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Burner Man Stage

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Burner Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Tengu Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Stage icon(s).
Game(s):Mega Man & Bass
Name(s):Burner Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Image Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Batton M64 A bat that starts on the ceiling and waits for Mega Man/Bass to come near, then wakes up and chases after him. Unlike other Batton versions, it does not return to the ceiling. Can only be harmed while it is awake. 1.5 2 Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, King Stage 2
Bunby Tank DX Drives left and right and periodically stops to turn towards Mega Man/Bass and fire two rockets forward if he is near. Its body and head have a separate health pool - if the body is destroyed first, its head separates as a flying Bunby Top DX, which circles around, then follows. 6 (body)
3 (top)
12 (rockets)
4 (contact)
2 (rockets)
Astro Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, King Stage 1
Bunby Top DX The head of a Bunby Tank that separates after it is destroyed. It first circles around quickly, then slowly follows Mega Man/Bass, periodically stopping. 3 4 Astro Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, King Stage 1
Joe Classic A Joe with a shield like the traditional Sniper Joe, which protects its front. It may shoot forward, jump up at random, or lob a grenade and crouch on the ground until it explodes, putting its shield away during any of these. It can be hurt from above or below with special weapons or by aiming the Bass Buster. 6 (Joe)
3 (grenade)
3 (contact)
2 (projectile)
4 (grenade)
Robot Museum, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, Magic Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1, King Stage 2, Wily Stage
Gori-Three A stationary, gorilla-like enemy that periodically throws objects. It comes in three varieties, which never appear on the same screen together:
  • Throws bombs diagonally downward, which explode harmlessly when they hit a wall.
  • Throws blue bubbles, which bounce around diagonally at high speed.
  • Throws spike balls forward, which travel a set distance before exploding into spikes that go left, right and diagonally.

All of Gori-Three's projectiles can be destroyed through damage.

24 (Gori-Three)
6 (bombs)
3 (bubble)
6 (spike ball)
7 (contact)
4 (thrown object)
2 (spikes)
Burner Man Stage, King Stage 1, King Stage 2
Spinning Gabyoall Moves back and forth on a platform, speeding up while Mega Man/Bass is at the same height. Shots will briefly stun it, but only the Wave Burner can destroy it. 1 3 Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1
Hannya Attacker A Shield Attacker with a hannya mask. Flies left and right within a set range and can only be harmed by attacking from behind. 6 3 Ground Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1
Plasma± Two small, stationary robot that create a vertical barrier of electricity between them. If one is destroyed, the barrier disappears, but a new part will soon spawn from the remaining one and take its original position, making it necessary to destroy both halves in short succession to fully eliminate the enemy. 4.5 4 Dynamo Man Stage, King Stage 1, Wily Stage
Muragattori A robotic bird that drop down from above, then jets forward. They spawn infinitely in some areas. 1 2 Astro Man Stage, Burner Man Stage
Sydecka A massive, stationary beast that releases missiles from its back, which fall down in front of it. If Mega Man/Bass is within range, it can also fire the drill on its head straight forward, which deflects shots. Some will only fire their horn. 60 (Sydecka)
1 (missiles)
10 (contact)
2 (missiles)
4 (drill)
Burner Man Stage, King Stage 1, King Stage 2, Wily Stage
Dodonpa Cannon A stationary cannon that can turn and fire at various angles. The cannonballs fly in an arc and can be destroyed. 5 (contact)
0.5 (cannonball)
6 (contact)
2 (cannonball)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage
Big Telly A giant Telly R that flies overhead and drops a bomb, which splits into flames and causes fire to rise up from the bottom of the screen. The screen-filling fire can kill Mega Man/Bass instantly, but recedes after a short time. 8 7 (contact)
4 (bomb)
Burner Man Stage



Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Burner Man A fire-themed robot who can dash around, throw bombs, dive-bomb to create flames left and right, or use his Wave Burner flamethrower while slowly advancing towards Mega Man/Bass. He may also set traps, which are mostly hidden in the ground and immobilise Mega Man/Bass if he touches them.

His weakness, the Ice Wall, can be used to push him onto the spikes at both sides of his arena for extra damage, though many of his moves allow him to destroy or avoid the wall.

Burner Man Stage, Wily Stage (Boss Attack) Wave Burner Ice Wall




See also

In other media

