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Script:Mega Man X4

Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man X4. Placement of certain cutscenes differs between X and Zero's stories. Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.
Sky Lagoon
Magma Dragoon appears
Iris appears (Zero)
![]() Iris: Zero... Did you come to save me? Zero: Yes. Hang on! Iris: A huge Maverick appeared and... Zero: Stay here Iris. I'll handle it! Zero: Is this really one of Repliforce's? I don't have a moment to spare! I have to defeat him or else... |
![]() アイリス:…ゼロ。たすけに、きてくれたの? ゼロ:そうだ。しっかりしろ! アイリス:きょだいなイレギュラーが…とつぜん、おそってきて… ゼロ:ここをうごくな、アイリス。すぐにケリをつけてくる! ゼロ:…この部隊は、ほんとうにレプリフォースなのか? …くそ、なやんでいるヒマはない! すぐに奴を倒さなくては、ひがいがおおきくなる! |
![]() Iris: ...Zero. You've come to save me? Zero: Yes. Hang on! Iris: A giant Maverick... suddenly attacked me... Zero: Stay here, Iris. I'll settle this now! Zero: ...Is this unit really from Repliforce? ...Damn it, there's no time to worry. If I don't take it down soon, the damage will only get worse! |
Colonel appears
General's speech
![]() Colonel: I, too, share the General's sentiment. Take heed, we have no other choice. Let us fight vehemently, with courage and pride, without fear. For we are the Repliforce... The most powerful army in history! Sigma: Hahahahahaha! The General has finally taken action! And now, my Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll be watching closely from here on out. Hahahaha! |
![]() だが我々とて、このまま汚名をきせられておくわけにはいかない。我々は自らの手で、レプリロイドだけの国家をたてる。 ただし、これは人類に対しての敵対ではない。自由と安全、それら正当な権利をもとめるための戦いなのだ。ともに築こう!何者にもおかされない理想の国家を!ともに進もう!我々レプリフォースの未来にむかって! カーネル:私もジェネラル将軍とおなじ意見だ。いいか、我々にはこれしか道はない。恐れず、勇気と誇りをもって戦おう!我々はレプリフォース! 史上最強の軍隊なのだ! シグマ:ククク。ハッハッハ ジェネラルの奴め! とうとう動きおったわ!…さあて、イレギュラーハンターよ、どう出る? ここでゆっくり見物させてもらうか… クククッ…ファーッハッハッハ! |
![]() Colonel: I concur with General. Take heed, this is the only path we have. Let us fight with courage and pride, and without fear. We are Repliforce, the most powerful army in history! Sigma: Hahahaha! General has finally made his move. So, Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll just sit back and watch. Hahaha! |
Stage Select
Maverick bosses
Web Spider
Cyber Peacock
Storm Owl
Magma Dragoon
Jet Stingray
Split Mushroom
Slash Beast
Frost Walrus
Light Capsules (X)
Fourth Armor Parts
Foot PartsDr. Light: This war should never have happened, X... Why must Reploids fight each other? Why do these peace keepers persist in fighting each other? This must be some sort of mistake... X, enter this capsule. Equip with this to discover the truth. Stop this tragic war as soon as possible, X. Equip with this boot module and jump twice in the air to hover. You can move either left or right and will remain airborne for a few moments. It is effective for negotiating through higher and more dangerous terrain. Head PartsDr. Light: I'm giving you a new head module, X. This module will improve your special weapons abilities. It should reduce your special weapon energy requirements to near zero. You may now use your special weapons as often as you want. Body PartsDr. Light: Equip with this new body module, X. This body part absorbs damage inflicted by enemies and will gradually accumulate within. When it is filled to capacity with energy you can execute the invincible Nova Strike. However, a single use will consume all your energy stores, so use it only to pull through tight situations. Arm Parts (Plasma Charge Shot)Dr. Light: With this arm part, you can fire the Plasma Shot which is effective against stronger enemies. If the shot hits the opponent, plasma is generated which will cause additional damage to the enemy. This arm module is changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts. Arm Parts (Stock Charge Shot)Dr. Light: You can charge up to four blasts at a time with this arm module. It takes a while to charge, but you can fire a charged shot at any time you so wish with it. This arm module is also changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts. |
フットパーツライト博士:エックスよ、この戦いはあってはならない戦いじゃ。なぜ、おなじこころざしをもつレプリロイドどうしが戦う? へいわをまもる者どうしがなぜ戦わなければならないのか? きっとなにかのまちがいじゃ。エックスよ、このカプセルにはいるがよい。このパーツをつけてしんそうをつきとめるのじゃ。いっこくもはやくむだな戦いを止めるのじゃ。エックス。フットパーツをつければ、くうちゅうで、もういちどジャンプすることでホバリングが、かのうになる。ぜんごに、うごくことができ、しばらくたいくうできる。たかいところにいるてきや、きけんなばしょを、おちついて、いどうするのにゆうこうじゃ。 ヘッドパーツライト博士:エックスよ、ここではヘッドパーツをさずけよう。ヘッドパーツはエックスのとくしゅ武器のうりょくの、しつをかいぜんする。これによりとくしゅ武器の、しようエネルギーをほぼゼロにできるはずじゃ。とくしゅ武器を、ぞんぶんにつかうがよい。 ボディパーツライト博士:エックスよ、ボディパーツをつけるのじゃ。てきからのダメージやアイテムのエネルギーを、きゅうしゅうし、ボディパーツにちくせきする。そのエネルギーがマンタンになれば… むてきのノヴァ・ストライクがつかえる。ただし、いちどつかうと、すべてのエネルギーを、しょうひするので、ほんとうにきけんなときだけ、つかうがよい。 アームパーツ (プラズマチャージショット)ライト博士:このアームパーツはきょうりょくなてきにたいしてゆうこうな、プラズマショットが撃てる。ショットがてきにあたるとプラズマが生じて、てきに、ついかダメージをあたえることができる。またアームパーツはきりかえかのうじゃ。このカプセルにはいってきりかえるがいい アームパーツ (ストックチャージショット)ライト博士:このアームパーツはいちどにさいこう4発まで、チャージショットがためられる。ためるのに、じかんがかかるがチャージショットを、すきなときに、撃てるのがつよみじゃ。またアームパーツはきりかえかのうじゃ。このカプセルにはいってきりかえるがいい |
Foot PartsDr. Light: X, this battle never should have happened. Why do like-minded Reploids fight each other? Why should peacekeepers fight one another? There must be some mistake. X, you may enter this capsule. Install these parts to find the truth. If you attach these Foot Parts, you can hover in the air by jumping again. You can move forward and backward, and stay in the air for a while. This is useful for passing over tall enemies and dangerous places. Stop this pointless fight as soon as possible, X. Head PartsDr. Light: X, here I will give you the Head Parts. It will improve the quality of your Special Weapon abilities. This should allow you to use almost no energy for your Special Weapons. Use them to the fullest. Body PartsDr. Light: X, install these Body Parts. It absorbs damage from enemies and energy from items and stores it in the body. And once the energy is full... you can use the invincible Nova Strike. However, once you use it, it will consume all your energy, so you should only use it if you are in real danger. Arm Parts (Plasma Charge Shot)Dr. Light: These Arm Parts can fire plasma shots, which are effective against powerful enemies. When the shot hits an enemy, plasma is created, and the enemy takes additional damage. The Arm Parts can also be swapped. You can switch between them in this capsule. Arm Parts (Stock Charge Shot)Dr. Light: These Arm Parts can store up to four Charge Shots at a time. It takes some time to build up, but the advantage is that you can fire a Charge Shot whenever you want. The Arm Parts can also be swapped. You can switch between them in this capsule. |
Ultimate Armor
Dr. Light: ...X, you've finally arrived... This capsule contains the sealed secret parts for the Ultimate Armor. When you execute the Nova Strike, the wings will open and you can execute the invincible body crash attack. ...However, this armor is not completed yet and your safety is not assured. If this is acceptable to you, enter now... |
ライト博士:…エックスよ、とうとうここまできてしまったか…。このカプセルには、ふういんされた、きんだんのパーツ、アルティメットアーマーが、ねむっている。ノヴァストライクのときにウイングパーツがひらき、むてきのたいあたりこうげきができるのじゃ。…しかし、このアーマーはまだみかんせいのため、あんぜんせいは、ほしょうできん。それでもよいのなら、このカプセルにはいるがよい |
Dr. Light: ...X, you've finally made it... In this capsule lies the Ultimate Armor, a forbidden part that has been sealed away. In the Nova Strike, its wings unfold for an invincible tackle attack. ...However, as this armor is still incomplete, I cannot guarantee your safety. If you are still willing, you may enter this capsule. |
Four Mavericks defeated
Memorial Hall
Eight Mavericks defeated
Space Port
Final Weapon unlocked
Final Weapon 1
Double's betrayal (X)
![]() Hunter 1: Hey, watch it! Double: I'm terribly sorry. Sigma: It's me. Those Hunters must not be allowed in here. Terminate them! Double: Roger... Hunter 2: What a freak. All Hunters: Hahaha! Hunter 2: Hey, Double. What's the matter? (Double transforms and attacks) All Hunters: Ahhh! Hunter 3: This is the Maverick Hunters, 17th Unit. Commander X, please respond! X: This is X! What happened? Report! Double: Nothing to worry about... X: No further transmissions unless necessary to carry out the operation! Double: Understood... X: I'm breaking contact. Double: And now, X will be my next target. Heheheheh... |
![]() ハンター:コラ!またドジったな!? ダブル:すいませんデシ! シグマ:わたしだ。いまハンターどもに宇宙にこられてはマズイ。やれ! ダブル:了解 ハンター:まったくドジだな… ハンター:おい、ダブル。どうした? ハンター:こちらイレギュラーハンター17部隊! エックス隊長、応答ねがいます。エックス隊長、応答ねがいます! …ぐわあぁ! エックス:こちらエックス。どうした!? なにかあったのか? ダブル:なんでもないデシ。 エックス:作戦行動中は、必要以外の通信を入れるなっ ダブル:わかったデシ。 エックス:きるぞ。 ダブル:さてと、エックスを追うとするか…ククク。 |
![]() Hunter 1: Hey! You screwed up again, didn't you? Double: Sorry about that! Sigma: It's me. We can't let those Hunters get into space. Do it now! Double: Got it... Hunter 2: Man, you're a klutz. All Hunters: Hahaha! Hunter 2: Hey, Double. What's wrong? (Double transforms and attacks) All Hunters: Ahhh! Hunter 3: This is the Maverick Hunter Unit 17. Captain X, respond! Captain X, respond! X: This is X! What's wrong? What happened? Double: Nothing happened. X: Don't make any non-essential calls during the mission! Double: I know. X: I have to go. Double: All right... Time to follow X... Heheheh... |
Double/Iris battle
Iris' death (Zero)
![]() Iris: Zero... Zero: Hang in there, Iris. Iris: Please... stay away from Repliforce... Let's live together in a world where only Reploids exist. Zero: Iris, there's no world just for Reploids. It's only a fantasy. Iris: Yes... I know... But I wanted to believe it! ... I wanted to live in a world where only Reploids exist...... with you... Zero: ... Iris. Iris! Iris! ... Iris... Zero: Aghh! No, this isn't happening! There's no reason for me to go on! What... What am I fighting for?! |
![]() アイリス:ゼロ… ゼロ:しっかりしろ、アイリス! アイリス:おねがい…もうレプリフォースに手を出さないで…いっしょに、レプリロイドだけの世界でくらしましょう… ゼロ:アイリス…レプリロイドだけの世界なんて、まぼろしだ! アイリス:そうよね…でも、しんじたかった…レプリロイドだけの世界で…あなたと… ゼロ:アイリス…!アイリス!アイリス!…アイリス ゼロ:…うわああぁぁーッ!! おれは、おれは…! いったいなんのために戦っているんだーーッ! |
![]() Iris: Zero... Zero: Stay with me, Iris. Iris: Please... stay away from Repliforce... Let's live together in a world only for Reploids... Zero: Iris, a world of only Reploids is just a fantasy! Iris: That's true... But I wanted to believe I could live in a world of Reploids, with you... Zero: Iris. Iris! Iris! Iris... Zero: Aghh! I... I... What even is it that I'm fighting for?! |
Final Weapon 2
Final Weapon 3
Sigma appears
Sigma battle
External links
- Fan translation by Hondoori from Hondoori Game Center
- Fan translation (X) by Windii from Windii Mega Man Videos on YouTube
- Fan translation (Zero) by Windii from Windii Mega Man Videos on YouTube