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Mega Man Xtreme

From Mega Man Wiki
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Game Info
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man Xtreme, Rockman X: Cyber Mission, Rockman XC
Release Date(s):2000
Genre(s):Action, Platformer
Game mode(s):Single Player
Platform(s):Game Boy Color, 3DS Virtual Console

Mega Man Xtreme, known in Japan as Rockman X: Cyber Mission (ロックマンX サイバーミッション) or simply Rockman XC (ロックマンXC)[1] for short, is a video game released by Capcom for the Gameboy Color in 2000. It is the first game in the Mega Man Xtreme series, incorporating elements from the first two Mega Man X games.


Name Sprite Description
X Leader of the Maverick Hunters 17th Unit. Although he vows to fight for world peace, he is a kind-hearted hero who is hesitant to engage in conflict.[2]
Zero(Which one?) A skilled SA-Class Hunter who is a close friend of X. He is the leader of the Special 0 Unit, and carries out his duties without hesitation.
Middy A Reploid boy who is a super genius when it comes to computers. He and Dr. Cain support X in the conflict.[2]
Dr. Cain The greatest roboticist of the 22nd century, and the one who put Reploids into mass-production. He now spends his days as an advisor to the Maverick Hunters.
Zain Zain is a Shadow Hunter, a special combat Reploid who has their own weapons and is trained to use them freely. He blocks X's way with his proud greatsword.[2]
Geemel A special combat Reploid called a Shadow Hunter who teams up with Zain. He is cunning and mean, and thoroughly enjoys getting in X's way.[2]
Techno A Reploid boy who works with Zain and Geemel. He is the one who used his high intellect to hack into the Mother Computer and manipulate past data.[2]
Sigma Former leader of the Maverick Hunters who went Maverick himself to rebel against humanity. He was supposedly destroyed by X, but...
Dr. Light The creator of X, who has left Light Capsules to deliver Armor Parts to him, years after his own passing.


Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Axe Max A robotic lumberjack that uses its axe to knock segments of the pillar in front of it at X. The segments can be stood on or destroyed, but they regrow after a while blocking a clear shot on the Axe Max. If it scores a hit, it will laugh and stop attacking/growing segments for a short time. 8 (Axe Max)
5 (segment)
3 (Axe Max)
2 (segment)
Snowfield Stage
Ball De Voux A robot with a spherical body that walks back and forth on its and long, bendy legs. Only its main body can be harmed. 2 1 Highway Stage
Barite Lastar An enemy that clings to walls and fires lasers in three different directions when X is near. Some walk up and down along the wall, while others are stationary. A special variety clings to moving Probe 8201-U types and moves up and down with them. 1 2 (contact)
2 (lasers)
Volcanic Zone Stage, Central Computer Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 3
Barrier Attacker An enemy similar to Shield Attacker that flies left and right with an energy barrier protecting its front. X can either shoot it from behind, or briefly dissolve the barrier with a charge shot and then shoot its eye to destroy it. 1 2 Central Computer Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Bar Waying A gate that closes when X comes near and blocks his way. He can destroy it or dash through before it closes if he is quick enough. It can only harm X by closing on top of him. 9 2 (contact) Volcanic Zone Stage
Batton Bone G A bat robot almost identical to Batton Bone that starts out on the ceiling or in midair and starts following X around if he comes close. If it touches him or he moves too far, it stops following and flies back up to the ceiling. 1 1 Snowfield Stage, Gallery Stage, Sigma Stage 3
Beetron A giant beetle that flies up and down near cliff walls and tries to ram X. Tricking it into ramming a breakable wall destroys both that wall and the Beetron. X may also stand on the platform on its back to ride it upwards. 8 4 Volcanic Zone Stage
Blecker Guard turrets that fall from the ceiling and start shooting directly at X if an alarm has been triggered. 6 2 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Central Computer Stage
Cannon Driver A tall, stationary robot that alternatively shoots from its upper and lower cannon. The cannonballs block shots. 20 2 (contact)
4 (cannonballs)
2 (explosions)
Scrap Factory Stage, Dinosaur Tank Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Crosshair A reticle that follows X around, analysing him if it catches up to him. This does not hurt, but will upgrade the Raider Killer sub-boss in the next room with new attacks for every time X was caught. It can analyse him up to three times, then it disappears. N/A N/A Central Computer Stage
Crusher Flying robots that often appear in groups. They patrol a small area, stopping to drop their spiky weight, which destroys a large section of the floor before being retracted again. 2 4 Highway Stage
Dig Labour Pickman-like robots that stand in place and throw their picks at X in an arc. They only appear in the path of the mine vehicle in the Gallery Stage, which destroys them instantly by touching them. 4 3 (contact)
2 (pickaxe)
Gallery Stage
Disk Boy 08 A stationary enemy with a shield. It throws discs like a boomerang and sometimes jumps. X can temporarily blast the shield out of its hand with a charged shot, making it vulnerable. 6 2 (contact)
2 (disc)
Scrap Factory Stage, Dinosaur Tank Stage
Flamer A flamethrower turret that creates a beam of fire with a set length in front of it. It is only found on moving platforms. 6 3 (contact)
2 (flames)
Sky Stage, Sigma Stage 3
Flammingle A tall, stationary bird robot that spins its body around to throw the sawblade crest on its head at X. 8 3 (contact)
2 (sawblade)
Snowfield Stage, Power Plant Stage, Gallery Stage
Gun Volt A stationary robot that either fires two rockets straight ahead or releases sparks that go straight forward. 16 3 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Hanged Reploid A reploid suspended from an energy beam. If X shoots the beam or moves too close, the reploid will drop and jump around. X can also destroy its body while it is hanging, leaving a head that spits projectiles and will not drop by itself. 1 (after falling)
1 (parts while hanging)
2 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Scrap Factory Stage
Hoganmer A stationary enemy that throws its ball & chain at X when he come close. It carries a shield that blocks X's shots when not attacking, and the spiked ball will likewise deflect them, making the enemy difficult to damage. 8 3 (contact)
2 (spike ball)
Sky Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 2
Hotarion A fast-moving firefly found in dark rooms. It soars in a straight line and briefly illuminates the screen. 1 2 Power Plant Stage
Installer Blocks that start moving when X reaches a certain spot and begin to assemble in a preset pattern. The pink ones can be destroyed, but shots bounce off the others. Installers don't harm X and can be stood on, but he can get crushed between them, making him lose a life. N/A (grey)
4 (pink)
N/A Central Computer Stage
Jamminger A flying robot that flies in quickly, stops, and slowly moves towards X's last position before flying off the top of the screen if it cannot get to him. If it can touch him, it repeats its movement. 2 1 Highway Stage, Snowfield Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Mega Tortois A large and very durable tortoise robot that fires bombs from its back, which fall down on parachutes and deflect shots. 16 4 (contact)
3 (bombs)
Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Metal Wing A bird that flies towards the cave exit during the last minecart section of the Gallery Stage. It flies away from X, making it mostly harmless, but it can be shot down. 1 3 Gallery Stage
Metall C-15 A Metall that hides under its helmet, popping up occasionally to spit a projectile at X when he is close or run towards him when his back is turned. While under its helmet, it is invincible. 2 2 (contact)
1 (projectile)
Sky Stage, Gallery Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Morgun A flying squirrel that descends shafts by gliding from side wall to side wall. Unlike in Mega Man X2, there is no gas that it can ignite, but it may still cling to a wall and toss two fireballs diagonally. 1 1 (contact)
3 (fireballs)
Volcanic Zone Stage
Pararoid R-5 An insect that flies in a wave motion and quickly darts forward when X gets near, trying to crash into him. 2 2 (contact) Scrap Factory Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Pararoid S-38 / Old Robot This Pararoid takes control of an Old Robot from the junk pile at the bottom of the room, which jumps around and must be shot in the stomach. It tends to lose its head and hands after a while.

Once the Old Robot is destroyed, the Pararoid comes out and hops around, but will take over another robot body if X does not destroy it quickly. It takes massive damage from special weapons.
10 (Old Robot)
10 (Paraoid S-38)
2 (contact) Scrap Factory Stage
Pararoid V-1 An insect that jumps around and can latch on to X's head, making him either jump, shoot or dash at random. He can shake it off by mashing the button for an action he is not being forced to perform. 2 2 (contact) Scrap Factory Stage
Ray Trap An invincible, floating drone that shoots fast-moving projectiles at X if he trips any of the light beams near it, which flash in and out. X can move through it unharmed, though his shots bounce off. N/A 2 (projectile) Sigma Stage 1
Rideroid G A robot that pilots a Rabbit Ride Armor and uses it to punch, dash and jump at X. Unlike in Mega Man x2, it is never found outside the Armor. 16 3 (contact)
4 (punch)
Snowfield Stage, Dinosaur Tank Stage
Rush Roader A Roader-like enemy with a single wheel that drives back and forth and attempts to ram X. 6 2 Power Plant Stage, Dinosaur Tank Stage
Sky Claw A flying drone that attempts to snatch up X, eventually self-destructing and dropping him. He can free himself by wiggling or firing a charge shot, the latter of which also destroys the enemy. 2 2 (contact)
3 (explosion)
Sky Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Snow Shooter A contraption that announces itself with one or two large, rolling snowballs, which can be destroyed and grow as they roll. It then proceeds to throw smaller snowballs at X (the first one encountered throws only one snowball). 4 (Snow Shooter)
3 (large snowball)
3 (contact)
2 (any snowball)
Snowfield Stage
Spark A spark of electricity that travels through the glass pipe floor in the Power Plant Stage, harming X on touch. N/A 2 Power Plant Stage
Spiky A spiked wheel that rolls in one direction. It falls over and slides when on its last point of health, before harmlessly self-destructing. 2 2 Highway Stage, Snowfield Stage, Gallery Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Tubamail Generator A hatch on the ground that opens up to spawn bird-like Tubamail-S enemies. 8 2 Dinosaur Tank Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Tubamail-S A bird that flies straight up, then rockets forward. It is spawned by Tubamail Generators. 2 1 Dinosaur Tank Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Turn Cannon A cannon that turns between shots to alternatively shoot at diagonals or left and right. It can appear on the ground or on the ceiling. 5 3 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Power Plant Stage, Sky Stage, Sigma Stage 1

Mini Bosses

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Bee Blader A large, bee-like robot that hovers above the ground, shooting machine gun fire diagonally downward and releasing Ball De Voux or missiles that fly forward. It moves closer to X every time it is hit and causes the floor to collapse after it is destroyed. 20 4 (contact)
2 (rockets)
1 (gunfire)
Highway Stage
Geemel Stands in place and throws shuriken forward at two different heights, sometimes teleporting to another spot.

In the Sigma Stage, Geemel has twice as much HP and changes patterns when he is down to half health, flying around the room with a kite and throwing shuriken down or swooping at X. The Speed Burner can knock him out of the air. He only appears in Hard and Extreme modes.
16 (1st)
32 (2nd)
6 (contact)
6 (shuriken)
8 (kite)
Dinosaur Tank Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Mole Borer A large mining machine that moves relentlessly forward, destroying the walls in front of it. X can destroy it, but loses a life instantly if he touches it. 60 30 Gallery Stage
Raider Killer A sub-boss that gets upgraded if X got caught by the reticle in the room before it (second encounter only). By default, it shoots fireballs forward or jumps over X, shooting three lasers downward at its highest point. If X got caught once, it will gain a different shooting pattern; if twice, a different jumping pattern; if three times, it will be able to generate a shield and launch it forward, which can be destroyed while it is moving. 32 (Raider Killer)
4 (shield)
4 (contact)
2 (fireballs)
3 (lasers)
2 (shield)
Central Computer Stage
Thunder Slimer A miniboss that bounces between the floor and ceiling, regularly spreading four slime drops that X can get stuck in. He can wiggle free by rapidly moving. The miniboss also periodically zaps the ground with lightning. 32 5 (contact)
4 (lightning)
Power Plant Stage
Zain Makes tall leaps around the room to slash at X with his sword, briefly leaving him open for attack. He sometimes stands still and blocks with his sword, after which he performs a smaller jump and spins in place, deflecting incoming projectiles.

In the Sigma stage, Zain fights the same, but has twice as much HP and can move while spinning. He is weak to Shotgun Ice and only appears in Normal and Extreme modes.
16 (1st)
32 (2nd)
6 Volcanic Zone Stage, Sigma Stage 1


A different set of four main Mavericks is fought depending on whether the player is playing in the Normal Mode or Hard Mode, which becomes available after beating the game in Normal Mode. In Extreme Mode, the final mode to be unlocked, all eight Mavericks are encountered.

Other Bosses

These bosses are identical and must be fought regardless of mode.


As each mode has a different lineup of Mavericks, different weapons may be available to the player. However, any weapons obtained in a Normal Mode playthrough may be kept when continuing into Hard Mode on the same save, and all weapons are available in Extreme Mode.

Name Icon Description Source
X's default weapon. It fires up to three shots horizontally, and can be charged up for a Charge Shot of two levels. Equipping Armor Parts can alter the properties of the max Charge Shot. Default
Storm Tornado
Fires a horizontal tornado that pierces through enemies.
Charge Shot briefly surrounds X in a vertical tornado.
Storm Eagle
Shotgun Ice
Fires an ice shot that shatters backwards into four fragments on contact.
Charge Shot creates an ice sculpture that slides along the ground like a sled.
Chill Penguin
Speed Burner
Fires two spinning fireballs that leave a trail on the ground. Weakened when used underwater.
Charge Shot wraps X in flames as he dashes forwards, damaging enemies on contact.
Flame Stag
Electric Spark
Fires an electric shot which splits vertically on contact.
Charge Shot creates two electric walls that split forwards and backwards.
Spark Mandrill
Rolling Shield
Fires a rolling shot that bounces off of walls.
Charge Shot summons a barrier around X that defends him from small enemies and attacks.
Armored Armadillo
Magnet Mine
Fires a mine that sticks to objects before exploding. Can be angled up or down.
Charge Shot fires a slow-moving black hole that grows as it destroys. Can be moved up or down.
Magna Centipede
Silk Shot
Fires a ball of junk that explodeson the contact.
Charge Shot attracts junk to the X-Buster, which can then be fired.
Morph Moth
Spin Wheel
Fires a buzz saw that drops and rolls forwards, climbing small steps. Can destroy certain blocks.
Charge Shot creates a buzz saw blade that explodes into eight energy bolts in multiple directions.
Wheel Gator
Summons Zero to perform a dashing slash attack across the screen. Zero Scramble
Summons Zero to perform a rising slash attack across the screen.
Earth Gaizer
Summons Zero to punch the ground, causing explosions all over the screen.
Summons Zero to dash forwards, performing a saber combo on any target he hits.
Hadouken By inputting a command with a Charge Shot, X throws a powerful fireball that deals high damage. Shotokan
Shoryuken By inputting a command with a Charge Shot, X performs a rising uppercut that deals high damage.


The Normal and Hard Modes contain different main Maverick stages, though all eight are available when playing on Extreme Mode. Note that the game always begins with the Highway Stage and ends with the three Sigma stages, which are identical regardless of mode (apart from Zain/Geemel's presence in Sigma Stage 1 and which Mavericks a refought in the teleporter room of Sigma Stage 3).

Normal and Extreme Mode:

Hard and Extreme Mode:

Sigma stages:


Name Sprite Description
Life Energy Small units restore 2 points of Life Energy.
Large units restore 8 points of Life Energy.
Weapon Energy Small units restore 2 points of Weapon Energy.
Large units restore 8 points of Weapon Energy.
1 UP
Grants an extra life.
Ride Armor
In a Ride Armor, the player takes no damage, and can hover and use punch attacks. They can be found in Snowfield Stage and Dinosaur Tank Stage.
Life Up
Permanently increases maximum Life Energy by 2 points.
Sub Tank
Grants a reserve tank which can be filled by Life Energy pickups and used later.
Light Capsule
In Normal Mode, these capsules grant Armor Parts that permanently upgrade X's abilities. In Hard Mode, they instead grant the Zero Scramble attacks.

Armor Parts

Zero Scramble


Relation to other games

External Links


  1. Compendium of Rockman X. 2005.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 (Archived) Capcom Japan official website, New Products, Mega Man Xtreme. 2001. (

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