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Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

From Mega Man Wiki
<-- Mega Man: The Power BattleClassic Arcade GamesLast of the series
Game Info
Title Screen
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, Rockman 2: The Power Fighters
Release Date(s):
JP: August 1996
Game mode(s):Single Player, Multiplayer

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Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, known as Rockman 2: The Power Fighters (ロックマン2 ザ パワーファイターズ) in Japan, is a fighting game set in the Classic era. It was developed by Capcom and first released as an arcade cabinet in 1996, before being ported to home consoles in the following years. The game is a sequel to Mega Man: The Power Battle.


One day, while Dr. Light was researching an unknown energy source from space, his laboratory was attacked by Wily mechs. The unknown energy source and the new parts that were under development were stolen from the laboratory. To make matters worse, Roll also went missing... With the addition of the mysterious new robot Duo, a new battle is about to begin![1]


Name Sprite Description
Mega Man TBA
Proto Man TBA
Bass TBA
Roll TBA
Dr. Light TBA
Dr. Wily TBA


There are three Stories through which the player can play.

Name Sprite Story Description
Shadow Man Search for Wily! TBA
Plant Man Search for Wily! TBA
Gyro Man Search for Wily! TBA
Centaur Man Search for Wily! TBA
Bubble Man Search for Wily! TBA
Heat Man Search for Wily! TBA
Cut Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Stone Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Shade Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Elec Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Dive Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Slash Man Rescue Roll! TBA
Guts Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Pharaoh Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Air Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Quick Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Gemini Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Napalm Man Recover the New Parts! TBA
Mad Grinder Search for Wily! TBA
Yellow Devil Rescue Roll! TBA
Mecha Dragon File:TPF - Mecha Dragon Sprite.gif Recover the New Parts! TBA
Wily Machine (phase 1) File:TPF - Wily Machine (phase 1) Sprite.gif All TBA
Wily Machine (phase 2) File:TPF - Wily Machine (phase 2) Sprite.gif All TBA



Related Media

External Links


  1. MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. Udon Entertainment. Page 114.