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Centaur Flash

From Mega Man Wiki
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Weapon Info
Artwork from Mega Man 6.
General information
Name(s):Centaur Flash
Appearances:Mega Man 6
Game Info
Obtained from:Centaur Man
Strong against:Wind Man
Other Info
Related:Rain Flush, Gravity Hold, Lightning Bolt, Tornado Blow

Centaur Flash is a Robot Master weapon first appearing in Mega Man 6, where it is obtained from Centaur Man. It has a dark green and white colour scheme and no visible projectiles.

In the Games

Mega Man 6

Sprite from Mega Man 6.

In Mega Man 6, the Centaur Flash is a screen-affecting weapon obtained by defeating Centaur Man. Although he uses it to freeze his opponent in time, the weapon acts as a simple screen-wipe when used by Mega Man, consuming 4 points of weapon energy per use to harm all enemies on the screen with a series of fast flashes. While the action does briefly stop during its animation, this has no useful effect, as Mega Man is stopped along with everything else.

Apart from being strong against Wind Man, who takes 4 damage from it per use, the Centaur Flash deals no damage at all against any other boss in the game. This makes it mostly suited against minor enemies, although it does break the falling rocks during the Power Piston boss fight and cannon balls fired by Tank CSII.

Related Weapons

Centaur Flash is one of multiple weapons that damage all enemies on the screen. Others include:
