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Armored Armadillo

From Mega Man Wiki
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Artwork from Mega Man X.
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General information
Name(s):Armored Armadillo, Armor Armarge
Title(s):Steel-Armored Warrior,[1][2] Armored Warrior[3]
Lore Details
Affiliation(s):Maverick Hunters, Mavericks
Other Media:
Stage(s):X1: Gallery Stage
XT1: Gallery Stage
MHX: Energy Mine Ruins
Game Info
Weapon(s): Rolling Shield
Weakness(es): Electric Spark
Spark Mandrill weapons
Behind the Scenes
Inspiration(s):Screaming hairy armadillo
Designer(s):Kazunori Tazaki[3]
Voice (JP):Kenta Miyake
Voice (EN):Noah Umholtz

Armored Armadillo, known as Armor Armarge (アーマー・アルマージ) in Japan, is a Maverick from the X era, first appearing as one of the main bosses in Mega Man X. He is a shield-themed Reploid based on an armadillo, boasting impenetrable defenses and counterattacks. He was a Maverick Hunter leading the 8th Armored Unit until he joined Sigma's rebellion.

In the Games

Mega Man X

Sprite from Mega Man X.

Armored Armadillo debuted in Mega Man X as one of the eight Mavericks on the Stage Select screen. He serves as the boss of Gallery Stage. The Japanese game manual states he is a former Maverick Hunter of the 8th Armored Unit who joined Sigma's rebellion out of loyalty to his commander. He has taken over a mine in order to secure minerals for weapons manufacturing.[4]

Armored Armadillo's attacks are deceptively fast and his defenses will repel careless attacks, requiring careful strategy to even damage him. Defeating Armadillo grants X the Rolling Shield. His weakness is Electric Spark, from Spark Mandrill, which totally removes his armor and makes the fight considerably easier. A boss attack rematch with Armored Armadillo later occurs in Sigma Stage 3.

Mega Man Xtreme

Sprite from Mega Man Xtreme.

In Mega Man Xtreme, Armored Armadillo returns as a digitized Maverick in the Mother Computer. He is one of the four bosses in Hard Mode, being the boss of Gallery Stage. He again yields Rolling Shield to X and his armor can still be removed with Electric Spark. Armored Armadillo is later part of the boss attack in Sigma Stage 3.

Mega Man Maverick Hunter X

Render from Mega Man Maverick Hunter X.

In the remake Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Armored Armadillo receives a redesign but plays largely the same role as in Mega Man X, being the boss of Energy Mine Ruins. He is a disciplined soldier who followed Sigma's rebellion out of obedience to his commander.

For X, Armadillo is still weak to Electric Spark and yields Rolling Shield upon his defeat, while for Vile he is weak to weapons obtained from Spark Mandrill (Go-Getter Right, Egoistic Pill, Infinity Gig, Peace Out Roller, Stubborn Crawler) and yields the Ball weapon system. Armadillo's boss attack rematch later occurs in Sigma Palace 2.

Other Game Appearances

Other Media

Official Data

Source Data
Mega Man X Leader of the 8th Armored Unit. Though Armadillo is a stoic soldier who never disobeys an order, he is loyal to a fault, continuing to obey Sigma's orders despite the fact that he has turned against humanity. The mine he has captured is the prime source of the raw materials Sigma needs to manufacture weapons. With a body shielded by a stout steel, Armadillo is ideally suited to fighting underground.[2]
  • Height: 6.36 ft[5]
  • Weight: 510 lb[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan He is coated in steel armor and uses a Special Weapon called Rolling Shield, which lets him roll up and spin his body to move at incredible speed. He is a Reploid who serves as the captain of the 8th Armored Unit. He has the heart of a first-class soldier and is a stubborn man who absolutely follows the orders of his superior, Sigma.[JP]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka He uses Rolling Shield, a Special Weapon that allows him to curl up and spin his body to crash into the enemy.[JP]
  • Height: 194 cm
  • Weight: 232 kg
  • Max Power: 5800rp
  • Max Speed: 7800rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) Former captain of the 8th Armored Unit. A strict warrior, he obeys the orders of his superiors. Once Sigma took over his Maverick Hunter Unit, he followed Sigma. To secure natural resources, he seizes control of the mines.[JP]
Compendium of Rockman X (XT1) Former captain of the 8th Armored Unit. A strict warrior, he follows the orders of his superior, Sigma, and joins the rebel army. His sturdy armor can even deflect X's Charge Shot. Appeared in Mega Man X.[JP]
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Leader of the 8th Armored Battalion. The steel armor than envelopes his body boasts a high level of defensive strength, rendering most attacks useless. Just like his hard exterior suggests, his personality is rough and gritty. Even though Sigma has taken control of the Maverick Hunters Battalions, he fervently obeys orders from all commanders. Since he needs mined ore and minerals for ammunition, he must maintain control over a mine to keep his supply coming.

Source Data
Rockman X 第8機甲部隊の隊長を勤めるレプリロイド。武人肌の堅物であり、イレギュラーハンター部隊 の指揮権がシグマによって掌握された今は、上官の命令は絶対であるとして彼に従う。兵器とするための鉱物資源を確保するため、鉱山を制圧した。鋼鉄の鎧に身を包み、高い防御力を誇 る。[4]
  • 身長: 194cm[5]
  • 体重: 232kg[5]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6: Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan 鋼鉄のよろいに身をつつみ、体を丸めて回転させ、ものすごいスピードで体あたりをくりだしてくる特殊武器,ローリングシールドのつかい手。第8機甲部隊の隊長をつとめるレプリロイドだ。一流の兵士としての心をもっていて、上官であるシグマの命令にぜったいにしたがう、がんこ者。
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka 体をまるめて回 転させ、敵に体あ たりする特殊武器 ローリングシール ドのつかい手。
  • 身長: 194cm
  • 体重: 232kg
  • 最大パワー: 5800rp
  • 最高スピード: 7800rp
Compendium of Rockman X (X1) 元第8機甲部隊の隊長。武人肌の堅物で、上官の命令は絶対。 イレギュラーハンター部隊の指揮権がシグマに移ったため、 シグマに従う。物資源の確保のため、鉱山を制圧。
Compendium of Rockman X (XC) 元第8機甲部隊の隊長。武人肌の堅物で、上官であるシグマ の命令に従って反乱軍に加担。頑健な装甲でエックスのチ ャージショットすらね返す。「ロックマンX」に登場。
Irregular Hunter X TBA

Behind the Scenes

Developer Commentary

"Inafune did Eagle and Penguin, Kaji designed Mandrill, Octopus, and Chameleon. Mammoth, Armadillo, and Kuwanger were Tazaki's. Even as I watched them work, I could really see each of their distinct flavors coming out in their illustrations." - (Tatsuya Yoshikawa)[3]


Language Name Origin
Japanese Armor Armarge (アーマー・アルマージ) Named after the armadillo.
English Armored Armadillo



  1. Mega Man Maverick Hunter X. 2005.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mega Man X Legacy Collection. 2018.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Game manual, Rockman X. December 1993.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Spec, Stage Select, Mega Man X. 1993.