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Script:Mega Man X6

From Mega Man Wiki
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Japanese box art for Mega Man X6.

Script of all narration and dialogue in Mega Man X6. Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.


Three weeks ago... The Space Colony "Eurasia" was taken over by Sigma. Sigma hired a mysterious Reploid, "Dynamo." Dynamo led the Eurasia into orbit toward the Earth.. Thus beginning the tragic Earth Crisis. Maverick Hunter Zero, taking the Earth's destiny into his own hands... one Reploid made a crash attack against the furious Space Colony... It was a successful attack, and the Space Colony was destroyed. But, although the Earth was saved, the huge explosion seriously damaged it. As for the battle against Sigma... X and Zero defeated Sigma and narrowly escaped with their lives, however, only one would return from the battle. A blue light... X, still gripping a familiar Saber in his hand. Three weeks later, at present... There is so much pollution on the ruined Earth from the explosion that the Reploids can barely work. And... A man is...


Gate: ... What happened? I heard they avoided the collision... ...but they might as well have failed... And for this, we should be thankful? This is not all... something else is going to happen. I feel uneasy. What is this? ...Hmm? This is... ...debris. But what from? ...Was there any violent battle here? I wonder how many people and Reploids were sacrificed? Um? Wait... Th... This is...!

One week later...

Gate: Bwah ha ha ha! It's finally done!! I'm going mad and it is so... liberating! The plan has only just begun... I'm going to bring all low-grade... Reploids into submission! Those too simple to understand my work!! I'll build an ideal world only for Reploids... A wonderful world where I control everything!

(Hunter Base)
Zero: ...E...x...x...X. Wake up, X. Now, you're the only one. There is no one else is left to fight. Get up now! X!!

Alia: ...x...X! A giant Maverick is acting up! Wake up! I'll send the detailed info later. You rush to the scene!

Opening Stage

Alia: Most of the Mechaniloids became Mavericks... It's been a long time... Stay alert, X!

X: I'll be fine since I have the Armor and Saber.

Alia: Since I fixed the Falcon Armor very quickly, the dash function is incomplete.

X: All right. Anyway, I will stop the Mechaniloids.

Alia: OK. Go to the entrance of the ruins ahead!

(Z-Saber blocks)
Alia: If the buster fails, use the Z-Saber.

X: Yes. It is the time to ask for Zero's power.

(Injured Hunters)
X: There you are! Are you all right?

Hunters: Beyond here is a giant Mechaniloid... It suddenly activated due to a radio wave problem. We were afraid and we got hurt...

X: I'll take care of this. Return to the Hunter Base now.

Hunters: All right. It acts like it's possessed. Be careful...

(D-1000 is defeated; Zero Nightmare appears)
Alia: Z... Zero!?

High Max appears

High Max: I knew Zero was doing this.

X: Who are you!?

High Max: High Max... I am called... I'm investigating the Zero Nightmare.

X: What! Did you say the Zero Nightmare?

High Max: What are you trying to do? What is your connection to the Zero Nightmare?

X: What about Zero? You are behind this!

High Max: You are dangerous... I'll dispose of you.

(X loses to High Max)
High Max: Maverick Hunter... Not amazing. We will destroy the Zero Nightmare. You are not wanted here. Keep out.

X: I could not inflict any damage on him... High Max. The Zero... Nightmare... Hmm, did I dream about Zero? What is happening?

Isoc's Speech

Isoc: Attention all Reploids on Earth! As you all know, these are chaotic, disturbing times. The "Nightmare" is upon us. It shows Reploids a kind of "dream" for human beings... no. It's a "Nightmare". The Nightmare makes Reploids confused. In the worst case, they may malfunction or delete themselves. Due to the Colony incident, there are few Reploids or humans are left on the Earth... We won't accept sacrifice anymore! This would bring us to the Earth Crisis. Taking the matter seriously, we have sent investigators to the 8 suspected areas to uncover the mystery of this Nightmare phenomena. It's said that the Nightmare phenomena are cause by... a ghost of Zero... known as an ace Maverick Hunter...

X: What!? What are you talking about!

Alia: Wait, X. Let him finish his story.

X: Ugh...

Isoc: Now, I'd like to call on volunteers! Unite with us, and help our cause! Work for these eight investigators!! Our goal is to wipe out the Nightmare... and to delete Zero's ghost! Come together for our future!! This High Max will lead the mission. We guarantee your safety if you join us. Both Maverick Hunters and Reploids now suffer. Let's preserve our future together! We're waiting for you! Everyone!

X: ... How dare...! He talks about Zero that way... Zero gave his life to save us!

Alia: It can't be helped now. Actually we saw the Nightmare too, shaped as Zero. So, we need to investigate what the Nightmare is. For now, leave Isoc and High Max alone.

X: I wonder what are those "suspected areas" he mentioned. Can you find out, Alia?

Alia: ...No. Due to a strong jamming. I can't look into it from here.

X: So I've gotta go in there blind! Maybe I'll be able to feel the Nightmare directly. Besides, I'm suspicious of the investigators.

Signas: The Nightmare... The mission is risky, but we must minimize the damage by uncovering and defeating it. As Isoc said, we cannot allow any more Reploids to be lost... X! Return to the Hunter Base now!

X: Roger! I'll be back right away.


Signas: We are now beginning our mission to check the eight areas that Isoc had sent investigators to investigate the Nightmare phenomena! But considering the situation of the Maverick Hunters, you are the only Hunter who could accomplish these difficult missions. As we've lost Zero, you are our only hope... Can you do it, X?

X: I'll do it.

Alia: I've just obtained the report on the Nightmare areas and the investigators sent to the areas. However, the details of the situations in the areas are still unknown, due to bad radar transmission. Also, in case any changes occur in the Nightmare area, I'll show you by a red signal. It is difficult to predict what the changes are, though...

X: That's okay, I'll know when I get there. I will discover what the Nightmares are and what Isoc's intentions are.

Signas: Don't push yourself too hard, X. Remember, you are our only hope.

X: Roger.

Alia: Ummm... X...

X: What is it, Alia?

Alia: Ummm... Nothing... Just be careful...

Signas: Some Reploids may accept what Isoc says as true and come to the Nightmare areas... If you find them, secure them and then send them to the Hunter Base. The Reploids you have rescued can be surveyed here by pressing the R1 button.

Douglas: And if you obtain any items, I'll process them into Parts you can use. You can equip the parts with the L1 button.

Signas: Good luck, X!

Stage Select

Amazon Area

Alia: This is the Amazon Area. I can't understand the situation there from the Hunter Base. I wonder if the Nightmare caused this jamming.

Alia: It appears to be a transport Mechaniloid. It has a loading space on its back.

(Nightmare Virus)
X: Alia! I got some unusual data signal.

Alia: It must be the Nightmare! Stay alert!

(Injured Reploid)
Alia: There are many Reploids everywhere who need help. You should search all over for them.

(Caterpiride and spikes)
Alia: The transport Mechaniloid can stand on the spiny trap. You can use it, X. Try to ride on it!

(Boss arena)
X: I got a strong data signal. It should be...

Alia: ...from an investigator. The investigator here is Commander Yammark. To be on the safe side, be sure to set up the weapon.

X: All right. I'll do it.

(Another Route)
X: Is this the Amazon Area? Something is different... What's happening?

File:MMX6 - Amazon Area Start Zero.png
Alia: This is the Amazon Area. I can't understand the situation there from the Hunter Base. I wonder if the Nightmare caused this jamming.

Alia: It appears to be a transport Mechaniloid. It has a loading space on its back.

(Nightmare Virus)
Zero: Alia! What is this unusual signal?

Alia: It must be the Nightmare! Stay alert!

Zero: Is this the Nightmare? I see...

(Injured Reploid)
Alia: There are many Reploids everywhere who need help. You should search all over for them.

(Caterpiride and spikes)
Alia: The transport Mechaniloid can stand on the spiny trap. You can use it. Try to ride on!

Zero: If I can't make it with a double jump, I'll try it.

(Boss arena)
Zero: I feel a strong power... Is this an investigator?

Alia: The investigator here is Commander Yammark. Be ready for battle just in case...

Zero: I am always ready. I will destroy the crazy investigator.

(Another Route)
Zero: Is this the Amazon Area? It's similar, yet different...

Commander Yammark

File:MMX6 - Commander Yammark Boss X.png
X: You're the Nightmare investigator, Commander Yammark?

Yammark: Yes! I'm in charge of the Amazon area. Tell me! What is Zero up to? You must know something.

X: Zero has nothing to do this! Stop accusing him!

Yammark: I won't trust both the Maverick Hunter and Reploid researcher. I don't know what you're thinking... I won't end up being betrayed and deleted! I will delete you first!

File:MMX6 - Commander Yammark Boss Zero.png
Zero: You're the Nightmare investigator, Commander Yammark?

Yammark: Yes! I'm in charge of the Amazon area. Tell me! What will you do with the Nightmare?

Zero: Are you serious? It is your silly toy!

Yammark: Maverick Hunters and Reploid researchers are all liars! I may end up betrayed and deleted! So I will delete you first!

Inami Temple

Alia: You are in Inami Temple. It's an important cultural asset.

X: But it has been devastated by the collision of the colony!

Alia: Don't think about that now, just concentrate on the Nightmares...

X: Right. We must eliminate the Nightmares!

(Nightmare Rain)
X: What? It's raining! But it's not just normal rain, it's... Acid Rain!

Alia: It is cloudy in that area, but I can't detect any rain there. It has to be the work of the Nightmare! What's your condition?

X: A bit damaged, but still functional. However, it's strange that I've been recovering while I'm on this machine.

Alia: I can't guarantee your safety, but it's better to use them if they are helpful... But I'm worried about the rain... Is there any way to stop the Nightmare rain?

(Weather Analyzer)
X: Hmm? This weather analyzer seems to be out of control! What's worse is that the four cores have been creating the barrier. I have to destroy these scattered cores!

Alia: Watch out for the damage caused by the Nightmare rain! Be careful.

(Nightmare Rain stopped)
Alia: It has stopped raining, but you still have to...

X: Yes. I still have to cope with more Nightmare rain later... Oh no! That means other Reploids are in danger! I'm coming to the scene, Alia!

(Secret passage)
Alia: A low passage... It's too narrow to walk into, but maybe there's another way...

(Boss arena)
X: The investigator sent to this area is Rainy Turtloid. There are many dangers already present here, so stay alert!

(Another Route)
X: This isn't the same area...

Alia: You are in Inami Temple, an important cultural asset.

Zero: Why does the Nightmare phenomena have to happen here of all places? What are they plotting?

Alia: ... We'd better save the Reploids... I'm counting on you, Zero.

Zero: Okay, I'm on my way, Alia!

(Nightmare Rain)
Zero: Darn! It's some kind of a trap!? It's raining!

Alia: I don't pick up any sign of rain in that area. It must be the Nightmare phenomenon... Stay alert!

Zero: I am gradually getting damaged... However, it's strange that I've been recovering when I'm on this machine...

Alia: I can't guarantee your safety, but it's better to use them if they are helpful... But I'm worried about the rain... Is there any way to stop the Nightmare rain?

(Weather Analyzer)
Zero: Alia, this machine seems to be out of control! And make the matter worse, it's protected by a thick barrier. The cores seem to have been establishing a barrier.

Alia: Watch out for the damage caused by the Nightmare rain! Destroy those cores!

(Nightmare Rain stopped)
Alia: It has stopped raining, but you still have to...

Zero: I know... And that means the other Reploids are in danger! I have to hurry!

(Secret passage)
Alia: A low passage... It's too narrow to walk into, but maybe there's another way... Maybe X can handle it because his body is a little smaller than yours.

(Boss arena)
Zero: The investigator sent to this area is Rainy Turtloid. There are many dangers already present here, so stay alert!

(Another Route)
Zero: A different area...

Rainy Turtloid

X: Rainy Turtloid! You must be one of the investigators of the Nightmares.

Turtloid: I've heard a lot about you. You have my respect.

X: Huh? Respect? Then will you stop the Nightmare phenomena for me?

Turtloid: Nightmare... It is the only thing that can save the future of the Reploids...

X: What are you talking about! They have hurt us all...

Turtloid: It is my duty to believe my master... My master was punished because of me... And yet, he let me live. That is why... I'll do what I have to do, even it means my life...

X: Turtloid! I know you can understand. You know what you should do right now.

Turtloid: X, I understand what you mean, but it's my duty. It's also my duty to eliminate anything that disturbs my master... X, my life is yours!

X: No! I don't want to fight you!

Zero: Are you Rainy Turtloid?

Turtloid: Zero, the famous Maverick Hunter! X and Zero are Reploids I respect.

Zero: Fine. So don't fight me, help me.

Turtloid: I've been resurrected to carry out an important duty. A very important duty given by my master... Though I brought shame on my master, he allowed me to live. That's why... I have to finish my duty, even if it means sacrificing my life.

Zero: I see...

Laser Institute

Alia: You are in the Laser Institute. It's one of the most mysterious places in the world. Umm... Since this institute does not officially exist, we don't have much data on it.

X: But it is obvious that this facility is infected by the Nightmare, so I'll check it out.

(Invisible platforms)
X: Huh? They are levitating. But why?

Alia: I've never encountered this kind of situation, but maybe you can use your weapons.

(Nightmare Lasers)
X: There are laser units... and the light reflectors... The reflectors seem to be inflecting the laser.

Alia: I've witnessed an experiment of the device that inflects the laser before. In that experiment, you could turn the devices. I'm not sure if those devices are same ones though, because they are not visible from here. But one thing I'm sure is that they are Nightmare phenomena.

X: I'll try to utilize the laser and see what happens.

(Nightmare Lasers and reflectors)
Alia: Turning the light reflectors to make the laser change directions... It's like a puzzle game.

X: It is. What a painstaking Nightmare phenomenon!

(Boss arena)
Alia: The investigator sent to this area is Shield Sheldon. Make sure to get your wea...

X: You said Shield Sheldon? Oh no, has he been resurrected? And he has become an investigator?

(Secret passage)
X: I feel a little wind coming from somewhere near...

(Another Route)
X: What is this place? What am I supposed to do next?

Alia: You are in the Laser Institute. It's one of the most mysterious places in the world. Umm... Since this institute does not officially exist, we don't have much data on it.

Zero: But we know this place is full of wonders. I'll check it out.

(Invisible platforms)
Zero: Huh? Why are they levitating. Are there invisible floors or something?

Alia: I've never encountered this kind of situation, but that's the only logical explanation.

(Nightmare Lasers)
Zero: There are laser units... and the light reflectors... The reflectors seem to be inflecting the laser.

Alia: I've witnessed an experiment of the device that inflect the laser before. In that experiment, you could turn the devices. I'm not sure if those devices are same ones though, because they are not visible from here. But one thing I'm sure is that they are Nightmare phenomena.

Zero: I'll try to utilize the laser and see what happens.

(Nightmare Lasers and reflectors)
Alia: Turning the light reflectors to make the laser change directions... It's like a puzzle game.

Zero: Whatever...

(Boss arena)
Alia: The investigator sent to this area is Shield Sheldon. Make sure to get your wea...

Zero: Shield Sheldon? Isn't he... He is now an investigator. So be it.

(Secret passage)
Zero: I feel a little wind coming from somewhere near...

(Another Route)
Zero: What is this place?

Shield Sheldon

X: Shield Sheldon! I thought it was you...

Sheldon: Sure.

X: I'm very sorry about the case. If only I could have been there in time.

Sheldon: Don't be. I couldn't fulfill my role as a bodyguard, that's all.

X: You had been protecting the professor. When the professor became a Maverick, there was no other way. Our officers misinterpreted your action and you were hunted as a Maverick. And then you retired yourself. That was so unfortunate...

Sheldon: I couldn't prevent the professor from becoming a Maverick. I failed to protect him. But I'm going to fulfill the duty as a bodyguard now. He gave me a second chance... I'll protect him, even though I may have to sacrifice my life for it! Come on! X!

Zero: Shield Sheldon... Too bad about your previous life...

Sheldon: Don't be. I was new as a bodyguard. That's all.

Zero: Maverick Hunters are supposed to be able to tell a Maverick from a Reploid... Our officers are not good enough... They could cost us everything...

Sheldon: Reploids all over the world have been needing you. I was useless as a bodyguard... And was useless to everyone else. When I accepted that fact, I accepted my fate. However, there turned out to be someone who needs me. He has given me one more chance... And therefore, I am going to fulfill my mission as a bodyguard now. I'll protect him, even if it means that I have to sacrifice my life. Come on, Zero!

North Pole Area

Alia: This is the North Pole area. How is the situation over there?

X: Everything's frozen, and slippery...

Alia: A High Jump Part will be help.

X: I gotta go!

(Icy slope)
Alia: It's hard due to the slippery surfaces. Utilize the evacuation spot wisely as you go through the area.

(Ice pillars)
Alia: The land is corrupted and there are many holes everywhere. If you are about to slip and fall, jump directly above! If you try to turn back, you will slip. You had better stop by jumping.

(Nightmare Ice)
Alia: Although we can't see the Nightmare of the ice from the Hunter Base, I wonder if there is a way I can take advantage of this situation?

(Boss arena)
X: I got a strong signal! This must be an investigator.

Alia: The investigator in this area is Blizzard Wolfang. Set up your weapons in case you need to fight... ......... X... Actually I...

X: Um? What's up?

Alia: No. Be careful! Er, Wolfang was...

X: You know something about Wolfang?

Alia: No, nothing... Good luck, X.

(Another Route)
X: Was I thrown off course? Alia! Tell me where I am... ... The communication is out?

Alia: This is the North Pole Area. Do you feel cold? Are you all right?

Zero: I'm all right... Thanks for asking.

Alia: A High Jump Part may be of help.

Zero: I can manage on my own. Now let's go!

(Icy slope)
Alia: It's hard due to the slippery surfaces. Utilize the evacuation spot wisely as you go through the area.

(Ice pillars)
Alia: The land is corrupted and there are many holes everywhere. If you are about to slip and fall, jump directly above! If you try to turn back, you will slip. You had better stop by jumping.

(Nightmare Ice)
Alia: Although we can't see the Nightmare of the ice from the Hunter Base, I wonder if there is a way I can take advantage of this situation?

(Boss arena)
Zero: I feel... This must be an investigator!

Alia: The investigator in this area is Blizzard Wolfang. Set up your weapons in case you fight... ......... Zero, actually I...

Zero: Forget about the past.

Alia: Zero! Do you know? Wolfang was...

Zero: Now he is the Nightmare investigator. We have to fight him.

Alia: Yeah, right... Good luck, Zero.

(Another Route)
Zero: Was I thrown off course? Alia! ... The communication's out?

Blizzard Wolfang

X: Are you the Nightmare investigator, Blizzard Wolfang?

Wolfang: Yes. I came back for this important mission. An error cost me my men and problems for Gate. To add to that disgrace, Reploid Researchers trapped me and... Nevermind. What's done is done... This is my mission. I'm sorry but I will delete you! Maverick Hunter!

Zero: Blizzard Wolfang, nice to see you...

Wolfang: Zero! I heard that you returned.

Zero: I won't die so easily.

Wolfang: Don't think badly of me, Zero. I won't disobey Gate. I must pay for my past sins. Besides I have a new mission. You know what I mean. Let's fight!

Zero: I have no choice. You will lose!

Magma Area

Alia: This is the Magma Area. A dangerous area to investigate is the Hot Spot that spews magmas.

X: I've never seen this color of hot magma. Is this the Nightmare?

Alia: Although I can't confirm it due to the jamming, it must be the Nightmare. I have never heard of magmas that were that color. Stay alert!

(Nightmare Snake)
X: I found a giant Mechaniloid ahead! I think its week point is the green core.

Alia: Mechaniloid? There is no data signal.

X: Is this the Nightmare? Who created this? What for?

(Rising magma)
X: Alia, this area is very hot! What's up?

Alia: If I remember right, it is Hot Spot! But I can't confirm temperature changes from the Hunter Base.

X: Look like I'm in very bad place... Is this also the Nightmare?

(Last Nightmare Snake)
Alia: This is also a Hot Spot! Watch out!

X: There are more fields of magma. It's getting hotter! I should be careful not to fall.

(Boss arena)
X: The further I go, the hotter it gets. The investigator must be this way.

Alia: The investigator for this area is Blaze Heatnix. Prepare yourself, just in case.

(Another Route)
X: Where am I? Alia...? I can't contact...

Alia: This is the Magma Area. A dangerous area to investigate is the Hot Spot that spews magmas.

Zero: It's dangerous wherever I go.

Alia: Although I can't confirm it due to the jamming, it must be the Nightmare.

Zero: I don't care, I just move forward.

(Nightmare Snake)
Zero: I found a giant Mechaniloid...

Alia: Mechaniloid? There is no data signal. It must be the Nightmare.

Zero: The Nightmare. I'll crush it! Its weak point is obvious.

(Rising magma)
Alia: Zero! It is the Hot Spot! Watch out!

Zero: It's too hot...

(Last Nightmare Snake)
Alia: It's another Hot Spot! Stay alert!

Zero: Magmas are ready to destroy me... I won't die here. I'll move quickly!

(Boss arena)
Zero: It's getting hotter and hotter... The investigator must be ahead.

Alia: The investigator for this area is Blaze Heatnix. Find out its weak point, just in case.

(Another Route)
Zero: Where am I? Alia... I can't contact...

Blaze Heatnix

Heatnix: Welcome! I've been waiting for you! You are strong compared to the others. I was bored because there is no strong Reploid left on the ground. Although I was not ordered to kill, it's too hard, isn't it? Hee hee hee.

X: You must be Blaze Heatnix...

Heatnix: Brainwashing Reploids is lame. Don't you think so? Let's fight to see who's the strongest!

Zero: It's too hot here. Let's finish this...

Heatnix: A vigorous guy! I've been waiting! You look so strong compared with the others. I was bored because there is no strong Reploid left on the ground. Although I was not ordered to kill, it's too hard, isn't it? Hee hee hee.

Zero: I'm not interested in your talk... Will you fight or not?

Heatnix: Good. Let's fight!

Weapon Center

X: What!? What's that huge Reploid!?

Alia: You are in the Weapon Center... They have been constructing powerful weapons without the appropriate approvals. A huge Reploid... I assume it's Illumina. Considering that I couldn't pick up any reading of its activation, it must be a Nightmare. There has to be cables which are sending energy to Illumina! Find and destroy them! Good luck!!

(Boss arena)
Alia: The investigator sent to this area is Infinity Mijinion. Stay sharp because he may have very powerful weapons!

(Another Route)
X: Hmm? I sense something...

Zero: That's Illumina! I thought the project to construct that huge Reploid was suspended...

Alia: You are in the Weapon Center... They have been constructing powerful weapons without the appropriate approvals. As you notice, it's Illumina. Considering that I couldn't pick up any reading of its activation, it must be a Nightmare. There has to be cables which are sending energy to Illumina! Find and destroy them! Good luck!!

(Boss arena)
Alia: The investigator sent to this area is Infinity Mijinion. Stay sharp because he may have very powerful weapons!

Zero: I won't lose.

(Another Route)
Zero: Hmm? I sense something exists near here...

Infinity Mijinion

File:MMX6 - Infinity Mijinion Boss X.png
Mijinion: Someone comes...

X: Infinity Mijinion! You are one of the investigators of the Nightmares, aren't you?

Mijinion: You seem to be hard to deal with... Why must I cover up for the lack in ability of the other investigators? Hmm? How did you come this far? Don't say you destroyed my sweet Illumina...

X: I destroyed such a dangerous Reploid!!

Mijinion: No! I was still conducting a test or two on her...! I wanted to use her to destroy all the idiots! Now I'm angry, and that means you're dead!

Mijinion: Uh? Weren't you dead?

Zero: You heard wrong. You are Infinity Mijinion, one of the investigators for the Nightmares, aren't you?

Mijinion: Are the other investigators useless fleas? That's the only explanation as to why I have to clean up their messes... But wait... Why are you here anyway? Don't tell me you destroyed my sweet Illumina.

Zero: What do you think...

Mijinion: Maverick! I haven't even tested her! And I was thinking that I'll destroy all the thick-headed so-called "authorities" with her...! You will die!!

Recycle Lab

Alia: This is the Recycle Laboratory. Parts of disposed Mavericks are recycled here. All operations should be stopped now. How are things going?

X: The belt conveyor is stopped but a large compressor is working.

Alia: It must be the work of the Nightmare. There is no signal. Be careful not to get caught in the compressor.

(Ride Armor)
X: I found the Ride Armor... Can I get by the compressor with this?

Alia: You should be fine, but be careful.

X: I'll try not to get scrapped!

(Junk piles)
Alia: X! Piles of junk narrows the path. You will be gone if you get squished by the compressor.

X: I know. I'll be careful!

(Conveyor belt)
X: Now belt conveyors are also moving!

Alia: The Nightmare should be doing this, but I can't see any changes here. We don't know what will happen. Stay alert!

(Spiked wall)
Alia: Wait! You can't jump across spiny area. What can we do?

(Boss arena)
X: I got a strange energy signal! It must be an investigator.

Alia: The investigator here is Metal Shark Player. Stay on guard!

(Another Route)
X: ... What happened? Where am I now?

Alia: This is the Recycle Laboratory. Parts of disposed Mavericks are recycled here. All operations should be stopped now. How are things going?

Zero: Large machines are working overhead.

Alia: It must be the work of the Nightmare. There is no signal. Be careful not to get caught in the compressor.

(Ride Armor)
Zero: I found the Ride Armor... Can I get by the compressor with this?

Alia: You should be fine, but be careful.

(Junk piles)
Alia: Zero! Piles of junk narrows the path. You will be gone if you get squished by the compressor.

Zero: OK. I'll move carefully.

(Conveyor belt)
Zero: The belt conveyor is moving!

Alia: The Nightmare should be doing this, but I can't see any changes here. We don't know what will happen. Stay alert!

Zero: At least I'm not bored...

(Spiked wall)
Alia: Wait! You can't jump across spiny area. What can we do?

(Boss arena)
Zero: Here comes the boss of junk...

Alia: The investigator here is Metal Shark Player. Stay on guard!

(Another Route)
Zero: ... What happened? Where am I now?

Metal Shark Player

X: You! What are you up to? Instead of investigating the Nightmare, you are manipulating it! It's strange that you are not affected by the Nightmare.

Player: Heh heh heh. You have excellent DNA, don't you? I'd like to analyze your DNA once.

X: You must be Metal Shark Player. Right?

Player: It doesn't matter! I'll get your DNA!

Player: What are you doing?

Zero: I don't have time for this... What do you want? Metal Shark Player?

Player: I want DNA! Excellent DNA! But I don't need your DNA data.

Zero: Shut up and fight!

Player: Fine! Heh heh heh!

Central Museum

Alia: You are now in the Central Museum. Its appearance has completely changed.

X: It's dead quiet. I wonder what kind of Nightmare awaits me...

Alia: Let's move on.

(Nightmare Totem)
X: What's this? A totem pole?

Alia: I can't detect any sign of a totem pole... It must be the work of the Nightmare! Be careful!

(Nightmare Random: fish rooms)
X: Oh? What's this place? Alia, can you analyze where I am? Alia... Alia? Alia! The communications are out...

(Nightmare Random: space room descending)
X: The virtual area, again. Still... What was the purpose in the Nightmares transforming the Museum to something so different?

(Nightmare Random: space room ascending)
X: I have been transferred again? How far is it?

(Nightmare Random: ancient room with spikes)
X: Oh, no. What's this place? Alia! Hm? Alia!! ...I'm out of the transmission range? Where am I anyway!?

(Nightmare Random: ancient room with pits)
X: Doh... Wh... What happened!? Alia! Am I out of the transmission range? What is happening here?!

(Nightmare Random: dinosaur room with Light Capsule)
X: I've reached an open area, but there are lots of strong enemies. I guess nothing is easy...

(Nightmare Random: dinosaur room with Another Route)
X: Where am I now? It's probably better to move than think right now...

(Boss arena)
Alia: It's been a long mission. You must be tired. The investigator sent to this area is Ground Scaravich. Stay alert!

(Another Route)
X: Huh? What is this place? Alia? What just happened?

Alia: You are in the Central Museum, or should I say "in the building that used to be the Museum..." The place has completely changed its appearances.

Zero: This place is deserted... That is good because now I can concentrate on my mission.

Alia: Ok, let's go!

(Nightmare Totem)
Zero: Why is there a totem pole here? I don't pick up any life signs...

Alia: I can't detect any sign of a totem pole... It must be the work of the Nightmare! Be careful!

(Nightmare Random: fish rooms)
Zero: What is this location, anyway!? Can you read my location, Alia? Alia... Jammed transmission... Okay, then.

(Nightmare Random: space room descending)
Zero: Another virtual area... What do the Nightmares want...

(Nightmare Random: space room ascending)
Zero: Oh, not again... Give me a break. What a waste of time!

(Nightmare Random: ancient room with spikes)
Zero: What's this place? Alia! Can you read my location!? Huh? Alia! ... Jammed transmission? I'll do it on my own.

(Nightmare Random: ancient room with pits)
Zero: What happened? Alia? Can you read me? The transmission is jammed... What's going on?

(Nightmare Random: dinosaur room with Light Capsule)
Zero: I've reached an open space at last... But a bigger room can only mean a bigger challenge awaits!

(Nightmare Random: dinosaur room with Another Route)
Zero: Now what? It's useless to try to think about it...

(Boss arena)
Alia: It's been a long mission. You must be tired. The investigator sent to this area is Ground Scaravich. Stay alert!

(Another Route)
Zero: Have I been transferred again? Alia? What's going on?

Ground Scaravich

X: Ground Scaravich! You must be the burglar of ruins! What are you doing here?

Scaravich: Well, well, well... What have we here... Why, it's Officer X. This is horrible! Why do I have to face someone like you here?!

X: Be a smart Reploid and give me the information on the Nightmares.

Scaravich: I'd rather just see what DNA data you have!

Zero: Ground Scaravich! Why do you need to steal from another ruin? Hmm... You seem to be very close to the Nightmares...

Scaravich: I am cursed, I know it! You are Zero. I heard you were dead. I really wanted to obtain your DNA data, but I no longer need it.

Zero: What do you mean?

Scaravich: You can fight me to find out!

Light Capsules

Blade Armor Programs

File:MMX6 - Light Capsule Blade Foot Program.png

Foot Program

Dr. Light: X... I wonder when peace will return? I wanted you to live in peace and in a warless era... But we must put an end to this Nightmare... Forgive me. All I can do is give you this Armor... However, for security reason, the Armor won't work until the four programs combine. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I will install a foot program of the Blade Armor. This program will enhance your dash performance and enable you to perform the Mach Dash. You can dash while jumping and you'll be invincible in the beginning. For the Earth. For the future. Good luck!

Head Program

Dr. Light: I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all four programs to complete the Armor. The one I give you now is the head program for the Blade Armor. It allows you to consume less energy as you use your special weapons. I'm praying for world peace and for your safety.

Body Program

Dr. Light: X, now I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all 4 programs, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the body program for the Blade Armor. With this program, you will take less damage, and the damage you receive will be converted to the energy to perform the Giga Attack. Please save the world from our nightmares.

Arm Program

Dr. Light: I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all 4 programs, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the arm program for the Blade Armor. With your weapon charged fully, hold the Up button and press the shot button, then you can attack with the charged blade. You can do it X!

Foot Program

Dr. Light: Zero... I'm glad to see again.

Zero: ... I will never die. I don't really remember, but when I came to, I could move... I don't know if the recovery function worked...

Dr. Light: ... The world still needs X and you... ... So you came back to life, didn't you? We must put an end to this Nightmare... Please give X this Armor program... However, for security reason, the Armor won't work until the four programs combine. Now I will give X a foot program of the Blade Armor. This program will enhance X's dash performance and enable him to perform the Mach Dash. X can dash while jumping and X will be invincible in the beginning. For the Earth. For the future. Good luck!

Head Program

Dr. Light: Zero... I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all four program, to complete the Armor. The one I give you now is the head program for the Blade Armor. It allows X to consume less energy as he uses his special weapons. I'm praying for world peace and for your safety.

Body Program

Dr. Light: Zero, now I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all 4 programs, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the body program for the Blade Armor. With this program, X will take less damage, and the damage X receives will be converted to the energy to perform the Giga Attack. Please help X and save the world.

Arm Program

Dr. Light: Zero, I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all 4 programs, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the arm program for the Blade Armor. With your weapon charged fully, hold the Up button and press the shot button, then you can attack with the charged blade. You can do it, Zero!

Zero: Wait! Are you the one who saved X?

Dr. Light: ............

Zero: Do you know who saved me?

Dr. Light: I'm sorry... I don't. Yours is a miraculous return...

Zero: If you know anything about me...

Dr. Light: I'm sorry, Zero.

Zero: I see. I'll give this program to X...

Shadow Armor Programs

File:MMX6 - Light Capsule Shadow Foot Program.png

Foot Program

Dr. Light: X... I will give you another power. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I'll install a foot program of the Shadow Armor. Press the Jump button while holding the Up button to jump high and stick to the ceiling. After sticking, you can dash on the ceiling. This is a tricky Armor. Handle it well!

Head Program

Dr. Light: X, I'll give you an Armor program. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I will install a head program of the Shadow Armor. This program will enable you to swing the Saber faster by analyzing it. Protect the earth from the Nightmare!

Body Program

Dr. Light: I'll give you data for an Armor program. Obtain all 4 program, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the body program for the Shadow Armor. With this program, you will take less damage, and the damage you receive will be converted to the energy to perform the Giga Attack. You are our only hope...

Arm Program

Dr. Light: X, I'll give you an Armor program. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I will install an arm program of the Shadow Armor. This program will enable you to fire in three directions simultaneously, and use a striking charged Saber. Go and defeat the evil of this world.

Foot Program

Dr. Light: Zero, give X this Armor program... Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I'll give X a foot program of Shadow Armor. Press the Jump button while holding the Up button to jump high and stick to the ceiling. After sticking, X can dash on the ceiling. This is a tricky Armor. Tell him to handle it well! Please help X.

Head Program

Dr. Light: Zero, take this Armor program for X. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I will give X a head program of the Shadow Armor. This program will enable X to swing the Saber faster by analyzing it. I hope we can restore peace.

Body Program

Dr. Light: Zero, will you give this Armor program to X for me? Obtain all 4 programs, so that the Armor will be complete. The one I give you now is the body program for the Shadow Armor. With this program, X will take less damage, and the damage X receives will be converted to the energy to perform the Giga Attack. You two are our last hope...

Arm Program

Dr. Light: Zero, please give this Armor program to X. Collect four programs to complete the Armor. Now I'll give X an arm program of the Shadow Armor. This program will enable X to fire in three directions simultaneously, and use a striking charged Saber. Go and defeat the evil of this world.

Another Bosses

Zero Nightmare

X: Who are you? I won't let anybody stop me.

Zero Nightmare: It's me, X. Don't you recognize me?

X: ... I know. You are just a cheesy fake. What do you want? What's in your mind?

Zero Nightmare: X. I've been looking for my hunters... To wipe out! Time to die! X!


X: Is he going crazy? Who is he anyway?


X: I've found you at last!

Zero Nightmare: Let's fight together to retire the Mavericks, just like we used to...

X: Fine. The first subject to be retired is YOU!

Zero Nightmare: So you've become a Maverick, I was worried that you might... I'll retire you, personally!

X: Stop this ridiculous game! You're crazy!


X: Hey you! Quit fooling around!

Zero Nightmare: I'm not fooling around... The fake me appeared. I don't know what's happening.

X: ......... Shut up! I will not forgive you. Never!

Zero Nightmare: Don't you know who I am? ......... ...Fine. You will be dead anyway. Heh heh heh, die! X!

X: What do you think you are doing!?

Zero Nightmare: Zero... Where is Zero...?

X: You don't need to know that!

Zero Nightmare: Ha! It is you who will be eliminated!

X: Who created you? What for? Answer me!

Zero Nightmare: I AM ZERO...

X: ...You can't talk normally?

Zero Nightmare: BLUE... LIGHT... KILL... KILL!

X: Who are you?

Zero Nightmare: X, it's me. Don't you recognize me? I was damaged so badly by the Nightmare that the color of my body has been changed...

X: Stop it! You can't fool me!

Zero Nightmare: You have become so insane that you can't even recognize me? That means that you have become a Maverick... As a Maverick Hunter and your friend, I'll retire you, myself!

Zero: Who are you![note 1]

Zero Nightmare: It's me. Don't you recognize me?

X: ...You are pitiful. What do you want?

Zero Nightmare: I've been looking for my hunters... To wipe out! Time to die now!

Zero returns

Zero: My reputation has been damaged while away... being thought of as some stupid toy...

X: ... Zero? Zero! You're alive?!

Zero: Huh. So, X is alive, is he? Seems Sigma didn't defeat me after all.

X: But I searched all over for your parts, your signal, but I found nothing, so...

Zero: That is most unfortunate. I hid myself while I tried to repair myself. I had to wait until I was healed. Well, it's been an emotional reunion... But now we must face the Nightmare.

X: If the Reploids are eradicated, then the mankind... no the Earth itself will face a crisis.

Zero: Let's go, X! Destroy the Nightmare!!

X: Yes. We will join hands... And never let anyone sever us again! Let's go, Zero!

(Stage Select)
Signas: I know that you have only just returned, but I need to ask you something... Will you help X and carry out the missions?

Zero: It is my job. I am a Maverick Hunter... I have been away for a while... But I am ready to fight for peace!

High Max (1st)

High Max: I'm warning you. Do not get in the way of our important investigation.

X: What are you investigating? Why are you so deep in this deadly area?

High Max: I won't waste anymore time. I'll delete you now!

High Max: I have no interest in an incompetent Maverick Hunter.

X: Withdraw all the Nightmares and the investigators!

High Max: Let's not talk about, let's fight about it!

X: Abort your lame plan! And tell Isoc to do the same.

High Max: I won't take orders from you!

High Max: You again? You will never beat me.

X: Do not involve innocent Reploids!

High Max: ...You're annoying. I will delete you.

High Max: You have no need to be here. Leave.

X: Why are you with the Nightmare? Stop it!

High Max: That's what I'm supposed to say. Leave, Maverick!

High Max: You don't quit do you?

X: Release the Reploids! And where is Isoc!?

High Max: You don't need to know!

High Max: You again... Haven't you learned yet? You stand no chance of winning...

X: I won't yield to evil!

High Max: ... Silence. I will delete you.

High Max: What made you come here?

X: I came here to stop the Nightmare Phenomena! They must be your doings...

High Max: You are very persistent. I'll make sure I destroy you!

High Max: You're not wanted here. Do not disturb our important investigation.

Zero: Your investigation? Come on! You're examining the Nightmare!

High Max: You are nuisance. I'll delete you.

High Max: Nightmare scum! You have appeared at last!

Zero: Shut up! All of you, withdraw!

High Max: Let's not talk about, let's fight about it!

Zero: Why do you try to hide with such a big body?

High Max: It is you who were trying to hide!

High Max: You offend me, so I'll delete you!

Zero: You are the offensive one!

High Max: ... Annoying. I shall delete you!

High Max: Here comes a nuisance...

Zero: I don't think you are helpful. Leave.

High Max: Hey! That's my line!

High Max: I've been expecting you, Nightmare scum!

Zero: What is your intention!?

High Max: You don't need to know!

High Max: The Nightmare... What are you doing here?

Zero: What are you talking about?

High Max: ... Silence. I will delete you.

High Max: You Nightmare scum! What made you come here?

Zero: I came here to eliminate you.

High Max: No! It's you who will be eliminated!

High Max defeated

High Max: No! I can't believe this. I'm superior to him in every respect, the speed, the power and the body... An old robot like you can't beat me... This can't be true!!

Isoc: Ummmm. High Max is down... Kugh! We'd better withdraw for now!

X: Wait! You can't escape!

Isoc: You ancient piece of junk, it's not over! I'll destroy you myself! For the time being, farewell!

Signas: X! Cool down! We don't want to lose you. You may be damaged in the battle. Return to the Hunter Base, now!

X: Darn! So close... But I must be cautious... Roger that! I'll be back.

Isoc: Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha!

Zero: What makes you laugh?

Isoc: Ah ha ha ha! I can't help it! X was no match for High Max, but you... Ha hah. I can't stop laughing!

Zero: ... Are you out of your mind? I just destroyed one of your own... What is so funny? Anyway, you're the last one... I'll crush you now!

Isoc: Nuh ha ha ha ha! ... Did you say something, boy?!

Zero: Guhwaaaaah!! Wh... what!? I... I... can't move... Kugh.

Isoc: Zero... I know you inside out... Hmm. Since I found out you're alive, I can capture you at any time. But first I must bring High Max back.

Zero: W... wait! You're... escaping? Da... Darn... M... My body...

Isoc: Hmm. What can you do as you are now? I won't escape. I'll see you soon. I promise!

Signas: Are you all right? Zero! We'll send a rescue team immediately! High Max won't be a threat for a while. So you can come back to the Hunter Base at once!

Alia: It's some kind of force field. It seems to take time to release it. Can you move if it isn't released?

Zero: I hate to admit it, but I can't...

Alia: Aw? The force field... It seems to have a timing device. It might be released in due course. But it's strange... Why did he try so hard to trap Zero? What was his intention?


X: Are you alive? Dynamo!

Dynamo: You look well. You are so persistent. Before I was protected by Sigma, but now I will take control of my own life by making use of the Nightmare!

X: Dynamo, don't waste my time. Leave here!

Dynamo: So it's simple. Give up the Nightmare Soul and go back!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: You are too strong. We'll meet again, X!

Dynamo: How are you doing?

X: Dynamo! Hurry and get out of here! You are good at running away, aren't you.

Dynamo: Very clever, but I am here for the Nightmares. I've been gathering them, thinking that I might be able to enhance my powers... So, will you do me a favor? Give me all the DNA Souls you have gathered!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: Oh, give me a break...

X: Dynamo!? You are alive!?

Dynamo: I'm sorry if I made you worry. But you know what they say, "Discretion is the better part of valor." We now have the Nightmares and the impostor of Zero...

X: Did you come here only to tease me? Just leave, now.

Dynamo: Why don't we talk a little longer? Say... Let's see who has obtained more Nightmare Souls!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I'm not up to defeating you...

Dynamo: Have you solved the mystery of the Nightmare?

X: Dynamo! This is not your business!

Dynamo: The Nightmare Soul is nice DNA. I want to power-up with it. So I will take the Souls you collected!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: Drat. You're too serious. Later, X!

X: Dynamo! You again!

Dynamo: You look very busy all the time. I'm interested in the Nightmare and its investigation.

X: It's dangerous! Stop it! Please do not get in my way!

Dynamo: OK, OK. You always get mad. But... I want many Souls... Even yours!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I can't beat you. Until next time!

Dynamo: Hard work and no play makes X go crazy! Hee hee hee!

X: Dynamo! It's you, again.

Dynamo: It takes hours for me to get here. I won't go back empty-handed. I've been gathering Nightmare Souls at the risk of my life. I've been dying to become stronger... Do you want to challenge me?

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: You are way too strong...

Dynamo: Long time no see!

X: Dynamo! Why are you here!?

Dynamo: Nightmare Souls. They're very good... I will get the Souls that you collected!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I still can't win! Bye, X!

X: Dynamo! What are you doing here?

Dynamo: I came here for the Nightmares. I'm attuned to the fashions of the time, you know...

X: Stay away from the Nightmares! It's too dangerous!

Dynamo: That's why they are worth checking! The Nightmare Souls are MINE!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: Hmm... I'm not strong enough... Until next time, X!

Zero: How persistent you are, Dynamo...

Dynamo: You're also persistent... Now that Sigma finished, I must survive by myself... by making use of the Nightmare!

Zero: The Nightmare is too dangerous! Stop it!

Dynamo: Then give me the Nightmare Soul. OK?

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: You are too strong. See you later, Zero!

Dynamo: How are you doing?

Zero: Save us time and run away now...

Dynamo: Shut up! I may be a coward, but I'm here for the Nightmares. I've been gathering them, thinking that I might be able to enhance my powers... So, will you do me a favor? Give me all the DNA Souls you have gathered!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: Oh, give me a break...

Zero: Dynamo!? You are alive, too!?

Dynamo: I'm sorry, if I made you worry. But you know what they say, 'Discretion is the better part of valor." We now have the Nightmares and your impostor...

Zero: Shut up. Leave or fight.

Dynamo: Don't be so angry. Say... Let's see who has obtained more Nightmare Souls!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I'm not up to defeating you...

Dynamo: Have you solved the mystery of the Nightmare?

Zero: That's not your business! Leave!

Dynamo: The Nightmare Soul is nice DNA. I want that power! So I will take the Souls you collected!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: You're too serious. Later, Zero!

Zero: Dynamo! You're pesky!

Dynamo: You must be busy dying so many times.

Zero: I won't die in such a trifle battle!

Dynamo: You're always passionate. I want many Souls... Even yours!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I can't beat you. Until next time!

Dynamo: You are very impressive...

Zero: Again...

Dynamo: You know, it takes hours for me to come this far. I've been gathering Nightmare Souls at the risk of my life. I've been dying to become stronger... Do you want to challenge me?

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: You are way too strong...

Dynamo: Long time no see!

Zero: Sorry but I will never go with you.

Dynamo: Don't be cruel. By the way... Nightmare Souls... I want them all! I will get the Souls that you collected!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I just can't win. Bye, Zero!

Zero: Dynamo! What are you doing here?

Dynamo: I came here for the Nightmares. I'm attuned to the fashions of the time, you know...

Zero: The Nightmares are too dangerous to play around with!

Dynamo: That's why they are worth checking! The Nightmare Souls are MINE!

(Dynamo is defeated)
Dynamo: I'm not strong enough... Later!

First Maverick defeated

Isoc: I have a report. An investigator was already...

Gate: ... Destroyed by that Maverick Hunter. I know. It's shameful they can't beat that mysterious old robot... Isoc! Keep an eye on that Hunter for a while.

Isoc: Yes, sir!

Gate: Oh, how is the experiment going?

Isoc: Everything is going great and the effect is brilliant. We achieved 99.98% success rate by now. This is an amazing invention. But, if you use High Max, in just minutes you can control all Reploids on Earth. Even the Maverick Hunter was no match.

Gate: No. Continue the experiment for now. I want you to keep gathering data.

Isoc: Yes, sir.

Gate: By the way, have you found what you're looking for? I guess it doesn't exist in this world...

Isoc: Oh, no. It does. I've seen him... Besides, he isn't some low Reploid that would die in such a trivial battle.

Gate: I'll admit he's as persistent as X. Alive or not, there are many options.

Isoc: I'll find out for sure.

Gate: Hmm. It doesn't matter to me. You are on your own. I don't need the "body of Zero"... Anyway, just do the work and keep an eye on X.

Isoc: Yes, sir.

Isoc: I have a report. Another investigator has been beaten...

Gate: Blast... That old robot is tenacious.

Isoc: You are quite right, sir. Especially that red Reploid... Zero has outstanding performance. I believe he will cause problems for us if we don't take measures now...

Gate: I'm no longer interested in Zero. High Max will defeat Zero before long.

Isoc: There is no doubt it will be easy for High Max... but we'd better make a move just in case.

Gate: Isoc, I have been thinking about that. You're obsessed with Zero, aren't you?

Isoc: No, no, I'm not...

Gate: Then leave that old robot and focus on the experiment.

Isoc: Yes sir, I'm doing just that. It's going smoothly and effectively. We achieved 99.98% success rate by now. So I assume the experiment is done.

Gate: Then it's time for the next phase... Ha ha ha. It's going to be fun... Isoc.

Isoc: I'm sure, sir.

Gate: Keep an eye on those two Maverick Hunters.

Isoc: I shall obey your orders.

3000 Nightmare Souls collected

Alia: I found out what the Nightmare is... The Nightmare is an artificial virus. It infects Reploids and rewrites their DNA and AI programs, immobilizing them. At worst, even their appearance changes. We don't know exactly as our analysis is not yet complete... But it is very similar to the Mavericks.

X: Yeah...It's almost the same.

Alia: But I'll tell you the real threat of the Nightmare. The Nightmare phenomena... An infected Reploid gets out of order... By inputting certain code, in fact, you can manipulate the Reploid freely. The real purpose of the Nightmare is... not to ruin Reploids, but to control Reploids... Finally: When the virus rewrites his system, the Reploid sometimes dies. A normal virus dies with its host. The Nightmare is so strong, the virus can survive after the Reploid dies. On the other hand, we don't need a special vaccine to damage it, since the energy is so strong. Deleting them may be easier than Sigma...

X: Who is doing this...?

Alia: To create such an advanced virus... He is the only one... The one... who was my colleague... Gate... The investigators... Some look different, but those eight Reploids were created by Gate. They should have been in use somewhere else since they are very able Reploids... Thinking of the Nightmare program, he is the only one capable of this.

X: ...Why is Gate doing this?

Alia: When he and I worked for the Reploids Research Team... All his Reploids were super. His program was too advanced to analyze. The Reploids made remarkable progress. But that started to become dangerous. Then some Reploids began to take needless risks. Gate's reputation started to falter. But he continued creating more advanced Reploids so that he would get recognition for his ability. Of course, it was against our boss. One day, making it look like an accident, the Reploids were disposed of. It was our boss' orders. But I participated...

X: Were they really dangerous?

Alia: No, not really. But his program was just too advanced. There were too much that could not be analyzed by us.

X: Is that all?...It's the same as me.

Alia: I hesitate to say this... He also aimed to make the strongest Reploids. Zero and X... He wanted you. He believed that the ultimate Reploid can never be analyzed... so he strived. So his program advanced to the point where no one could analyze it. He was much smarter than me... but I got ahead as I followed orders. Nobody gave him the proper recognition. Then he got isolated, and left saying this: I'll get revenge on all low Reploids who couldn't appreciate my ability! Building an ideal nation with high-end Reploids only... That was his ambition... The Nightmare is that very revenge on those who didn't appreciate him! It is the embodiment of his "hatred"!

X: I'll stop such an ambition. I won't accept any more sacrifices of Reploids! He must know the current situation. Mankind, Reploids and the Earth are in danger.

Alia: Yes. Stop Gate's plan at once. Gate must delete the Nightmare.

X: All right. Let's find Gate!

Alia: I found out what the Nightmare is... The Nightmare is an artificial virus. It infects Reploids and rewrites their DNA and AI programs, immobilizing them. At worst, even their appearance changes. We don't know exactly as our analysis is not yet complete... But it is very similar to the Mavericks.

Zero: Right...

Alia: But I'll tell you the real threat of the Nightmare. The Nightmare phenomena... An infected Reploid gets out of order... By inputting certain code, in fact, you can manipulate the Reploid freely. The real purpose of the Nightmare is... not to ruin Reploids, but to control Reploids... Finally: When the virus rewrites his system, the Reploid sometimes dies. A normal virus dies with its host. The Nightmare is so strong, the virus can survive after the Reploid dies. On the other hand, we don't need a special vaccine to damage it, since the energy is so strong. Deleting them may be easier than Sigma...

Zero: What is pulling the strings...?

Alia: To create such an advanced virus... He is the only one... The one...who was my colleague... Gate... The investigators... Some look different, but those eight Reploids were created by Gate. They should have been in use somewhere else since they are very able Reploids... Thinking of the Nightmare program, he is the only one capable of this.

Zero: ...Why is Gate doing this?

Alia: When he and I worked for the Reploids Research Team... All his Reploids were super. His program was too advanced to analyze. The Reploids made remarkable progress. But that started to become dangerous. Then some Reploids began to take needless risks. Gate's reputation started to falter. But he continued creating more advanced Reploids so that he would get recognition for his ability. Of course, it was against our boss. One day, making it look like an accident, the Reploids were disposed of. It was our boss' orders. But I participated...

Zero: It was inevitable...

Alia: We could have taken steps to adjust the program. But his program was just too advanced. There were too much that could not be analyzed by us.

Zero: They can't be analyzed... like us.

Alia: I hesitate to say this...He also aimed to make the strongest Reploids. Zero and X... He wanted you. He believed that the ultimate Reploid can never be he strived. So his program advanced to the point where no one could analyze it. He was much smarter than me... but I got ahead as I followed orders. Nobody gave him the proper recognition. Then he got isolated, and left saying this: I'll get revenge on all low Reploids who couldn't appreciate my ability! Building an ideal nation with high-end Reploids only. That was his ambition... The Nightmare is that very revenge on those who didn't appreciate him! It is the embodiment of his "hatred"!

Zero: The time for dreaming is over! We'll crush your ambition, Gate!

Alia: Yes. Stop Gate's plan at once. Gate must delete the Nightmare.

Zero: All right. Let's find Gate!

Secret Lab unlocked

Gate: Well done, Maverick Hunter, X. You defeated my star creations...

X: Who are you?

Gate: I'm Gate. The new leader of Reploids. I aim for an ideal nation of Reploids only. I'm eliminating low Reploids for that. Hee hee hee.

X: You!! Do you realize what you're doing? The Earth can't be fixed without Reploids!

Gate: I know. So this is the perfect time! I can bring a new age just for Reploids. This is my dream. I've been waiting for this... I won't let anybody get in the way. X, I'll give you a special treat since you proved your worth and ability defeating my investigators. I'll invite you to my laboratory. Fu fu fu. No more hiding. I'm sure you'll come even if you know you'll die. I'm waiting for you at my laboratory. Fu fu fu. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Gate: Splendid, Zero! You defeated my stars...

Alia: Do you still hold grudges? Don't you realize what's going on? In the worst case scenario, you might die as well.

Gate: I know... I think it's a golden opportunity! Thanks to the Space Colony incident, a lot of Reploids were lost. Now I can easily control the Reploids remaining... It's the ideal time to build my world! I won't let anybody interfere. Finally I can realize my "dream"! I will build the strongest nation!

Zero: Your ridiculous obsession is a waste of our time. An ideal world made from a virus? It won't last with a corrupt foundation!

Gate: Even though you have Maverick Hunters and Reploids... and you still could not maintain peace, right? Don't accuse me when you use force too!

Alia: Stop quarreling! The Earth needs us now. Gate, I believe you should know better.

Gate: ... I can't forget... They murdered my works instead of appreciating them. They were such excellent Reploids... Why? This Maverick Hunter can't be analyzed and may carry great risks... but why won't you dispose of him? I'm looking forward to seeing... The mysterious hero at my laboratory...

Secret Lab 1

Alia: The secret laboratory of Gate exists in a place like this? Let's move in!

Alia: Our radar condition seems to be very bad, and I can't get the clear vision. Can you find anything?

(Giant hole)
X: I found a hole... It's like it's inviting us... I assume the laboratory is below this. I don't think I can communicate with you, once I enter it...

Alia: Right... We are having much noise within our transmission even now. Just be careful, X.

X: I have to stop Gate and his evil.

(Lab entrance)
X: It's dark, but I can see some light... Can you see anything, Alia...? Alia, Alia? I've already lost the transmission... I have to go alone.

Alia: The secret laboratory of Gate exists in a place like this? Let's move in!

Alia: Our radar condition seems to be very bad, and I can't get the clear vision. Can you find anything?

(Giant hole)
Zero: There's a big hole. This hole seems to be made for a big oaf to fit through...

Alia: I assume the laboratory is below this. I think we'll lose transmission once you enter it... Just be careful.

Zero: Don't worry.

(Lab entrance)
Zero: It's dark here, but I can vaguely see something. Can you identify anything, Alia...? Alia, Alia? I've already lost the transmission... Let's see what is here.

Nightmare Mother defeated

Gate: You made it... You're superior, as always. You always were at the top, Alia.

Alia: No. Your talent was far beyond mine. I just diligently did as I was told. And you didn't. That was the only difference.

X: No matter how capable you are, the skill is nothing if not used properly. Alia understood that but you didn't.

Signas: First of all, a nation for only Reploids won't work. Both Reploids and humans are flawed. We can't survive without mutual aid. I believe you know the best.

Gate: Will humans rescue this damaged planet? No. They take refuge under the ground and are helpless. Only the Reploids can do the work... Fu. Did the Reploids cause this disaster? They're the ones... aren't they, X? Ha ha ha.

Signas: Don't let him bait you, X.

X: I'm all right, Signas.

Gate: I'll admit that Reploids are flawed and some Reploids become Maverick. That's why I wasn't properly evaluated. But... I feel confident in my recent creations. Oh... I'll tell you one little thing. I didn't get here on my ability alone... Hmmm...but I got something. A golden opportunity. Guess what I picked up? I thought it was just rubbish... at first. It was a "piece of Zero." I obtained Zero's DNA! I felt as if I stepped in the sanctuary. And the DNA was just fabulous. It was a piece of cake to create High Max and the Nightmare. I couldn't contain my excitement... I could now create perfect and the strongest Reploids! But...there's no limit to things. Look at you.

X: Don't you know? Sure, Zero's DNA has great power... But it decreases if used the wrong way. Time to teach you a lesson, Gate! You used Zero to cause Reploids pain. All for your own ego! I won't forgive you!!

Gate: Good! I've been waiting to destroy you! Come on... X!!

Gate: Finally you made it. You're truly great, Zero.

Zero: It's simple. Evil must be defeated.

Gate: I wanted to keep silence on this. But I will reveal the secret to you. To be honest, I didn't get here on my ability alone... I got something. It was a blessing. Guess what I got? I thought it was junk at first. ... It was a piece of your body. Zero. I obtained your DNA data! It couldn't be analyzed! I tried using the latest technology.

Zero: What?! You used my DNA?!

Gate: Your DNA was just fabulous. It made High Max and the Nightmare easy. I couldn't contain my excitement... I could now create perfect and the strongest Reploids... But... It couldn't match the original after all. I couldn't analyze it completely.

Zero: How dare you!! Delete the Nightmare virus now! It's too dangerous! It will be your undoing!

Gate: Ha ha ha. How strange... You're usually so calm... Don't worry. I had enough experiments using low Reploids. And that yielded a virus from your DNA. What I should do now is... to destroy the disgusting original body!

Zero: I'll destroy your evil ambition!!

Secret Lab 2

High Max (2nd)

High Max: Data-wise, I've surpassed you... There's no chance for me to lose!

X: Are you still babbling about things like that? I just have to win!

High Max: Just die! Die, original one!

Zero: What is he saying? Anyway, it's time to finish!


Gate: Most impressive. All of my Reploids have already been destroyed. I confess that I have nothing to use...

X: Gate! Surrender! Or...

Gate: Not now. I have one more experiment I'd like to perform.

X: Stop! You are making a big mistake, but you know that, don't you.

Gate: Who cares. I've always wanted to analyze you. Come on, X!

File:MMX6 - Gate Boss Zero.png
Gate: So impressive. All of my Reploids have already been destroyed. I confess that I have nothing to use... I couldn't analyze you enough... Or should I say it was impossible to analyze you completely...

Zero: It is too dangerous to put my DNA to use! You must have been aware of that. Delete all the remaining program you have!

Gate: Not yet. Just give me one more chance to fight you! I've never thought I'd be able to fight the original one... This is a long-awaited opportunity! Fight me, Zero.

Zero: It is useless to fight you anymore! Just give up and surrender.

Gate: I won't. I am so close... Prepare yourself, Zero!

Sigma appears

Gate: Kugh. I lost even though I used Zero's DNA... No... Ugh... I should've... analyzed it more... Wa... was there a... fault in the program...? But... ack... this is not the end. I don't... ack... give up so easily... I prepared for this just in case. Ha ha. I really... don't want to use this... I might be destroyed as well, but... I brought back the evil... Si... Sigma...

Sigma: Oh please. I did not die. Nor did I need your help! Now get lost!

Gate: GhaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAA!!

Sigma: HA! N... now it's... just y... you, ha ha! I'm waiting for you! Y... You're finished!

X: Drat! He's back! But he hasn't been restored perfectly. I've gotta go now!

Alia: ... X. Can you hear me? I found out... That's Isoc's body. It just broke down. Is he dead? ... This is similar to the Erasure Incident...

X: There's no reaction... What is this? ... No. I have to go! I must get Sigma!!

Gate: Kugh. I lost even though I used Zero's DNA... No... Ugh... I should've... analyzed it more... Wa... was there a... fault in the program...? But... ack... this is not the end. I don't... ack... give up so easily... I prepared for this just in case. Ha ha. I really... don't want to use this... I might be destroyed as well, but... I brought back the evil... Si... Sigma...

Sigma: Oh please. I did not die. Nor did I need your help! Now get lost!

Gate: GhaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAA!!

Sigma: HA! N... now it's... just y... you, ha ha! I'm waiting for you! Y... You're finished!

Zero: I knew you'd return. So, we meet again. Time to end this!

???: G... go, Zero! You're the strongest robot!

Zero: Um? ... Did someone call me?

Alia: Zero, what is it?

Zero: Nothing. I'll go after Sigma!


X: You don't seem too complete, Sigma!

Sigma: Cough... X...? Get lost!

X: I'll completely delete you!

Sigma: Silence... I'll destroy you... Even with this half-completed body!

X: Get ready to be deleted, Sigma!

(Sigma is defeated)
X: Could I defeat him? I don't think so...

Sigma: Bha ha ha ha! Not yet! THE BADDLE HAZ JUSD BEGUNN! DIE!! XXX! JUSDIE, X!!

X: What is he talking about... Though he is not fully conscious, he still remembers revenge... I'll put you out of your misery, Sigma! Just rest in peace!

(Hell Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Gwaaaaaaaa! Ghaaaaaaa! It's useless! IT IS USELESS! You know it is, X! You can't defeat me so easily... You know you can't, X...

X: I have to work for the reconstruction of the world... I have no time to waste on you... If you show up, I'll defeat you.

Sigma: Bha ha ha ha ha! Don't forget you said that. That gives me the motivation to come back again someday! I will! I... will... Wooooaaaaaaa!!

File:MMX6 - Sigma Boss Zero.png
Zero: Sigma.

Sigma: Cough... Is it... X...? Or Zero? Who cares?! Just leave!

Zero: No. Now you are mine!

Sigma: Silence... Such a pitiful Reploid... I'll still be able to destroy you...

Zero: I'll put you out of your misery!

(Sigma is defeated)
Zero: Where are you? Show your face now!


Zero: His mind is gone. I won't allow you to rise again... This is the last act, Sigma!

(Hell Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Gwaaaaaaaa! Ghaaaaaaa!! It's useless! IT IS USELESS!! You know it is, Zero!! You can't defeat me so easily... You know you can't, Zero...

Zero: Shut up. Just die.

Sigma: Bha ha ha ha ha! I'll come back to fight you again! I will! I... will... Wooooaaaaaaa!!


Zero: It's over.

X: Yeah.

Zero: X... What will you do with Gate? He's damaged beyond repair.

X: I know. But he was Alia's colleague... I could not leave him. I know what it is to lose a fellow...

Zero: ... I'm sorry for that. Oh, here they come.

Alia: Are you two okay? Oh... is it Gate?

Zero: X brought him back. It's his mercy.

Douglas: This is awful! Whoa! What should we do?

X: It's up to Alia. Did I do too much?

Alia: No. Thank you, X. I'll do my best.

Signas: Our mission is not yet complete. We must rebuild the Earth together!

Douglas: I'll fix anything! Now I can show my mechanic skills!

Alia: I'll try to develop a program resistant to corruption and all viruses. ...Gate and I both longed for this.

X: Let's join forces and go forward!

Zero: Yes! Our journey has just begun!

Signas: We'll work to build a real utopia! It is the world where the human race and Reploids coexist!

X: Alia. I'm not sure he will recover...

Alia: X... Why did you bring Gate?

X: He was your colleague, right? It is an old story, though. Furthermore I don't want to lose any more Reploids.

Alia: I see. ... Gate may not recover but... I believe he can sense your feelings. I'd like to thank you for Gate. X.

Zero: X, you've become stronger. Now you'll be fine on your own.

Alia: By the way, X, you dreamt about Zero, didn't you? Was that from the Nightmare?

X: I don't know. But I believe Zero is inside... Sigma won't beat us Maverick Hunters! So then, he is alive!

Alia: X... well. That's right.

Zero: Ha! Right. I won't get beaten by Sigma. The peace will last for a while. There's something I should do now... X, I'll leave the hunting to you for the time being. I'll return when I can. Until then, X.

X: Zero!?

Alia: Eh? I... I felt it too... I felt Zero there.

X: I felt Zero calling me... I've searched but received no sign...

Alia: No, there's no sign. Are you all right? You'd better rest.

X: Thanks, but I'm fine. Besides... Now Sigma is back, we must be on guard. All right. Time to restore the Earth!

Alia: Let's build a real utopia... together...

Researcher: ... I see. It'll take a while to get rid of this. Even with the latest technology, it's hard to succeed... I'm not really sure if I can fix this completely...

Zero: Don't worry. I must do it before it's too late.

Researcher: But you haven't had any problems yet... You'll be fine as you are, won't you? It's none of my business, but what will we do in a crisis without you?

Zero: Ha. I'm sorry, but don't worry... There's a superior Maverick Hunter. But I'm scared that I may become a disturbing presence.

Researcher: ... I agree. You look ready.

Zero: Yeah... So, when will I wake up?

Researcher: If there is no problem... It will be around August 15, 102 years from now.

Zero: ... Right. Here's to a successful sleep.

Researcher: I'll do my best. Have a good sleep...


  1. Zero can only fight the Zero Nightmare by way of cheats, and only has this single set of dialogue when facing him in the Amazon Area. His name also switches to X's halfway through the conversation, indicating its writing was left incomplete.

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