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From Mega Man Wiki
Character Info
Artwork from Mega Man 8.
Other Media:
Character Details
Weapon(s):Duo Arm
Behind the Scenes
Designer(s):Hayato Kaji
Voice (JP):
Takashi Nagasako (1996), Jūrōta Kosugi (1996-1998)
Voice (EN):

Duo (デューオ) is a supporting character in the Classic era who played a central role in Mega Man 8. He is a righteous robot from space who fights to maintain order in the galaxy.

In the Games

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

Sprites in The Power Fighters
and Battle & Fighters.

Duo debuted early in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, to advertise his role in the at-the-time upcoming Mega Man 8.[1][2] Duo's backstory was only provided in subsequent re-releases of the game, such as Mega Man Battle & Fighters. He is a mysterious robot from space who crash-landed on Earth after fighting a powerful foe, and was subsequently found by Mega Man and repaired by Dr. Light. These events were later depicted in Mega Man 8, suggesting that The Power Fighters is set after that game in the timeline.

In return for his rescue, Duo is willing to help Dr. Light in any of the game's three Stories by searching for Dr. Wily, rescuing Roll, or recovering stolen parts. He ends up defeating Wily and destroying his castle. In Duo's ending cutscene, he considers his debts to Dr. Light and Mega Man paid. He also reveals an Alien Energy that he discovered on Earth, and assures Light that he will take it with him as he returns to his home in space. The game ends by telling the player to play Mega Man 8 to learn more about Duo and the Alien Energy.

Mega Man 8

Sprite in Mega Man 8.

Duo makes his proper debut in Mega Man 8, where he plays a central role in the game. In the opening cutscene, Duo is seen clad in white armor in outer space, fighting a dark robot infused with Evil Energy. Duo defeats his foe in a final clash, but is injured, and they both fall to the Earth and land on the island of the Opening Stage. While Dr. Wily harvests the dark robot's Evil Energy, Mega Man comes across Duo's damaged body and Dr. Light extracts him to his laboratory. Light then began working on repairing Duo, while Mega Man set out to defeat Wily's new Robot Masters and confiscate the Evil Energy.

By the time Mega Man has defeated four Robot Masters, Duo's repairs are complete and he has a new design. Mega Man and Dr. Light leave him unattended while his battery finishes charging, and he awakens alone. Once he finds the Evil Energy capsules that Light has been studying, he crushes them before flying away, smashing a hole in the roof.

Mega Man pursues Duo to the Middle Stage, eventually cornering him. Duo briefly fights Mega Man in a boss battle, but stops to note his strong sense of justice. Proto Man then arrives, and Duo quickly escapes through a wall towards the Wily Tower underground. Mega Man follows Duo to the Wily Tower, but is attacked by a giant robot made by Dr. Wily. Duo returns to save him, defeating the robot and destroying its Evil Energy. He then tells Mega Man to collect the Evil Energy from the remaining four Robot Masters before they try penetrating the tower's barrier to face Wily, while he stops the spread of Evil Energy elsewhere around the world.

When Mega Man fights the Wily Machine 8 in Wily Stage 4, he gets trapped by Dr. Wily, only for Duo to arrive at the last minute to block a laser and save him. This uses up his energy, leaving him vulnerable, so Proto Man comes to take him to safety while Mega Man defeats the Wily Machine. After Wily's defeat, Mega Man is infected by the last Evil Energy, but Duo grabs him and brings him back to the surface. As Duo extracts the Evil Energy from his body to save his life, he sees all the good that he has done, before he crushes the last of the Evil Energy. Proto Man approaches, thanking Duo for his help, but Duo asks him for a favor before departing. Once Mega Man has later awoken and reunites with Proto Man, he shares a message from Duo: "Thank you." Mega Man thanks him in return, looking into the stars to see his image.

Mega Man: Battle & Chase

File:MMB&C - Duo.png
Render in Battle & Chase.

Duo is a secret unlockable character in Mega Man: Battle & Chase.

Other Game Appearances

Other Media

Official Data

Behind the Scenes


Concept of Duo from Capcom Secret File.

Duo was designed by Hayato Kaji to debut in Mega Man 8. According to Kaji, Duo was first conceptualized as a creation of Dr. Cossack, hence his helmet resembling a Russian ushanka and the circles on his chest resembling coat buttons. Although his backstory changed to being an alien, these design traits were retained. He had several early music-themed names including Soul, Baroque, Oenker (from oenka (応援歌), meaning fight song), Gunker (from gunka (軍歌), meaning war song), and Kokker (from kokka (国歌), meaning national anthem), before the team settled on Duo. The development team for Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters wanted to add a fourth character, so they asked producer Keiji Inafune if they could use Duo early to promote the upcoming release of Mega Man 8, which was approved.[1][2]


Language Name Origin
Japanese Duo (デューオ) Named after the musical term duo, meaning the two performers of a duet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. UDON Entertainment. Page 117.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "The Birth of Duo". Reploid Research Lavatory. September 1, 2010.

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