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Cold Man Stage

From Mega Man Wiki

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Stage Info
Cold Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Cold Man Stage from Mega Man & Bass
Stage icon(s).
Game(s):Mega Man & Bass
Name(s):Cold Man Stage



Minor Enemies

Name Image Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Monopellan A helicopter enemy that hovers mostly in place, shooting at Mega Man/Bass. After destroying it, the rotor remains and will carry off any item dropped by the enemy if it is not collected quickly. 1.5 4 (contact)
2 (projectile)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, Magic Man Stage, Wily Stage
Rabbiton An ice-skating rabbit robot that jumps over pits, obstacles, or when near Mega Man/Bass. 3 3 Cold Man Stage, King Stage 2
Batton M64 A bat that starts on the ceiling and waits for Mega Man/Bass to come near, then wakes up and chases after him. Unlike other Batton versions, it does not return to the ceiling. Can only be harmed while it is awake. 1.5 2 Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Dynamo Man Stage, King Stage 2
Metall SV Hides under its helmet until Mega Man/Bass comes near, then shoots bullets in three directions and wanders around, hiding again after some time or when Mega Man/Bass leaves. It is invulnerable while hiding. 1.5 2 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Astro Man Stage, Ground Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, Wily Stage
Penpen EV A penguin that spins in place on the ground, then quickly slides forward, slowing down until it stops and resumes spinning. It will also stop instantly on hitting a wall. 6 4 Cold Man Stage, King Stage 2, Wily Stage
Dodonpa Cannon A stationary cannon that can turn and fire at various angles. The cannonballs fly in an arc and can be destroyed. 5 (contact)
0.5 (cannonball)
6 (contact)
2 (cannonball)
Robot Museum, Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage
Spinning Gabyoall Moves back and forth on a platform, speeding up while Mega Man/Bass is at the same height. Shots will briefly stun it, but only the Wave Burner can destroy it. 1 3 Cold Man Stage, Burner Man Stage, Tengu Man Stage, King Stage 1
Mokumokumo A robot head hiding inside a cloud. It follows Mega Man/Bass around and latches on to him, limiting his jumps and movement. Firing or moving rapidly can shake it off and briefly expose the head, though without destroying the enemy. They are sometimes created by cloud machines or by Cold Man in his boss battle. 2 N/A Cold Man Stage(boss), Tengu Man Stage, Wily Stage



Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Snoler A giant snowman that can leap and stomp on Mega Man/Bass, blow him away, or fire a batch of smaller snowmen into the sky, which fall down on parachutes. 28 (Snoler)
4 (snowman)
4 (contact)
3 (snowman)
Cold Man Stage


Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Cold Man An ice-themed robot that attacks mainly by creating a spiked wall and sliding it across the room. As his health gets lower, he can also summon Kumokumoku cloud enemies that impede Mega Man/Bass's movement if they are not destroyed, or rarely summon three ice bursts from the ground that briefly immobilise the character. Cold Man Stage, Wily Stage (Boss Attack) Ice Wall Lightning Bolt




See also

In other media

