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Second Armor

From Mega Man Wiki
Armor Info
MMX2 - Second Armor X 3 Art.png
Artwork from Mega Man X2.
General information
Name(s):Second Armor, Normal Armor
Game(s):Mega Man X2, Mega Man Xtreme 2, Mega Man X DiVE
Game Info
Head Parts:X2: Energen Crystal Stage
XT2: Jungle Stage
Body Parts:X2: Robot Junkyard Stage
XT2: Ocean Base Stage
Arm Parts:XT2: Dinosaur Tank Stage
XT2: Hydroelectric Plant Stage
Foot Parts:X2: Desert Base Stage
XT2: Factory Stage

The Second Armor (セカンドアーマー)[1], also known as the Normal Armor (ノーマルアーマー)[2], is a set of Armor Parts obtained from the Light Capsules in Mega Man X2. It also appears in Mega Man Xtreme 2 and various spin-off material.

In the Games

Mega Man X2

The Second Armor debuted in Mega Man X2. It is an evolution of the First Armor, formed after X returned those Armor Parts to the Light Capsules and they burrowed away.[3] It is most notable for introducing the Air Dash function and Giga Crush, which would later become staples of the series.

Parts Icon Location Effect
Head Parts
MMXC - Head Parts (X2).png
Energen Crystal Stage Grants X the Item Tracer, which deploys a cursor to reveal hidden passages through otherwise solid surfaces.
Body Parts
MMXC - Body Parts (X2).png
Robot Junkyard Stage Reduces all damage received by 1 point, and grants X the Giga Crush. Taking damage from enemy attacks fills its Weapon Energy; once the gauge is full, X can use the Giga Crush to damage all enemies on the screen.
Arm Parts
MMXC - Arm Parts (X2).png
Dinosaur Tank Stage Grants X a third and fourth Charge Shot level, enabling the Double Charge Shot (ダブルチャージショット).[3] By charging the X-Buster to the third level, X can fire a Charge Shot 2 and Charge Shot 1 in succession, or charge to the fourth level to fire two Charge Shot 2s. X can also charge Special Weapons.
Foot Parts
MMXC - Foot Parts (X2).png
Desert Base Stage Grants X the ability to Air Dash forwards. However, he cannot use both an Air Dash and Dash Jump in the same jump.

Mega Man Xtreme 2

The Second Armor returns on Laguz Island in Mega Man Xtreme 2. However, it has some major differences, as it borrows the abilities of the First Armor Head Parts and Third Armor Foot Parts.

Parts Icon Location Effect
Head Parts
XT2 - Head Parts.png
Jungle Stage Grants X the ability to destroy certain blocks by jumping into them from below, headbutting them.
Body Parts
XT2 - Body Parts.png
Ocean Base Stage Reduces all damage received by 1 point, and grants X the Giga Crush. Taking damage from enemy attacks fills its Weapon Energy; once the gauge is full, X can use the Giga Crush to damage all enemies on the screen.
Arm Parts
XT2 - Arm Parts.png
Hydroelectric Plant Stage Grants X a third and fourth Charge Shot level, enabling the Double Charge Shot. By charging the X-Buster to the third level, X can fire a Charge Shot 2 and Charge Shot 1 in succession, or charge to the fourth level to fire two Charge Shot 2s. X can also charge Special Weapons.
Foot Parts
XT2 - Foot Parts.png
Factory Stage Grants X the Variable Air Dash, which lets him Air Dash either horizontally or vertically.

Mega Man X DiVE

In Mega Man X DiVE, Second Armor X appears as a playable Hunter Program. His Active Skills are Double Charge Shot and Giga Crush, which function similarly to their first appearance in Mega Man X2.

Other Game Appearances

  • In CD versions of Mega Man X3, X equips the Second Armor to fight Sigma in the game's opening.
  • In Tower of Saviors, Second Armor X is one of X's potential evolutions.

Other Media

  • In the Rockman X2 manga, X equips parts of the Second Armor as he fights the eight Mavericks, fully assembling the armor before fighting Wheel Gator. He later uses the Double Charge Shot to defeat the X-Hunters.


Mega Man X2

Other Games & Media


  1. Mega Man X DiVE. 2020.
  2. Armor Parts, Compendium of Rockman X. 2005. p. 180.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka. April 1996.

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