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Bubble Crab

From Mega Man Wiki
(Redirected from Bubbly Crablos L)
Artwork from Mega Man X2.
Stage portrait(s)/Dialogue portrait(s)
General information
Name(s):Bubble Crab, Bubbly Crablos
Title(s):Shredder of the Deep[1]
Lore Details
Affiliation(s):Maverick Hunters, Mavericks
Other Media:
Stage(s):Deep-Sea Base Stage
Game Info
Weapon(s):X2 Bubble Splash
Weakness(es):X2 Spin Wheel
Behind the Scenes

Bubble Crab, known as Bubbly Crablos (バブリー・クラブロス) in Japan, is a Maverick from the X era, first appearing as one of the main bosses in Mega Man X2. He is a water-themed Reploid based on a crab, who attacks with bubble barriers and spreads crab drones. He is an SA-Class Maverick who was formerly a Maverick Hunter in the 6th Naval Unit.

In the Games

Mega Man X2

Sprite from Mega Man X2.

Bubble Crab debuted in Mega Man X2 as one of the eight Mavericks on the Stage Select screen. He serves as the boss of Deep-Sea Base Stage. The Japanese game manual explains that he is a former Maverick Hunter of the 6th Naval Unit who joined Sigma's rebellion in hopes of striking it rich. He now commands an underwater submarine base to transport Mavericks around the world.[2]

Bubble Crab attacks with bubbles and crab drones, and often surrounds himself with a barrier. However, he dispels it whenever he uses his jumping claw attack, leaving himself vulnerable. Defeating Bubble Crab grants X the Bubble Splash. His weakness is the Spin Wheel, from Wheel Gator, which can pierce his barrier. A boss attack rematch with Bubble Crab later occurs in X-Hunter Stage 4.

Other Game Appearances

Other Media

Official Data

Source Data
Mega Man X2 An amphibious Reploid who once belonged to the 6th Naval Unit. His bitter rivalry with Wheel Gator left him with a spotty record as a Hunter. He considers himself a pragmatist, but that's only a thin justification for his shameless pursuit of personal gain. His only reason for joining Sigma was the chance to get rich. Currently, Crab acts as leader of a transport unit that operates out of an undersea base, smuggling Mavericks to destinations around the world.[3]
  • Max Power: 6000rp[4]
  • Max Speed: 4800rp[4]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #24: Rockman & Rockman X Himitsu Daihyakka An amphibious Reploid from the 6th Naval Unit. He had a bad relationship with Wheel Gator, who was in the same unit, and they were always fighting. He also has a personality willing to do anything to make money. He defends himself with a powerful bubble barrier. He is the captain of the rebel transport unit at the undersea base.[JP]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka An amphibious Reploid who excels at protecting himself with a bubble barrier called Bubble Splash.[JP]
  • Height: 180 cm
  • Weight: 140 kg
  • Max Power: 5000rp
  • Max Speed: 2600rp
Compendium of Rockman X Former member of the 6th Naval Unit. He didn't get along with his colleague Wheel Gator, but he thought they could make money together, so he became Sigma's servant. He dispatches Mavericks from his undersea base.[JP]

Source Data
Rockman X2 第6艦隊に所属していた水陸両用レプリロイド。同じ部隊にいた ホイール・アリゲイツと仲が悪くトラブルが絶えなかった。 利益のためならプライドも捨てる現金な性格で、儲かりそうとい う理由だけで∑についた。海底基地で輸送部隊の隊長を務め、世 界中にぞくぞくとイレギュラー達を搬出している。[2]
  • 最大パワー: 6000rp[4]
  • 最高スピード: 4800rp[4]
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #24: Rockman & Rockman X Himitsu Daihyakka 第6艦隊に所属していた水陸両用レプリロイド。おなじ部隊にいたホイール・アリゲイツとは、なかがわるく、いつでも、けんかをしていた。また、お金をもうけるためなら、“ほこり”もすてるという性格をしている。強力なあわのバリアで身をまもるのが得意だ。海底基地で、反乱軍の輸送部隊の隊長をしている。
Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka 水陸両用レプリロイド。バブルスブラッシュというあわのバリアーで身を守るのが得意。
  • 身長: 180cm
  • 体重: 140kg
  • 最大パワー: 5000rp
  • 最高スピード: 2600rp
Compendium of Rockman X 元第6艦隊所属。同僚のホイール・アリゲイツとは仲が悪か ったが、金が稼げそうなのでいっしょにシグマの部下にな った。海底基地からイレギュラーを送り出している。

Behind the Scenes


Language Name Origin
Japanese Bubbly Crablos (バブリー・クラブロス) "Crablos" is a corruption of the word crab.
English Bubble Crab


  • Bubble Crab's affinity for bubbles is likely a reference to how real-life crabs form bubbles around their mouths when breathing air out of the water.


  1. MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 Game manual, Rockman X2. December 1994.
  3. Gallery, Mega Man X Legacy Collection. 2018.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Credits, Mega Man X2. 1994.