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Script:Mega Man X3

From Mega Man Wiki
Japanese box art for Mega Man X3.

Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man X3. Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation. This script focuses on the SNES version of the game, but it should be noted that the disc versions contain extra cutscenes with no dialogue to add some flair to the game's presentation.


In the year 21XX, all the Mavericks have been neutralized thanks to the efforts of a Reploid scientist named, "Dr. Doppler". Using his Neuro Computer he has been able to suppress any abnormal behavior in the Reploids and prevent them from going berserk. Many of the most advanced reploids have gathered near their new mentor and founded "Dopple Town", a perfect Utopian community. With Dr. Doppler guiding them, the world seemed ready to enter a new golden age... After a few months...

The Mavericks who were supposed to have been neutralized by the Neuro Computer suddenly appeared and began to riot... At Maverick Hunter Headquarters, all the intelligence indicated that Dr. Doppler was the mastermind behind the invasion. Soon, the call went out to X and Zero to destroy the invading Mavericks and to bring Dr. Doppler to justice.

Maverick Hunter X and Zero. Dispatch!!

A few hours later, emergency contact was made by the headquarters of Maverick Hunter.

This is the headquarters of Maverick Hunter. We are under attack from the Doppler force. All units return to base immediately and return fire.

21XX ねんかがくしゃレプリロイド「ドップラーはかせ」によりイレギュラーは いっそうされた。 そして ドップラーはかせのつくるへいわとし「ドッペルタウン」にゆうしゅうな レプリロイドたちが あつめられた。 それから すうかげつご・・・

とつぜん ちんせいかしたはずの イレギュラーたちがいっせいに はんらんをおこした。 ドップラーはかせが しゅぼうしゃだということをつきとめた イレギュラーハンターほんぶはエックスとゼロに ドップラーはかせのほかくとドップラーぐんの かいめつをめいじた。

イレギュラーハンターエックス&ゼロ しゅつどう!! すうじかんご、イレギュラーハンターほんぶよりきんきゅうれんらくが はいった。

本部:こちらは イレギュラーハンターほんぶ!ドップラーぐんの こうげきを うけ、おうせんちゅう! ほんぶしゅうへんの イレギュラーハンターはただちに きかんし、おうせんに あたれ。

21XX. Mavericks have been wiped out thanks to the Reploid scientist Dr. Doppler. The most advanced Reploids have gathered in Dopple Town, a peaceful city created by Dr. Doppler. A few months later...

Suddenly, the Mavericks that were supposed to have been neutralized all revolted at once. After discovering that Dr. Doppler was the mastermind, Maverick Hunter HQ ordered X and Zero to capture Dr. Doppler and destroy the Doppler Army.

Maverick Hunters X and Zero, move out!

A few hours later, an urgent call came in from Maverick Hunter HQ.

HQ: This is Maverick Hunter HQ! We are under attack by Doppler forces and are returning fire! Maverick Hunters in the vicinity of the headquarters should return immediately and engage in counterattacks.

Hunter Base

Zero: X, I'll clear out the enemies out here. You go ahead and deal with the ones inside.

(Mac appears)
Mega Man: Mac where have you been?[note 1]

Mac: You're far too trusting, X. I'm now a member of Doppler's Army! You will make a fine addition to our forces once you have been shown the true destiny of the Reploid race.

(Zero saves X)
Zero: Are you ok, X?

Mega Man: Thanks Zero. I'm ok.

Zero: I'll check around headquarters again. Be on your guard, X.

(Maoh the Giant is defeated)
Zero: Looks like we've swept most of the enemies out of here. I'll go back and check on headquarters. Call me if you need me. See you later, X.



マック:フッフッフッ、エックス、おまえはあまいな。オレはもうイレギュラーハンターではなく ドップラーぐんだんのいちいんだ。わるいが おまえをほかくする。




ゼロ:どうやら てきはかたづいたようだ。オレはしばらく ほんぶのしゅうふくさぎょうにあたるが、ひつようなときはよびだしてくれ。じゃ、がんばれよエックス。

Stage start

Zero: X, I'll clean up the enemies around the headquarters. You take care of the enemies inside. (Mac appears)
X: You're the Mac who went missing, aren't you?

Mac: Heheheh, you're so naive, X. I'm no longer a Maverick Hunter, I'm a member of the Doppler Army. Nothing personal, but I'm taking you captive.

(Zero saves X)
Zero: Are you okay, X?

X: T-Thanks Zero. I'm fine.

Zero: I'm going to check the perimeter again. Stay sharp, X.

(Maoh the Giant is defeated)
Zero: Looks like the enemy's been taken care of. I'll be working on repairing HQ for a while, but if you need me, just call me. Alright, good luck, X.

Light Capsules

Armor Parts

File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Foot Parts.png

Head Parts

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Take this sensor upgrade for your helmet. The upgrade will help you to find hidden items based on the satellite readings. You should be able to tell the exact location of items using its ground-penetrating radar.

Body Parts

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Take this Armor upgrade. The upgrade will decrease the damage done to your systems. As you receive damage, a defense field will be generated to protect you.

Arm Parts

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Take this X-Buster upgrade. The upgrade will increase the strength of your charged shots. You will be able to shoot 2 charged shots at once. If timed correctly, you can overlap the shots to create a single cross-charged shot. The upgrade will also allow you to charge any special weapon.

Foot Parts

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Take this Leg upgrade. The upgrade will enhance your mobility in the air. You will be able to dash left , right or even straight up into the air.

File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Foot Parts.png


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは さいしんえいのじんこうえいせいから おくられてくるじょうほうをもとに、かくちに かくされているいろいろなアイテムをはっけんすることができる ヘッドパーツをさずけよう。じんこうえいせいの ちちゅうたんさきのうをつかって アイテムのいちまでわかるはずじゃ。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは てきからうけるダメージをへらすことができる ボディパーツをさずけよう。ダメージをうけるとぼうぎょフィールドがはっせいして、てきからうけるダメージをすくなくしてくれるはずじゃ。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。チャージショットをさらにパワーアップさせる アームパーツをさずけよう。 チャージショットを 2はつうてるようになり、さらに2つのショットをかさねることによって かくさんショットにパワーアップすることができるクロスチャージじゃ。また、あらゆるショットをチャージさせることで よりきょうりょくなこうげきをくりだすこともできるのじゃ。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは くうちゅうでのきどうりょくをパワーアップさせることができる フットパーツをさずけよう。くうちゅうで うえとさゆうの3ほうこうに エアーダッシュすることができるようになるぞ。

File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Foot Parts.png

Head Parts

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I'll give you Head Parts that will let you discover discover items hidden in various locations, based on information sent from state-of-the-art satellites. You should be able to locate the items using the satellites' ground search function.

Body Parts

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I will give you Body Parts that can reduce the damage you receive from enemies. When you take damage, a defense field will be generated, which should reduce the damage you take from enemies.

Arm Parts

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. I will give you Arm Parts to make your Charge Shot even more powerful. It is a Cross Charge that allows you to fire two Charge Shots, and can upgrade to a spread shot by stacking two shots. You can also charge up any weapon to unleash a more powerful attack.

Foot Parts

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I will give you Foot Parts to power up your aerial mobility. You will be able to dash in three directions: up, left, and right.


File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Arm Chip.png

Head Chip

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Install this Energy Chip. This chip will allow you to recover energy. Stand still and your energy level will slowly increase. Remember X, your system can handle only 1 of the 4 enhancement chips. Enter this capsule only if you are sure you want to use this chip.

Body Chip

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Install this Body Chip. This chip will increase your defensive ability. Your defense shields will be enhanced and you will receive even less damage. Remember X, your system can handle only 1 of the 4 enhancement chips. Enter this capsule only if you are sure you want to use this chip.

Arm Chip

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Install this Arm Chip. this chip will increase your attacking abilities. The chip allows damage to your system to be transformed and charged as weapon energy. You will be able to use it to rapidly shoot charged shots. Remember X, your system can handle only 1 of the 4 enhancement chips. Enter this capsule only if you are sure you want to use this chip.

Foot Chip

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Install this Leg Chip. This chip will enable you to dash in the air twice in a row. With the chip, your mobility in the air will be greatly enhanced. Remember X, your system can handle only 1 of the 4 enhancement chips. Enter this capsule only if you are sure you want to use this chip.

File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Arm Chip.png


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは あらたなかいふくのうりょくをついかする、「ヘッドチップ」をさずけよう。じっとして うごかなければすこしずつライフエネルギーをかいふくすることができるじゃろう。ただし、このきょうかチップは4しゅるいのうち、ひとつしかつけることができないんじゃ。よくかんがえてから このカプセルのなかにはいりなさい。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは あらたなぼうぎょのうりょくをついかする、「ボディチップ」をさずけよう。ぼうぎょシールドのせいのうがアップして シールドのたいきゅうりょくがあがり、さらにダメージをうけにくくなるぞ。ただし、このきょうかチップは4しゅるいのうち、ひとつしかつけることができないんじゃ。よくかんがえてから このカプセルのなかにはいりなさい。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは あらたなこうげきのうりょくをついかする、「アームチップ」をさずけよう。これはてきからうけたダメージを、エックスのぶきエネルギーにへんかんしてためておき、いっきにかいほうして チャージショットをれんしゃすることができるはずじゃ。ただし、このきょうかチップは4しゅるいのうち、ひとつしかつけることができないんじゃ。よくかんがえてから このカプセルのなかにはいりなさい。


ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは あらたないどうのうりょくをついかする、「フットチップ」をさずけよう。これでエアーダッシュが 2かいまでれんぞくしてできるようになり、くうちゅうでの いどうはんいがひろくなるぞ。ただし、このきょうかチップは4しゅるいのうち、ひとつしかつけることができないんじゃ。よくかんがえてから このカプセルのなかにはいりなさい。

File:MMX3 - Light Capsule Arm Chip.png

Head Chip

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I'll give you a Head Chip that adds a new recovery ability. If you stay still and don't move, you'll be able to gradually recover your Life Energy. However, only one of the four enhancement Chips can be equipped. Think carefully before you step into this capsule.

Body Chip

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I will give you a Body Chip that will add a new defensive ability. The performance of your defensive shield will be improved, increasing its durability and making it even harder to damage. However, only one of the four enhancement Chips can be equipped. Think carefully before you step into this capsule.

Arm Chip

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I'll give you an Arm Chip that adds new attack abilities. This should be able to convert damage taken from enemies into Weapon Energy, store it, and then release it all at once to fire consecutive Charge Shots. However, only one of the four enhancement Chips can be equipped. Think carefully before you step into this capsule.

Foot Chip

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I will give you a Foot Chip that grants new aerial mobility. This will let you do up to two air dashes in a row, giving you a wider range of movement in the air. However, only one of the four enhancement Chips can be equipped. Think carefully before you step into this capsule.

Chip failure

Dr. Light: X, you do not yet have the part this chip will be installed in. Please return after you find it.

ライト博士:おや、どうやら おまえはこのきょうかチップをそうちゃくするための パワーアップパーツをまだあつめていないな・・・このままではそうちゃくできないから はやくさがしてきなさい・・・

Dr. Light: Oh, apparently you haven't collected the upgrade parts needed to install this enhancement chip... I can't install it like this, so go find them fast...

Dr. Light: What...? You've already installed another chip. I'm sorry but you can't be equipped with more than one chip. Life is sometimes cruel, isn't it X...

ライト博士:・・・ おや? ・・・すまんが、もうほかのきょうかチップがそうちゃくされているので くみこめないみたいじゃ・・・つらいじゃろうが がんばってくれ、エックス・・・

Dr. Light: ...Oh? ...I'm sorry, but it looks like I can't install it because another enhancement chip is already installed. I know it's difficult, but hang in there, X...

Hyper Chip

Dr. Light: Enter this capsule, X. Install this chip to enhance all your parts. The situation should now be improved. Good luck X.

ライト博士:エックス このカプセルにはいるのじゃ。ここでは すべてのきょうかのうりょくをてにいれることができる「ハイパーチップ」をさずけよう。これでかなりたたかいがらくになるはずじゃ。さあ がんばるのだぞ、エックス・・・

Dr. Light: X, enter this capsule. Here, I will give you a Hyper Chip that will give you all the enhanced abilities. This should make fighting much easier. Keep up the good work, X...

Nightmare Police & Vile

Two Mavericks defeated

Doppler: He is the Maverick Hunter I failed to catch last time. I had no idea he is so powerful... Bit and Byte!

Doppler: Bring that Maverick Hunter to me... alive if possible.

Bit & Byte: Affirmative, Dr. Doppler!

Mysterious Maverick: Alive, Dr. Doppler? You are so kind.

Doppler: Watch your mouth or I'll put you back where I found you. Even with your enhancements, you are still no match for me.

Mysterious Maverick: Thanks for the upgrade Doctor, but I have a score to settle... ...and I'll do it my way...

Doppler: Fine. Just make sure you do it. I still can't believe that Maverick Hunter defeated my master twice in the past...

ドップラー:あのとき、つかまえそこねたイレギュラーハンターが、これほどの のうりょくをもっていたとは・・・ いでよ、ヴァジュリーラ!マンダレーラ!



ヴァヴァ:クックック・・・ まどろっこしいな。いけどりとはね・・・

ドップラー:おまえか・・・ パワーアップまでしてさいせいしてやったのに・・・ いいかげん、わたしのしじどおりにうごいてくれないか・・・

ヴァヴァ:さいせいしてくれたのは かんしゃしているが、やつらにはうらみがあるんでね・・・ オレはオレのやりかたでやらせてもらうぜ・・・

ドップラー:フン! まあ、よい・・・ しかし ほんとうに、あのイレギュラーハンターが2ども、あのかたをたおしたとはおもえんが・・・

Doppler: I didn't think that the Maverick Hunter I failed to capture would hold so much power... Come forth, Bit! Byte!

Doppler: Capture that Maverick Hunter. Alive, if possible.

Bit & Byte: Yes sir, for the great Dr. Doppler!

Mysterious Maverick: Heheheh... capturing him alive... what a pain.

Doppler: You... I went out of my way to revive you with upgrades... So why don't you just do as I say...?

Mysterious Maverick: I appreciate you bringing me back, but I have a grudge against those guys... and I'll handle it my way...

Doppler: Hmph! No matter. However, I cannot believe that the Maverick Hunter really defeated him twice...

Bit battle

Bit: Welcome, X. I'm Bit. I have my orders. You are to be destroyed.

(Bit is defeated)
Bit: It... It is not possible for you to contain so much power... The next time we meet the result shall be different!

ヴァジュリーラ:フッフッフッ・・・ わたしのなはヴァジュリーラ。ドップラーはかせのみぎうでとして、おおくのレプリロイドたちをほうむってきた。はかせのめいれいだ きえてもらう。

ヴァジュリーラ:こっ、これがエックスのもっているパワーか・・・ここはひとまず ひきあげるが つぎにあうときには こうはいかんぞ ハハハハ・・・

Bit: Heheheh... my name is Bit. As Dr. Doppler's right-hand-man, I have sent many Reploids to their graves. The doctor's orders are for you to perish.

(Bit is defeated)
Bit: S-So this is the power X possesses... I'll pull out for now, but the next time we meet will be different. Hahaha...

Bit: Welcome, X. I'm Bit. I have my orders. You are to be destroyed.

(Bit is defeated)
Bit: This Reploid's special abilities are too... N... No it can't be... Gahhhhhh!!

ヴァジュリーラ:フッフッフッ・・・ わたしのなはヴァジュリーラ。ドップラーはかせのみぎうでとして、おおくのレプリロイドたちをほうむってきた。はかせのめいれいだ きえてもらう。

ヴァジュリーラ:こっ、これは・・・ このレプリロイドのとくしゅのうりょくは・・・まさか・・・・ あの・・・・ グワァァァッ!!

Bit: Heheheh... my name is Bit. As Dr. Doppler's right-hand-man, I have sent many Reploids to their graves. The doctor's orders are for you to perish.

(Bit is defeated)
Bit: T-This... this Reploid's special power is... Impossible... No... Gahhhhh!

Byte battle

Byte: Nice to meet you, X. I am Byte. I've been programmed to exterminate you!

(Byte is defeated)
Byte: I didn't expect you had this power... I've lost this time but... I'll crush you next time!!


マンダレーラ:こっ、これほどのものとは・・・こんかいは ふかくにも わたしのまけだが、つぎにあうときはおまえをくだいてみせる!!

Byte: So you're X. My name is Byte. It is my fate to fight you. Come on!

(Byte is defeated)
Byte: I-I didn't know you were this good... This time I lost unceremoniously, but the next time we meet, I will crush you!

Byte: Nice to meet you, X. I am Byte. I've been programmed to exterminate you!

(Byte is defeated)
Byte: No! How can this great power can be generated from within such an ancient machine!? Well done X. The victory is yours.


マンダレーラ:ぬおぉぉぉっ! こっ、こいつのどこからこんなパワーがひきだせるというのだ!!みごとだ・・・ エックス・・・ さらば!!

Byte: So you're X. My name is Byte. It is my fate to fight you. Come on!

(Byte is defeated)
Byte: Aughhhh! W-Where did you get this kind of power from?! Impressive... X... farewell!

Vile battle

Vile: Hee hee hee. You're trapped X!

Mega Man: Vile!?! Zero and I destroyed you years ago!!

Vile: This factory is set to blow in a matter of minutes! Until then, I'll try and keep you busy!

ヴァヴァ:クックックックッ・・・ まんまと ワナにひっかかったな!!

エックス:おまえは、ヴァヴァ?! いきていたのか!

ヴァヴァ:この こうじょうないには いたるところにばくだんをしかけておいた。しばらくすると、おまえごとまとめてだいばくはつだ!ばくはつまでのすこしのあいだ オレさまがさいごのあいてをしてやるぞ。しねぇぇい! エックス!!

Vile: Heheheheh... you've fallen right into my trap!

X: Vile?! You're alive?!

Vile: I've planted bombs all around this factory. After a while, it will explode and take you with it! I'm the last person you'll see before the bombs go off. Die, X!

Vile: Hee hee hee. You're trapped X!

Mega Man: Vile!?! Zero and I destroyed you years ago!!

Vile: This factory is set to blow in a matter of minutes! Until then, I'll try and keep you busy!

(Vile is defeated)
Vile: Don't think that this is the end, X! I will haunt you to the day you die.....

ヴァヴァ:クックックックッ・・・ まんまと ワナにひっかかったな!!

エックス:おまえは、ヴァヴァ?! いきていたのか!

ヴァヴァ:この こうじょうないには いたるところにばくだんをしかけておいた。しばらくすると、おまえごとまとめてだいばくはつだ!ばくはつまでのすこしのあいだ オレさまがさいごのあいてをしてやるぞ。しねぇぇい! エックス!!

ヴァヴァ:これでかったとおもうな・・・ オレはきさまをたおすために なんどでもよみがえって・・や・・・る・・・

Vile: Heheheheh... you've fallen right into my trap!

X: Vile?! You're alive?!

Vile: I've planted bombs all around this factory. After a while, it will explode and take you with it! I'm the last person you'll see before the bombs go off. Die, X!

(Vile is defeated)
Vile: Don't think you've won... I will rise again and again to... defeat... you...

Zero is injured

Zero: Sorry X... I've failed... Looks like my power generator is damaged... Go ahead and crush them! You're our only hope X...

ゼロ:すまない、エックス・・・ しくじっちまった・・・どうやら どうりょくろを、やられたみたいだ・・・はやく ドップラーのけいかくをうちくだいてくれ。たのんだぞ、エックス・・・

Zero: Sorry X... I screwed up... And it looks like they got my power reactor... Destroy Doppler's plans. I'm counting on you, X...

Eight Mavericks defeated

Mega Man: Any problems Dr. Cain?

Dr. Cain: I pulled some memory chips from the Mavericks controlled by Dr. Doppler. I analyzed them and found out that Dr. Doppler is trying to create a powerful new Battle Body by collecting the "special abilities" from the latest breed of Reploids.

Mega Man: Battle Body...?

Dr. Cain: First I thought Dr. Doppler was trying to create it for himself. But the information indicates that he will not be able to interface with it, so it must be for someone else.

Mega Man: Sigma!?

Zero: Can he still be alive??

Dr. Cain: A hidden laboratory has been pinpointed at Point D. All indications are that it is Dr. Doppler's secret lab. You need to get there immediately.

Mega Man: On my way......

Zero: It's time I put an end to Sigma for good!


ケイン:うむ・・・ じつは、ドップラーにあやつられていたイレギュラーたちのざんがいからきおくチップをとりだして のこっていたメモリーをかいせきしてみたら、ドップラーたちはレプリロイドがもっている「とくしゅのうりょく」をあつめて、さいきょうの せんとうようレプリロイドボディを つくりだそうとしているらしい。


ケイン:うむ。ドップラーはもともと かがくしゃレプリロイドだから、せんとうのうりょくがないので じぶんのためにつくっているとおもっていたが、どうやら ドップラーはだれかに そのボディをつくらされているみたいなのじゃ。

エックス:まさか・・・ ・・・シグマが!?

ゼロ:まだ いきていたのか!?

ケイン:とうろくされていないけんきゅうしせつが Dポイントにはっけんされた。どうやら そこがドップラーのひみつけんきゅうじょらしい。ただちに むかってくれたまえ。


ゼロ:こんどこそ、シグマのいきのねを とめてやるぜ!!

X: You wanted to see me, Dr. Cain?

Dr. Cain: Yes... so, after extracting the memory chips from the wreckage of the Mavericks under Doppler's control, and analyzing the remaining memories, it seems that Doppler and his team are trying to collect special abilities possessed by Reploids to create the strongest Reploid battle body ever.

X: A battle body...?

Dr. Cain: Yes. Doppler was originally a scientist Reploid, so I thought he was building it for himself because he isn't capable of fighting, but it seems that someone else is making Doppler build the body.

X: Could it be... Sigma?!

Zero: Is he still alive?!

Dr. Cain: An unregistered research facility has been discovered at Point D. Apparently, it is Doppler's secret laboratory. Head there immediately.

X: Understood.

Zero: We'll end Sigma for good this time!

Mega Man: Any problems Dr. Cain?

Dr. Cain: I pulled some memory chips from the Mavericks controlled by Dr. Doppler. I analyzed them and found out that Dr. Doppler is trying to create a powerful new Battle Body by collecting the "special abilities" from the latest breed of Reploids.

Mega Man: Battle Body...?

Dr. Cain: First I thought Dr. Doppler was trying to create it for himself. But the information indicates that he will not be able to interface with it, so it must be for someone else.

Mega Man: Sigma!?

Dr. Cain: A hidden laboratory has been pinpointed at Point D. All indications are that it is Dr. Doppler's secret lab. You need to get there immediately.

Mega Man: On my way......


ケイン:うむ・・・ じつは、ドップラーにあやつられていたイレギュラーたちのざんがいからきおくチップをとりだして のこっていたメモリーをかいせきしてみたら、ドップラーたちはレプリロイドがもっている「とくしゅのうりょく」をあつめて、さいきょうの せんとうようレプリロイドボディを つくりだそうとしているらしい。


ケイン:うむ。ドップラーはもともと かがくしゃレプリロイドだから、せんとうのうりょくがないので じぶんのためにつくっているとおもっていたが、どうやら ドップラーはだれかに そのボディをつくらされているみたいなのじゃ。

エックス:まさか・・・ ・・・シグマが!?

ケイン:とうろくされていないけんきゅうしせつが Dポイントにはっけんされた。どうやら そこがドップラーのひみつけんきゅうじょらしい。ただちに むかってくれたまえ。


X: You wanted to see me, Dr. Cain?

Dr. Cain: Yes... so, after extracting the memory chips from the wreckage of the Mavericks under Doppler's control, and analyzing the remaining memories, it seems that Doppler and his team are trying to collect special abilities possessed by Reploids to create the strongest Reploid battle body ever.

X: A battle body...?

Dr. Cain: Yes. Doppler was originally a scientist Reploid, so I thought he was building it for himself because he isn't capable of fighting, but it seems that someone else is making Doppler build the body.

X: Could it be... Sigma?!

Dr. Cain: An unregistered research facility has been discovered at Point D. Apparently, it is Doppler's secret laboratory. Head there immediately.

X: Understood.

Doppler Stage A

REX-2000 battle (Zero uninjured)

Zero: X, I've come to help you! I'll stop the collapsing ceiling!! You destroy that junk robot!

(REX-2000 is defeated)
Zero: X, there is an army of powerful Mavericks in Dr. Doppler's lab! They've been modified by Dr. Doppler into war machines. Be careful!

Mega Man: I'll watch my step. Thanks Zero.

Zero: I'm going to scout around. I'll catch up later.

ゼロ:エックス、たすけにきたぜ!つりてんじょうのほうは オレにまかせろ!!おまえは その でくのぼうを はかいするんだ!!

ゼロ:エックス! このドップラーのけんきゅうしせつは てごわいイレギュラーたちがウヨウヨいるぞ!!あいつら ドップラーにせんとうように かいぞうされている。きをつけてすすめよ。


ゼロ:じゃあ、オレは さきにいくぜ。

Zero: X, I'm here to help! I'll take care of the ceiling! You destroy the bucket of bolts!

(REX-2000 is defeated)
Zero: X! Doppler's research facility is crawling with formidable Mavericks! They've been modified for combat by Doppler. Stay sharp.

X: Got it, Zero. Thanks...

Zero: Okay, I'll go on ahead.

Godkarmachine O Inary battle

Bit: We've been waiting for you X!

Byte: Dr. Doppler modified us after our first battle against you.

Bit & Byte: Take a look at these new upgrades!!


ヴァジュリーラ:ドップラーはかせにより われらはあらたなるちからをてにいれた。


Byte: We've been waiting for you, X!

Bit: Dr. Doppler has given us a new power.

Byte: Now, we shall test that power!

Bit: X, you fought well to defeat Byte. But I will not go down so easily! The victory over Byte was your last!

ヴァジュリーラ:エックス!! マンダレーラをたおすとは さすがだな。だが、ここまでだ! マンダレーラのかたきは、いっしょにとらせてもらう!

Bit: X! I'm impressed you were able to defeat Byte. But this is as far as you go! I will avenge Byte!

Byte: X, I've been waiting for you. It was an impressive victory over Bit. Unfortunately, it was your last!!

マンダレーラ:エックス、まちかねたぞ。おまえが ヴァジュリーラをたおすとはな・・・ヴァジュリーラのかたきは ここでとらせてもらう。かくごしろ!!

Byte: I've been waiting for you, X. I didn't expect you to defeat Bit... I will avenge Bit here. Prepare yourself!

Doppler Stage B

Mosquitus battle (as Zero)

Mega Man: What was that explosion?! Zero!! Are you ok?

Zero: Sorry X... I failed... It seems my power generator is damaged... I'll try and make it back to Dr. Cain's lab for repairs. You can't tell what is waiting for you, X. You better take my Beam Sabre with you... Crush them all, X. You're our last hope...

エックス:いまの ばくはつおんは・・・ゼロ!!! だいじょうぶか?!

ゼロ:すまない、エックス・・・ しくじっちまった・・・どうやら どうりょくろを、やられたみたいだ・・・ ゼロ:オレは しゅうりのために、ケインはかせのところにもどらせてもらうぜ・・・このさきは、どんなきょうてきがいるか わからないから、このオレのビームサーベルをもっていきな・・・はやく ドップラーとシグマのけいかくを うちくだいてくれ。たのんだぞ、エックス・・・

X: That explosion... Zero! Are you okay?!

Zero: Sorry X... I screwed up... And it looks like it got my power reactor. I'm going back to Dr. Cain for repairs... Who knows what kind of powerful enemies you'll face ahead, so take my Beam Saber... Hurry and crush Doppler and Sigma's plans. I'm counting on you, X...

Vile (Goliath) battle

Vile: My waiting has finally come to an end! Prepare to die at the hands of the world's most advanced riding armor - the new "Goliath"!

(Vile is defeated)
Vile: Don't think that this is the end, X! I will haunt you to the day you die.....

ヴァヴァ:やっときたか、エックス・・・ まちかねたぞ。さいしんがた ライドアーマー「ブラウンベア」で、いままでの うらみをはらさせてもらうぞ!!

ヴァヴァ:これでかったとおもうな・・・ オレはきさまをたおすために なんどでもよみがえって・・や・・・る・・・

Vile: You're finally here, X... I've been waiting for you. I'll use my latest Ride Armor, the Goliath, to settle the score!

(Vile is defeated)
Vile: Don't think you've won... I will rise again and again to... defeat... you...

Doppler Stage C

Doppler: I've been waiting for you X. I'm Dr. Doppler. I've been watching your battles closely. Your victories over my men have been most impressive. I need superior reploids like yourself, X! I offer you the chance to join us. Together we shall build a Utopia where the Reploids rule under the watchful eyes of Sigma, our lord and master.

Mega Man: No way, Doc! Your schemes end here and now!!

Doppler: Perhaps you are not as smart as I once thought! Prepare to be ripped apart and to be born again as part of the new body of Sigma!

(Dr. Doppler is defeated)
Doppler: You are strong X... Strong enough to defeat Sigma...

Mega Man: Doppler, can you talk?!

Doppler: Sigma's true form is that of a computer virus... I was corrupted by him and... ...I created a horrific new body for him...

Mega Man: Where's the body now?

Doppler: It's in the underground hangar of this lab... I don't think Sigma has occupied it yet... Don't worry about me... Destroy the body before it is too late. Time is running out...

Mega Man: Thanks, Doc...

ドップラー:まっていたよ、エックスくん。わたしがドップラーだ。きみのかつやくはじっくりと はいけんさせてもらったよ。わがそっきんをたおすとは たいしたものだ。きみのそのちから われらにかすつもりは ないかね?そして われらとともにシグマさまのもとで、レプリロイドが ぜんせかいをしはいするりそうきょうを きずこうではないか。

エックス:ことわる!! きさまの、そしてシグマのけいかくも ここでおわりだ!

ドップラー:フン! おろかな!! では きみに きえてもらうしかないな。そして わがシグマさまのボディパーツとなるがよい。しね! エックス!!

ドップラー:み・・・ みごとだ・・・きみなら、あのシグマを・・・たおすことが・・・できる・・・ か・・・も・・・


ドップラー:シグマの しょうたいは・・・あくせいのプログラムウィルスだ・・・わたしは ヤツに せんのうされて・・・・・・おそろしい ボディを つくってしまった・・・

エックス:そのボディはどこに あるんですか!

ドップラー:このけんきゅうじょの ちかのハンガーに おいてある・・・まだシグマの てには わたっていないはずだ・・・わたしのことはかまわない・・・ いっこくもはやく、そのボディをはかいしてくれ。もう、じかんがない・・・


Doppler: I've been waiting for you X. I am Doppler. I've had a good look at your performance. It's quite a feat to defeat my men. Would you be willing to lend me your power? Together with us, we will build a utopia where Reploids rule the world under Lord Sigma.

X: No! Your plan, and Sigma's plan, end here!

Doppler: Hmph! Fool! Then I'm going to have to dispose of you. And you will be made into a body part for my Lord Sigma. Die, X!

(Dr. Doppler is defeated)
Doppler: W-Well done... you may be... able to defeat... Sigma...

X: Doppler, can you talk?!

Doppler: Sigma is actually... a malignant virus program... he brainwashed me... And I've built a horrible body for him...

X: Where is the body?!

Doppler: It's in a hangar in the basement of this lab... but I'm fairly sure he hasn't taken it yet. Don't worry about me... just destroy that body as soon as possible. We don't have much time.

X: Okay.

Doppler Stage D

Before Sigma (Zero uninjured)

Zero: I'll go ahead and destroy the power generator. X, you go upstairs and destroy Sigma's body.

ゼロ:オレはこのまま どうりょくろのはかいにむかう。エックス、おまえはうえのかいへまわって シグマのボディをはかいしてくれ。

Zero: I'll keep going and destroy the power reactor. X, you go upstairs and destroy Sigma's body.

Sigma battle

Sigma: We meet again X... It was easy to corrupt that fool, Doppler. And I would have succeeded if you hadn't interfered. But we are always destined to meet, aren't we X? Let the eternal struggle begin!!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Well done X... But I'm far stronger than my previous forms. Behold the power of the ultimate battle body!!

(Kaiser Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: N... No it can't be! I can't even defeat you with this magnificent body..?! There seems to be only one choice now... I'll possess you!

(The Sigma Virus chases X)
Mega Man: Damn! It's a dead end...

Sigma: Ha ha ha. Give up X. I'll possess your body and rule the whole world!!

シグマ:またあえて うれしいぞ。エックスよ・・・ドップラーをりようして ここまできたが、また、きさまのおかげで だいなしにされたよ・・・どうやら きさまとは たたかう うんめいにあるらしいな・・・ いくぞ!!

シグマ:さすがだな。エックス・・・ だが、これでおわりだとおもうな!!ドップラーにかいはつさせた、きゅうきょくのせんとうようボディのちからをいま、このばで あじあわせてくれるわ!!

シグマ:ま・・・ まさか・・・ こんなはずでは!このボディを もってしても きさまに かてないとは・・・こうなったら、エックス! きさまの そのボディを いただく!!

エックス:!? しまった! いきどまりだ・・・

シグマ:ハハハハハ・・・ ざんねんだったな、エックスよ。こんどは おまえにとりついて せかいをてにいれてやる!

Sigma: It's good to see you again, X... I've come this far using Doppler, and you've ruined it again... It seems I'm destined to fight you... Let's go!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Impressive, X... But don't think this is the end! I'll give you a taste of the power of the ultimate battle body that I made Doppler create for me, right here, right now!

(Kaiser Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: N-No way... this wasn't supposed to happen! Even with this body, I'm still no match for you... In that case, I will take that body of yours, X!

(The Sigma Virus chases X)
X: Oh no! A dead end...

Sigma: Hahahahaha... too bad, X. Now I'm going to possess you and take the world into my hands!

Sigma's defeat

Sigma: Garrrrr! You're... Zero... It's you... again...

Zero: How do you like that, Sigma? I picked up a Anti-Sigma virus program from Doppler and used it on my Beam Sabre!! Sorry about the delay X. I thought the program might be the only thing that would work against Sigma.

Sigma: My program... is... disappearing... But... someday... I... will...

シグマ:グアアアアアアァ!!き、きさまは・・・ ゼ・・・ ゼ・ロ・・・またしても・・・ おまえか・・・

ゼロ:どうだい? シグマ。ドップラーがのこしていった、シグマウィルスようの こうたいウィルスをのせたビームサーベルこうげきは!!おそくなって わるかったな、エックス。どうりょくろをはかいして こっちにくるとちゅうで、コンピュータールームで このこうたいウィルスをはっけんしたんだ。これなら じったいのないシグマにも、ダメージをあたえることができるのさ。

シグマ:き・・・ きえ・る・・・わたしの、プ・ロ・・ グラ・・・ム・・・が・・・また・・・ いつか・・・

Sigma: Gwaaah! Y-You're... Z-Zero... It's you... again...

Zero: How's that, Sigma? It's a Beam Saber attack with the Sigma Virus antibody that Doppler left behind! Sorry I took so long, X. I was on my way here after destroying the power reactor when I discovered this virus antibody in the computer room. This way, I can damage Sigma even without his body.

Sigma: My program... i-is... disappearing... I will see you again... one day...

Sigma: Aaarrrgggg... You're Doppler... How did you obtain this...

Doppler: How do you feel now, Sigma? Did you like my special vaccine for the Sigma Virus? X, I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble. I know I can never really atone for what I have done... But I will try to set things right by taking Sigma with me!!!

Sigma: My program... is... fading...

Doppler: X... it's... time to say... goodbye...

シグマ:グアアアアアアァ!!き、きさまは・・・ ド・・・ ドップラー・・・こ、これは!! いつのまに、きさま・・・

ドップラー:どうだ?! シグマ!!このわたしが よういしていた、シグマウィルスようの こうたいウィルスのあじは!エックスくん。いろいろ めいわくを かけたね・・・ほかの レプリロイドたちにも もうしわけないことをした・・・せめてもの つみほろぼしに このシグマウィルスとともに わたしもじごくにゆこう。

シグマ:き・・・ きえ・る・・・わたしの、プ・ロ・・ グラ・・・ム・・・が・・・

ドップラー:それでは・・・ エックスく・ん・・・ さら・ば・・だ・・・

Sigma: Gwaaah! Y-You're... D-Doppler... W-What is this?! When did you...?

Doppler: What do you think, Sigma?! It's the taste of the Sigma Virus antibody that I had prepared! X. I know I've caused you a lot of trouble... I'm sorry for what I've done to the other Reploids... At the very least, I'll take the Sigma Virus with me to hell to atone for my sins.

Sigma: My program... i-is... disappearing...

Doppler: With that said... X... farewell...


File:MMX3 - Ending Screenshot.png
X has crushed Sigma's plan once again. But many questions still occupy his mind...... "Why must humans fight against Reploids...?" "And, why must Reploids fight against each other..." As X stares at the burning remnants of Doppler's lab, his body trembles from an unknown sorrow. "What does fate have in store for me?" he wonders. He can only hope that someday Dr. Light's plan for him will finally be revealed. Unknown to X, his destiny has already been decided. To save mankind, he must destroy Zero. But only time will tell, when and why.....

File:MMX3 - Ending Screenshot.png
たびかさなる シグマのけいかくを ことごとくうちやぶってきた エックス。しかし、たたかいのあとにかれのこころにのこるのは むなしさだけだった。 なぜ、じんるいとレプリロイドたちが・・・なぜ、レプリロイドどうしが たたかわなくてはならないのか・・・ シグマにあやつられていた、ドップラーのけんきゅうじょを みつめるエックス・・・ その、あかあかともえる ほのおをみつめながらいきばのないかなしみと いかりによってエックスのつめたいからだは ふるえていた・・・ そしていつか おもいだされるであろうじぶんのきおくが、ゼロとのたたかいを うんめいづけていることもいまは しらずに・・・ そして かれらは このさき、なにをみるのだろうか・・・

File:MMX3 - Ending Screenshot.png
X has repeatedly destroyed Sigma's plans at every turn. However, after the battle, all that remains in his heart is emptiness. Why must humans and Reploids... why must fellow Reploids... fight each other...? X stares at the lab of Doppler, who was controlled by Sigma... As he gazed into the flames burning so brightly, X's cold body trembled with grief and anger that had no where to go... And he didn't know now that his memories, which would one day be remembered, would doom him to a battle with Zero... And what will they see beyond that...?


  1. Like Mega Man X2, in X3 all dialogue boxes erroneously label X as Mega Man. However, all characters now correctly refer to him as X.

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