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Mega Man X

From Mega Man Wiki
First of the seriesX seriesMega Man X2 -->
Game Info
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man X, Megaman X, Rockman X
Publisher(s):Capcom (JP, NA), Nintendo (PAL)
Release Date(s):
JP: December 17, 1993
NA: January 1994
EU: August 25, 1994
PC: [1]
NA: March 10, 1995
JP: May 24, 1996
Virtual Console: 
JP: March 5, 2011
NA: April 18, 2011
EU: March 8, 2012
AU: March 8, 2012
Wii U:
JP: May 22, 2013
NA: May 30, 2013
EU: September 19, 2013
AU: September 19, 2013
JP: May 9, 2016
NA: August 11, 2016
EU: July 14, 2016
Genre(s):Action, Platformer
Game mode(s):Single Player
Platform(s):Super Nintendo Entertainment System

Mega Man X, known in Japan as Rockman X (ロックマンX) is the first entry in the main X series, developed by Capcom and released for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1993-1994, becoming the first Mega Man game on a 16-bit console. It was published by Capcom in Japan and North America, and by Nintendo in PAL regions.

Rather than continuing the Classic era in which all games up to its release had been set, Mega Man X instead marks the beginning of the X era, taking place roughly a century later in the year 21XX and featuring a new cast of characters, including a new protagonist, X. The game builds upon the Classic era's action-platformer gameplay with a similar structure and mechanics.


The year is 21XX. It is a world where humans coexist with advanced robots. These robots are known as Reploids, and have completely human thought processes. Robots with faulty electronic brains are called Mavericks, and the Reploids used to control them are called Maverick Hunters. Their mission is to find and eliminate all Mavericks that harm humans or Reploids. X is a member of the Maverick Hunters. Sigma, the captain of the 17th Unit to which X belongs, is known as the strongest of all Maverick Hunters, and on top of that, has an excellent electronic brain. But one day, he gave an order to all Reploids: "Eradicate the humans! They are our enemy! Kill them all!" With this call, many Reploids began to rampage, and an intense rebellion began... The battle reaches its fever pitch with the addition of Zero(Which one?), a friend with whom X shares a mysterious bond. Fight, Mega Man X! Show no mercy to Sigma's rebellion![2]


Name Sprite Description
X The protagonist of the story. X is a Reploid in the 17th Unit of the Maverick Hunters, an organization that disposes of robots that have malfunctioned and become dangerous, called Mavericks. His creator and purpose are shrouded in mystery. Out of a sense of justice, he stands against his former captain, Sigma, who has rebelled against the humans. His skill as a Hunter is ranked B-Class (average), not because his performance is lacking, but because he often hesitates to destroy Mavericks. His true potential lies dormant due to the conflict between his kindness (which other Hunters see as weakness) and his sense of justice, which despises evil. However, X himself is unaware of this, and only Zero and Sigma sense his hidden power.[2]
Zero(Which one?) An SA-Class Hunter who is part of the Maverick Hunters' 17th Unit along with X. Fiercely opposed to evil in all forms, he conducts his missions with a cool demeanor and unparalleled speed. Zero is one of the few to notice X's hidden potential, so he watches and guides him with eager interest. For X, who doesn't get along with other Hunters, Zero is the only person whom he can respect and trust. Zero calls on X to join him in the fight against Sigma's army in order to defeat Sigma.[2]
Vile A Maverick Hunter who belonged to the 17th Unit. Although his skill as a Hunter is SA-Class, his electronic brain suffers from an abnormality that makes him destroy Mavericks with no regard for collateral damage. He seems to enjoy hunting more than safely removing hazards, making him borderline Maverick himself. As a result, he was removed from service and detained. Now that he has been freed by Sigma's rebellion, he is free to cause destruction as he pleases.[2]
Sigma The masterpiece of Dr. Cain, the creator of the Reploids. He is known as the strongest Reploid of all time, both in terms of intelligence and power. He was captain of the 17th Unit, to which X and Zero belong. He is always calm and collected, demonstrating perfect leadership, and fights like a demon in battle, but this is only a glimpse of his true power. He is highly confident in his abilities, which may have inspired his ambition. One day, he suddenly rebelled against humanity and ordered all Reploids to exterminate them. Reploids who opposed his ideas stood against him, but none could match the strongest Reploid in history; some were destroyed, while others surrendered and now serve him. Now only X and Zero remain. As for X, he is only interested in his potential to grow stronger, and does not consider him a threat.[2]
Dr. Cain The scientist who discovered X and revolutionized robotics by creating Reploids. He does not appear in the game, but his writings are featured in "The Journal of Dr. Cain" in the game's English instruction manual.[3]
Dr. Light The scientist who created X long ago, though the latter does not remember him. Though he has passed away, he left a final message on X's capsule which plays in the game's opening. He has hidden Light Capsules that feature a hologram replica in his likeness to give Armor Parts to X.


Minor Enemies

These are the minor enemies that appear as obstacles in stages throughout the game.

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Amenhopper A water insect that jumps and glides across water surfaces or hops around on land. It sometimes drops a small bomb. 2 2 (contact)
1 (bombs)
Ocean Stage, Forest Stage
Armor Soldier A robot that pilots a Ride Armor and uses it to punch, dash and jump at X. If X has no Ride Armor himself, the enemy will spawn outside of its Armor before jumping in, giving him time to destroy it and take its Armor. If X takes the Armor without destroying the Soldier, it will shoot at him. 16 (Armor)
3 (Soldier)
1 (contact)
3 (punch)
2 (contact)
1 (projectile)
Snow Mountain Stage, Forest Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Axe Max A robotic lumberjack that uses its axe to knock segments of the pillar in front of it at X. The segments can be stood on or destroyed, but they regrow immediately while the Axe Max is not attacking, blocking a clear shot on it. If it scores a hit, it will laugh and stop attacking for a short time. 8 (Axe Max)
3 (segment)
3 (Axe Max)
2 (segment)
Snow Mountain Stage, Forest Stage
Ball De Voux A robot with a spherical body that walks back and forth on its and long, bendy legs. Only its main body can be harmed. 2 1 Highway Stage, Sky Stage, Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Batton Bone A bat robot like Batton that starts out on the ceiling and starts following X around if he comes close. If it touches him or he moves too far, it stops following and flies back up to the ceiling. 1 1 Snow Mountain Stage, Gallery Stage, Sigma Stage 2, Sigma Stage 3
Batton M-501 A hidden "easter egg" enemy that is identical to Batton Bone in all but appearance. All items it drops are guaranteed to be 1 UPs. 1 1 Gallery Stage
Bomb Been A bee robot that drops mines, which explode after a delay. 2 2 (contact)
1 (mines)
Highway Stage, Snow Mountain Stage
Crag Man These robots are found inside large boulders that drop from the ceiling, being completely invincible until they have fully broken out. They toss rocks while standing in place. 8 2 Forest Stage
Creeper A spiky caterpillar whose small size makes it hard to hit. They are mainly thrown by Mad Peckers, but will also emerge from holes in the walls in Sigma Stage 4, where they crawl down the wall a short distance before dropping. 2 1 Forest Stage, Sigma Stage 4
Crusher Flying robots that often appear in groups. They patrol a small area, stopping to drop their spiky weight, which destroys a part of the floor before being retracted again. If its body is destroyed first, the weight will still fall. 2 (Crusher)
2 (weight)
4 Highway Stage
Dig Labour Pickman-like robots that stand in place and throw their picks at X in an arc. 4 3 (contact)
2 (pickaxe)
Gallery Stage, Factory Stage, Sigma Stage 2, Sigma Stage 3
Dodge Blaster A wall-mounted gun that slides up or down towards X to charge up a slow-moving shot and fire it straight forward, but attempts to quickly slide away if not already charging when X returns fire. 3 2 Tower Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 2
Dripping liquid Red liquid (possibly lava) that drips from pipes at set intervals and harms X on touch. N/A 2 Factory Stage
Flame pillar A pillar of fire that shoots up from the lava in the Factory Stage and destroys the floor section it goes through. If Chill Penguin has been defeated, it will not be there. N/A 2 Factory Stage
Flamer A flamethrower turret that creates a beam of fire with a set length in front of it. It is only found on moving platforms. 6 3 (contact)
2 (flames)
Sky Stage
Flammingle A tall, stationary bird robot that spins its body around to throw the sawblade crest on its head at X. 8 3 (contact)
2 (sawblade)
Snow Mountain Stage, Gallery Stage, Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Gulpfer A fish that attempts to suck in and swallow X. X will take 2 damage every few seconds if he remains trapped for too long, but can break free and destroy the enemy from the inside by rapidly jumping or shooting. 10 2 Ocean Stage, Sigma Stage 3
Gun Volt A stationary robot that either fires two rockets straight ahead or releases sparks that travel along the floor. 16 3 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Highway Stage, Sky Stage, Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Hoganmer A stationary enemy that throws its ball & chain at X when he come close. It carries a shield that blocks X's shots when not attacking, and the spiked ball will likewise deflect them, making the enemy difficult to damage. 8 3 (contact)
2 (spike ball)
Factory Stage, Sky Stage, Tower Stage, Forest Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 2
Hotarion A fast-moving firefly found in dark rooms. It soars in a straight line and pulls a beam of light across the screen, which briefly illuminates part of the room. 1 2 Power Plant Stage
Jamminger A flying robot that flies in quickly, stops, and slowly moves towards X's last position before flying off the top of the screen if it cannot get to him. If it can touch him, it repeats its movement. 2 1 Highway Stage, Snow Mountain Stage, Tower Stage, Forest Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Ladder Yadder A lizard-like robot that crawls a small distance up and down ladders, briefly stopping at the ends of its path. 3 2 Tower Stage
Lift Cannon A Turn Cannon atop a pillar that rises from the ground, lowering itself again with every shot. 2 3 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Sky Stage
Mad Pecker A woodpecker that clings to and pecks at trees, occasionally pulling out and tossing a caterpillar-like Creeper enemy. 6 2 Forest Stage
Mega Tortois A large and very durable tortoise robot that fires bombs from its back, which fall down on parachutes and can be destroyed. 16 (Mega Tortois)
3 (bombs)
4 (contact)
3 (bombs)
Ocean Stage, Tower Stage, Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 3
Metal Wing A bird that flies towards the cave exit during the last minecart section of the Gallery Stage. It flies away from X, making it mostly harmless, but it can be shot down. 1 3 Gallery Stage
Metall C-15 A Metall that hides under its helmet, popping up occasionally to spit a projectile at X when he is close or run towards him when his back is turned. While under its helmet, it is invincible. 2 2 (contact)
1 (projectile)
Gallery Stage, Factory Stage, Sky Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Planty / Iworm A Metall disguised as a bush, which pops up and throws out many Iworm enemies that crawl around. 2 (Planty)
1 (Iworm)
3 (Planty)
1 (Iworm)
Forest Stage
Ray Bit A robo-rabbit that hops around and occasionally fires a laser from its ears. 2 4 (contact)
2 (laser)
Snow Mountain Stage
Ray Trap An invincible, floating drone that shoots fast-moving laser projectiles at X if he trips any of the red beams near it, which flash in and out. It acts like a solid block to X and his shots bounce off. N/A 2 (laser) Tower Stage, Sigma Stage 1
Road Attacker A robot in a car that drives and shoots at X. X can stand on the car like a platform after the driver is destroyed, which keeps going in the same direction and may still harm him, or he can shoot it further to disable it fully and then destroy it as well. 5 (Rider)
4 (car, moving)
3 (car, broken down)
2 (contact)
1 (laser)
Highway Stage
Rolling Gabyoall A mostly invincible guard robot that moves along pipes, occasionally flipping from the top to the bottom of the pipe. The Rolling Shield can destroy it. N/A or 1 3 Factory Stage
Rush Roader A Roader-like enemy with a single wheel that drives back and forth and attempts to ram X, but will attempt to stay on its platform. Dealing more than one point of damage to it at once makes it go haywire and quickly spin in place. 6 2 Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 3
Scrap Robo The upper half of a robot that drops from factory chutes and shoots lasers from its eye. It cannot move by itself, but is moved by conveyor belts. 4 3 (contact)
2 (laser)
Factory Stage
Scrapped Utuboros The scrapped head of a Utuboros that drops from factory chutes and can only harm X if it falls on it. They can be stood on like platforms and are moved by conveyor belts 6 3 Factory Stage
Sea Attacker Seahorses that emerge from the ground in groups of two or three and start spinning in place. They quickly launch themselves forward, then down. 2 2 Ocean Stage
Sine Faller Robots that slowly float down from the top of the screen, swaying left and right and trying to land on X as they do so. 1 2 Tower Stage, Sigma Stage 2
Sky Claw A flying drone that attempts to snatch up X, eventually self-destructing and dropping him. He can free himself by mashing buttons or firing a charge shot, the latter of which also destroys the enemy. 2 2 (contact)
3 (explosion)
Ocean Stage, Factory Stage, Sky Stage
Slide Cannon A turret on a platform that slides in and out of a wall, firing a single shot straight forward each time. The platform can be stood on and remains after the turret is destroyed. 3 2 Tower Stage
Snow Shooter A contraption that announces itself with one or two large, rolling snowballs, which can be destroyed and grow as they roll. It then proceeds to throw smaller snowballs at X (the first one encountered throws only one snowball). 4 (Snow Shooter)
3 (large snowball)
3 (contact)
2 (any snowball)
Snow Mountain Stage
Spark A spark of electricity that travels through the glass pipe floor in the Power Plant Stage, harming X on touch. If Storm Eagle has been defeated, it will not be there. N/A 2 Power Plant Stage
Spiky A spiked wheel that rolls in one direction. It falls over and slides when on its last point of health, before self-destructing. 3 2 Highway Stage, Snow Mountain Stage, Gallery Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 2, Sigma Stage 3
Tombot Small, flying robots that start on the ground or are released by igloo-like structures. They jet up quickly, then drop their propulsion rockets and slowly follow X. 1 2 Snow Mountain Stage
Turn Cannon A cannon that turns between shots to alternatively shoot at diagonals or left and right. It is often found on moving platforms and can also appear on the ceiling, or standing atop a growing pillar as a Lift Cannon. 5 3 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Tower Stage, Power Plant Stage, Sigma Stage 1, Sigma Stage 2, Sigma Stage 3


These are powerful and unique enemies, but do not have Life Energy meters.

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Anglerge A submarine that sits on the ocean floor and releases four eels, which quickly wriggle away while making 90° turns. It can also suck X towards it or blow him away. If X is not in front of it, it will release no eels and activate its search light, which can be destroyed separately (though it does nothing). 32 (Anglerge)
2 (eels)
4 (contact)
2 (eels)
Ocean Stage
Bee Blader A large, bee-like robot that hovers above the ground, shooting machine gun fire diagonally downward and releasing Ball De Voux or homing missiles. It moves closer to X every time it is hit and causes the floor to collapse after it is destroyed. 32 4 (contact)
2 (rockets)
1 (gunfire)
Highway Stage
Cruiziler A whale-like battleship that drops or flings depth charges and releases Sky Claws. X can stand on top and must attack the blue crystal on its back to damage it. Once destroyed, it will break through the floor below, opening up another path. 64 3 (charges) Ocean Stage
Death Rogumer A massive carrier ship that is encountered twice, each time directly before the boss of the stage. In the Highway Stage, it cannot be damaged and simply drops Road Attackers for X to destroy before eventually lowering Vile in his Ride Armor.

In the Sky Stage, X must board the ship, which attacks with two destructible turrets shooting straight forward. After getting inside, most of the Rogumer explodes, luring out Storm Eagle. Once this boss is defeated, the ship crashes and cannot be encountered in the stage again.

7 (turrets) 3 (turret contact)
2 (projectiles)
Highway Stage, Sky Stage
Mole Borer A large mining machine that moves relentlessly forward, destroying the walls in front of it. X can destroy it, but loses a life instantly if he touches it. 60 30 Gallery Stage
RT-55J A powerful robot that guard a Dr. Light Capsule. It makes large jumps and attempts to catch X with its extendable claws, either harming him directly or grabbing and slamming him into a wall. It can also pull itself towards a wall this way. The claws block shots while not extended. 64 2 Forest Stage
Thunder Slimer A miniboss that bounces between the floor and ceiling, regularly spreading four slime drops that X can get stuck in. He can wiggle free by rapidly moving. If Storm Eagle has not yet been defeated, the miniboss periodically zaps the ground with lightning; otherwise, it can only damage X by colliding with him. 46 5 (contact)
4 (lightning)
Power Plant Stage
Utuboros A giant worm that emerges from the ground, twists a few times and eventually burrows into the ground again. Only its head and tail end can hurt X, but they are also the only vulnerable parts, with the rest blocking his shots. 72 4 Ocean Stage

Eight Mavericks

These eight Mavericks appear on the Stage Select screen. They must be defeated to open the Last Stages.

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Launch Octopus Ocean Stage Homing Torpedo Rolling Shield
Chill Penguin A penguin who can slide or jump at X, spit bullet-deflecting ice blocks, or create two ice sculptures and move them by summoning a snowstorm as he hangs from a hook on the ceiling. His sculptures block shots, even his own, but can be destroyed with a charged buster shot. Snow Mountain Stage Shotgun Ice Fire Wave
Armored Armadillo Gallery Stage Rolling Shield Electric Spark
Flame Mammoth Factory Stage Fire Wave Storm Tornado
Storm Eagle Sky Stage Storm Tornado Chameleon Sting
Boomer Kuwanger Tower Stage Boomerang Cutter Homing Torpedo
Spark Mandrill Power Plant Stage Electric Spark Shotgun Ice
Sting Chameleon Forest Stage Chameleon Sting Boomerang Cutter

Other Bosses

These assorted bosses appear in the game's Opening Stage and Last Stages.

Name Sprite Description Stage Weakness
Vile Vile's Ride Armor renders him invincible to X's attacks, making him an unbeatable boss who punches and dashes at X to lower his energy. Once X is paralysed by one of his shots, Zero rescues X by damaging Vile's Ride Armor and forcing him to retreat. Highway Stage N/A
Vile Vile starts in Ride Armor, again rendering him invincible until he paralyses X. Zero then destroys the Ride Armor, forcing Vile to fight X on foot. Vile dashes and makes giant leaps across the room, firing paralysing shots while on the ground or dropping bombs while in the air, the latter of which split into two blasts along the ground. He takes increased damage from all of X's Special Weapons, though Rolling Shield is particularly harmful. Sigma Stage 1 Rolling Shield
Bospider Sigma Stage 1 X-Buster
Shotgun Ice
Rangda Bangda Sigma Stage 2 Chameleon Sting
D-Rex Sigma Stage 3 Boomerang Cutter
Velguarder Sigma Stage 4 Shotgun Ice
Sigma Sigma Stage 4 Electric Spark
Wolf Sigma Sigma Stage 4 Rolling Shield


By default, X wields the X-Buster. He then collects Special Weapons(Which one?) by defeating the eight Maverick bosses, each with its own elemental alignment and properties. There is also a secret attack, the Hadouken.

Name Icon Description Source
X's default weapon. It fires up to three shots horizontally, and can be charged up for a Charge Shot of two levels. Collecting the Arm Parts unlocks a third Charge Shot level. Default
Homing Torpedo
Fires a torpedo which changes trajectory to home in on enemies.
Charge Shot fires five piranha-shaped torpedoes simultaneously.
Launch Octopus
Chameleon Sting
Fires a laser that splits into three lasers at different angles.
Charge Shot makes X flash colors, giving him temporary invincibility but disabling attacks.
Sting Chameleon
Rolling Shield
Fires a rolling shot that bounces off of walls.
Charge Shot summons a barrier around X that defends him from small enemies and attacks.
Armored Armadillo
Fire Wave
Fires a short-range flamethrower as long as the button is held. Doesn't work underwater.
Charge Shot drops a fireball that bursts into a moving wave of fire on the ground.
Flame Mammoth
Storm Tornado
Fires a horizontal tornado that pierces through enemies.
Charge Shot briefly surrounds X in a vertical tornado.
Storm Eagle
Electric Spark
Fires an electric shot which splits vertically on contact.
Charge Shot creates two electric walls that split forwards and backwards.
Spark Mandrill
Boomerang Cutter
Fires a boomerang that curves upwards before returning to X. Collecting it refills Weapon Energy.
Charge Shot fires four giant boomerangs that swirl around before disappearing.
Boomer Kuwanger
Shotgun Ice
Fires an ice shot that shatters backwards into four fragments on contact.
Charge Shot creates an ice sculpture of Chill Penguin that slides like a sled.
Chill Penguin
Hadouken By inputting the Hadouken command from Street Fighter (quarter-circle right FIRE), X throws a powerful fireball that can defeat all enemies and bosses in one hit. Secret Light Capsule


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Name Sprite Description
Life Energy Small units restore 2 points of Life Energy.
Large units restore 8 points of Life Energy.
Weapon Energy Small units restore 2 points of Weapon Energy.
Large units restore 8 points of Weapon Energy.
1 UP
Grants an extra life.
Ride Armor
In a Ride Armor, the player takes no damage and can use powerful punch attacks. They can be found in Snow Mountain Stage, Forest Stage, and Sigma Stage 2.
Life Up
Permanently increases maximum Life Energy by 2 points.
Sub Tank
Grants a reserve tank which can be filled by Life Energy pickups and used later.
Light Capsule
Grants Armor Parts, which apply a permanent upgrade to X's abilities.

Armor Parts


Related Media


Ports and Remakes

Icon Title Unlocked by Related Games
File:MMXLC - Just Plain Dillo.png Just Plain Dillo Knock off Armored Armadillo's armor in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - First Armor.png First Armor Obtain all four armor upgrades in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Never Hearts to Be Careful.png Never Hearts to Be Careful Obtain all Life Ups and max out X's energy gauge in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Pretty (Devastating) In Pink.png Pretty (Devastating) In Pink Use the Spiral Crush Buster to defeat a boss in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - It's Over.png It's Over Defeat Wolf Sigma in Mega Man X Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - In the Heart of Battle.png In the Heart of Battle Learn the Hadoken in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Nobody Nose My Sorrow.png Nobody Nose My Sorrow Cut off Flame Mammoth's trunk in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - It's Over... Right?.png It's Over... Right? Defeat any of the eight Maverick bosses in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Re-Armed.png Re-Armed Receive Zero's arm part in Mega Man X. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Half the Saga.png Half the Saga Complete Mega Man X1, X2, X3, and X4. Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3 and Mega Man X4
File:MMXLC - Elite.png Elite Complete an X Challenge stage equipped with only the X-Buster. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Reconnaissance Complete.png Reconnaissance Complete View 20 images across all four titles, then change the wallpaper to the secret image. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - What's Your Hunter Rank?.png What's Your Hunter Rank? Check your own ranking in X Challenge. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - A-Class Hunter.png A-Class Hunter Complete all X Challenge stages. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Audio Signal Incoming.png Audio Signal Incoming Listen to 10 tracks for long enough with the Music Player, and then listen to the secret track. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - Identity erased.png Identity erased Blast through the mystery of the staff credits and return to the future. Mega Man X
File:MMXLC - How Long Will He Keep Fighting?.png How Long Will He Keep Fighting? Complete Mega Man X (cannot be earned in Rookie Hunter mode). Mega Man X

Strategy Guides


External Links


  1. Mega Man X on the PC Gaming Wiki
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  3. "The Journal of Dr. Cain", game manual, Mega Man X. January 1994.