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Shadow Man Stage (Mega Man III)

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Shadow Man Stage.
In-game screenshot.
Stage icon(s).
Name(s):Shadow Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Count Bomb A stationary platform that counts down when Mega Man touches its pressure plate and explodes when the counter reaches zero. N/A 6 (explosion) Spark Man Stage, Shadow Man Stage, Drill Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Mechakkero A jumping enemy that is flat and harder to hit with the Mega Buster while it is on the ground. 1 3 Gemini Man Stage, Shadow Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Pickelman Dada A Pickelman that moves left and right on a tall jackhammer, occasionally stopping, and turns around at the edge of the platform. Only the Pickelman on top can be harmed. 7 6 Spark Man Stage, Gemini Man Stage, Shadow Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Walking Bomb A grenade that walks and attempts to leap over obstacles. It explodes when destroyed, which can harm Mega Man. 1 4 (contact)
6 (explosion)
Shadow Man Stage, Wily Stage 2
Yambow A dragonfly that comes in from the top and tries to fly behind Mega Man, then darts forward when it is at his current height. 3 3 Gemini Man Stage, Shadow Man Stage
Parasyu Drops from above and opens its parachute, slowing its fall and causing it to swing left and right in a wave motion. 3 4 Shadow Man Stage, Wily Stage 2


Robot Masters

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Shadow Man Shadow Man Stage Shadow Blade Gemini Laser



