control room. Lan meets Dr. Froid, who tells him that the problem lies somewhere in the pump program prompting Lan to hideout until all the staff leave. Once the SciLab and WaterWorks is clear, Lan decides to send MegaMan into the Waterworks Comp, but is stopped by a woman who tells him to go home. Once she leaves, Lan continues with his plan and sends MegaMan into the network. Later he and MegaMan encounter a mysterious red Navi, who thinked to work from WWW, but they learned that he is operated by Eugene Chaud. The Navi introduces himself as ProtoMan and leaves with Chaud who tells to Lan to watch out for disguised WWW agents. Lan and MegaMan then find the pump program which has been frozen solid. After thawing the ice solid, Lan decides to return to ACDC and check the water, but he finds that the water is gross looking polluted. When a civilian drinks the toxic water and faint, Lan gets a call from Chaud blaming him for causing the polluted water to be released and tells him to stay out of his way. Realizing his mistake, Lan returns to the Waterworks to find the real problem on the network, but on his way he gets an e-mail from Yai about that the missing student's last name is Froid. Lan then finds a locked car with a boy trapped inside and releases him. The boy turns out to be the kidnapped son of Dr. Froid, who gives Lan a letter for his father and a Handle Program.
Back at the Waterworks, Lan sends MegaMan back into the network and finds a Navi knocked out by ProtoMan. Quickly Lan tells Chaud and ProtoMan that they are not the real enemy and they realize that the whole operation was a distraction and the two leave. IceMan, Dr. Froid's NetNavi then, turns to fight MegaMan, but is defeated. Froid breaks down for a moment, then Lan gives him the message from his son. After IceMan repairs the filtering system, an alarm is raised and Lan finds out that the woman from before was actually an WWW agent. However he and Chaud are too late as the woman, Ms. Madd, and her Navi ColorMan have already stolen the program and retreat. Afterwards, Lan and Dr. Froid go to see Froid's son to ensure that everything is well and Lan promises to stop WWW and prove himself to Chaud.
Chapter 5: (Boss: ColorMan.EXE) Some time after the incident, Lan receives an e-mail from Mayl while MegaMan was doing maintenance on Lan's Homepage. The e-mail is an invitation to go shopping in DenTown for Yai's birthday present. Lan responds to the e-mail to Roll in Mayl's Homepage. Afterwards, Lan heads to ACDC Station waiting for Mayl, who arrives 30 min late. Mayl decides to send Lan ahead to DenTown because she needs to deliver something to her grandmother. Lan also recieves an e-mail from Dr. Froid saying he was subscribed to the Official NetBattler Mailing List as a thanks for the Waterworks incident.
In DenTown, Lan and MegaMan meet Miyu, the owner of an antique store and operator of her NetNavi SkullMan, while he was looking for a present and decide to peruse her shop at Mayl's suggestion who also sends him an Roll2 Navi Chip. Lan also meets the teacher of the summer school Ms. Yuri, who is Ms. Mari's twin sister. After a while, Lan decides to head to the meeting place to wait, but MegaMan notices that all the traffic lights have been turned to green. After several accidents, Lan gets an e-mail from WWW who are selling fixes for automated cars at the price of 1,000,000 zennys. Lan then sends MegaMan into Traffic Light Comp and change the signals to red to prevent more accidents. When MegaMan fixes the lights, Lan heads to Central DenTown to tell everyone that's an bribe and he will fix the traffic lights, he discovers that Ms. Madd is the one behind the viruses in the traffic lights. Infuriated, Ms. Madd storms off, but not before giving an warning to Lan. Suddenly Lan gets a phone call from Mayl who is trapped on a runaway bus in DenTown. Lan decides to send MegaMan on to the traffic light networks around Dentown in hopes of stopping the bus. During this, he recieves a call from Ms. Madd who warns him about a bomb on the bus that Mayl is riding would explode when stopped, and Mayl panics.
Eventually Lan and MegaMan are successful at stopping the bus, however Ms. Madd decides to detonate the bomb anyway. To their surprise, the bomb doesn't go off because Roll decided to interfere with ColorMan, who was supposed to trigger it. Lan quickly sends MegaMan to Roll's aid and deletes ColorMan putting an end to Ms. Madd's plan. Mayl thanks Lan for saving her and they two share an emotional moment even though Lan is blind to her advances, even being called dense by both MegaMan and Roll.
Chapter 6: (Boss: ElecMan.EXE) Several days after the the events in DenTown, Lan is out at the park with MegaMan, talking that it's close to the dinner time. He then gets an invitation from your father for a party at the SciLab and promptly heads home to tell his mother. Lan then heads to the SciLab alone while his mother gets ready and meets Chaud in the Lobby who tells him off. Lan also meets with Dr. Froid who gives him a special passcode for WWW locks on the internet. Finally he meets with Yuichiro and his mom arrives just in time for the party. During the party, Yuichiro is called on the intercom to head to the lab.
Suddenly the guest speaker for the party, Count Zap, makes the announcement that WWW has taken over the Power Plant and causes a blackout which will cause the oxygen to stop flowing in the building. As Lan's eyes adjust to the dark, he and MegaMan escape the party and slide down a dust chute to the Power Plant level. Lan meets a scientist that hastly gets the control room door open and quickly attempts to send MegaMan onto the network, but the scientist warns him that his PET battery will lose power while MegaMan is in the network and he will be deleted. Acknowledging the scientist's warning, Lan sends MegaMan on the Power Plant Comp anyway.
Eventually MegaMan and Lan encounter Count Zap's Navi, ElecMan and decide to engage in a NetBattle, but realize that ElecMan is receiving electricity and nullifying the damage MegaMan is causing. Lan then heads to the generator room and notices the lights are on. Quickly and painfully Lan shuts down the generator and stops ElecMan from gaining power, allowing MegaMan to delete him. But he remarks that the electricity program has already been sent to Count Zap, ProtoMan arrives too late and Chaud is upset that ElecMan was deleted just as he was going to find the WWW's Net address. Lan and MegaMan are then forced to fight ProtoMan as they have caused Chaud more trouble than they needed. To Chaud's surprise, ProtoMan loses and Lan restores power to the Power Plant and then returns to the party. After reassuring his mother and getting an e-mail from Yuichiro, Lan remembers that he hasn't eaten since lunch and returns home and eats with his mother.
Chapter 7: (Boss: BombMan.EXE) Some time later, Lan receives an e-mail from your dad asking if he can see why Chaud is feeling upset lately. Then Lan heads to the SciLab and learns from a scientist that Chaud went to do some investigation in DenTown as there is a WWW member there. When in DenTown, Lan finds Chaud interrogating a woman and questions.
When he storms off, Lan and MegaMan decide to find the WWW address themselves leading them back to ACDC Town to talk with Higsby on his shop. He tells them about a path to the Undernet and gives them a memo to allow them access. Later on the network, Lan and MegaMan find the entrance to the Undernet and defeat a strong group of viruses. Upon entry Lan gets an e-mail from Higsby telling him to talk to an ex-WWW partner of his at the SciLab. Lan then confronts this scientist and he gives Lan another memo and directs him back to DenTown to find another ex-WWW member. In DenTown, Lan finds thatMs. Yuri was an ex-WWW member and before that, she does a check of Lan's Chip Library. When she sees that Lan has quite a vast collection (60 unique Battle Chips), she gives him her memo and directs him to ACDC Town to find one last member. The ex-member is an eldery man, Lan finds outside of the houses who at one point was the right hand man to Lord Wily, leader of the WWW. He gives Lan his memo once he determines that MegaMan is strong enough (Level 30 or higher) to take on WWW.
Once all the memos are acquired, Lan sends MegaMan to search the Undernet where he finds the WWW server address is, but they encounter BombMan, a solo WWW Navi. After deleting him, MegaMan takes the WWW Address before BombMan explodes, severing the path to the WWW network. However not giving up hope, Lan takes the address to your father, who is shocked that Lan was able to get it. When Yuichiro plans to send the location to Chaud, Lan requests if he send the location to him, but is denied. Lan then explains how he and MegaMan have countlessly fought the WWW and want to finish this. Yuichiro gives and warns Lan of the possibility of war for his actions, which he understands the consequences and is sent to practice his NetBattling while the location is being traced.
Chapter 8: (Boss: MagicMan.EXE and Life Virus) Lan finally gets an e-mail from your dad saying that the base of the WWW is somewhere in the mountains. Determined to find a way to the base, Lan leaves his home to search how to get there. Before he leaves, Lan and your mother watch the TV Lord Wily explaining his plan of hacked satellites using a rocket to control the network. Lan then goes to Higsby's, but he finds that Higsby isn't there, however a strange Metroline pass is on the counter. Lan takes this pass to the station and he say that thing cannot be used, but also learns that an another train has been heard by the staff on somewhere nearby.
In the ACDC School entrance, Lan notices the sound of a train and finds a secret passageway on the statue to a WWW exclusive Metroline. When the pass doesn't work, an alarm is sounded prompting Lan to go out of there, then he takes the pass to Yuichiro who changes the expiration date allowing Lan to travel to the WWW base. Once at the base, he enters the building to find Higsby, Ms Yuri, and the eldery man tied up. After freeing them, he rushes to the next door finding that it's locked. He sends MegaMan to hack the door program, but is stopped by intense flames. Luckily, Yai and Glyde show up and extinguish the flames to the Lan's surprise. Yai then gives Lan a Roll3 Navi Chip at the request of Mayl. At the next locked door, Lan and MegaMan reach a password gate that is too complex for them to solve. Suddenly Higsby and NumberMan swiftly crack the code and allow them access. In the next locked door, Lan and MegaMan find that the lock program is blocked off by an solid ice. Then Dr. Froid and IceMan shatter the block allowing them to destroy the lock. In the next lock, the program is blocked by a boulder. Suddenly Dex and GutsMan arrive and smashed the boulder to bits.
Lan then reaches the main office of Dr. Wily and notices footprints leading to the painting. When the painting swings open, they try to open the final door lock. When they reach the program, they see the path is turned off and no batteries are able to power the pathway. However Mayl and Roll finally show up and powers the path using Roll Flash. The two have a moment and Lan learns that Mayl saw him enter the secret path and wanted to help, and told to her friends. Suddenly Lan tries to jack out MegaMan, but Yahoot and his Navi MagicMan interrupt and quickly attack them. When MagicMan is defeated, he suddenly gets a burst of power from Dr. Wily with the Life Virus that uses Life Magic to grievously hurt MegaMan. Lan watches that MagicMan is then deleted by ProtoMan and he attempts to call out MegaMan.
Chaud then hands Lan a program called Hub.bat and he gets a phone call from your dad who then explains how and why he created MegaMan. Lan learns about that twin brother Hub died at a young age and how Yuichiro was looking to create an ultimate Navi where the Navi and it's operator could share a emotional bond and thus act as one entity. Lan then learns that if he uses Hub.bat it will save MegaMan, but the DNA would become 100% identical to his resulting in a synchronization of the two. This meant that Lan would feel the pain that MegaMan does and vice versa. Knowing that the world is at stake, Lan uses Hub.bat and revives MegaMan and the two set out to stop the rocket. At the launch site, Dr. Wily explains to Lan the reason behind his plans and how his robotics project was discontinued because of his old partner which happened to be Lan's grandfather, Tadashi Hikari, that got funding for his networking project which eventually lead to the Internet being created. Lan then sends MegaMan into the rocket and using their combined efforts successfully delete the Life Virus and cause the WWW base to self destruct.
Finally back in ACDC town, everyone congratulates Lan and MegaMan for their heroic efforts, leading to another dense moment involving Lan and Mayl. The doghouse alarm goes off and Lan jacks in MegaMan to investigate the virus. Afterwards Lan is shown to have continued his everyday life with his friends and family.
- MegaMan.EXE
- Lan Hikari
- Mayl Sakurai
- Roll.EXE
- Dex Oyama
- GutsMan.EXE
- Yai Ayanokoji
- Glyde.EXE
- Eugene Chaud
- ProtoMan.EXE
- Dr. Yuichiro Hikari
- Haruka Hikari
- Ms. Mari
- Masa
- SharkMan.EXE
- Sal
- WoodMan.EXE
- Miyu
- SkullMan.EXE
- Ms. Yuri
- Lord Wily
- Mr. Match
- FireMan.EXE
- Higsby
- NumberMan.EXE
- StoneMan.EXE
- Dr. Froid
- Froid's son
- IceMan.EXE
- Ms. Madd
- ColorMan.EXE
- Count Zap
- ElecMan.EXE
- Yahoot
- MagicMan.EXE
- BombMan.EXE
- LifeVirus
- PharaohMan.EXE
- ShadowMan.EXE
- Bass.EXE
MegaMan encounters Viruses randomly while moving around in cyberspace, or during specific scripted events. A virus encounter halts the action and takes the player to a special battle screen, on which one or more viruses must be defeated (or fled from using the Escape chip) in order to return to cyberworld map. The type and formation of these viruses is picked at random, from a number of predefined options for the current area.
When he emerges victorious from a battle, MegaMan is graded with a rank (Busting Level) based on performance and usually receives a reward of Zennys or Battle Chips, depending on his Busting Level and the types of viruses he deleted.
Name | Sprite | Description | HP | Damage | Element | Battle Chip(s) |
Ammonicule | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and sends water spouts straight forward. It is shielded by a bubble that can be popped temporarily through attacks. | 60 | 80 | Aqua | BblWrap1 |
Ammonicule2 | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and sends water spouts straight forward. It is shielded by a bubble that can be popped temporarily through attacks. | 90 | 120 | Aqua | BblWarp2 |
Ammonicule3 | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and sends water spouts straight forward. It is shielded by a bubble that can be popped temporarily through attacks. | 150 | 160 | Aqua | BblWrap3 |
Beetank | ![]() |
Moves up and down and occasionally stops to launch a cannonball at MegaMan, which explodes across the panel above and below it. | 80 | 15 | None | LilBomb |
Beetank2 | ![]() |
Moves up and down and occasionally stops to launch a cannonball at MegaMan, which explodes in a plus shape. | 120 | 80 | None | CrosBomb |
Beetank3 | ![]() |
Moves up and down and occasionally stops to launch a cannonball at MegaMan, which explodes in a 3x3 square shape. | 150 | 140 | None | BigBomb |
Big Snake | ![]() |
A large snake with two body segments and a head that slide around. The head sends out shockwaves, the body blocks attacks. It sometimes releases a small snake in MegaMan's area. | 200 | 200 | Wood | Snakegg1 |
Big Snake2 | ![]() |
A large snake with two body segments and a head that slide around. The head sends out shockwaves, the body blocks attacks. It sometimes releases a small snake in MegaMan's area. | 250 | 200 | Elec | Snakegg2 |
Big Snake3 | ![]() |
A large snake with two body segments and a head that slide around. The head sends out shockwaves, the body blocks attacks. It sometimes releases a small snake in MegaMan's area. | 300 | 200 | Heat | Snakegg3 |
Billy | ![]() |
Moves close to MegaMan's area and releases sparks, which follow and can electrify him. | 100 | 100 | Elec | Thunder1 |
Silly | ![]() |
Moves close to MegaMan's area and releases sparks, which follow and can electrify him. | 150 | 140 | Elec | Thunder2 |
Killy | ![]() |
Moves close to MegaMan's area and releases sparks, which follow and can electrify him. | 200 | 180 | Elec | Thunder3 |
CanDevil | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. | 160 | 100 | Heat | Candle1 |
CanDevil2 | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. | 200 | 150 | Heat | Candle2 |
CanDevil3 | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. | 300 | 200 | Heat | Candle3 |
Canodumb | ![]() |
Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. | 40 | 10 | None | Cannon |
Canodumb2 | ![]() |
Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. | 80 | 50 | None | HiCannon |
Canodumb3 | ![]() |
Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. | 140 | 100 | None | M-Cannon |
Cloudy | ![]() |
Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. | 120 | 30 | Aqua | Cloud |
Cloudy2 | ![]() |
Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. | 140 | 80 | Aqua | Cloudier |
Cloudy3 | ![]() |
Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. | 160 | 120 | Aqua | Cloudest |
Cold Bear | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends ice cubes sliding forward. The ice cubes block shots and stay around if dodged, blocking a panel in the back row; colliding with another ice cube destroys them. | 200 | 50 | Aqua | IceCube |
Cold Bear2 | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends ice cubes sliding forward. The ice cubes block shots and stay around if dodged, blocking a panel in the back row; colliding with another ice cube destroys them. | 250 | 30 | Aqua | N/A |
Cold Bear3 | ![]() |
Moves to MegaMan's height and sends ice cubes sliding forward. The ice cubes block shots and stay around if dodged, blocking a panel in the back row; colliding with another ice cube destroys them. | 300 | 30 | Aqua | N/A |
Fanner | ![]() |
Releases tornadoes that follow MegaMan for a limited time before disappearing. | 100 | 100 | None | Typhoon |
Fanner2 | ![]() |
Releases tornadoes that follow MegaMan for a limited time before disappearing. | 140 | 100 | None | Hurricane |
Fanner3 | ![]() |
Releases tornadoes that follow MegaMan for a limited time before disappearing. | 180 | 100 | None | Cyclone |
Fishy | ![]() |
Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. | 80 | 30 | None | Dash |
Fishy2 | ![]() |
Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height, leaving a trail of flames behind. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. | 150 | 150 | Heat | BodyBurn |
Flappy | ![]() |
Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking the panel. | 60 | 20 | None | Quake1 |
Flappy2 | ![]() |
Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking up to 5 panels in a plus shape. | 120 | 60 | None | Quake2 |
Flappy3 | ![]() |
Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking up to 9 panels in a square shape. | 150 | 100 | None | Quake3 |
Floshell | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that fires ndividual cannonballs at MegaMan's area. Its front is protected by a shield, which it briefly lifts if it is damaged enough. | 120 | 40 | None | IronShld |
Floshell2 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that fires salves of three cannonballs, spread out across MegaMan's area. Its front is protected by a shield, which it briefly lifts if it is damaged enough. | 200 | 40 | None | N/A |
Floshell3 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that fires salves of five cannonballs, spread out across MegaMan's area. Its front is protected by a shield, which it briefly lifts if it is damaged enough. | 250 | 40 | None | N/A |
Gaia | ![]() |
A statue that comes to life from time to time to move forward and attack with a large hammer, sending shockwaves rippling forward across all rows. While in statue form, all damage taken is reduced to 1. | 150 | 200 | None | Gaia1, IronBody |
Gaia+ | ![]() |
A statue that comes to life from time to time to move forward and attack with a large hammer, sending shockwaves rippling forward across all rows. While in statue form, all damage taken is reduced to 1. | 200 | 300 | None | Gaie2, IronBody |
GaiaMega | ![]() |
A statue that comes to life from time to time to move forward and attack with a large hammer, sending shockwaves rippling forward across all rows. While in statue form, all damage taken is reduced to 1. | 300 | 400 | None | Gaia3, IronBody |
Handy | ![]() |
Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. | 80 | 30 | None | TimeBom1 |
Handy2 | ![]() |
Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. | 200 | 100 | None | TimeBom2 |
Handy3 | ![]() |
Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. | 300 | 200 | None | TimeBom3 |
HardHead | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. | 60 | 30 | None | Howitzer |
HardHead2 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. | 70 | 30 | None | N/A |
HardHead3 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. | 80 | 30 | None | N/A |
Jelly | ![]() |
A slow-moving enemy with a crawling wave attack that covers all rows, but takes a long time to charge up. The waves are blocked by other viruses. | 120 | 200 | Aqua | Wave |
HeatJelly | ![]() |
A slow-moving enemy with a crawling wave attack that covers all rows, but takes a long time to charge up. The waves are blocked by other viruses. | 150 | 200 | Heat | RedWave |
ErthJelly | ![]() |
A slow-moving enemy with a crawling wave attack that covers all rows, but takes a long time to charge up. The waves are blocked by other viruses. | 200 | 300 | Aqua | BigWave |
MegalianA | ![]() |
A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 10 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. | 200 | 100 | Aqua | AquaAura |
MegalianH | ![]() |
A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 40 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. | 250 | 160 | Heat | FireAura |
MegalianW | ![]() |
A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 80 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. | 300 | 240 | Wood | WoodAura |
Mettaur | ![]() |
Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. | 40 | 10 | None | ShokWave, MetGuard |
Mettaur2 | ![]() |
Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. If there are multiple, the idle ones hides under their helmets, becoming invulnerable. | 60 | 40 | None | SoniWave, MetGuard |
Mettaur3 | ![]() |
Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. If there are multiple, the idle ones hides under their helmets, becoming invulnerable. | 100 | 100 | None | DynaWave, MetGuard |
Miney | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally sinks into the ground to hide a mine on a random panel in MegaMan's area. It can also steal columns. | 100 | 100 | None | Mine1 |
Miney2 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally sinks into the ground to hide a mine on a random panel in MegaMan's area. It can also steal columns. | 120 | 180 | None | Mine2 |
Miney3 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that occasionally sinks into the ground to hide a mine on a random panel in MegaMan's area. It can also steal columns. | 140 | 300 | None | Mine3 |
Mole | ![]() |
A rare virus that pops up from one of three holes at random and must be hit within an increasingly short timeframe. Hitting it 10 times yields a special chip. | 10 | N/A | None | PopUp |
Mosqurito | ![]() |
Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. If it catches MegaMan, it drains his health, restoring its own. | 200 | 50 | None | Drain1 |
Mosqurito2 | ![]() |
Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. If it catches MegaMan, it drains his health, restoring its own. | 200 | 100 | None | Drain2 |
Mosqurito3 | ![]() |
Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. If it catches MegaMan, it drains his health, restoring its own. | 200 | 200 | None | Drain3 |
Piranha | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it fires a spear from its mouth. | 100 | 50 | Aqua | TriArrow |
Piranha2 | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it fires a spear from its mouth. | 150 | 70 | Aqua | TriSpear |
Piranha3 | ![]() |
Warps to MegaMan's height and scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it fires a spear from its mouth. | 200 | 120 | Aqua | TriLance |
Poitton | ![]() |
Moves around and drops destructible grenades on MegaMan's area, which explode in certain directions if MegaMan steps in the danger zone. | 100 | 100 | None | Dynamit1 |
Poitton2 | ![]() |
Moves around and drops destructible grenades on MegaMan's area, which explode in certain directions if MegaMan steps in the danger zone. | 250 | 120 | None | Dynamit2 |
Poitton3 | ![]() |
Moves around and drops destructible grenades on MegaMan's area, which explode in certain directions if MegaMan steps in the danger zone. | 300 | 150 | None | Dynamid3 |
Popper | ![]() |
Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. | 100 | 100 | Wood | WoodTowr |
Popper2 | ![]() |
Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. | 120 | 180 | Wood | Dropdown |
Popper3 | ![]() |
Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. | 250 | 140 | Wood | LeafShld |
Prog | ![]() |
A corrupted Mr. Prog. It is surrounded by harmful electricity and slowly moves towards MegaMan's side, stealing panels to try and corner him. | 150 | 100 | Elec | RingZap1 |
Prog2 | ![]() |
A corrupted Mr. Prog. It is surrounded by harmful electricity and slowly moves towards MegaMan's side, stealing panels to try and corner him. | 200 | 100 | Elec | RingZap2 |
Prog3 | ![]() |
A corrupted Mr. Prog. It is surrounded by harmful electricity and slowly moves towards MegaMan's side, stealing panels to try and corner him. | 250 | 100 | Elec | RingZap3 |
Puffy | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that releases a bouncing bubble, which follows MegaMan. The bubble can be destroyed, but explodes in a 3x3 square, which can still cause damage. | 100 | 100 | Aqua | Bubbler |
Buffy | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that releases a bouncing bubble, which follows MegaMan. The bubble can be destroyed, but explodes in a 3x3 square, which can still cause damage. | 100 | 100 | Heat | Heater |
Ratty | ![]() |
A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. | 60 | 60 | None | Ratton1 |
Ratty2 | ![]() |
A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. | 80 | 80 | None | Ratton2 |
Ratty3 | ![]() |
A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. | 100 | 100 | None | Ratton3 |
Satella | ![]() |
A stationary enemies that scans the area with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it will rapid-fire shots that can be dodged by moving around fast enough. | 200 | 60 | None | LockOn1 |
Satella2 | ![]() |
A stationary enemies that scans the area with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it will rapid-fire shots that can be dodged by moving around fast enough. | 240 | 100 | None | LockOn2 |
Satella3 | ![]() |
A stationary enemies that scans the area with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it will rapid-fire shots that can be dodged by moving around fast enough. | 300 | 160 | None | LockOn3 |
Spooky | ![]() |
Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. | 50 | 15 | None | Invis1, Recov10 |
Spooky2 | ![]() |
Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. | 100 | 60 | None | Invis2, Recov50, Recov80 |
Spooky3 | ![]() |
Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. | 120 | 120 | None | Invis3, Recov10, Recov30, Recov50, Recov80, Recov120, Recov150, Recov200 |
Swordy | ![]() |
Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. | 90 | 40 | None | WideSwrd, LongSwrd |
Swordy2 | ![]() |
Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. | 120 | 60 | Heat | FireSwrd, Sword |
Swordy3 | ![]() |
Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. | 200 | 80 | Aqua | AquaSwrd, Sword |
Twisty | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. | 80 | 100 | Elec | Remobit1 |
Twisty2 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. | 100 | 150 | Elec | Remobit2 |
Twisty3 | ![]() |
A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. | 120 | 200 | Elec | Remobit3 |
VolGear | ![]() |
Moves out of MegaMan's way and occasionally releases fire, which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. | 80 | 15 | Heat | FireTowr |
VolGear2 | ![]() |
Moves out of MegaMan's way and occasionally releases water, which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. | 120 | 50 | Aqua | AquaTowr |
Bosses are strong, unique enemies, usually NetNavis controlled by other characters or operating on their own, who fought in oftentimes complex or pattern-heavy duels. Beating them may be required for progression, and may yield special rewards, like a unique BattleChip of the boss or another useful item.
To obtain all of these rewards, bosses typically need to be challenged multiple times, which can happen in different ways, depending on the type of boss.
Story Bosses
These bosses are fought at a certain point as part of the game's main story, usually at the end of each Chapter, with some exceptions. They cannot be skipped, and most can only be refought by locating their "ghosts" hidden around on the internet, which are tougher versions of the boss that yield better rewards.
Friendly Bosses
Various "friendly" NetNavis appear throughout the game, controlled by NPCs that Lan can talk to and challenge to a NetBattle for rewards at any time. While these can be completely optional, certain access points may be locked behind the first victory against such an opponent, and they may also be required for story progression. Some story bosses become friendly after their defeat, allowing the player to refight these by seeking out their operators.
Losing against friendly bosses does not normally result in a Game Over, reinforcing the amicable nature of the battles and allowing the player to try as many times as they like.
Boss | Sprite | Operator |
GutsMan.EXE | ![]() |
Dex |
NumberMan.EXE | ![]() |
Mr. Higsby |
WoodMan.EXE | ![]() |
Sal |
SharkMan.EXE | ![]() |
Masa |
IceMan.EXE | ![]() |
Froid |
SkullMan.EXE | ![]() |
Miyu |
ProtoMan.EXE | ![]() |
Chaud |
Post-game Bosses
Some optional bosses can be found hidden on the internet. They are considered "post-game" content, as they are high-level challenges with no relevance to the main story.
Boss | Sprite | Operator |
PharaohMan.EXE | ![]() |
None |
ShadowMan.EXE | ![]() |
None |
Bass.EXE | ![]() |
None |
Battle Chips
The Mega Man Battle Network series, with few exceptions, lacks the conventional stage design of the platformer games. Instead, Battle Network and the successor series Mega Man Star Force focus on various computers, which act as traditional RPG dungeons.
- Internet Area
- Oven Network
- School Network
- WaterWorks Network
- Traffic Network
- PowerPlant Network
- WWW Server
Name | Sprite | Description |
[[]] | File:MM - .png |
- IceBlock
- WaterGun
- SchoolID
- SciLabID
- Message
- WWW Pass
- @Mayl
- @Dex
- @Dad
- @Sal
- @Miyu
- @Masa
- @WWW
- /Dex
- /Sal
- /Miyu
- Hig Memo
- Lab Memo
- YuriMemo
- Pa'sMemo
Relation to other Games
- Ports, Remakes and Compilations:
Super Smash Bros. series
Name | Source Game | Weapon | Assist Trophy | Smash Tour Item | Boss | Stage | Mii Costume | Enemy | Trophy | Spirit | Music |
MegaMan.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network | Mega Legends - part of Mega Man's Final Smash, also Mega Man's ability to Wall Jump | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | MegaMan.EXE's Armor, MegaMan.EXE's Helmet | N/A | File:SSB4 - MegaMan.EXE.png | 914 - File:SSBU - MegaMan.EXE.png | N/A |
ProtoMan.EXE | Mega Man Battle Network | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 915 - File:SSBU - ProtoMan.EXE.png | N/A |
Super Smash Bros. For 3DS/Wii U
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
He has an cameo appearance along with the other Mega Man on the final smash of Classic Mega Man.
Relation to other media
Serves as the main basis for the show.
External Links
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