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Boomer Kuwanger

From Mega Man Wiki
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Maverick Infobox
Artwork from Mega Man X.
Stage portrait(s).
Other Media:
Character Details
Name(s):Boomer Kuwanger, Boomerang Kuwanger
Title(s):Space-Time Jumper,[1][2] Blade Demon of Space and Time[3]
Affiliation(s):Maverick Hunters, Mavericks
Weapon(s): Boomerang Cutter
Weakness(es): Homing Torpedo
Launch Octopus weapons
Stage(s):X1: Tower Stage
MHX: Fortress Tower
Behind the Scenes
Inspiration(s):Stag beetle
Designer(s):Kazunori Tazaki[3]
Voice (JP):Hisashi Izumi
Voice (EN):Ethan Cole

Boomer Kuwanger (ブーメル・クワンガー),[4] also translated as Boomerang Kuwanger,[1][5] is a Maverick from the X era, first appearing as one of the main bosses in Mega Man X. He is a cutter-themed Reploid based on a stag beetle (クワガタ), with the ability to phase in and out of reality and throw the curved blade from his head. He was a Maverick Hunter serving in the 7th Elite Unit until he joined Sigma's rebellion.

In the Games

Mega Man X

Sprite from Mega Man X.

Boomer Kuwanger debuted in Mega Man X as one of the eight Mavericks on the Stage Select screen. He serves as the boss of Tower Stage. The Japanese game manual states he is a former Maverick Hunter of the 17th Elite Unit, the same as X, who was interested in Sigma's rebellion and joined out of curiosity. He has converted a city's iconic tower into his personal stronghold.[6]

Boomer Kuwanger's fast footwork can make him difficult for an inexperienced player to avoid, but his high recoil from the X-Buster is one of his biggest weaknesses. Defeating Boomer Kuwanger grants X the Boomerang Cutter. His weakness is the Homing Torpedo, from Launch Octopus, which is also useful for its ability to home in on Kuwanger despite his speed. A boss attack rematch with Boomer Kuwanger later occurs in Sigma Stage 1, being the very first.

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Render from Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.

In the remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Boomerang Kuwanger's name is retranslated and he receives a redesign, but he plays largely the same role as in Mega Man X, being the boss of Fortress Tower. He is one of the few Mavericks besides Sigma to recognize X's potential, but only cares about fighting him. In battle, for X he is still weak to Homing Torpedo and yields Boomerang Cutter upon his defeat, while for Vile he is weak to weapons obtained from Launch Octopus (Humerus Crush, Popcorn Demon, Banzai Beetle, Lost Lamb, Serotinal Bullet) and yields the Cutter weapon system. Kuwanger's boss attack rematch later occurs in Sigma Palace 1.

Mega Man X DiVE

In Mega Man X DiVE, Maverick Data of Boomerang Kuwanger appears as the boss of the event Space-Time Jumper. His defeat unlocks the Chip for Boomerang Cutter. He also reappeared as a boss in Co-op and Jakob.

Other Game Appearances

  • In Rockman ✕over, Boomer Kuwanger is one of the four bosses from World 2.
  • In TEPPEN, Boomer Kuwanger appears in multiple cards.

Other Media

  • In the Rockman X manga, Boomer Kuwanger reprises his role from Mega Man X.
  • In Rockman X Mega Mission, Boomer Kuwanger is revived as Boomer Kuwanger L by the Limited. Upon his defeat, Curtiss appears for the first time to salvage his Limited.
  • In the manga Irregular Hunter Rockman X, Boomer Kuwanger starts as an ally to X, assigned to stop Spark Mandrill together. When Chill Penguin arrives to back up Mandrill, Kuwanger is defeated, only for X to stop them both. When Kuwanger later returns, he reveals himself as a double-agent, so X destroys him.
  • In Rockman X The Novel: Irregulars Report, Boomer Kuwanger reprises his role from Mega Man X.
  • In the Archie Mega Man comic, Boomer Kuwanger appears with his Maverick Hunter X redesign in the "Worlds Unite" arc, as one of the Mavericks resurrected in Sigma's army.

Official Data

Source Data
Mega Man X A fellow member of the 17th Unit, the beetle-like Kuwanger fought alongside X and Zero many times. He doesn't agree or disagree with Sigma's motives; he simply joined the uprising because it looked like more fun. The high-rise tower he has taken over should have been a shining symbol of the city's progress, but instead it has become an oppressive fortress. Within, Kuwanger sits plotting, sneering at the despair in the city below.[2]
  • Height: 7.93 ft[7]
  • Weight: 206 lb[7]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan He has a Special Weapon called Boomerang Cutter, which he throws using the horns on his head as a boomerang. His horns are a fearsome weapon that can pinch and capture enemies. He is a Reploid who specializes in disappearing and reappearing, and teleportation, making it impossible for enemies to track him. Before joining the rebellion, he was in the same Maverick Hunter unit as X. He has taken over an iconic tower and turned it into a fortress.[JP]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka He has a Special Weapon, Boomerang Cutter, which he uses by throwing the horns on his head as a boomerang.[JP]
  • Height: 242 cm
  • Weight: 94 kg
  • Max Power: 2000rp
  • Max Speed: 9900rp
Compendium of Rockman X A member of the 17th Unit, and a colleague of X. He joined the rebellion because he thought "isn't this more interesting?" He takes over a tower and converts it into a fortified stronghold that repels all intruders.[JP]
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Comes from the same 17th Battalion as X. Excels in collecting and analyzing combat data with an extremely cool logic. With no sense of justice or evil, joining Sigma's rebellion is a decision he arrived at after analyzing the case rationally. He has taken over the tower that was to be the symbol of the city, and is working to convert it into a base.
Mega Man X DiVE It is previously the member of Irregular Hunters of the Seventeenth Elite Squad. Its rapid movement makes it hard to locate. Its horns can serve as a boomerang and can pierce through enemies. [sic]

Source Data
Rockman X ロックマンXと同じ第17部隊に所属するレプリロイド。シグマに加担した理由は「こっちの方 がおもしろそうじゃない?」。都市のシンボルとなるはずだったタワーを乗っ取り、要塞に造り変えている。どこかとらえがたいところのある冷笑 家のニヒリスト。[6]
  • 身長: 242cm[7]
  • 体重: 94kg[7]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan 頭のつのをブーメランとして投げつける特殊武器,ブーメランカッターをもつている。頭のつのは敵をはさんで、とらえることもできる、おそろしい武器だ。消えたりあらわれたり、瞬間移動を得意わざとして、敵に自分がどこにいるかをわからせない、ふしぎなたたかいかたをするレプリロイドだ。反乱にくわわる前は、エックスとおなじイレギュラーハンターの部隊にいた。都市のシンボルのタワーをのっとって要塞につくりかえている。
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka 頭のつのをブー メランとして投げ つける特殊武器, ブーメランカッタ 一を持っている。
  • 身長: 242cm
  • 体重: 94kg
  • 最大パワー: 2000rp
  • 最高スピード: 9900rp
Compendium of Rockman X 第17部隊に所属していた。エックスの同僚。「こちらのほう が面白そう」という理由で反乱に加。タワーを制圧して、 使入を迎え撃つに作り変えている。
Irregular Hunter X TBA
Rockman X DiVE TBA

Behind the Scenes

Developer Commentary

"Inafune did Eagle and Penguin, Kaji designed Mandrill, Octopus, and Chameleon. Mammoth, Armadillo, and Kuwanger were Tazaki's. Even as I watched them work, I could really see each of their distinct flavors coming out in their illustrations." - (Tatsuya Yoshikawa)[3]


Language Name Origin
Japanese Boomer Kuwanger (ブーメル・クワンガー) "Boomer" is derived from boomerang, and "Kuwanger" is a portmanteau of "kuwagata" (クワガタ), meaning stag beetle, and boomerang.
English Boomer Kuwanger
Boomerang Kuwanger
Maintains his Japanese name. In later translations, "Boomer" was sometimes extended to "Boomerang", likely to make his weapon theme more evident.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. 2005.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mega Man X Legacy Collection. 2018.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  4. Mega Man X. 1993.
  5. Mega Man X DiVE. 2020.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Spec, Stage Select, Mega Man X. 1993.