In the year of 21XX MEGAMAN X Episode 5 ???: Yes, it's ready... Piece of cake. ...The Colony is still alive... I can let it fall at any time... Please let me do it now. I'm getting bored. All I have to do is... go back to the Earth and scatter the Virus. Mysterious Voice: You're exactly what I expected... You're doing a good job... hee hee hee. ???: Nobody dares to fight against you, except those stupid Maverick Hunters. I'll do anything for you, anything... Mysterious Voice: Good... I'm going to Earth to execute our plan. Stay where you are and await further instruction. ???: But I don't think you need to do it personally. Are they really a threat? Are X and Zero really so strong that you can't let someone else do it? Mysterious Voice: Hee hee hee... Yes, in a manner of speaking... Zero... I'll show you what you really are and who your true enemy is... Hee hee hee. Bwah ha ha ha ha! |
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Script:Mega Man X5
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Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man X5. Includes tabbers with the official English localization (using the revised version from Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2), the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.
21XX… ロックマンX エピソード5 ??:ええ、仕事終わりましたよ…あっけなくね。ええ、わかってますよ…コロニーはまだ生きてますよ。いつでも落とせる状態にしてますから…早く、合図して下さいよ。結構暇でね。あとはウィルス撒いて…地球に戻るだけですから。 謎の声:フフ、見込んだだけはあるな…。やるべきことは、しっかりやっているようだな。 ??:ダンナを敵に回す奴なんて、イレギュラーハンターぐらい愚かな奴じゃないと。ま、おれにできることでしたら何でもやりまっせ、ダンナ。 謎の声:わかった…今から、地球上でアレを実行する!それまで、そこで待機だ。 ??:しかし、ダンナ自ら手を下さなくても…そんなにスゴイ奴らなんですか?エックスだかゼロだか。 謎の声:くくく…ある意味な。ゼロ…お前の真の姿を教えてやる…。真の敵をもな…。くくく、ファーッハハハッ! |
21XX… Mega Man X Episode 5 ??: Yes, work's all done here... it was a cake walk, really. Yes, I know... the colony's still kickin'. It's in a spot where I can crash it at the drop of a hat... just hurry and give me the signal, please; I’m gettin' kinda bored. All that's left is to spread the virus then make my way back to Earth. Mysterious Voice: Heheh, you're holding up your end quite well, I see. You do your work well. ??: Only total idiots like the Maverick Hunters would make an enemy outta you, boss. Doesn't matter what – if I can do it, I will, boss. Mysterious Voice: Very well... I will now execute "that part" on Earth. Until then, you're on standby. ??: But, you shouldn't have to lift a finger, boss... are they really that good? X and Zero or whoever. Mysterious Voice: Heheheh, in a manner of speaking. Zero... I will show you your true form... and your real enemy... hehehe, haaahahaha! |
Opening Stage
The Sigma Virus
Zero: Darn! That blast released the Sigma Virus...
X: It must have spread all over and could cover the Earth by now... All of the Reploids are getting severely infected! Zero: Sigma! He lost to us on purpose... We have to evacuate immediately! Alia: Th...s...Hunter...ase... This is Hunter Base. Do you read me? Are you all right? Any damage? Signas: Are you all right? X! Zero! The entire Earth has been thrown into a panic because of the Sigma Virus. It's dangerous to stay there. Report back to the Base! Zero: Darn it! Sigma! You will pay for this! X: Even if we fight, what good will it do? A battle won't solve the problem. Signas: The situation is far worse than expected. Sigma's explosion has spread the Virus all over the Earth. Humans and Reploids are in total panic. What's worse, the Space Colony, Eurasia, is heading straight toward us. At this rate, it's going to crash into the Earth... in 16 hours. Everything... including Reploids and the entire human race, will be... ... annihilated... Alia: We have no choice... For the sake of the world, we must destroy the Colony! ...But the only weapon we have in the Hunter Base that still works is... ...the Enigma... And it's very old. We also have a space shuttle. But, it's been affected by the Virus, and the Auto-Pilot function doesn't work... So we need someone to fly it to the Colony and let it collide... It's almost certain death, but we have no other choice. Signas: How's the condition of the Enigma? Douglas: Far from perfect... In order to use the Enigma, we need to build it up with some devices. The Enigma doesn't work as is. Signas: Under the influence of the Sigma Virus, a lot of Maverick Hunters have become Mavericks, and only a few hunters remain normal. Let's join forces with the rest of our brothers and complete the Enigma! |
エックス:この勢いだと、もう既に地球上に広がっているはず…。全てのレプリロイドが大変なことになるっ! ゼロ:シグマめ!わざとオレ達に負けたのか…。このままではオレ達も危険だ!くそっ! エイリア:ガ…こ…こち…ハンター…ース。こちら、ハンターベース。応答して!二人とも無事なの?ダメージは? シグナス:大丈夫か?エックス!ゼロ!既に地球はシグマウィルスで大パニックだ!そこにいては危険だ。一度戻ってくるんだ! ゼロ:くそっ!シグマめ!オレは絶対許さない! エックス:やはり戦うだけでは今までの繰り返しになる…。戦っても何も解決しないんだ…。 シグナス:事態は想像より深刻だ…。シグマの爆発によって地球上にウィルスが広がり、人々もレプリロイドも混乱している。さらにスペースコロニーのユーラシアまで、地球に向かっているというおまけつきだ。このままだと、16時間後に地球と衝突して…人類もレプリロイドも何もかも…滅亡する…。 エイリア:それだけは避けるために、コロニーを破壊するわ!…でも、今ハンターベースでまともに動く武器は…エニグマ…この古い武器しか残ってないわ。あとはスペースシャトル。オートパイロットはウィルスで機能しないので…誰かが運転してコロニーまで近づき、ぶつけるという危険な作戦になるわ。 シグナス:エニグマの状態はどうだ? ダグラス:どうもこうもねえ。エニグマを使うにはパーツの補強が必要。このままだと何も破壊できやしない。 シグナス:シグマウィルスでたくさんのハンター達もイレギュラー化して残り少ない。残った者達で力を合わせ…エニグマを完成させるのだ! シグナス:とにかく、まだコロニー衝突まで16時間…。16時間以内にエニグマのパワーアップをはかる。 |
Enigma briefing
Signas: We only have 16 hours left before the collision! We have to upgrade the Enigma before then. There are 4 Mavericks that have the devices required to enhance the Enigma. Crescent Grizzly, a weapons broker. He has a Crystal Ball. Tidal Whale, he lives in the ocean. We will have access to Hydrogen if we can secure the ocean. Volt Kraken, an ex-Maverick Hunter. He has an Energy Cart. Shining Firefly, a Doctor of Engineering. He has a Laser Device. There are 4 other Mavericks but these 4 Mavericks are the only ones who have the devices to upgrade the Enigma. X, Zero... You are the only Maverick Hunters that can match these Mavericks. Split up so you can gather the devices! Prepare your equipment and fulfill your mission! |
Enigma Part Mavericks
Runaway Truck Stage
Crescent Grizzly
Super-Electromagnetic Lab Stage
Volt Kraken
Laser Institute Stage
Shining Firefly
Deep-Sea Submarine Stage
Tidal Whale
One Maverick defeated
Alia: Incoming message from... ...sources unknown.
Signas: Who's this? I've never seen him... ???: Nice to meet you, Maverick Hunters. I have no hard feelings toward you, but this is my mission... Before long, I will attack the Hunter Base... Aw, are Mr. X and Mr. Zero there? Please play with me! I'm really bored... Don't worry! We'll fight like true sportsmen, hee hee hee. Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Dynamo. See you soon... Signas: How dare he... at a time like this?! Should we even attempt to fight against one so arrogant? |
Two Mavericks defeated
Enigma complete
Douglas: At last the Enigma has been completed! It's old, but we reinforced it with some devices... It should work fine... Well, we're ready! |
Enigma fire
Space Shuttle
Shuttle briefing
Signas: I know this mission is hard for you all, but the important thing is for us to stay optimistic... Now, let's get to work! Our only hope is the Space Shuttle. We can't waste any time... Let me describe the 4 Mavericks that have the devices to upgrade the Shuttle. Spike Rosered, Details Unknown. He carries a concealed Orbiter Engine. Burn Dinorex, a weapons storage guard. He owns a Booster for rockets. Spiral Pegasus, of Repliforce's air wing. An Orbiter Wing is at his base. Dark Necrobat, A mysterious Maverick. He has a Fuel Tank. We have little time but... We have to gather as many devices as possible. |
Shuttle Part Mavericks
Reploid Air Force Stage
Spiral Pegasus
Jungle Stage
Spike Rosered
Planetarium Stage
Dark Necrobat
Magma Stage
Burn Dinorex
Shuttle Part obtained as Zero
Zero: I've been fighting the Sigma Virus for a long time... It is the virus that causes all Reploids to transform into Mavericks. The most dreadful virus to ever exist. Why... I wonder why I'm not harmed? Instead, I feel energy growing within my body... What on earth is happening to me? I have a bad feeling about this...
Lifesaver: ...That's all of the report on Zero. Signas: Zero has fought Sigma several times, I believe he has the Virus antibodies. Lifesaver: It's possible... He doesn't react negatively to the Virus... His power output is actually growing... For the most part, the body systems of X and Zero remain mysterious. I can't predict what will happen... I suggest you take measures... Signas: Keep this secret... I'll think it over. Lifesaver: His power is growing with the virus... It's too dangerous to keep them loose! Please... at least do something about Zero... before it's too late! |
Six Mavericks defeated
Shuttle complete
Douglas: We've completed the Space Shuttle... It's ready to launch at anytime. Still... The problem is...who will maneuver it... It's awkward having this kind of problem at the very end. Everything else is taken care of. The Shuttle is ready... Let me know once you've dealt with the pilot issue. |
Shuttle launch
Time runs out
Signas: No! None of our operations worked!
Alia: Estimated 31 minutes until the collision. Ground zero is 5646 points in E block. Tidal waves and earthquakes are already breaking out in various places! We have to evacuate immediately! Signas: Everyone in the Hunter Base: evacuate to the underground shelter! Move out! I repeat! Evacuate now to the underground shelter! Alia: X and Zero are missing... Signas: What?! What are they doing at a time like this...?! Blast! ... Maybe they can survive on their own... Douglas: What are you waiting for?! Hurry up, let's go! Signas: Yeah. Alia, Douglas! Move now! ...Where did they go...? Well, I just hope they're safe,... ... wherever they are... In spite of the Maverick Hunters... The Colony crashed into the Earth... Fortunately, the Earth narrowly managed to avoid extinction... A few hours after the collision... Signas: Alia... Give me an update! Alia: I can't tell exactly because the signal is being jammed... I'm sure the results are devastating... Signas: Are there any survivors? Alia: I've caught some readings, but they're very weak... I'm not sure if they are alive or not... But the data reading of the Sigma Virus has gone... ............ Wait! What's that?! X: ...Zero is my friend and yet... can this really be him? If it is him, then I guess I never really knew him at all... Can it be that Zero is finally discovering his true self? Signas: What's going on? Alia: Zero, Zero is... X: Zero... Zero: You''re X... ...I will destroy you... X: ............ ...What are you talking about...? ...What's up... Why do you... .......... ...wait... ... I don't know... exactly why... ...but I know what you are thinking... ...You told me once before, right? "There are things that cannot be seen or analyzed correctly as data." ...We have to feel... There are things that we can only feel......I feel it very ...All right... ...I'll accept your challenge... ...This is our destiny, isn't it? ...I will fight! I won't run away! |
Zero Space Stages unlocked
Light Capsules
Falcon Armor Programs
Gaea Armor Programs
Ultimate Armor
Dr. Light: I never expected you to come here without the armor... But it's very dangerous to go without adequate equipment. To finish this battle, I'll give you the Ultimate Armor. You can perform the Giga Attack unlimited times. But don't get lazy and depend too much on the power of the armor. The end is near... Good luck, X! |
Black Zero
Dr. Light: Zero... I wasn't able to create any armor for you... But I seem to be able to enhance your abilities...
Zero: No. I don't need any enhancements... Dr. Light: I see... Whether you enter this capsule or not, The decision is up to you. But if you enter, the Z saver [sic] will be enhanced, and your defense power will be increased... I believe in you. You will use these powers in the right way to fight evil. Decide...and choose your fate. Zero: ............ |
Zero Space Stage 3: Awakening
X vs. Zero
Sigma appears
Zero Space Stage 3 complete
Alia: I'm getting a stronger energy reaction from point 11F5646! The energy is too strong to get an accurate data sample. I must be reading Sigma... I can't think of anyone but Sigma! Sigma is behind all of this... I won't stop you from going to fight anymore...I leave everything in your hands... |
Zero Space Stage 4: Birth
- ↑ In the original release of X5, this line was misspelled as "Cristal Ball".
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 In the original release of X5, Launch Octopus was mistranslated as "Octopardo" from his Japanese name. This was changed for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 In the original release of X5, all references to Repliforce's air wing instead call it the "Reploid Air Force" (like in the stage's name). This was changed for Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2.
External links
- Fan translation by Hondoori from Hondoori Game Center