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From Mega Man Wiki
The Maverick insignia in Mega Man X.

A Maverick, known as an Irregular (イレギュラー) in Japan, is a classification of robot in the Mega Man series. First appearing in Mega Man X, the term is used extensively throughout the X era, Zero era, and ZX era, coming to generally mean any robot whose behavior is dangerous to others or contrary to the laws of society.

In the Games

X era

Mega Man X

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Launch Octopus
Homing Torpedo Rolling Shield
Chill Penguin
Shotgun Ice Fire Wave
Flame Mammoth
Fire Wave Storm Tornado
Boomer Kuwanger
Boomerang Cutter Homing Torpedo
Sting Chameleon
Chameleon Sting Boomerang Cutter
Spark Mandrill
Electric Spark Shotgun Ice
Storm Eagle
Storm Tornado Chameleon Sting
Armored Armadillo
Rolling Shield Electric Spark

The term Maverick was introduced in Mega Man X. The Japanese game manual says the word was originally used for defective Reploids whose behavior threatened to harm humans or fellow Reploids, resulting in them being branded as Mavericks. This begat the formation of the Maverick Hunters, an organization dedicated to controlling Maverick activity.[1] However, the term gained political connotation when Sigma staged his rebellion against humanity, recruiting Maverick Hunters to harm others of their own free will, without any defects or diagnosis. Sigma and all those who followed him, including Vile, eight major Maverick Hunters, and all their Mechaniloid armies, were declared Mavericks. Sigma also branded this army with an insignia shaped like the Greek letter sigma (Σ), which would go on to become the universal symbol for Mavericks.

This game introduced the formula of eight Stage Select bosses, often called the "eight Mavericks". Similar to Robot Masters in the Classic era, X must fight eight animal or plant-inspired Mavericks on the Stage Select screen, gaining their Special Weapons, in order to enter the Last Stages.

These eight Mavericks also return for the game's remake, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. They all have new redesigns and unique dialogue to better showcase their personalities and motives.

Mega Man X2

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Wire Sponge
Strike Chain Sonic Slicer
Morph Moth
Silk Shot Speed Burner
Flame Stag
Speed Burner Bubble Splash
Magna Centipede
Magnet Mine Silk Shot
Overdrive Ostrich
Sonic Slicer Crystal Hunter
Bubble Crab
Bubble Splash Spin Wheel
Wheel Gator
Spin Wheel Strike Chain
Crystal Snail
Crystal Hunter Magnet Mine

In Mega Man X2, there are still remnants of Sigma's Maverick rebellion, now laying low until the new leaders, the X-Hunters, put their new plans into motion. Two major developments occur: first, the Mavericks begin intentionally creating more Mavericks bearing Sigma's mark in secret factories. Second, Magna Centipede spreads the Maverick Virus around the world via the Central Computer Stage, a virus which can force Reploids to go Maverick against their best judgement. These developments would have repercussions for the rest of the X era.

The eight Maverick bosses are five former Maverick Hunters from Sigma's rebellion, plus three new recruits.

Mega Man X3

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Blast Hornet
Parasitic Bomb Gravity Well
Blizzard Buffalo
Frost Shield Parasitic Bomb
Gravity Beetle
Gravity Well Ray Splasher
Toxic Seahorse
Acid Burst Frost Shield
Volt Catfish
Triad Thunder Tornado Fang
Crush Crawfish
Spinning Blade Triad Thunder
Tunnel Rhino
Tornado Fang Acid Burst
Neon Tiger
Ray Splasher Spinning Blade

In Mega Man X3, Mavericks are briefly believed to be a thing of the past with Sigma gone and once Dr. Doppler finds a way to cure Reploids of the Maverick Virus (now called the Sigma Virus). However, the illusion is dashed when Doppler reveals his own evil ambitions, and that the entirety of Dopple Town, including many visitors, are now his Maverick servants. Some unrelated Reploids, such as Gravity Beetle, sympathize with the rebellion and join too. This forms the Doppler Army, a new Maverick force led by Dr. Doppler and his Nightmare Police: Bit and Byte.

The eight Maverick bosses are members of the Doppler Army, of their own free will or due to the Sigma Virus.

Mega Man X4

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Web Spider
Lightning Web
Twin Slasher
Cyber Peacock
Aiming Laser
Soul Body
Storm Owl
Double Cyclone
Aiming Laser
Magma Dragoon
Rising Fire
Double Cyclone
Jet Stingray
Ground Hunter
Frost Tower
Split Mushroom
Soul Body
Lightning Web
Slash Beast
Twin Slasher
Ground Hunter
Frost Walrus
Frost Tower
Rising Fire

In Mega Man X4, the term Maverick is further complicated as a political tool. After being blamed for the Sky Lagoon incident, Repliforce stages a coup d'état in order to escape to space and establish their own independent Reploid nation. Despite not outright seeking to destroy humanity, all of their forces are branded as Maverick for their dangerous disobedience and the Maverick Hunters are sent after them. This includes the top brass, General and Colonel, who spearheaded the movement. Additionally, Sigma retains some loyal Maverick agents who work amidst the chaos, such as Double.

The eight Maverick bosses are five members of Repliforce, plus three agents of Sigma. As this game was Zero's fully playable debut, this also offers Techniques for Zero, alongside X's Special Weapons.

Mega Man X5

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Crescent Grizzly
Crescent Shot
Crescent Sword
Spike Ball
Twin Dream
Volt Kraken
Electric Blade
Goo Shaver
Frost Splasher
Shining Firefly
Flash Laser
Chaos Flasher
Electric Blade
Tidal Whale
Goo Shaver
Frost Splasher
Crescent Shot
Crescent Sword
Spiral Pegasus
Wing Spiral
Wind Shredder
Dark Hold
Spike Rosered
Spike Ball
Twin Dream
Ground Fire
Quake Blazer
Dark Necrobat
Dark Hold
Flash Laser
Chaos Flasher
Burn Dinorex
Ground Fire
Quake Blazer
Wing Spiral
Wind Shredder

In Mega Man X5, Sigma spreads the Sigma Virus across the entire planet. This results in much of the world going Maverick simultaneously, causing a global disaster. While the Maverick Hunters rush to stop the crash of Eurasia, they confront a variety of Reploids — some innocents corrupted by the Sigma Virus, others already engaging in illegal activities — who refuse to cooperate despite the dire circumstances and must be fought. Additionally, Zero may go Maverick if he is exposed to the Zero Virus, restoring him to his Awakened Zero state.

The eight Maverick bosses are Reploids who own objects required for the Enigma and Space Shuttle missions.

Mega Man X6

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Commander Yammark
Yammar Option
Ray Arrow
Rainy Turtloid
Meteor Rain
Ice Burst
Shield Sheldon
Guard Shell
Metal Anchor
Blizzard Wolfang
Ice Burst
Magma Blade
Blaze Heatnix
Magma Blade
Ground Dash
Infinity Mijinion
Ray Arrow
Guard Shell
Metal Shark Player
Metal Anchor
Meteor Rain
Ground Scaravich
Ground Dash
Yammar Option

In Mega Man X6, Mavericks are again believed to be a thing of the past, as the Sigma Virus has disappeared and the world is focused on rebuilding from the Earth Crisis. However, wild Mavericks return when the mysterious Nightmare appears. Some Mavericks are manifestations of the Nightmare, while others are Reploids who have been infected by it and converted into zombie-like drones. As X investigates the strange new Mavericks, he comes into conflict with High Max and the Nightmare Investigators. They are secretly loyal to Gate, who plans to conquer the world using the Nightmare; this would classify him and all his followers as Mavericks.

The eight Maverick bosses are the Nightmare Investigators, creations of Gate who previously passed away and were resurrected to help his scheme.

Mega Man X7

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Soldier Stonekong
Gaea Shield


Splash Warfly
Splash Laser

Volt Tornado

Tornado Tonion
Volt Tornado

Gaea Shield

Vanishing Gungaroo

Wind Cutter

Flame Hyenard
Circle Blaze

Splash Laser

Ride Boarski
Moving Wheel

Circle Blaze

Snipe Anteator
Sniper Missile

Moving Wheel

Wind Crowrang
Wind Cutter

Sniper Missile


In Mega Man X7, the rebuilt world is susceptible to Maverick crime again. A bounty hunter syndicate called Red Alert arises to combat the rising Maverick presence, competing with the weakened Maverick Hunters. When their member Axl seeks asylum with the Hunters, Red challenges them over his custody. Red then releases Mavericks across the globe, goading the Hunters into a duel to determine which group is superior.[2] By doing so, Red Alert directly endangers the world's peace, making Red Alert Mavericks themselves. It is later revealed that Sigma blackmailed Red into this behavior by controlling the members of Red Alert (it is never directly stated what method Sigma used to control them, though it is widely theorized it was the Sigma Virus).

The eight Maverick bosses are the members of Red Alert.

Mega Man X8

Name Portrait Special Weapon Weakness
Optic Sunflower
Shining Ray
Ray Gun
Green Spinner
Blast Launcher
Gravity Antonion
Squeeze Bomb
Spiral Magnum
Shadow Runner
Black Arrow
Dark Mantis
Shadow Runner
Black Arrow
Shining Ray
Ray Gun
Bamboo Pandamonium
Green Spinner
Blast Launcher
Melt Creeper
Flame Burner
Gigabolt Man-O-War
Thunder Dancer
Plasma Gun
Crystal Wall
Bound Blaster
Earthrock Trilobyte
Crystal Wall
Bound Blaster
Squeeze Bomb
Spiral Magnum
Avalanche Yeti
Drift Diamond
Ice Gattling
Thunder Dancer
Plasma Gun
Burn Rooster
Melt Creeper
Flame Burner
Drift Diamond
Ice Gattling

In Mega Man X8, advanced Reploids called new generation Reploids are put into production to work on the Jakob Project. New generation Reploids are believed to be incapable of going Maverick due to their Copy Chips, which give them total control of their bodies and immunity to viruses.[3] However, they instead choose to go Maverick and organize a rebellion of their own accord, and joining Sigma to destroy the planet and start anew in space.[4][5] The term Maverick comes into question when Lumine argues the rebellion is a question of natural evolution, not good and evil.[6]

The eight Maverick bosses are rioting new generation Reploids. Additionally, this game introduced new Special Weapons for Axl that take the form of new firearms for him to wield.

Zero era

In the Zero era, the term Maverick maintains its definition, being used to describe dangerous robots. However, it is frequently misused by the dystopic Neo Arcadia to criminalize any Reploids its agenda requires, especially when Copy X begins branding random Reploids as Maverick, planning to execute them to slow an energy crisis. Neo Arcadia also uses the term to demonize rebels such as the Resistance, who sought freedom from the city's tyranny.[7] Zero himself, the protagonist of the story, is called a Maverick by his enemies for fighting to defend fellow Reploids and even humans from the dictatorship.[8] In Mega Man Zero 4, Dr. Weil began branding defiant or disobedient humans as Mavericks as well. His rule completely warped the original definition of the term, merely using it as a tool of fear and control.[9]

The term is also frequently used as a rhetoric tool. Zero once called Weil "just another Maverick", denying his humanity outright.[10] Aware of this, Weil used it ironically against Zero, taunting that he would become a Maverick if he killed him, a human.[11] However, Zero came to disregard this sentiment, declaring that he would fight for those he believed in, regardless of whether he was called a hero or a Maverick.[12]

ZX era

In the ZX era, humans and Reploids became nearly indistinguishable, resulting in usage of the term Maverick shifting slightly. Instead, it was more commonly used to describe the wild Mechaniloids influenced by Model W, which would evolve on their own and terrorize the Outlands.[13][14] These wild Mavericks would sometimes even attack Innerpeace, as Model W sought negativity from humanity in order to fully awaken. Any servants of Model W, such as Serpent, Prometheus and Pandora, or the rival Mega Men, were also capable of exercising leadership over these Mavericks to further Model W's evolution.[15]

In the final battle of Mega Man ZX, Vent (but not Aile) and Serpent use the term Maverick as an insult to demonize one another. Vent calls Serpent one for callously destroying people's lives,[16] while Serpent uses it against all of humanity, claiming that all who have hatred in their hearts are the true Mavericks.[17]


  • While most Maverick bosses in the Mega Man X series have descriptive titles (e.g. "Lord of the Snowy Plains" for Chill Penguin), the bosses of Mega Man X6 are the only ones who completely lack this feature.


  1. Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  2. Mega Man X7. 2003. Red: "I never imagined our little friend would end up in your hands, but in any case, I want Axl back. Now, don't you worry. I know he won't come back easily. So how about this? Like you, we are hunters. We've trashed our share of Mavericks. So how about a duel? A duel to determine who the real Maverick Hunters are. I'm sure you won't mind if we use the Mavericks that we've captured so far. So, the last one standing wins!"
  3. Mega Man X8. 2004. Alia: "I've completed the analysis of the Maverick data acquired so far. What makes new generation Reploids resistant to viruses is their copy chip. The copy chip can actually change a Reploid's DNA."
  4. Mega Man X8. 2004. X: "What does [Sigma] plan to do? You know, he's just using you. Nothing more." Burn Rooster: "Using me? If that's the price I have to pay to bring about the new world, so be it!"
  5. Mega Man X8. 2004. Lumine: "This decision to wage battle against the old world was made consciously. In other words, we possess the power to go Maverick at will!"
  6. Mega Man X8. 2004. Lumine: "Enemy, ally... This issue isn't so black and white. Reploids, along with humanity, have irrevocably changed. The nature of their existence has also changed. You are not needed in our new world!"
  7. Mega Man Zero. 2002. Ciel: "Welcome to our Resistance Base, Zero. This is a shelter for injured Reploids who are suspected of being Mavericks."
  8. Mega Man Zero 3. 2004. Copy X MK. II: "You have a monopoly on energy resources... And Zero, a Reploid with terrifying f-fighting skills... Y-you are nothing more than filthy extremists! Ciel... I was holding-ng back until now, because you were there, a human... Now, you can face the consequences, along with your Maverick friends!"
  9. Mega Man Zero 4. 2005. Neige: "Didn't you see us getting attacked just now? It's terrible. It doesn't matter anymore. Human or Reploid, it's all the same. Anyone that apposes Weil is treated like a Maverick."
  10. Mega Man Zero 3. 2004. Zero: "You look just like another Maverick to me. All I gotta do is dispose of you like any other Maverick."
  11. Mega Man Zero 4. 2005. Weil: "Zero... Can you really kill me? A human? Do you want to become a Maverick in front of her?"
  12. Mega Man Zero 4. 2005. Zero: "I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it!"
  13. Mega Man ZX. 2006. Prairie: "The sentient machines known as Mavericks continue to attack people."
  14. Mega Man ZX. 2006. Prairie: "Model W has the power to corrupt machines and humans alike. That's what has been causing the Maverick outbreaks."
  15. Mega Man ZX. 2006. Prairie: "After I did a little snooping on the chip you brought back, I found that there is a program controlling the Mavericks. There is someone behind the Maverick attacks, but they're just making them seem like random raids."
  16. Mega Man ZX. 2006. Vent: "You're no Mega Man, and you're no ruler. You're just a tool. Model W manipulated you. You've played with lives and you're nothing more than a Maverick!"
  17. Mega Man ZX. 2006. Serpent: "The destiny of destruction... still awaits... So long as you have hearts, hate will lurk in the shadows... You who possess the wellspring of emotion known as the heart... You are the true Mavericks!!"