Dr. Light: Oh no! Right after we received the last element... Wiley ran off with Gamma! |
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Script:Mega Man 3

Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man 3. Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.
There are only two instances of narration or dialogue in the game, not including the numbered list of robots made by Dr. Light before the credits.
Break Man defeated
(After Mega Man defeats Gamma, debris falls on top of both Mega Man and Dr. Wily; a shadowy figure saves Mega Man)
???: Where's Dr. Wiley?... Oh no, too late. (Mega Man wakes up at Dr. Light's lab) Dr. Light: Megaman, you've regained consciousness. I found you lying here when I arrived. I wonder who brought you here... (Proto Man's whistle is heard) Dr. Light: This whistle... It must have been Proto Man! |
Number list of robots made by Dr. Light
NO.008 ELECMAN Atomic energy controller NO.007 FIREMAN NO.006 BOMBMAN NO.005 ICEMAN NO.004 GUTSMAN NO.003 CUTMAN NO.002 ROLL NO.001 MEGAMAN NO.000 PROTOMAN |