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Mega Man 3

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<-- Mega Man 2Main seriesMega Man 4 -->
Damage data
Game Info
MM3 - Box Art NA.jpg
MM3 - Box Art EU.jpg
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man 3, Mega Man III, Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!?
Release Date(s):
JP: September 28, 1990
NA: November 16, 1990
EU: June 23, 1992
Mobile phone:
JP: April 1, 2005
NA: August 19, 2008
Virtual console:
Genre(s):Action, Platformer
Game mode(s):Single Player
Platform(s):Nintendo Entertainment System

Mega Man 3, known as Rockman 3: Dr. Wily no Saigo!? (ロックマン3 Dr.ワイリーの最期!?, lit. Rockman 3: The End of Dr. Wily!?) in Japan, is the third game in the Classic era. It was developed and published by Capcom and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990-1992.


Dr. Light and Wily working together, as seen in the game's manual.

After his defeat at the hands of Mega Man in Mega Man 2, Dr. Wily claims to have amnesia and forgotten his evil ambitions and returns to work with his former colleague, Dr. Light. The two collaborate on a project that is meant to bring world peace by means of the giant peace-keeping robot Gamma, an ambitious design powered by energy crystals that can only be found in outer space. In order to mine these materials, eight new Robot Masters are developed and sent out to various mining worlds. However, when these robots go haywire, Dr. Light sends Mega Man to deactivate them and retrieve the crystals. Throughout this journey, he is pursued by a mysterious robot calling himself Break Man.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

After defeating the eight Robot Masters, four of their domains are taken over by Doc Robots using the combat data of Dr. Wily's older creations, further hindering and delaying Mega Man in his task. However, when he returns to Dr. Light's lab after dispatching the new threats and defeating Break Man, Dr. Light informs him that after they received the last element, Dr. Wily ran off and stole the unfinished Gamma to use for his own purposes. Mega Man pursues him to his new fortress, where he defeats Wily piloting the Wily Machine 3. However, he turns out to be a robot replica, with the real Dr. Wily piloting Gamma.

After Mega Man defeats Gamma and Wily surrenders, the fortress begins to collapse, and both of them are buried under large stone blocks. Break Man shows up and saves Mega Man, but declares that he is too late to save Wily, and leaves without him. During the ending credits, as Mega Man walks back home by himself, information about the robots built by Dr. Light is shown, revealing Break Man's identity to be Proto Man, Mega Man's brother. As Mega Man stops and reminisces, Proto Man's image appears in the sky, while the Wily UFO escapes from the ruined fortress in the background, implying that Dr. Wily survived.


Mega Man

Mega Man.

The protagonist and player character. Formerly a human-like household robot designed by Dr. Light, Rock was reconfigured into the fighting robot Mega Man to stop Dr. Wily's plans. He has the ability to take and use his enemies' weapons as he defeats them, allowing him to exploit their weaknesses.

Dr. Light

The brilliant scientist who created Mega Man and several other robot characters. He wishes to achieve world peace and teams up with Dr. Wily for this purpose. When his and Wily's new robots go haywire in their task to mine important energy crystals, he sends out Mega Man and his new robotic dog companion, Rush, to take care of the issue and gather the crystals.

Dr. Wily

Dr. Wily.

Dr. Light's rival scientist and the villain of the previous games. He claims to have forgotten his evil ambitions and teams up with Dr. Light to work on a new project intended to assure world peace.

Proto Man/Break Man

Proto Man.

A mysterious robot who repeatedly challenges Mega Man throughout his adventure, but also shows up to assist him. Mega Man must defeat his "Break Man" persona to reach the game's fortress stages.



Mega Man's canine companion, who makes his first appearance in this game. Rush can be called to transform into various forms or vehicles that aid Mega Man's movement, with his Rush Coil springboard form being available from the start. Other transformations can be unlocked throughout the game.



A giant peace-keeping robot and the latest project of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily. His power source can only be obtained in space by Light and Wily's new mining robots, leading him to remain unfinished when these robots go haywire.

Other characters

These robots built by Dr. Light in the first game only appear on info cards in the ending and play no active role in the game or plot.

  • Roll - A housekeeping robot and Mega Man's sister.
  • Cut Man - A lumberjack robot.
  • Guts Man - A land development robot.
  • Ice Man - An antarctic exploration robot.
  • Bomb Man - A land development robot.
  • Fire Man - A waste incineration robot.
  • Elec Man - A power plant controller robot.


Like most games in the Classic era, Mega Man 3 is a side-scrolling platformer. Players take control of Mega Man, who can run, jump, shoot and climb on ladders to make his way through eight Robot Master stages in any order and eventually take on Dr. Wily's fortress. Defeating a Robot Master grants Mega Man his weapon, and sometimes a new mobility tool; all of these can be used in place of the standard Mega Buster in exchange for weapon energy, which is recharged when Mega Man picks up certain items found throughout stages and dropped by enemies. Bosses (as well as some smaller enemies) are typically weak to one or more special weapons, which can be used to take them down more easily and quickly than with the Mega Buster alone.

Like many Mega Man sequels, Mega Man 3 strongly builds on its predecessor(s) and plays very similarly, but also brings something new to the table. The E-Tank system from the previous game has been reworked and Mega Man is now able to carry up to 9 of them, which are no longer lost on geting a Game Over and (as before) can be used at any time to refill his health. Furthermore, the game marks the first appearance of Mega Man's robot dog companion Rush, who can transform into a springboard for Mega Man through the Rush Coil weapon (which is available from the start), a jet with the Rush Jet, or a submarine with Rush Marine, effectively replacing the more generic Item-1, Item-2 and Item-3 mobility tools from the last game. Also new is the ability to slide, which can be performed by pressing Down + Jump and causes Mega Man to glide across the floor for a short time, moving faster and reducing his height to a single block for the duration, which allows him to fit through narrow spaces or avoid certain hazards more easily.

Mega Man 3 is notable within the Classic era for its unusual game structure, as defeating the eight Robot Masters does not unlock access to a fortress right away, but rather requires the player to replay four of the Robot Master stages in a more difficult form and then challenge the boss Break Man (see Stages). The four stages can again be selected in any order and are now occupied by two Doc Robots each, a new kind of foe that uses the attacks and abilities of the Robot Master bosses from the previous game, but without granting Mega Man any weapons.


Minor Enemies

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Bikky MM3 - Bikky.png A giant, jumping robot. It can only be harmed while its visor is open, shortly before and during its jump. 6 8 Needle Man's stage, Hard Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot), Dr. Wily stage 3
Bomber Pepe MM3 - Bomber Pepe.png A penguin that hops with pauses and lobs giant eggs at Mega Man, which bounce and explode either on the third bounce or when they hit a wall. 6 (Bomber Pepe)
1 (eggs)
6 (contact)
3 (eggs)
6 (explosion)
Gemini Man's stage
Bolton and Nutton MM3 - Bolton and Nutton.png A floating nut and bolt that join together, then slowly follow Mega Man. They can only be harmed once they are fully assembled. 1 2 Spark Man's stage, Top Man's stage
Bomb Flier MM3 - Bomb Flier.png A flying rocket disguised as a cloud that moves in wave motions. Any damage to it removes the cloud cover, making it fly faster, but in a straight line. 4 2 (contact) Snake Man's stage
Bubukan MM3 - Bubukan.png An enemy that runs towards Mega Man, pole-vaults over him, then runs towards him. Both the Bubukan and its falling pole can harm Mega Man, and the Bubukan is invincible until it jumps. 4 (Bubukan)
1 (pole)
4 (Bubukan)
2 (pole)
Snake Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Cannon MM3 - Cannon.png Opens up to shoot cannonballs at Mega Man in an arc. The cannonballs are sometimes indestructible. Can only be harmed while the shield is open. 3 (Cannon)
1 (cannonballs)
6 (contact)
2 (cannonballs)
Needle Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Dada MM3 - Dada.png A fast-moving jackhammer that makes two low hops followed by an extremely high jump. 1 2 Snake Man's stage
Elec'n MM3 - Elec'n.png Falls out of pipes at the top and floats to the left or right in a zig-zag, occasionally stopping to send sparks flying in the 8 cardinal directions. 1 4 (contact)
2 (sparks)
Spark Man's stage, Spark Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Electric Gabyoall MM3 - Electric Gabyoall.png A Gabyoall that moves in parallel with another one on the ceiling, occasionally creating harmful electricity between the two. N/A 4 (contact) Spark Man's stage, Spark Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Flying Metall MM3 - Flying Metall.png Hides under its helmet until Mega Man comes near, then flies straight up and to the side, shooting bullets downward in three directions once it is directly above him. After shooting, it lowers itself to Mega Man's height, then tries to fly straight into him. 1 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Giant Springer MM3 - Giant Springer.png Slides along the ground and fires the homing missile from its head at Mega Man, moving slower while the missile is in the air. If Mega Man gets too close, it spring up and harms him. 8 (Springer)
1 (missile)
6 (contact)
2 (missile)
Magnet Man's stage, Spark Man's stage (Doc Robot), Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot), Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Gyoraibo MM3 - Gyoraibo.png A fish that swims to the side. It briefly stops when directly below Mega Man to shoot a torpedo upwards, which explodes when it hits a block. 2 6 (contact)
2 (torpedo)
4 (explosion)
Gemini Man's stage
Hammer Joe MM3 - Hammer Joe.png A stationary Joe that swings an iron ball around and throws it forward, which deflect Mega Man's shots. It can only be harmed when its eye is open, shortly before and during its throwing animation. 8 4 (contact)
2 (hammer)
Snake Man's stage, Spark Man's stage, Needle Man's stage, Hard Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot), Dr. Wily stage 1, Dr. Wily stage 3
Hari Harry MM3 - Hari Harry.png A large hedgehog that stands still and shoots destructible needles in five directions three times, then rolls to another spot as an invincible sphere. 6 (Hari Harry)
1 (needles)
6 (contact)
2 (needles)
Needle Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Have "Su" Bee MM3 - Have "Su" Bee.png A bee that flies in from the side and drops a nest of five Chibees, which chase Mega Man. 3 (Have "Su"&nbspBee)
1 (Chibee)
6 (contact)
2 (nest)
3 (Chibee)
Hard Man's stage, Dr. Wily stage 2
Hologran MM3 - Hologran.png A device attached to the ceiling that turns the level dark while it is on the screen, rendering platforms invisible. Mega Man can destroy it to turn the lights back on. 3 3 Shadow Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot), Dr. Wily stage 3
Jamacy MM3 - Jamacy.png Climbs up and down ladders. In Gemini Man's stage (Doc Robot), many of them emerge from holes and scutter across the ground as well as going down ladders. 1 2 Spark Man's stage, Snake Man's stage, Spark Man's stage (Doc Robot), Gemini Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Junk Golem MM3 - Junk Golem.png Stands still and summons large, invincible blocks of junk from above to throw at Mega Man, which break into pieces when they hit a wall. The blocks are still thrown even if the Junk Golem is destroyed while they fall. 6 4 (contact)
4 (block)
2 (fragments)
Dr. Wily stage 4
Komasaburo MM3 - Komasaburo.png A stationary enemy that releases destructible tops from its belly, which move along the ground. It is often found at the top of stairs. 6 (Komasaburo)
1 (tops)
6 (contact)
2 (tops)
Top Man's stage, Dr. Wily stage 1
Mag Fly MM3 - Mag Fly.png A flying magnet that slowly pulls Mega Man upwards and can carry him. 1 4 Magnet Man's stage
Mechakkero MM3 - Mechakkero.png A jumping enemy that is flat and can't be hit with the Mega Buster while it is on the ground. 1 3 Top Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage
Metall Deluxe MM3 - Metall Deluxe.png Hides under its helmet until Mega Man comes near, then shoots bullets in three directions and quickly dashes forward before hiding again. Only vulnerable while attacking or running. 1 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Needle Man's stage, Hard Man's stage, Top Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Needle Press MM3 - Needle Press.png A stationary spike on the ceiling or floor that extends and detracts in a set rhythm, harming Mega Man if he touches it. It deflects all shots. N/A 4 Needle Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
New Shotman MM3 - New Shotman.png A stationary enemy with two attacks on different timers: It will fire three projectiles in a row to both sides, or fling two projectiles at Mega Man in an arc. The latter cannot pass through walls, and both attacks can be used simultaneously. 3 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Magnet Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage, Dr. Wily stage 3
Nitron MM3 - Nitron.png Flies overhead and swoops down to drop three pellets that briefly create pillars of flame. 1 4 (contact)
2 (flames)
Gemini Man's stage
Parasyu MM3 - Parasyu.png Drops from above and opens its parachute, slowing its fall and causing it to swing left and right in a wave motion. 3 4 Shadow Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot), Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Penpen MM3 - Penpen.png Flies in a wave motion and darts at Mega Man when he comes near. If created by a Penpen Maker, it only slides along the ground. 1 4 Gemini Man's stage, Dr. Wily stage 1
Peterchy MM3 - Peterchy.png An eyeball with plunger legs that plods along the ground. 3 4 Magnet Man's stage, Spark Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage, Spark Man's stage (Doc Robot), Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Petit Snakey MM3 - Petit Snakey.png Snake heads that spit projectiles directly at Mega Man. They cap off the winding snake blocks in the stage and also appear upside-down. 2 4 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Snake Man's stage
Pickelman Bull MM3 - Pickelman Bull.png A Pickelman that advances towards Mega Man on a tall bulldozer, occasionally stopping. Only the Pickelman on top can be harmed. 3 6 Spark Man's stage, Hard Man's stage, Top Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage
Pole MM3 - Pole.png A tadpole that emerges from the frog eggs in Gemini Man's stage if they are shot at with the Mega Buster. It slowly floats towards Mega Man. 1 1 Gemini Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Potton MM3 - Potton.png A flying glass jar containing a robot head, which drops on Mega Man when he is directly below it. The jar continues to fly, but never regenerates the head. 1 (jar)
1 (head)
2 (jar)
4 (head)
Snake Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Returning Monking MM3 - Returning Monking.png A monkey that jumps onto the ceiling and hangs there, waiting for Mega Man. When he comes near, it drops down and attempts to jump on him. 8 3 Hard Man's stage
Walking Bomb MM3 - Walking Bomb.png A grenade that walks and attempts to leap over obstacles. It explodes when destroyed, which can harm Mega Man. 1 4 (contact)
6 (explosion)
Shadow Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage (Doc Robot), Dr. Wily stage 3
Wanaan MM3 - Wanaan.png A bear trap-like robot that pops out of the ground after Mega Man walks across its hiding spot, harming him if he stops on top of it. N/A 4 Hard Man's stage, Dr. Wily stage 2
Yambow MM3 - Yambow.png A dragonfly that comes in from the top and tries to fly behind Mega Man, then darts forward when it is at his current height. 3 3 Needle Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage, Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)


Name Sprite Description HP Damage Stage(s)
Big Snakey MM3 - Big Snakey.png A giant snake head that spits large projectiles at Mega Man, usually between two and four before pausing. The "body segments" that make up the floor wiggle, making the fight harder if Mega Man is standing on them. 10 8 (contact)
2 (projectiles)
Snake Man's stage
Giant Metall MM3 - Giant Metall.png A large Metall that flies up and down, randomly spawning three Metall Deluxe or firing three ball projectiles (one forward, two diagonally). The cross on its helmet is its only vulnerable part. 10 8 (contact)
2 (balls)
Needle Man's stage (Doc Robot)
Penpen Maker MM3 - Penpen Maker.png Creates Penpens that slide along the ground. To harm it, the crank on its head must be shot. 10 8 Gemini Man's stage
Proto Man MM3 - Proto Man.png A mysterious robot encountered in multiple stages. He walks left and right and jumps constantly while near Mega Man, firing shots forward while in the air. In Gemini Man's stage, he teleports away without having to be fought.

Proto Man is weak to the weapons of the Robot Masters in whose stages he is fought, and is especially weak to Hard Knuckle.

28 4 (contact)
2 (shots)
Hard Man's stage, Gemini Man's stage, Magnet Man's stage, Shadow Man's stage
Tama MM3 - Tama.png A giant cat that tosses two yarn balls, which bounce around. If both are destroyed or leave the screen, it releases three tiny, hopping flea enemies, and cycles back to throwing yarn balls if the fleas are destroyed. It blocks Mega Man completely without harming him. 10 (Tama)
6 (yarn balls)
1 (fleas)
3 (yarn balls)
2 (fleas)
Top Man's stage

Robot Masters

Note: In addition to their primary weaknesses, all Robot Masters in this game are weak to their own weapons.

Name Sprite Description Stage Weapon Weakness
Spark Man MM3 - Spark Man.png Spark Man Stage Spark Shock Shadow Blade
Snake Man MM3 - Snake Man.png Snake Man Stage Search Snake Needle Cannon
Needle Man MM3 - Needle Man.png Needle Man Stage Needle Cannon Gemini Laser
Hard Man MM3 - Hard Man.png Hard Man Stage Hard Knuckle Magnet Missile
Top Man MM3 - Top Man.png Top Man Stage Top Spin Hard Knuckle
Gemini Man MM3 - Gemini Man.png Gemini Man's stage Gemini Laser Search Snake
Magnet Man MM3 - Magnet Man.png Magnet Man Stage Magnet Missile Spark Shock
Shadow Blade
Shadow Man MM3 - Shadow Man.png Shadow Man Stage Shadow Blade Top Spin

Doc Robots

Doc Robot artwork.

After beating the eight Robot Masters, Mega Man must complete a more challenging "Doc Robot" version of four of the stages. Every stage contains two Doc Robots - the first acting as a miniboss, the second as the stage boss - which fight by using the data of Robot Masters from Mega Man 2. Although sprites of these Robot Masters are briefly seen "entering" the Doc Robot from above, all Doc Robots use the same sprite in battle.

Each Doc Robot is weak to two weapons obtained from this game's Robot Masters, and does not grant a weapon when defeated.

Base Sprite Description Stage Weakness
Metal Man MM2 - Metal Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
Fights by jumping very high and throwing between two and four buzzsaw projectiles at Mega Man, which are fast and move in a straight line. Spark Man Stage (Doc Robot) Hard Knuckle
Magnet Missile
Quick Man MM2 - Quick Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
An agile boss who runs and leaps around the room while throwing sets of three Quick Boomerangs at Mega Man. Spark Man Stage (Doc Robot) Search Snake
Gemini Laser
Air Man MM2 - Air Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
Air Man is able to unleash small tornados from across the room, which form specific patterns and block Mega Man's shots. Needle Man Stage (Doc Robot) Spark Shock
Magnet Missile
Crash Man MM2 - Crash Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
A boss that jumps into the air and drops bombs on Mega Man, which explode after a delay. Needle Man Stage (Doc Robot) Hard Knuckle
Top Spin
Flash Man MM2 - Flash Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
A boss that can stop time and shoot at Mega Man while he's unable to move. Gemini Man Stage (Doc Robot) Needle Cannon
Gemini Laser
Bubble Man MM2 - Bubble Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
Bubble Man is fought underwater, beneath a ceiling of deadly spikes. Mega Man must dodge his bubbles and straight-moving projectiles without jumping too high, or use the Rush Marine. Gemini Man Stage (Doc Robot) Spark Shock
Needle Cannon
Wood Man MM2 - Wood Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
Throws his spinning Leaf Shield forwards and causes leaves to fall from above. The Leaf Shield is larger than in Mega Man 2. Shadow Man Stage (Doc Robot) Search Snake
Needle Cannon
Heat Man MM2 - Heat Man.png
MM3 - Doc Robot.png
Throws exploding fire pellets or zips around the room, becoming briefly invincible as he lights himself on fire. Shadow Man Stage (Doc Robot) Shadow Blade
Top Spin

Other Bosses

All of these bosses except Break Man are fought in Dr. Wily's fortress.

Name Sprite Description Stage Weakness
Break Man MM3 - Break Man.png Acts identical to the Proto Man miniboss, but can only be harmed with the Mega Buster. Break Man Stage N/A
Kamegoro Maker MM3 - Kamegoro Maker.png An invincible machine that creates Kamegoros, turtle robots that bounce around. Destroying the Kamegoros hurts it, and they will bounce faster the lowers its health becomes. Wily Stage 1 Search Snake
Hard Knuckle
Top Spin
Shadow Blade
Yellow Devil Mark 2 MM3 - Yellow Devil Mark 2.png An upgraded version of the Yellow Devil. It regularly moves to the other side of the room by breaking up into pieces, which either fly across one by one and reassemble at their destination (like the original Yellow Devil) or bounce along the ground at a faster pace. Once fully formed, it opens it eye, which is also its only weak point, to fire projectiles at Mega Man before repeating the process. Wily Stage 2 Hard Knuckle
Shadow Blade
Holograph Mega Mans MM3 - Mega Man.png MM3 - Mega Man.png MM3 - Mega Man.png Three copies of Mega Man that run across different platforms while shooting directly at Mega Man, then teleport to switch positions. Only one of them is "real" and can be harmed. Wily Stage 3 Search Snake
Top Spin
Wily Machine 3 (phase 1) MM3 - Wily Machine 3 (phase 1).png Wily Stage 5 Spark Shock
Hard Knuckle
Wily Machine 3 (phase 2) MM3 - Wily Machine 3 (phase 2).png Wily Stage 5 Hard Knuckle
Gamma (phase 1) MM3 - Gamma (phase 1).png Wily Stage 6 Hard Knuckle
Shadow Blade
Gamma (phase 2) MM3 - Gamma (phase 2).png Wily Stage 6 Search Snake
Top Spin


Name Sprite Description
Mega Buster MM3 - Mega Buster.png
Search Snake MM3 - Search Snake.png
Top Spin MM3 - Top Spin.png
Shadow Blade MM3 - Shadow Blade.png
Spark Shock MM3 - Spark Shock.png
Magnet Missile MM3 - Magnet Missile.png
Hard Knuckle MM3 - Hard Knuckle.png
Needle Cannon MM3 - Needle Cannon.png
Gemini Laser MM3 - Gemini Laser.png

Rush Transformations

Name Sprite Description
Rush Coil MM3 - Rush Mega Man.pngMM3 - Rush Coil.png
Rush Jet MM3 - Rush Mega Man.pngMM3 - Rush Jet.png
Rush Marine MM3 - Rush Mega Man.pngMM3 - Rush Marine.png


Spark Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Snake Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Needle Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Hard Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Top Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Gemini Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Magnet Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Shadow Man's stage (Mega Man 3)Mega Man 3 Boss Select Screen
About this image


Name Sprite Description
1 UP MM3 - 1 UP.png
Energy Pellet File:MM3 - Energy Pellet.png
Energy Tank File:MM3 - Energy Tank.png
Surprise Box MM3 - Surprise Box.png
Weapon Capsule File:MM3 - Weapon Capsule.png

Relation to other Games

Classic era

Mega Man Legacy Collection

Name Time Limit Unlock condition Related Games
MM3 Remix 1 ??:??:?? Complete 10 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
Yellow Devil Mk-II (challenge) ??:??:?? Complete 10 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
MM3 Remix 2 ??:??:?? Complete 13 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
MM3 Robot Rush ??:??:?? Complete 13 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
Wily Machine 3 (challenge) ??:??:?? Complete 13 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
MM3 Mega Mix ??:??:?? Complete 13 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
MM1-3 Mashup ??:??:?? Complete 17 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
MM3 Robot Rush (No Items) ??:??:?? Complete 44 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
All appearing blocks (No Items) ??:??:?? Complete 50 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man
All Robot Rush (No Items) ??:??:?? Complete 50 or More Challenges to Unlock Mega Man

Icon Title Unlocked by Related Games
MMLC - The End of Dr. Wily?!.png The End of Dr. Wily?! Turn Gamma to scrap metal and complete Mega Man 3. Mega Man 3

Super Smash Bros. series

Name Source Game Weapon Assist Trophy Smash Tour Item Boss Stage Mii Costume Enemy Trophy Spirit Music
Bass Mega Man 3, Mega Man 7 and Mega Man 10 Mega Legends - part of Mega Man's Final Smash N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A File:SSBU - Bass and Treble.png 866 - File:SSBU - Bass.png N/A
Hard Man Mega Man 3 Hard Knuckle, Mega Man's Down aerial N/A N/A N/A Wily Castle (Wii U and Ultimate) N/A N/A N/A 889 - SSBU - Hard Man.png File:SSBU - Hard Man Stage.oga

File:SSBU - Mega Man 3 Retro Medley.oga

Mega Man (Classic era) Mega Man, Mega Man 2, Mega Man 3, Mega Man 4, Mega Man 5, Mega Man 6, Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8, Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, Super Adventure Rockman, Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters Mega Buster N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 864 - File:SSBU - Mega Man.png N/A
Proto Man Mega Man 3, Mega Man 10 Mega Legends - part of Mega Man's Final Smash N/A SSB4 - Proto Man Smash Tour.png N/A N/A Proto Man's Armor, Proto Man's Helmet N/A File:SSB4 - Proto Man Trophy.png 865 - File:SSBU - Proto Man.png N/A
Rush Mega Man 3 Rush Coil - part of Mega Man's Up special N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A File:SSB4 - Rush Coil.png 869 - File:SSBU - Rush.png N/A
Shadow Man Mega Man 3 Shadow Blade, Mega Man's Custom neutral special 1 N/A N/A N/A Wily Castle (Wii U and Ultimate) N/A N/A N/A 893 - SSBU - Shadow Man.png File:SSBU - Shadow Man Stage.oga

File:SSBU - Mega Man 3 Retro Medley.oga

Snake Man Mega Man 3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Wily Castle (Wii U and Ultimate) N/A N/A N/A 891 - SSBU - Snake Man.png File:SSBU - Snake Man Stage.oga

File:SSBU - Mega Man 3 Retro Medley.oga

Spark Man Mega Man 3 Spark Shock, Mega Man's Up smash N/A N/A N/A Smash Run and Wily Castle (Wii U and Ultimate) N/A N/A N/A 892 - SSBU - Spark Man.png File:SSBU - Snake Man Stage.oga

File:SSBU - Mega Man 3 Retro Medley.oga

Top Man Mega Man 3 Top Spin, Mega Man's Dash attack N/A N/A N/A Wily Castle (Wii U and Ultimate) N/A N/A N/A 890 - SSBU - Top Man.png File:SSBU - Top Man Stage.oga

File:SSBU - Mega Man 3 Retro Medley.oga

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