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Spark Mandrill

From Mega Man Wiki
(Redirected from Spark Mandriller L)
Artwork from Mega Man X.
MMX Xtreme MHX
Stage portrait(s)/Dialogue portrait(s)
General information
Name(s):Spark Mandrill, Spark Mandriller
Title(s):Lightning King of Bullet Fists,[1][2] Quick-Fisted King of Lightning[3]
Lore Details
Affiliation(s):Maverick Hunters, Mavericks
Other Media:
Stage(s):X1: Power Plant Stage
XT1: Power Plant Stage
MHX: Electromagnetic Power Plant
Game Info
Weapon(s): Electric Spark
Rocket Punches
Weakness(es): Shotgun Ice
Strike Chain
Chill Penguin weapons
Behind the Scenes
Designer(s):Hayato Kaji[3]
Voice (JP):Takashi Nagasako
Voice (EN):Randy Brososky

Spark Mandrill, known as Spark Mandriller (スパーク・マンドリラー) in Japan, is a Maverick from the X era, first appearing as one of the main bosses in Mega Man X. He is an electricity-themed Reploid based on a mandrill, with immense physical strength and lightning attacks. He was a Maverick Hunter serving in the 7th Elite Unit until he joined Sigma's rebellion.

In the Games

Mega Man X

Sprite from Mega Man X.

Spark Mandrill debuted in Mega Man X as one of the eight Mavericks on the Stage Select screen. He serves as the boss of Power Plant Stage. The Japanese game manual states he is a former Maverick Hunter of the 17th Elite Unit, the same as X, who joined Sigma's rebellion on a selfish whim. He has taken over a power plant to divert electricity to Sigma's forces.[4]

Spark Mandrill's attacks are quite fast and powerful, but his punch can be deflected with a Charge Shot. Defeating Spark Mandrill grants X the Electric Spark. His weakness is the Shotgun Ice, from Chill Penguin, which can be infamously used to repeatedly freeze him and keep him from moving for the entire battle. A boss attack rematch with Spark Mandrill later occurs in Sigma Stage 3.

Mega Man Xtreme

Sprite from Mega Man Xtreme.

In Mega Man Xtreme, Spark Mandrill returns as a digitized Maverick in the Mother Computer. He is one of the four bosses in Normal Mode, being the boss of Power Plant Stage. He again yields Electric Spark to X and is weak to Shotgun Ice, though he is considerably more difficult due to his large size on the Game Boy screen. Spark Mandrill is later part of the boss attack in Sigma Stage 3.

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Render from Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.

In the remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Spark Mandrill receives a redesign but plays largely the same role as in Mega Man X, being the boss of Electromagnetic Power Plant. He is a simpleton who joins Sigma's rebellion out of blind loyalty, assuming he knows best. In battle, for X he is still weak to Shotgun Ice and yields Electric Spark upon his defeat, while for Vile he is weak to weapons obtained from Chill Penguin (Distance Needler, Serotinal Bullet, Infinity Gig, Quick Homesick, Sea Dragon's Rage) and yields the Rocket Punch weapon system. Mandrill's boss attack rematch later occurs in Sigma Palace 2.

Other Game Appearances

Other Media

Official Data

Source Data
Mega Man X Mandrill once fought with X and Zero in the 17th Unit, but when the uprising began, he blindly followed Sigma's orders and joined in with the destruction. Now, by overtaking the power station he has secured an energy source for Sigma's forces and cut off power to the city. Because there was only light resistance, Mandrill leaves most of the fighting to his underlings, spending his time gorging himself on pure electricity, fresh from the generator.[2]
  • Height: 10.0 ft[5]
  • Weight: 646 lb[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan He is a Reploid who specializes in the Electric Spark, a powerful Special Weapon that sparks electricity inside his body and causes it to travel along walls and floors, and in punching while rushing forward at great speed. He has a very lazy personality, and after taking over the power plant, he leaves all the work to his subordinates and just sits around, sucking up as much electricity as he can, which is his favorite food.[JP]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka He uses a Special Weapon called Electric Spark, which attacks by sparking electricity within his body.[JP]
  • Height: 305 cm
  • Weight: 294 kg
  • Max Power: 8700rp
  • Max Speed: 2200rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) A Reploid from the same 17th Unit as X. When the traitorous Sigma started his rebellion, he sided with him and seized control of the power plant to secure an energy source.[JP]
Compendium of Rockman X (XT1) A Reploid from the 17th Unit, the same as X. He followed Sigma's rebellion and joined the rebel army. He overtook the power plant. Appeared in Mega Man X.[JP]
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Comes from the same 17th Battalion as X. Possesses immense strength and a powerful electrical shock attack, but doesn't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed. He has obediently followed Sigma, his superior, into the rebellion. He has attacked the city's electrical power stations, bringing the city to a halt, and has already taken control. He wreaks whatever damage he feels like, and leaves it to his subordinates to clean up the mess.

Source Data
Rockman X ロックマンXと同じ第17部隊所属のレプリロイド。シグマが上司であるため、それに従い反乱に加わる。エネルギーの確保と、都市の活動を停止させるため発電所を襲う。割と簡単に制圧できたため、今は好物の電気をむさぼるだけむさぼり後は部下に任せてごろ寝を決めこんでいる。[4]
  • 身長: 305cm[5]
  • 体重: 294kg[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan 体内の電気をスパークさせ、壁や床をつたわらせて攻撃をする強力な特殊武器,エレクトリックスパークと、ものすごいスピードで突進しながらくりだすパンチを得意わざとしているレプリロイドだ。性格は、とてもものぐさで、発電所を占領してからは、仕事を部下にまかせきって、自分は大好物の電気をすいとるだけすいとりまくって、ごろねをしている。
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka 体内の電気をスパークさせて攻撃をする特殊武器エレクトリックスパークをつかう。
  • 身長: 305cm
  • 体重: 294kg
  • 最大パワー: 8700rp
  • 最高スピード: 2200rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) エックスと同じ第17部隊に所属していたレプリロイド。上 買であるシグマが反乱を起こしたときに、シグマに同調。 エネルギーの確保のため、発電所を制圧した。
Compendium of Rockman X (XC) エックスと同じ第17部隊に所属していたレプリロイドで。 上京であるシグマの反乱に付き従って反乱軍に参加。発電 を圧した。「ロックマンX」に登場。
Irregular Hunter X TBA

Behind the Scenes

Developer Commentary

"Inafune did Eagle and Penguin, Kaji designed Mandrill, Octopus, and Chameleon. Mammoth, Armadillo, and Kuwanger were Tazaki's. Even as I watched them work, I could really see each of their distinct flavors coming out in their illustrations." - (Tatsuya Yoshikawa)[3]


Language Name Origin
Japanese Spark Mandriller (スパーク・マンドリラー) Named after the mandrill.
English Spark Mandrill


  1. Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. 2005.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Mega Man X Legacy Collection. 2018.
  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Spec, Stage Select, Mega Man X. 1993.