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Script:Mega Man X7

From Mega Man Wiki
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Japanese box art for Mega Man X7.

Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man X7. Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.


Aluce: Ahh...

(Cut to Axl and Red outside)

???: This is it. Ready to rock?

???: I'm always ready.

(Cut back to Aluce and Cedar)

Aluce: What the?!

Cedar: You stay here.

(Cedar exits the room)

???: I guess you've heard of Red Alert...

(Aluce exits the room and destroys it with an explosive, fleeing to another room)

Aluce: I should be safe here. Somebody must've leaked the information... Huh? Who's there!?

Cedar: It's me, Aluce.

(Aluce and Cedar walk down a hall)

Aluce: It was a perfect plan... how did they find out?! Hm?

(Cedar shoots Aluce with an Axl Bullet)

Cedar: Hmph. You're not very sharp, are you?

Aluce: What the!? You were the traitor?

Cedar: No...

(Cedar turns into Axl)

???: I took care of him a second ago.

Aluce: What... what happened?! How did you do that?!


Sometime in the 22nd century... Thanks to the Reploids, even the most devastated regions were set back on the road to recovery. But crimes perpetrated by "Mavericks" were on the rise. The "Maverick Hunters" was the official organization that responded to incidents involving Mavericks.

One of the veteran members, X, began having second thoughts about the group's forceful methods. He removed himself from the front lines, and instead worked to achieve more peaceful solutions.

X: Why must Reploids fight one another? I've had enough violence.

With the Maverick Hunters crippled by X's retirement, an underground organization filled the vacuum. And thus, Red Alert, the illegal band of bounty hunters that pursued Mavericks, was born. Soon, there was not a single Reploid who had not heard of Red Alert and its charismatic leader, Red. One day, a young Reploid, and key Member of Red Aert, made the decision to leave the group. This decision would change destiny itself.

???: Good-bye, Red... I'll become a Hunter on my own.

And thus, a new battle began.

Opening Stage

Crimson Fortress

???: A security laser? No problem. Attack when it locks on to the closest target and turns yellow.

(Two Surveillance Radars)
???: You must turn both security lasers off. You can switch the lock-on with the R2 button.

(Surveillance Radar over crates)
???: You must hurry, so dash past the lasers when they're off. Push the directional button twice, or use the Circle button.

(Gap above Surveillance Radars)
???: Uh-oh. You'll have to take out the main security laser. Use hover: Push and hold the X button.

???: Is that a Runnerbomb? Press (Special Attack button) and use A-Trans to steal its ability and render it harmless.[note 1]

???: A Radarroid! Those creeps reflect my attacks.

(Wall Blaster)
???: The final security door. To open it, you need to attack the core while it's red. If you fail, it'll close. Use the R2 button to toggle the lock-on and hit it directly.

(Stage complete)
???: Phew! Somebody please tell me I'm through with the worst of it.


Zero: I can't believe I'm back here again... What the heck has happened? They really made a mess...

(Meeting Axl)
???: Outta the way! Outta the way!!

Zero: Huh? Wait a second!

???: Are you stupid?! You're in danger if you just stand there! Get a move on!

Zero: Are you connected to this incident?

???: Incident? What are you talking about? Oh, here it comes! So I'll seeing ya!

Zero: What's going on?!

(Mega Scorpio battle)
Zero: You've got some explaining to do!

???: Okay - I'll tell you everything, but later. Right now I have to take care of that freak.

Axl: You're Zero, so you can handle this, right? I'm Axl. Call me with the L2 button if you need a hand.

Zero: Hmph. Well this has become a real pain. I want a full explanation after this is all over!

Red's Challenge

Axl: I'm not gonna run off, so could you take this thing off? It makes me feel like a criminal...

Zero: FEEL like a criminal?

Axl: Err... OK, maybe what I did was wrong... but we were like a perfect team, don'tcha think? When we kicked that big dude's butt, I thought, yeah, we'd make a great combo!

Zero: ...

Axl: So where's X been lately? I haven't seen him around.

Zero: Sit tight. He's just beyond this door. Here he is.

Signas: Good work, Zero.

X: So you're the one who caused all this trouble!

Axl: I guess so. I had no idea they'd sent that kind of gear after us.

X: Gear? Who's after you?

Axl: I left Red Alert. Believe it or not, I'm a hunter.

Signas: Red Alert? You mean that gang of wannabe vigilantes?

X: Do you realize how much damage your internal bickering has caused?

Axl: I apologize for that. But I had to leave. As for what happened as a result - that's the way it goes.

X: That's the way it goes? Do you have any idea... !!

Signas: X, cool it. Alright Axl, why don't you start by telling us why you left?

Axl: Red Alert changed. They're no better than murderers now. They used me. We used to only attack the bad guys... But not anymore. I couldn't take it.

Zero: They're going to come for Axl, no doubt.

Signas: This is our chance. Red Alert has caused us far too much trouble.

X: How can you say that?! If we fight, we'll fall right into their hands! We can't allow this madness to continue.

Axl: I know what you mean, X, but we can't talk them out of this. Sometimes fighting is the only choice.

X: That's quite enough! You need to back off and pay the dues for your crimes!

X: Alia, what happened?!

Alia: Unidentified transmission. Feeding to monitor.

Red: You getting this, hunters!? I am Red, leader of your friends here at Red Alert. I never imagined our little friend would end up in your hands, but in any case, I want Axl back. Now, don't you worry. I know he won't come back easily. So how about this? Like you, we are hunters. We've trashed our share of Mavericks. So how about a duel? A duel to determine who the real Maverick Hunters are. I'm sure you won't mind if we use the Mavericks that we've captured so far. So, the last one standing wins! If we lose, we'll surrender Axl to you. And if we win? Well... We'll leave that to your imagination!

X: You've got to be kidding. Axl has nothing to do with us. We won't fight the likes of you for his sake.

Red: Well, pretty big talker, for a retiree! We could care less about deadbeats like you. We just want Axl. He IS there, isn't he? Now you just sit tight, my boy. Ahahahahahah!

Alia: They're already on the move. Mavericks are showing up across the map! I'll check for damage.

Axl: I'm sorry... This is all my fault.

Zero: Well this is turning into a real mess.

Axl: X, you said I need to pay my dues, right? So, make me a Maverick Hunter! Me and Zero make a great team, and together we could take care of Red Alert!

X: Are you mad? You have no business as a hunter!

Axl: I'm serious! It would be a perfect chance to make up for my wrongdoings.

Signas: If you had just gone back, the problem would have been solved. But I can see that won't be happening.

Axl: !?

Zero: Right, these aren't run-of-the-mill criminals. They won't listen to reason. And even if Axl did go back, which he won't, would they stop their misdeeds? I don't think so.

Axl: Zero, you're my hero! Heh... I knew you'd understand! I always thought you and X were so cool... I want to fight! I want to be a Maverick Hunter!

X: Not just anybody can become a hunter, kid.

Zero: We're not getting anywhere with this. I'm ready to go.

Axl: No, wait!

Zero: I'm going by myself. As for you... you can do as you please.

Axl: Yeah! X, if I catch all the bounty hunters, you've got to promise me you'll let me be a Maverick Hunter!

X: Talk is cheap. Prove it to me first. And don't forget this.

Axl: OK! I won't let you down.

X: Another pointless conflict has begun...

Signas: X, don't overthink this. This time our only choice is to fight.

X: We've made this mistake time and time again... Why must Reploids continue this accursed cycle of aggression?


(Stage list)

DEEP FOREST: We're detecting energy from deep within the lost woods! Find it!
AIR FORCES: A mysterious ship has been spotted 5 miles in the air! Destroy it now!
CYBER FIELD: A virus has escaped through a crack in the electrosphere! Destroy it!
CENTRAL CIRCUIT: Use the Ride Chaser to find and destroy the time bomb in the circuit!
LAVA FACTORY: The lava energy factory suffered an attack. Recapture it from the enemy!
TUNNEL BASE: The Special Defense base has been taken! Use the Ride Armor and retake it!
RADIO TOWER: Take back the central radio tower!
BATTLESHIP: A menacing fortress that commands the seas. Destroy it to halt its advance!

Alia: Red Alert has selected these 8 stages as the locations for the duel. Select an area with arrows, and press X to go. Use R1 for rescue file, or L1 for Options.

Alia: You can view a list of Reploids rescued from each stage. Select an area with UP/DOWN on the directional button. Press L1 button to return to the Stage Select screen.

Alia: Save, load, and view Options. Use UP/DOWN on the directional button to scroll, and select with the X button.

Stage Select

Deep Forest

Alia: We're getting a DNA Core reading. It seems to be emanating from Ruinsman.

(Spikes and Ruinsman)
Alia: There are spikes just below you! You'll take too much damage from them, unless you are Ruinsman.

Soldier Stonekong

File:MMX7 - Soldier Stonekong Boss Axl.png
Axl: The great and wise Stonekong. How could you, of all people, do such a thing?!

Stonekong: We... We have already strayed from the path. Now all we can do is stay true to our beliefs, wherever they might lead us.

Axl: But what Red Alert is doing is wrong.

Stonekong: I know that! Both you and I know they are being manipulated! I fight for loyalty. Ready yourself!

File:MMX7 - Soldier Stonekong Boss Zero.png
Zero: You're something else.

Stonekong: So you are Zero, the grace of whose attacks is like no other... I am Stonekong. I live only to fight. Just like you.

Zero: No! There's more to life than fighting!

Stonekong: Silence! I've never seen a battle Reploid as perfect as you. We shall have the fight to end all fights. En garde!

File:MMX7 - Soldier Stonekong Boss X.png
X: Why... Why do you insist on fighting?

Stonekong: First I ask you! What is strength? What is war?

X: A method for imposing one's will upon another.

Stonekong: Precisely! Now, no more talk! Let our swords speak for us! Only the victors will be viewed as righteous in the eyes of history.


Alia: The battleship is their headquarters; looks like they move in a convoy.

Alia: It's like carpet-bombing - you can't dodge that! If only you had the power of a Rollerbomb...

(Second ship)
Alia: The Rollerbombs are destroying the battleship?! They intend to take you with them!!

Splash Warfly

File:MMX7 - Splash Warfly Boss Axl.png
Warfly: I've been waiting for you, traitor!

Axl: Ah, you coward!

Warfly: Prepare to feel pain! I hated you from the very beginning!

Axl: Well, that makes two of us!

Warfly: Why you brat! You'll pay for this!

File:MMX7 - Splash Warfly Boss Zero.png
Warfly: Kee-hee-hee! You've made it this far, but this is the end of the line!

Zero: Hah! Your battleship lies at the bottom of the sea. Don't you think it's about time you made your escape?

Warfly: Idiot! This is all according to plan!

Zero: What?

Warfly: You've turned this into the ideal battlefield for me! Kee-hee, take this!!

File:MMX7 - Splash Warfly Boss X.png
Warfly: Kee-hee-hee! So you're the famous X?! I thought you were out of commission!

X: I was put back on the job, thanks to you creeps!

Warfly: So you're saying we're playing too rough? Fool! This is our natural state - just like you!

X: No!

Warfly: Rusted old machines should stay home and play with their toasters! Kee-hee-hee, take this!

Radio Tower

Alia: Be careful! We're getting strong energy readings! You're very close; you should be able to see it! I'll look for the giant Mechaniloid's weak point! You find a good approach point!

(Yadokari battle)
Alia: Analysis complete! His head is his weak point! Concentrate firepower there!

(Second area)
Alia: Head for the top of that tower! We're getting an even stronger reading than the last one!

Tornado Tonion

File:MMX7 - Tornado Tonion Boss Axl.png
Tonion: Gahahah! Axl, you grow up handsome boy, yah! But I grow up handsomer boy, a-hah! Bo-woing! Gahahahah!

Axl: Hehe... You haven't changed a bit, buddy!

Tonion: So, you come up Electric Tower to stop broadcasting of my groovy dance, hmm?

Axl: Yup. If Red saw it, he'd get mad and smash the monitor, anyway.

Tonion: Doh!

File:MMX7 - Tornado Tonion Boss Zero.png
Tonion: Gahahahah! Welcome to my silly, silly stage! Here goes nothing, yah! Bo-woing! Gahahahah!

Zero: ...

Tonion: What? No funny?? But I try so hard, so hard! OK, try again, ya!

Zero: OK, I get the picture. Let's get this over with.

Tonion: Doh!

File:MMX7 - Tornado Tonion Boss X.png
Tonion: You be X, hmm? I ask you favor, yes? Stop us... Stop Red, please, yah?

X: What?!

Tonion: It professor... professor redesign us... We no longer...

X: Professor?! Who the heck is that?

Tonion: We no control, yah? Can't stop, none of us. Please, please, save us... We becoming something else!

Tunnel Base

Alia: Looks like an underground weapons factory. Ride Armor is available in certain locations. If you find open Ride Armor, jump to get inside. Use the L2 button to eject in emergencies!

(Green plasma room)
Alia: We're picking up a strange energy source below you. You don't want to fall down there without Ride Armor protection. Be careful!

(Last Ride Armor room)
Alia: We're picking up lots of Ride Armor. You'll just have to face them head-on! There's no other way in!

Vanishing Gungaroo

File:MMX7 - Vanishing Gungaroo Boss Axl.png
Gungaroo: How do you figure, Axl? Who would've thought I'd turn out stronger than YOU! I'm not the kid you used to know!

Axl: But you're acting like a kid right now.

Gungaroo: Don't call me a kid! I ain't that no more!

Axl: If you keep misbehaving, you won't get your snack!

File:MMX7 - Vanishing Gungaroo Boss Zero.png
Gungaroo: Blonde hair and a Saber? You must be Zero! So they sent an S-class hunter to stop me, huh?! But you'd need a dozen of 'em to beat me!

Zero: How sweet. You look like you're having a swell time swinging around your new toy.

Gungaroo: Stop treating me like a kid! Why, I oughtta...

Zero: Hey, calm down, or you'll have to take a time out in the corner.

File:MMX7 - Vanishing Gungaroo Boss X.png
Gungaroo: Hahahah! Destroy, destroy, destroy! Hahahah! Look at me, look at me! I'm king of the mountain!

X: Stop it! Stop it right there! Do you know how hard we worked to rebuild this world?!

Gungaroo: Aw, shaddup! Don't order me around, ya pile of scrap metal!

X: Shoot... Looks like there's no choice but to fight...

Lava Factory

Alia: This factory refines energy from lava. Watch out! You'll melt if you touch that molten rock!

(Time bomb by Injured Reploid)
Alia: There's a time bomb next to the target! You must complete the rescue before the bomb explodes!

(Second area)
Alia: There should be a transporter that warps to the factory core. Darn! The heat is blocking our search.

(Boss arena)
Alia: There must a weak point on that Mechaniloid... Okay, it's his leg joints! Hit them to slow him down!

Flame Hyenard

File:MMX7 - Flame Hyenard Boss Axl.png
Hyenard: Hrk... Agh... It... It hurts....

Axl: Hyenard?

Hyenard: Oh, it's YOU that's causing my suffering! Then if I tear you to pieces, the pain will stop!

Axl: Don't worry - I have just the cure.

File:MMX7 - Flame Hyenard Boss Zero.png
Hyenard: Hrk... Agh... It... It hurts...

Zero: So you're that Hyenard. You've been diagnosed with a malfunction. You must come with me.

Hyenard: Oh, it's YOU that's causing my suffering! Then if I tear you to pieces, the pain will stop!

Zero: Ah! The sickness is already in its late stages. I don't think he'll come quietly.

File:MMX7 - Flame Hyenard Boss X.png
Hyenard: Hrk... Agh... It... It hurts...

X: These symptoms... Could it be...?!

Hyenard: Oh, it's YOU that's causing my suffering! Then if I tear you to pieces, the pain will stop!

X: Wait! I don't want to lose any more...not even an enemy!

Central Circuit

Alia: Oh no! A time-bomb has been set on the course! You know how to use a Ride Chaser, right? Use the X button to speed up, and the Square button to use the Buster. There's no time! Hurry!

Ride Boarski

File:MMX7 - Ride Boarski Boss Axl.png
Axl: Hey, honcho. I'm here to defeat you.

Boarski: Why you!!! Red gave you a home - and this is how you repay him?! You worthless upstart!

Axl: Dude, your breathing's getting heavy. Calm down. Anyway, in a way this is exactly how I'm repaying Red.

Boarski: Oink-wa--! You brat! I oughtta take the likes of you and...!! A duel! Just you and me! Yeah!

File:MMX7 - Ride Boarski Boss Zero.png
Zero: Are you guys remnants of the Road Attackers?

Boarski: Argghaa! How dare you group us with those punks! You'll get it for this!

Zero: Oh, so you must be the Road Riders, then?

Boarski: Oink-wa--! You...You....I'm gonna...I oughtta... Arrghyaaa! WHY, YOU!!!!!

File:MMX7 - Ride Boarski Boss X.png
X: So you're the big cheese?

Boarski: Big cheese?! Arggghhhhmm! How dare you call me that! I'm the Head Honcho, for crying out loud!

X: OK, whatever you say. I order you to disband this motorcycle gang!

Boarski: Motorcycle gang?! Why you!! You've gone too far! I'll make you pay for this, with a duel!

Cyber Field

Alia: What a strange place... Terrib...r transmissions... oo... Our data...n't tell us much... You're on your own...

Alia: We've...l ocated the DNA Core energy... Former generation... samurai... Axl... Go through the wall...

(Second area)
Alia: ...I've found... new info! Looks like you've been transported to a zero-gravity... roment... The floating switches... can send... to the rear area...

Snipe Anteator

File:MMX7 - Snipe Anteator Boss Axl.png
Anteator: Hohoh! So you've come, little one?

Axl: Isn't it about time for your retirement?

Anteator: Ah-hah, this little one is a big talker! Shouldn't you be concentrating on being granted hunter status?

Axl: Ah, man! You always were good at figuring people out...

Anteator: Hohoh! Yeees. And of course, I know why you're here, too. So why do you think I'm here?

Axl: Know thine enemy, is it? You're a real pain, geezer.

Anteator: Hohoh! Now, I want you to fight like normal. I need to get good data on you, boy!

Axl: Fine with me. I'm no good at holding back anyway.

File:MMX7 - Snipe Anteator Boss Zero.png
Anteator: Hohoh! Very well. But you've forgotten your true mission.

Zero: ...? My true mission?

Anteator: I see data buried deep within you... Is it memories of the future? Or false images of the past?

Zero: ...

Anteator: Blue - the lies that have infested the earth. Red - those destroyed and sealed away forever.

Zero: Hm! I don't know what you saw, and I don't care, either. My "true mission" is to defeat you, here and now!

Anteator: Hohohoh... You certainly are driven.

Zero: I don't have time to listen to your prattling. Ready yourself!

File:MMX7 - Snipe Anteator Boss X.png
Anteator: Hohohoh! Splendid! Even better than expected!

X: How long must this madness go on!

Anteator: Hohoho! Let me ask you - how long has this madness been going on?

X: ?!

Anteator: The annals of history contain endless records of war... The "madness" will never end.

X: You're wrong! We can create a world without war. Utopia is not just a dream!

Anteator: You can't build a utopia on top of the graves of rebels like myself.

X: But... Even so... I... I must follow my beliefs!

Air Forces

Alia: Do you copy? This is a dangerous mission. Walk along the jets to reach the mothership. They'll have to ease up on attacks to avoid hitting their friends. Don't worry, I know you can do it!

(Wing of the mothership)
Alia: Let's see... a path into the heart of the mother ship... Got it! Go through the shutters between the two cannons. But first you'll have to beat the cannons and the gate keepers to break the lock.

Wind Crowrang

File:MMX7 - Wind Crowrang Boss Axl.png
Axl: This isn't like you. Cooped up in a place like this. I thought you'd fly at me full force?

Crowrang: So you're never coming back?

Axl: You know my answer to that.

Crowrang: Heh, you never change, do you?

File:MMX7 - Wind Crowrang Boss Zero.png
Zero: Before I destroy you, let me ask you a question. What is your real purpose? It can't just be getting Axl back.

Crowrang: I wanted to see...

Zero: ?

Crowrang: See if the Reploid that fascinated him so was really all that great... So, let's see what you're worth!

File:MMX7 - Wind Crowrang Boss X.png
X: Where are you? Come out and face me!

Crowrang: Hmph... I can see it in your eyes... You would prefer to avoid a fight...

X: Yes, of course. I don't want any more people getting hurt.

Crowrang: You really are a soft fool, X. Well then, just stand there while I erase both you and your silly ideals!

Light Capsules

File:MMX7 - Light Capsule Foot Parts.png

Foot Parts

Dr. Light: My dear X - take these Feet Parts. With these, you can glide! Jump with the X button, then press the X button once more. But you must use them only to do good! Promise me!

Head Parts

Dr. Light: Never imagined I'd meet you here. I wish I could have given you these Head Parts in person... Although weak, they possesses an item-attracting force. I hope it helps.

Body Parts

Dr. Light: X... These Custom Parts are for you. With these parts you'll be able to use Giga Crash. Activate it by pressing the L1 button and the R1 button at the same time. But I hope nothing so bad happens that you will end up seeing this message...

Buster Parts

Dr. Light: Good old X, take this Buster Part - it will let you charge special weapons. But remember - it must only be used for good!

Axl and Zero

First Maverick defeated

Axl: Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you. This is the reason I ran away from Red Alert.

(Axl transforms into a green Maverick)

Axl: 'Cause I can copy the shape and abilities of Reploids.

(Axl changes back)

Axl: But it's far from perfect. Even with the Copy Shot, I can only copy the form of Reploids my own size. For the rest, it's only possible to copy their abilities.

Zero: Where did you learn such a skill!?

Axl: Heh! That's the thing, even I don't know where I picked this up.

Zero: You don't KNOW?! How could you not know?

Axl: Dunno... I don't remember. Red found me, and I've been defeating enemies ever since.

Second Maverick defeated

Axl: Like I said, my friends in Red Alert are all really skilled Reploids.

Zero: Er, except I heard they were mostly criminals?

Axl: No, no! They don't do anything bad... well, at least most of the time...

Zero: What's your point?

Axl: I'm serious! They really didn't do bad... until suddenly... suddenly everyone changed...

Zero: Suddenly? What do you mean?

Axl: When the Maverick hunters, even the Reploids, stopped following Red's orders!

Third Maverick defeated

Zero: So you said they suddenly changed?

Axl: Yeah... One day, Red suddenly asked me to hand over the copied DNA data... He'd never ask me to do that before...

Zero: You don't mean?!

Axl: Exactly - soon after that, they started getting more and more powerful.

Zero: So they used the DNA data?

Axl: I think so... But Red didn't tell me everything. All I know is that I was used! For my stupid ability!

Fourth Maverick defeated

Axl: Red Alert has changed completely... They aren't the friends I knew anymore.

Zero: Axl...

Axl: All they cared about was their own power-ups, while I devoted myself to data collection. At first I thought it was to help them, but... The scale of their thievery escalated. Soon I couldn't stand it anymore, so I jumped ship. And...

Zero: And? And what?

Axl: Hahah, it... it's nothing! It's just... Nobody in Red Alert had the ability to use DNA data to power-up Reploids...

Zero: So there's a missing link?!

Red and Sigma

Fifth Maverick defeated

???: Heheh... You're something else.

Red: Who goes there?! Show yourself!

???: Don't you find the Maverick hunters to be a bit too much of a nuisance?

Red: Maverick hunters?! Well sure, I don't like them... But they got nothing to do with us. We'll do as we please, hunters or no. Get lost! I don't even know who you are!

???: Me? Let's just say... I'm a sympathizer with your cause.

Sixth Maverick defeated

???: He possesses incredible talent.

Red: Oh, you! Don't surprise me like that. You mean Axl's imitator ability? Yeah, I have no idea how he does it, but it's our secret weapon. Without him we wouldn't work half as fast.

???: But his talents are wasted as things stand...

Red: What?! What do you mean?

???: Would you be willing to place a wager on my little idea?

Red: ?!

Seventh Maverick defeated

???: Heheh, you see that? This is what one can do with DNA data.

Red: Amazing! I had no idea that DNA data could provide so much power! You're incredible!

???: Well, I hope I've proven my abilities to you. But this is only the beginning. If you give me the chance, I can make you invincible.

Red: What?! You mean I could be even stronger?!

???: Absolutely. But in order to do so, we'll need the mouse that ran away. He must collect more data! And then... then I will make you the strongest hunters that ever lived!

Red: But that won't work. He'll never come back. We've set him free. And as for our power, we have quite enough. I thank you, truly. But we already are undefeatable!

???: Hmph, you don't need any more power, huh? Well, that could be true in your case. But he... He still has an unfinished job.

Red: What's that supposed to mean? An unfinished job?

???: There is vital data still missing. The most powerful Reploid data is not yet in my hands...

Red: You... You used us?! And Axl?! We've had enough of this. We won't search for him for you. And we won't attack any more innocent Reploids. Not one!

Sigma: Well, I'm disappointed in you. I thought you'd be a bit more useful. But let's do this democratically...

Red: What the?! What's wrong, guys?! What are you doing? YOU! What have you done to my pals?!

Sigma: Oh, consider it payment for the power ups I gave you. Well, what'll it be? If you don't follow my orders, they'll never return to normal. Get Axl back, along with X's data!

Red: !!!!!

Eight Mavericks defeated

Alia: Okay, everybody. That's point RD18-66, the location of Red Alert's base. But why has it suddenly shown up on our radar screens? It's as if they WANTED us to find it...

Signas: Yes, it is a bit strange. Be on full guard. X, Zero... Axl is in your hands.

X: I know. OK everybody, let's go. Let's get this fight over and done with.

Zero: Heh, now that's the X I used to know.

X: ... I don't want to fight. But we must hurry. I don't want them to claim any more victims.

Zero: Got it. You do as you please. Let's get moving. Ready, Axl?

Axl: Um, yeah... Just hold out a little more, Red... I'll be there to put an end to this.

X returns

Alia: The rescue of the captured reploids is progressing smoothly, thanks to those two.

Signas: Hmm, yes.

Alia: But it's causing a lot of damage. Is there nothing that can be done?

Signas: Not much. Even Zero has his limits. Axl is doing good work, but he's still a child. We can't expect much more with their present abilities.

X: ......................... ......................... Zero, do you read me? I'm going, too; take me with you.

Alia: X?!

Zero: Okay. Do as you please.

X: To finish things... I've got to do it, to finish this once and for all!

Signas: Yeah! Let's show that Red Alert how it's done!

(Stage Select)
Alia: Now you can play with X! Glad to have him back!

Crimson Palace


File:MMX7 - Red Boss Screenshot.png
Red: So what took you so long?

Axl: Well, if it isn't Red? Long time no see.

Red: We've advanced... Thanks to the "Professor"... Hmph, but we've still been reduced to this.

Axl: Well that explains it. And where is this "Professor" now?

Red: Like always, I have no idea. Probably closer than we think.

Axl: Gotcha. I'll be on my guard.

Red: Well, I know you didn't come here just to talk. Shall we get things started?

Red's sacrifice

Red: Hahah... You've really grown up, Axl. You hear that? This place is done for. I... I set it to self-destruct... Hrk... in case of an emergency.

Axl: No, Red, you're coming with us!

(Zero holds Axl back)

Axl: Come on, you can still make it!

Zero: Stop it! Hurry up, or we'll be buried here, too!

Red: Axl... He's right... It's my time... Let me go first... You're still young... No need to rush...

Axl: REDDD!!!

Sigma battle

File:MMX7 - Sigma Boss Screenshot.png
Axl: Alright, we know you're in there. So come on out, Professor!

Sigma: Hahahah... Thanks for coming by, fellas! This way I can face you in the comfort of my own home. I guess this means you've already defeated all the worthless others?

X: So it was you after all.

Zero: You never give up, do you? Even when we break you down to scraps, you always come back.

Sigma: That's right, folks! I'll do it again, and AGAIN! I will make X AND Zero MINE! Now, come and get me! Give me a good fight, like you always do!

Sigma's defeat

Axl: This way! Hurry!

(Sigma looms over Axl, shrugging off his attacks)

Sigma: Hahahahaha!

(Sigma punches Axl through a wall)

X: Axl!!

Sigma: I will return... in a new form... I promise you!

(Shots come from above, as Red appears)

Red: I've found you! Zero and X!

(Red jumps down to attack X and Zero, before jumping in front of Sigma)

Sigma: Ahahah! Very nice, Red! Give me your power! It's time for revenge!

Red: Oh, with this power... I'll never lose!

(Red whips out an Axl Bullet and blasts Sigma out a window)

Sigma: Aiieegghh!

Zero: Axl, wake up.

X: Are you okay?

Axl: Heheh. Pretty cool, huh? You've got to give me some credit!

X: Fine. Let's get outta here.

Axl: Hey, wait for me!


Axl: But why?! I tried so hard!

X: Man, now you listen well. Being a hunter is not all about defeating the obvious enemies. If you don't understand this, I can't allow you to be a hunter.

Axl: I don't understand! I just did what I thought was right, and fought those who did wrong.

X: That won't bring true peace! It will only create new resentments.

Axl: But I only followed your lead! I did what you did!

X: But what I did was wrong. I just took far too long to realize that.

Alia: Outbreak in the West Sector.

Axl: I'll take care of it! I can handle this, X! I'll get you to make me a hunter yet!

X: Wait, Axl!

Alia: Why don't you let him do what he wants this time?

X: No. If I don't stop him now, he'll make the same mistakes we did...

Alia: X...

Zero: Wh... Where am I? Huh?

X: ...Eliminate... Eliminate the Mavericks... The Mavericks!

Zero: X?! What happened, X?!

(X fires a Charge Shot, as Zero awakens from a dream)

Zero: Just... a dream?

Alia: Zero? Zero, do you read? We've located the runaway Maverick Grogz at Point F5113. I want you to head there immediately.

Zero: I hear you, Alia. I must've fallen asleep. I'm on my way. Ha... I hope that was really just a dream.

Alia: Last week an outbreak of Maverick reploids cause a riot at the Energy plant. Then Axl showed up to quell the unrest. The Mavericks disappeared from the scene without a trace. Then, three days ago, when Mecaniloids on the wharf went berserk, Axl destroyed the Mechaniloid that was blocking a ship's hatch, securing an escape route for the crew. This case did cause 16 casualties, however... in addition, Axl has shown up to assist in a total of 14 incidents involving Mavericks.

Signas: He's made mistakes... But in any case, Axl's efforts over the last few days have solved a lot of problems. X, do you think we could make Axl a hunter based on his good deeds?

X: No way. Don't you get it? He must not be rewarded for such methods.

Signas: Methods?! X, ideals are not always for the real world. Without you, somebody has to become a Hunter. Why can't you train Axl to be one?

X: Never! You could never train somebody to be a hunter like me. It isn't possible.

Signas: Please give it some thought. We may not be able to afford to stand by without fighting, although I know that's what you wish for. And we all know... That we haven't seen the last of the Mavericks.


  1. In the PS2 version, it is erroneously spelled as "A-Trance" instead.

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