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Charge Shot

From Mega Man Wiki

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The Charge Shot (チャージショット)[1][2] is a recurring combat technique in the Mega Man franchise. It is the ability to charge up an attack by holding the fire button, then release it to attack with increased power.

In the Games

Classic era

In the Classic era, the Charge Shot was first introduced in Mega Man 4 (though a Special Weapon in Mega Man 2, Atomic Fire had a similar charge function before it). In Mega Man 4, Mega Man received the upgraded New Mega Buster that could be charged to two levels for more powerful shots. These Charge Shots not only deal more damage than normal shots, but also pass through defeated enemies to potentially hit other enemies.

X era

In the X era, the X-Buster's Charge Shot is one of X's default abilities. Like the Mega Buster, the X-Buster normally has two levels: the first-stage Charge Shot 1, and the second-stage Charge Shot 2. In the game manual for Rockman X, the Charge Shot 2 was also given the title of Hyper X Blaster (ハイパーXブラスター).[3] In Mega Man X8, X gained an additional third charging stage known as Charge Shot MAX.[4]

Zero also uses Charge Shots in several appearances. In Mega Man X, Zero uses Charge Shots to damage Vile's Ride Armor. In Mega Man X2, Zero uses Charge Shot attacks as a boss. In Mega Man X3, the playable Zero has four Charge Shot levels; second-stage and above shots are called the Hyper Zero Blaster (ハイパーゼロブラスター),[Citation needed] and the fourth one also allows him to swing his Z-Saber.

In each game, X's Arm Parts grant a new Charge Shot level. It is often more powerful than or has a use different from his default Charge Shots.

Zero era

In the Zero era, all of Zero's weapons can be charged up for stronger attacks. The Buster Shot is technically the only with a Charge Shot, while the Z-Saber has a Charge Saber, and other weapons have other charge attacks. In Mega Man Zero and Zero 2, his skill with each weapon must be leveled up before he can do so, while in Zero 3 and Zero 4 he can charge all weapons by default, as these games did away with the experience system.

ZX era

In the ZX era, Model X's X Buster and Model ZX's ZX Buster are both capable of two levels of Charge Shots, called Charge Shot (S) and Charge Shot (L).[5] Model X is also capable of a third charge level, which stores an additional Charge Shot (L) similar to the Double Charge Shot from Mega Man X2.

Besides Charge Shots, every Megamerge and A-Trans in the series also has at least one special charge attack. For example, charging Model FX's Knuckle Buster to level two results in a new attack called Megaton Crush. Some also change into brand new attacks if a direction is held while releasing. For example, charging Buckfire the Gaxelleroid's Flame Arrow and holding Up upon release results in his Rockit attack.


  1. Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka. April 1996.
  2. Mega Man X: Command Mission. 2004.
  3. Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  4. Rockman X8 Kyūkyoku Complete Guide. Capcom. 2005.
  5. Move list, Mega Man ZX Advent. 2006.