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Storm Eagle

From Mega Man Wiki
(Redirected from Storm Eagleed L)
Artwork from Mega Man X.
MMX Xtreme MHX
Stage portrait(s)/Dialogue portrait(s)
General information
Name(s):Storm Eagle, Storm Eagleed
Title(s):Prince of the Skies,[1][2] Nobleman of the Skies[3]
Lore Details
Affiliation(s):Maverick Hunters, Mavericks
Other Media:
Stage(s):X1: Snow Mountain Stage
XT1: Snowfield Stage
MHX: Abandoned Missile Base
Game Info
Weapon(s): Storm Tornado
Speed Devil
Weakness(es): Chameleon Sting
Spin Wheel
Sonic Slicer
Sting Chameleon weapons
Behind the Scenes
Designer(s):Keiji Inafune[3]
Voice (JP):Daisuke Kageura
Voice (EN):Tommy James

Storm Eagle, known as Storm Eagleed (ストーム・イーグリード) in Japan, is a Maverick from the X era, first appearing as one of the main bosses in Mega Man X. He is a wind-themed Reploid based on an eagle, with the ability to fly and create gusts of wind. He was a Maverick Hunter serving in the 7th Airborne Unit until he joined Sigma's rebellion.

In the Games

Mega Man X

Sprite from Mega Man X.

Storm Eagle debuted in Mega Man X as one of the eight Mavericks on the Stage Select screen. He serves as the boss of Sky Stage. The Japanese game manual states he is a former Maverick Hunter of the 7th Airborne Unit who initially fought against Sigma's rebellion, but was defeated and forced into servitude. He has taken control of an airport using the Death Rogumer, an aerial battleship.[4]

Storm Eagle's attacks are dangerous for their ability to push X off the boss arena to his doom, but using the Foot Parts's Dash ability effectively counters this threat. Defeating Storm Eagle grants X the Storm Tornado and causes the Death Rogumer to crash into Power Plant Stage, cutting its power. His weakness is the Chameleon Sting from Sting Chameleon, though it only deals increased damage with no extra effects. A boss attack rematch with Storm Eagle later occurs in Sigma Stage 2.

Mega Man Xtreme

Sprite from Mega Man Xtreme.

In Mega Man Xtreme, Storm Eagle returns as a digitized Maverick in the Mother Computer. He is one of the four bosses in Normal Mode, being the boss of Sky Stage. He again yields Storm Tornado to X, but because Sting Chameleon is not in this game, Eagle's weakness is changed to Wheel Gator's Spin Wheel. Storm Eagle is later part of the boss attack in Sigma Stage 3.

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Render from Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.

In the remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Storm Eagle receives a redesign but plays largely the same role as in Mega Man X, being the boss of New-type Airport. He was forced to work for Sigma and is reluctant to fight X, but finds himself with no other choice.

For X, Eagle is still weak to Chameleon Sting and yields Storm Tornado upon his defeat, while for Vile he is weak to weapons obtained from Sting Chameleon (Cerberus Phantom or Rising Specter) and yields the Speed Devil upgrade. In Hard Mode, he gains a new attack where he casts feather lasers from above while flapping his wings. Eagle's boss attack rematch later occurs in Sigma Palace 2.

Storm Eagle appears in the included animation "The Day of Sigma" , which is set before the events of the game. He briefly speaks with Zero after his virtual training, calling him to a briefing to find the Mechaniloid hackers. He is then deployed by Sigma after X and Zero find the hackers murdered.

Mega Man X DiVE

In Mega Man X DiVE, Irregular Data of Storm Eagle appears as the boss of the event Prince of the Skies. His defeat unlocks the Chip for Storm Tornado.

A variant of Storm Eagle called Flaming Storm Eagle appeared in the New Years 2020 event, Auspicious Dream of the New Year. He fights with fire and festival attacks in addition to his usual wind attacks.

Other Game Appearances

Other Media

Official Data

Source Data
Mega Man X Leader of the 7th Airborne Unit, and a taciturn, careful strategist. Eagle's first reaction to Sigma's uprising was to fight against him, but realizing he was severely outmatched, he decided to join Sigma rather than be destroyed. Now he has taken control of the Death Rogumer, a new class of aerial battleship.[2]
  • Height: 8.20 ft[5]
  • Weight: 275 lb[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan Captain of the 7th Airborne Unit, skilled in aerial combat. A powerful Reploid who uses a Special Weapon called Storm Tornado, which he uses to hit his enemies from a dive or to create a gust of wind to blow them away. He fought Sigma and tried to stop the rebellion, but was defeated and became his subordinate. He is occupying an airport aboard a new type of aerial warship, the Death Rogumer.[JP]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka Uses a Special Weapon called Storm Tornado to make gusts of wind to blow away enemies. Good at aerial combat.[JP]
  • Height: 250 cm
  • Weight: 135 kg
  • Max Power: 2700rp
  • Max Speed: 9000rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) Captain of the 7th Airborne Unit. Initially, he fought against the rebels, but after losing a battle with Sigma, he became his subordinate. In order to cut off the air routes, he pilots a new battleship and takes over an airport.[JP]
Compendium of Rockman X (XT1) A Reploid who was the captain of the 7th Airborne Unit. He fought against the rebels alongside X and the others, but was defeated in a battle with Sigma and surrendered. Appeared in Mega Man X.[JP]
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Leader of the 7th Air Squadron, his forte is lightning-quick dog fights and air battles. Always calm, cool and collected, he doesn't talk much and can be difficult to approach, though he is very popular with his men. When the rebellion broke out, he tried his best to stop Sigma, but was forced to bow to Sigma's immense power and now works for him. When Storm Eagle is controlling the skies with a new air destroyer, no one gets past him, through the air at least.
Mega Man X DiVE He was the captain of irregular hunters of the 7th Airborne Unit. This calm, level-headed unit has a strong sense of justice, and is well respected in the unit. This unit excels at air combat with an unpredictable Diving and Gust. [sic]

Source Data
Rockman X 第7空挺部隊の隊長を勤めるレプリロイド。 シグマの反乱に対し彼を制止しようとしたが、彼の圧倒的な戦闘力の前に敗れ、屈服して彼の 配下となる。新型の空中戦艦デスログマーを率 いて空港を制圧し、空路の遮断を謀る。無慎重な策士である。[4]
  • 身長: 163cm[5]
  • 体重: 108kg[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan 空中戦に強い第7空挺部隊の隊長。急降下からの体あたりや、突風をおこして敵をふきとばす特殊武器,ストームトルネードをつかう強力なレプリロイド。シグマとたたかい、反乱をとめようとしたのだが、敗北してシグマの部下となってしまう。新型の空中戦艦デスログマーにのって、空港を占領している。
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka 突風をおこして 敵をふきとばす特 殊武器、ストーム トルネードをつかう。空中戦に強い。
  • 身長: 250cm
  • 体重: 135kg
  • 最大パワー: 2700rр
  • 最高スピード: 9000rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) 第7空部隊の隊長。当初は反乱軍と戦っていたが、シグマ との対決に敗れて配下となる。空路を断するため、新型 戦艦を率いて空港を乗っ取った。
Compendium of Rockman X (XC) 第7空挺部隊の隊長を務めていたレプリロイド。エックスた ちとともに反乱軍と戦っていたが、シグマとの戦いに敗れ て屈服した。「ロックマンX」に登場。
Irregular Hunter X TBA
Rockman X DiVE TBA

Behind the Scenes

Developer Commentary

"Inafune did Eagle and Penguin, Kaji designed Mandrill, Octopus, and Chameleon. Mammoth, Armadillo, and Kuwanger were Tazaki's. Even as I watched them work, I could really see each of their distinct flavors coming out in their illustrations." - (Tatsuya Yoshikawa)[3]


Language Name Origin
Japanese Storm Eagleed (ストーム・イーグリード) Named after the eagle.
English Storm Eagle


  1. Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. 2005.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Mega Man X Legacy Collection. 2018.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Spec, Stage Select, Mega Man X. 1993.