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Neutral Armor

From Mega Man Wiki
Armor Info
Artwork from Mega Man X8.
General Information
Name(s):Neutral Armor
Designer:Tatsuya Yoshikawa[1]
Game Information
Location:Any Light Capsule

The Neutral Armor (ニュートラルアーマー)[2] is a set of Armor Parts obtained from any Light Capsule in Mega Man X8. It is merely a base form, and other Armor Parts must be applied to it in order to gain effects.

In the Games

Mega Man X8

The Neutral Armor debuted in Mega Man X8. It is automatically obtained alongside the first Armor Parts the player obtains from any Light Capsule. It has no powers itself - if X wears it, he gains no benefits. Instead, it acts as a base upon which Armor Parts from the Hermes Armor and Icarus Armor can be equipped. This lets the player mix and match parts from the two armor sets, making for unique combinations. If the player equips all four parts of an armor, it is no longer the Neutral Armor, becoming the Hermes Armor or Icarus Armor. Whenever a full set of Armor Parts is equipped, it unlocks a special power. Additionally, there is a secret Ultimate Armor that uses the Neutral Armor design as well, though it is treated as an entirely separate armor.


Mega Man X8


  1. MM25: Mega Man & Mega Man X Official Complete Works. 2013.
  2. Mega Man X8 Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames Publishing. 2004.