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Blade Armor

From Mega Man Wiki
Armor Info
Artwork from Mega Man X6.
General Information
Name(s):Blade Armor
Designer:Haruki Suetsugu[1]
Game Information
Head Parts:Amazon Area
Body Parts:Laser Institute
Arm Parts:Weapon Center
Foot Parts:Central Museum

The Blade Armor (ブレードアーマー)[2] is a set of Armor Parts obtained from the Light Capsules in Mega Man X6.

In the Games

Mega Man X6

The Blade Armor debuted in Mega Man X6. It is most notable for its Mach Dash and Charge Saber. It is more generalized than the Shadow Armor, being a jack-of-all-trades with better aerial mobility. Unlike most Armor Parts, all four programs of the Blade Armor must be collected before it can be equipped.

Programs Icon Location Effect
Head Program
Amazon Area Reduces Special Weapon Energy consumption by 33%, and increases maximum Weapon Energy by 50%.
Body Program
Laser Institute Reduces all damage received by 50%, and grants X a Giga Attack. Its Weapon Energy fills whenever X takes damage from enemy attacks, allowing X to use the Giga Attack to slash and emit two blue shockwaves.
Arm Program
Weapon Center Upgrades X's Charge Shot 2 to a small Plasma Charge Shot, which becomes a plasma ball to deal further damage only if it does not destroy the target. He also gains the Charge Saber (チャージセイバー), which is a larger and stronger Z-Saber slash used by holding Up during a Charge Shot 2. X can also charge Special Weapons.
Foot Program
Central Museum Grants X the Mach Dash, a type of Air Dash that suspends X in the air before use, can be aimed directionally up, down, left, or right, and can deal mild damage to targets.

Behind the Scenes

Developer Commentary

"I designed the buster part to look like a bow, when it opens up it looks like a hilt for the blade. Also, crystals and other core parts are generally placed to act as centerpieces, but I decide to spread them toward the edges and emphasize how pretty they are." - (Haruki Suetsugu)[1]


Mega Man X6

Other Games & Media


  1. 1.0 1.1 MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  2. Armor Parts, Compendium of Rockman X. 2005. p. 183.