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Ground Man Stage

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Ground Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Ground Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Stage icon(s).
Game(s):Mega Man & Bass
Name(s):Ground Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Image Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Monopellan A helicopter enemy that hovers mostly in place, shooting at Mega Man/Bass. After destroying it, the rotor remains and will carry off any item dropped by the enemy if it is not collected quickly. 1.5 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, Magic Man Stage, Wily Stage
Metall SV Hides under its helmet until Mega Man/Bass comes near, then shoots bullets in three directions and wanders around, hiding again after some time or when Mega Man/Bass leaves. It is invulnerable while hiding. 1.5 2 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, Wily Stage
Hannya Attacker A Shield Attacker with a hannya mask. Flies left and right within a set range and can only be harmed by attacking from behind. 6 3 Ground Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1
Metrenger Worms that endlessly spawn from an indestructible hatch on the ceiling and crawl around. They are hard to hit on some of their animation frames. 1.5 2 Ground Man Stage , King Stage 1, King Stage 2, Wily Stage
Mukamukade A large, segmented worm that emerges from a hole and travels on a set path. Only the head can be damaged, and the worm respawns endlessly. 12 4 Ground Man Stage
Joe Classic A Joe with a shield like the traditional Sniper Joe, which protects its front. It may shoot forward, jump up at random, or lob a grenade and crouch on the ground until it explodes, putting its shield away during any of these. It can be hurt from above or below with special weapons or by aiming the Bass Buster. 6 (Joe)
3 (grenade)
3 (contact)
2 (projectile)
4 (grenade)
Robot Museum, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, Magic Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1, King Stage 2, Wily Stage
Kamikamin Disguises itself as a regular Chest, which wakes up when fired at. Once awake, it jumps back and forth at a high speed and latches on to Mega Man/Bass, draining health until he shakes it off by mashing the direction buttons. It is only vulnerable after waking up. 1 1 (at a time)
Ground Man Stage, Pirate Man Stage, King Stage 2
Dig Mole Jumps up from below and drills through the floor, destroying it permanently. Some fall straight down after jumping, while others cover an area of up to four squares, advancing one tile forward with each jump. They respawn endlessly. 1.5 2 Ground Man Stage



Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Mother Mukamukade A giant, segmented worm that goes in an out of the ground, ceiling and walls, travelling across the screen in various elaborate patterns. Sometimes, its head emerges from the ground to spit out two eggs that hatch into small grubs, which walk around and are difficult for Mega Man to shoot. Only the head can be damaged, taking massively increased damage from well-timed Remote Mines. 96 (contact)
4 (eggs)
1 (grubs)
4 (contact)
2 (grubs)
Ground Man Stage


Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Ground Man An excavation robot that transforms into a small drill machine to scoot along the ground, attacks as a giant drill from above, or sends out Spread Drills, which split into smaller drills in various patterns. He does not walk, but will instead bury underground and pop out at a different location. Ground Man Stage, Wily Stage (Boss Attack) Spread Drill Remote Mine




See also

In other media

