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From Mega Man Wiki
Weapon Info
MM2 - Item-3 Art.png
Artwork from Mega Man 2.
General information
Abbreviation(s):3, I3
Appearances:Mega Man 2
Game Info
Cost:1 per second
Source:Flash Man
Other Info
Related:Rush Coil, Carry

Item-3 is a utility weapon first appearing in Mega Man 2, where it is received from Dr. Light after defeating Flash Man. It has a red and white colour scheme and creates a platform that lets the user scale walls.

In the Games

Mega Man 2

In Mega Man 2, It is given to the player after defeating Flash Man. It costs 1 Weapon Energy per second on screen, when used the platform will bounce across the floor until it finds a wall to cling onto. It'll then begin to climb the wall, allowing for Mega Man to reach higher places. If he jumps off the platform, it'll begin to climb downwards instead.

Related Weapons

Other utility items that have appeared in the Mega Man games:

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