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Mega Man Battle Network 2

From Mega Man Wiki
Game Info
Box Art
General information
Game Title(s):Mega Man Battle Network 2, Battle Network Rockman.EXE
Publisher(s):Capcom (JP, NA), Ubi Soft (EU)
Release Date(s):
Game Boy Advance:
JP: December 14, 2001
NA: June 17, 2002
EU: October 18, 2002
Virtual Console: 
Wii U:
JP: November 12, 2014
NA: January 8, 2015
EU: May 14, 2015
Genre(s):Action, RPG
Game mode(s):Single Player, 2-Player Competitive
Platform(s):Game Boy Advance

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Mega Man Battle Network 2, known in Japan as known in Japan as Battle Network Rockman.EXE 2 (バトルネットワーク ロックマンエグゼ2, Batoru Nettowāku Rokkuman Eguze Tsū) is the second entry of the main Battle Network series, developed by Capcom and released for the Game Boy Advance in 2002.


Chapter 1 (Boss: AirMan.EXE)

On the last day of ACDC elementary school,in DenCity, Lan rushes to get in the class, luckily he gets on time. MegaMan and he remembers that today is vacation time, and report card. Now they plans for vacation with his friends. When Ms. Mari arrives to the class, she announces the report card first, then she dismmis all students. Dex talks that opened an "Square" on the net, and he said that place call all "City NetBattlers", even though he doesn't know what it means, and he invites Lan, Mayl and Yai. When Lan arrives to his house, Haruka remembers that he gets the report card, for unlucky of him, and your mother got suprised that and Lan have to apologize this.

MegaMan then arrives to Square entrace after the homework of Lan, but his friends were because of waiting, and they go to Square and takes an exam. After completing the exam and received the "Chip Selection Folder" and Z License, they jack out, and receives an phone call from Glyde, Yai's NetNavi. He talks that she is on trouble because of her bathroom's gaspowered water heater is acting strange and he decides to check the alarm that dispared, all of Lan's friends heared about that and they went to Yai's house, but before that, Mayl gives an Roll's Navi Chip. Lan discovers that her house is filled with gas, and Dex fainted. For unlucky of Lan, the switch doesn't work to use fan, but MegaMan suggested to jack in on Gas Computer.

Meanwhile, MegaMan fixes the ventilator outside to help Dex, and Glyde. But Suddently, An Ventilator-like Navi appeared, and he discovers that the guy from gas company is operator of AirMan, he explains that he do this because of his theating that if he don't get the money, he will faint an rich kid and gets 20mi easy. MegaMan deletes sucessively and Lan carried Yai to his room and saved her life.

Chapter 2 (Boss: QuickMan.EXE)

After the gas incident and some days the vacation to start, Lan and MegaMan are talking about their vacation plans, and they decide to go camping, then Lan invites all friends. Lan arrives to Marine Harbor to get an BLicense, and he meets an announcer DNN News woman called Ribitta, she also NetBattle with Lan with her Navi ToadMan. After getting the License, Lan finishes the day.

MegaMan wakes up Lan becuase he's late for camping. His friends travel to Okuden Valley campground. They and Chaud went through many obstacles like bees and an fake bear, now to eat, Dex send an order to preparate the BBQ time, because he's the learder of the camp. But after they eat, they heard an explosion, Lan investigatethat explosion, luckily Chaud sends an phone call explaining that he is inside on the dam and he was here because of an ad on the board in Square last nite and Chaud recon that, he discovered that an time bomb would explode in the dam, the mission to Lan is delete the detonator explosion program on the bombs. Lan finds the first bomb and jacks in to the Bomb Computer,

Lan finds the three bombs and he finds an Navi on the last bomb, this Navi is QuickMan, he's operator of Speedy Dave, he decides to fight because to do an "quick lesson" to MegaMan and Lan. But he's defeated and something unexpected was revealed, QuickMan WAS the detonation program. Luckily ProtoMan deleted the program without exploding, then Chaud arrest Speedy Dave and Lan was interviewed.

Chapter 3:(Boss:CutMan.EXE)




MegaMan encounters Viruses randomly while moving around in cyberspace, or during specific scripted events. A virus encounter halts the action and takes the player to a special battle screen, on which one or more viruses must be defeated (or fled from using the Escape chip) in order to return to cyberworld map. The type and formation of these viruses is picked at random, from a number of predefined options for the current area.

When he emerges victorious from a battle, MegaMan is graded with a rank (Busting Level) based on performance and usually receives a reward of Zennys or Battle Chips, depending on his Busting Level and the types of viruses he deleted.

Name Sprite Description HP Damage Element Battle Chip(s)
Beetank 80 15 None LilBomb, MiniBomb E
Beetank2 120 40 None CrosBomb
Beetank3 160 80 None BigBomb
BrushMan 100 n/a None HolyPanl
BrushMan2 100 n/a None none
BrushMan3 200 n/a None none
Bunny 40 15 Elec ZapRing1
TuffBunny 80 60 Elec ZapRing2
MegaBunny 120 90 Elec ZapRing3
CanDevil Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. 130 60 Heat Candle1
CanDevil2 Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. 160 100 Heat Candle2
CanDevil3 Moves to MegaMan's height and sends fire straight forward. It constantly recovers health unless the candle behind it is destroyed. 300 160 Heat Candle3
Canodumb Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. 50 10 None Cannon
Canodumb2 Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. 90 50 None HiCannon
Canodumb3 Periodically scans the row in front of it with a crosshair. If MegaMan is caught in it, it shoots at him. 150 100 None M-Cannon
Cloudy Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. 80 30 Aqua LilCloud
Cloudy2 Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. 140 80 Aqua MedCloud
Cloudy3 Blows clouds towards MegaMan's current column, which go up and down the column, raining down on him. It repeatedly flies into the air and slowly floats down, causing many attacks to miss if it is too high up. 220 130 Aqua BigCloud
Dominerd 100 100 None CrsShld1
Dominerd2 130 150 None CrsShld2
Dominerd3 200 200 None CrsShld3
Fishy Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. 80 50 None DashAtk
Fishy2 Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height, leaving a trail of flames behind. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. 150 100 Heat BodyBurn
Fishy3 Moves up and down and speeds towards MegaMan when it is at the same height, leaving a trail of flames behind. After it leaves the screen on the left, it reappears in its column. 300 100 None n/a
Flamey 90 20 Heat LineOut
Flamey2 130 40 Heat n/a
Flamey3 160 60 Heat n/a
Flappy Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking the panel. 100 20 None Quake1
Flappy2 Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking up to 5 panels in a plus shape. 180 40 None Quake2
Flappy3 Hops around with pauses and occasionally teleports to MegaMan's position, crashing down as a heavy weight and cracking up to 9 panels in a square shape. 240 100 None Quake3
Handy Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. 80 50 None TimeBom1
Handy2 Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. 120 80 None TimeBom2
Handy3 Moves around and drops a time bomb on MegaMan's area, which causes explosions to ripple forward across all rows if not destroyed quickly. 200 200 None TimeBom3
HardHead A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. 60 50 None CannBall
HardHead2 A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. 100 80 None N/A
HardHead3 A stationary enemy that occasionally opens its mouth to fire a cannonball at MegaMan, which breaks a panel if it misses. It can only be harmed while attacking. 160 150 None N/A
KillPlant 100 60 Wood TreeBom1
KillWeed 160 100 Wood TreeBom2
KillFleur 220 160 Wood TreeBom3
Lavagon 300 100 Fire LavaDrag
Bluegon 200 100 Aqua N/A
Yellogon 200 100 Elec N/A
Magneaker 160 80 Elec MagBomb1
Magmacker 200 100 Elec MagBomb2
Magnoid 240 140 Elec MagBomb3
MegalianA A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 10 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. 100 100 Aqua AquaAura A
MegalianH A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 40 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. 150 150 Heat FireAura R
MegalianW A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 80 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. 200 200 Wood WoodAura S
MegalianE A floating head inside a barrier, which requires attacks with at least 100 strength to break through. It launches its face forward to attack, leaving it vulnerable outside the barrier. 250 250 Elec ElecAura L
Mettaur Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. 40 10 None ShockWav, Guard *
Mettaur2 Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. If there are multiple, the idle ones hides under their helmets, becoming invulnerable. 80 40 None SonicWav, Guard *
Mettaur3 Follows MegaMan vertically and sends shockwaves forward when at the same height. Only one Mettaur can attack at a time. If there are multiple, the idle ones hides under their helmets, becoming invulnerable. 100 80 None DynaWave, Guard *
MettFire 100 30 Fire Meteor9
FullFire 150 80 Fire Meteor12
DeathFire 200 120 Fire Meteor15
Mole A rare virus that pops up from one of three holes at random and must be hit within an increasingly short timeframe. Hitting it 10 times yields a special chip. 10 N/A None PopUp
Mole2 A rare virus that pops up from one of three holes at random and must be hit within an increasingly short timeframe. Hitting it 800 times yields a special chip. 800 N/A None VarSwrd, Meteor18, AirShoes
Mushy 90 20 Wood Spice1
Mashy 140 40 Wood Spice2
Moshy 200 80 Wood Spice3
Null 100 40 Aqua Whirlpl
Void 160 60 Aqua Blckhole
Null&Void 220 80 Aqua n/a
Octon 120 50 (base) Aqua AquaBall
Octor 200 80 (base) Elec ElecBall
Octovian 320 150 (base) Heat HeatBall
Popper Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. 300 80 Wood N/A
Popper2 Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. 150 80 Wood LeafShld
Popper3 Drops in from the ceiling and start a wood spike attack, which which travels forward panel-by-panel and can adjust its path up or down to home in on MegaMan. 200 80 Wood DropDown S
Protecto 200 200 None N/A
Protecto2 350 300 None N/A
Protecto3 620 500 None N/A
Puffball 160 20 (shield) Wood PoisMask
Poofball 220 50 (shield) Wood PoisFace
Goofball 300 100 (shield) Wood N/A
Puffy A stationary enemy that releases a bouncing bubble, which follows MegaMan. The bubble can be destroyed, but explodes in a 3x3 square, which can still cause damage. 100 50 Aqua BubSprd
Buffy A stationary enemy that releases a bouncing bubble, which follows MegaMan. The bubble can be destroyed, but explodes in a 3x3 square, which can still cause damage. 200 100 Heat HeatSprd
Poofy A stationary enemy that releases a bouncing bubble, which follows MegaMan. The bubble can be destroyed, but explodes in a 3x3 square, which can still cause damage. 300 100 Aqua N/A
Ratty A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. 60 50 None Ratton1
Ratty2 A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. 100 80 None Ratton2
Ratty3 A rat that teleports around quickly and launches seeker projectiles forward, which change direction once. Its speed doubles while at half health, making it hard to hit. 160 120 None Ratton3
RedUFO 80 40 Elec Catcher N
BlueUFO 100 60 Elec N/A
GreenUFO 150 80 Elec N/A
Scutz File:MMBN2 - Scutz.png 200 120 Fire LifeAur1
Scuttle File:MMBN2 - Scuttle.png 200 100 Aqua LifeAur1
Scuttler File:MMBN2 - Scuttler.png 200 100 Elec LifeAur1
Scuttzer File:MMBN2 - Scuttzer.png 200 160 Wood LifeAur1
Scuttlest File:MMBN2 - Scuttlest.png 300 160 None LifeAur2
Shadow 80 90 None Shadow1
RedDevil 160 140 None Shadow2
BlueDemon 200 190 None Shadow3
Shellgeek 100 30x2 Aqua DoubNdl
Shellnerd 140 50x2 Aqua TripNdl
Shellman 180 100x2 Aqua QuadNdl
Shrimpy 100 50 Aqua Bubbler
Shrimpy2 130 100 Aqua Bub-V
Shrimpy3 160 150 Aqua BubCross
Snapper 120 40+80 Wood Kunai1
Snapper2 180 60+120 Wood Kunai2
Snapper3 250 80+160 Wood Kunai3
Sparky 100 40 Elec Satelit1G
Sparkler 120 80 Elec Satelit2
Sparknoid 150 120 Elec Satelit3
Spikey 90 20 Heat HeatShot
Spikey2 120 60 Heat Heat-V
Spikey3 200 120 Heat HeatCros
Spooky Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. 50 30 None Invis1, Recov30 H, Recov50 N
Spooky2 Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. 80 80 None Invis2, Recov50 G, Recov80 F
Spooky3 Teleports to a different row when MegaMan moves to its current one, making it hard to hit. Occasionally, it teleports in front of him to attack with its fast tongue. It can heal itself and other viruses. 120 140 None Invis3, Recov80 O, Recov120 S
Swordy Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. 90 40 None LongSwrd
Swordy2 Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. 140 50 Heat FireSwrd
Swordy3 Moves towards MegaMan and tries to slash at him with a long sword or wide sword. It can steal panels to try and corner him. 200 100 Aqua AquaSwrd
Twisty A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. 80 30 Elec Remobit1
Twisty2 A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. 100 50 Elec Remobit2
Twisty3 A stationary enemy that creates a flying drone, which moves across MegaMan's area and zaps each panel with lightning one by one, destroying them. The only way to remove the drone is to take out the Twisty. 300 70 Elec Remobit3
WindBox 60 N/A None Wind
VacuumFan 90 N/A None Fan
StormBox 200 N/A None N/A
Yort 120 20 None Yo-Yo1
Yurt 180 40 None Yo-Yo2
Yart 240 80 None Yo-Yo3


Bosses are strong, unique enemies, usually NetNavis controlled by other characters or operating on their own, who fought in oftentimes complex or pattern-heavy duels. Beating them may be required for progression, and may yield special rewards, like a unique BattleChip of the boss or another useful item.

To obtain all of these rewards, bosses typically need to be challenged multiple times, which can happen in different ways, depending on the type of boss.

Story Bosses

These bosses are fought at a certain point as part of the game's main story. They cannot be skipped, and most can only be refought by locating their "ghosts" hidden around on the internet, which are tougher versions of the boss that yield better rewards.

Friendly Bosses

Various "friendly" NetNavis appear throughout the game, controlled by NPCs that Lan can talk to and challenge to a NetBattle for rewards at any time. While these can be completely optional, certain access points may be locked behind the first victory against such an opponent, and they may also be required for story progression. Some story bosses become friendly after their defeat, allowing the player to refight these by seeking out their operators.

Losing against friendly bosses does not normally result in a Game Over, reinforcing the amicable nature of the battles and allowing the player to try as many times as they like.

Post-game Bosses

Some optional bosses can be found hidden on the internet. They are considered "post-game" content, as they are high-level challenges with no relevance to the main story.

Boss Sprite Operator
PharaohMan.EXE None
NapalmMan.EXE None
PlanetMan.EXE None
Bass.EXE None


Battle Chips



Relation to other Games

Relation to other media


External Links

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