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Mega Man Powered Up

From Mega Man Wiki
Game Info
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man Powered Up, Rockman Rockman
Release Date(s):
JP: March 2, 2006
NA: March 14, 2006
EU: March 24, 2006
Genre(s):Action, Platformer
Game mode(s):Single Player
Platform(s):PlayStation Portable
Title Screen
Main Menu
Style Menu

Mega Man Powered Up, known in Japan as Rockman Rockman (ロックマン ロックマン), is a remake of the first Mega Man game, developed by Capcom and released for the PlayStation Portable in 2006. The game is also cross-playable on the PlayStation Vita via PSN Download.

This remake features gameplay and story similar to the original Mega Man, though with major script differences, two new Robot Masters, and redone graphics and soundtrack featuring a chibi style that was intended for the first game.[1] It also features eleven playable characters, including Mega Man(Which one?) and all ten of his siblings.


In the year 20XX, humans and robots live together peacefully. In the research lab of the world’s top scientist, Dr. Thomas Light, a robot is born. This robot, modeled after a boy, possessing a strong sense of justice, acting kind to anyone and everyone, never forgetting to be polite and respectful, is named Mega and treated by his maker, Dr. Light, like the son he never had. Before long, more advanced robots based on Mega’s design are churned out. Created by Dr. Light, these robots are passionate about their work and loved by everyone.

One day, the evil mad scientist Dr. Wily attacks Dr. Light’s research lab! “Light, you’re finished. I’m going to take all your robots here and use them to take over the world!” And with that, Dr. Wily whisks all of Dr. Light’s robots away and disappears. “This is terrible...” Seeing Dr. Light so sad, Mega says to him, "Doctor! Please, upgrade me so I can fight!” At first the great Dr. Light hesitates, but he believes in Mega’s strong will and decides to upgrade him for battle. “Go, Mega! ...Wait, no. From now on, your name is Mega Man!”[2]


Name Image Description
Mega Man Originally created by Dr. Light to help with chores around the research lab. After the evil Dr. Wily’s visit, Mega Man’s sense of justice was burning hot, and he begged Dr. Light to upgrade him and give him the ability to fight. Mega Man possesses a gentle personality and is kind to everyone he meets.[2]
Dr. Light Mega Man’s creator and a top robot scientist. Devoted to progress and harmony between humans and robots, he spends night and day deep in research.[2]
Roll Mega Man’s "younger sister." Adored by all, she assists Dr. Light in his research and helps keep everything clean. She’s strong-willed, detail-oriented, and has both feet on the ground.[2]
Dr. Wily Graduate of the same university as Dr. Light. Since being ejected from academic circles for his extreme theories, he has turned into an evil, mad scientist.[2]


Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Points Stage(s)
Adhering Suzy File:MMPU - Adhering Suzy Sprite.png A square, one-eyed robot that moves between walls horizontally or vertically, stopping for a random amount of time when it touches something. 5 4 300 Cut Man Stage, Ice Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3
Big Eye File:MMPU - Big Eye Sprite.png A large, one-legged enemy that only moves by jumping, making low or tall jumps at random. 20 10 10,000 Cut Man Stage, Guts Man Stage, Elec Man Stage, Ice Man Stage, Wily Stage 1
Blaster File:MMPU - Blaster Sprite.png A wall-mounted gun that periodically opens to fire a sequence of four shots in a set pattern. Only vulnerable while attacking. 1 1 (contact)
200 Cut Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Bombombomb File:MMPU - Bombombomb Sprite.png A bomb that is launched upwards from the bottom of the screen and splits into four smaller bombs at its peak. Shots go through them. - 1 - Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Bunby Heli File:MMPU - Bunby Heli Sprite.png A helicopter robot that flies sideways, swooping down or up at Mega Man when he comes near. 1 3 500 Cut Man Stage, Guts Man Stage, Elec Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Changkey File:MMPU - Changkey Sprite.png A flame that launches into the air in groups of three, which then drop down at an angle. Only vulnerable while falling. 1 2 200 Fire Man Stage
Crazy Razy File:MMPU - Crazy Razy Sprite.png A robot that runs at Mega Man and rarely shoots. Destroying its bottom half or getting too close causes the upper half to detach, flying around and swooping at Mega Man; attacking the upper half first destroys it completely. 1 (top)
4 (contact)
500 (each half) Ice Man Stage
Foot Holder File:MMPU - Foot Holder Sprite.png A floating platform that moves in random, erratic patterns, occasionally firing shots to both sides. - 3 (contact)
- Ice Man Stage, Wily Stage 1
Gabyoall File:MMPU - Gabyoall Sprite.png An enemy confined to a platform that speeds up when Mega Man is on the same height. It is too flat to shoot normally and buster shots merely stun it, but special weapons destroy it in one hit. 1 3 200 Elec Man Stage, Ice Man Stage, Fire Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage
Kamadoma File:MMPU - Kamadoma Sprite.png A small, flea-like robot that jumps around quickly. 1 2 300 Cut Man Stage, Elec Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 1
Killer Bomb File:MMPU - Killer Bomb Sprite.png A rocket that spawns endlessly from the right side of the screen and flies forward in a wave motion. Destroying it causes an explosion that can harm Mega Man. 1 3 (contact)
800 Fire Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 1, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3
Mambu File:MMPU - Mambu Sprite.png Flies across the screen from right to left, occasionally stopping to open its shell and fire bullets in eight directions. Respawns infinitely and is only vulnerable while attacking. 1 1 (contact)
800 Cut Man Stage, Guts Man Stage
Metall File:MMPU - Metall Sprite.png Hides under its helmet until Mega Man comes near, then shoots bullets in three directions. Only vulnerable while attacking. 1 1 (contact)
500 Guts Man Stage
Pepe File:MMPU - Pepe Sprite.png A penguin that spawns endlessly from the right side of the screen and flies forward in a wave motion. 1 4 500 Ice Man Stage, Wily Stage 3
Pickman File:MMPU - Pickman Sprite.png A stationary construction worker robot that rapidly throws pickaxes at Mega Man in an arc when he is near. Only vulnerable while attacking. 10 3 (contact)
1,500 Guts Man Stage
Screw Driver File:MMPU - Screw Driver Sprite.png A screw mounted to the floor or ceiling, which periodically extends to fire two bursts of bullets in five directions. Only fires when Mega Man is near and is more difficult to hit when not attacking. 3 1 (contact)
500 Cut Man Stage, Fire Man Stage, Bomb Man Stage, Wily Stage 2, Wily Stage 3, Wily Stage 4
Sniper Joe File:MMPU - Sniper Joe Sprite.png A robot with a gun and shield that periodically fires at Mega Man, jumps straight up, or hops away from him backwards. Only vulnerable while attacking or jumping. 10 4 (contact)
5,000 Bomb Man Stage
Super Cutter File:MMPU - Super Cutter Sprite.png Cutter blades that are endlessly fired from an indestructible machine in the background. They fly in an arc at Mega Man. 5 4 500 Cut Man Stage
Thunder Block File:MMPU - Thunder Block Sprite.png A stationary block that periodically creates a beam of electricity next to it. - 4 (beam) - Elec Man Stage
Watcher File:MMPU - Watcher Sprite.png A green ball that appears in groups of five, floating in from the top or bottom. When it is level with Mega Man, it extends its eyestalks and fires lasers from them. 1 4 (contact)
800 Elec Man Stage, Wily Stage 4

Robot Masters

Each Robot Master boss yields a weapon the first time he is defeated, and has a particular weakness to at least one other weapon. Unlike later games, the Robot Masters will still be there when revisiting a stage.

Apart from their own stages, all Robot Masters are refought in Wily Stage, with Cut Man and Elec Man appearing in Wily Stage 2 and the rest in Wily Stage 4.

Fortress Bosses

These bosses are fought in Wily Stage. They yield no weapons, but may have weaknesses.



Old Style

Cut Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Guts Man StageBomb Man StageElec Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Fire Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Ice Man Stage (Mega Man 1)

New Style

Cut Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Guts Man StageBomb Man StageElec Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Oil Man Stage (Mega Man Powered Up)Towntown StageTime Man StageFire Man Stage (Mega Man 1)Ice Man Stage (Mega Man 1)



Relation to other games

Changes to Original Mega Man

In general

  • Massive graphical overhaul. The game is still a 2D Platformer as the original was, the graphics have all been swapped for 3D Models.

New Style-only

Robot Master MM1 Weakness(es) MMPU Weakness(es)
Guts Man Hyper Bomb Time Slow
Ice Man Thunder Beam Super Arm

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