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From Mega Man Wiki

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DNA is a recurring type of data in the Mega Man series. In genetics, DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is a polymer found in all living organisms that carries genetic instructions for development, growth, and reproduction.[1] In the Mega Man series, Reploid and Mechaniloid bodies carry DNA-like digital instructions of their own, often called a DNA program (DNAプログラム) or DNA data (DNAデータ), which contains information about the structures of their bodies and minds.

In the Games

Classic era

While never called DNA in the Classic era, the data of robots is used for a variety of purposes, similar to DNA data.

X era

Mega Man X5

DNA is first mentioned by name in Mega Man X5, where Alia informs the player that they obtained DNA data after defeating each Maverick boss. This reveals that X's Special Weapons and Zero's Techniques are derived from the DNA of the fallen bosses. It can be assumed that this is how X has copied Special Weapons as far back as Mega Man X, when he took Special Weapon chips from each boss.[2] Alia also reveals that Parts can be created from the DNA of bosses as well, if their Boss Level is high enough.[3]

Mega Man Xtreme 2

In Mega Man Xtreme 2, DNA is further explored with the introduction of the DNA Soul concept. DNA Souls contain code not only regarding the structure of a Reploid's body, but also their entire personality, akin to a human soul.[4] The Soul Erasers, Berkana and Gareth, begin stealing the DNA Souls of innocent Reploids in order to make themselves stronger and build a Maverick army.[5] This leads to the Erasure phenomenon, which is when a Reploid loses their DNA Soul and is reduced to a hollow shell of a body. It is also the first time that a Reploid besides X or Zero is known to use DNA data from other Reploids to grow stronger. As X and Zero collect DNA Souls from enemies, Iris learns to make Parts from them to help fight back against the Soul Erasers. Upon defeating Berkana, all the DNA Souls taken from innocent Reploids automatically return to their bodies, restoring them to life.

Mega Man X6

In Mega Man X6, DNA plays an important role in the story. When the Reploid researcher Gate discovers a sample of Zero's DNA at the Eurasia crash site, his analysis results in him going mad and creating the Nightmare thanks to Zero's connection to the Sigma Virus. The Nightmare Virus enemies are capable of injecting the Nightmare into the DNA of Reploids, reducing them to zombie-like Mavericks.[6] Gate also uses the data from Zero's DNA to create High Max, a nigh-immortal Reploid meant to surpass X.

This game introduces the concept of DNA resurrection, the illegal practice of using a deceased Reploid's DNA to entirely reconstruct their body and resurrect them. Gate used this to resurrect the Nightmare Investigators, who had all previously perished. Metal Shark Player was also a practitioner of DNA resurrection, thanks to the encouragement of Gate, which was what got him executed prior to the story in the first place.[7]

Additionally, the Nightmare Souls appear to be a form of DNA Soul. Dynamo is collecting Nightmare Souls in order to make himself stronger, stating that they contain DNA of some kind.[8]

Mega Man X7

In Mega Man X7, the introduction of Axl again re-contextualizes the use of DNA. Axl uses A-Trans to absorb the DNA data of the robots he defeats to gain their powers and even mimic their bodies. As a gameplay mechanic, he first uses his Copy Shot to destroy enemies, leaving behind a DNA Core item. Upon collecting it, he either gains a power boost (for non-humanoid Mechaniloids) or shapeshifts into a replica of them (for humanoid Reploids). This is also the lore explanation for how he gains Special Weapons from bosses, similar to X and Zero.

In the story, Axl's unique talent makes Red Alert a force to be reckoned with, which attracts the Professor (Sigma), who wants to obtain the DNA of X and Zero for unspecified purposes.[9] Red begins making Axl target innocent Reploids to obtain DNA, which Sigma then uses to strengthen the rest of the team. Axl notices this dangerous shift and quits Red Alert, starting the events of the game.

Mega Man X8

In Mega Man X8, Axl is revealed to be a prototype of the new generation Reploids, who all contain copy chips that let them transform using DNA data. Each new generation Reploid's copy chip comes with a database of DNA from various Reploids to use; this comes under suspicion when X learns this includes the DNA of Sigma as well. When the new generation Reploids start their rebellion, it is first assumed that Sigma's DNA influenced them to do so, though by the end of the game Lumine reveals that they chose to do so of their own free will.

Zero era

DNA is only infrequently mentioned in the Zero era, having seemingly evolved into the concept of Cyber-elves. The Four Guardians were all created based on the DNA of the original X, while Copy X was directly copied from it and intended to be an exact duplicate of him.

ZX era

Mega Man ZX Advent

In Mega Man ZX Advent, DNA plays an important role in the story. First of all, both Humanoids and Reploids now carry DNA data, as the line between humans and robots becomes blurred in this era. As a gameplay feature, Model A can perform A-Trans after absorbing the DNA data of defeated bosses, which allows Grey/Ashe to freely transform into the game's Pseudoroid and Mega Man bosses. Additionally, absorbing the DNA of fellow Mega Men unlocks hidden Ciphers in Model A, which reveal information about Albert's plans to Grey/Ashe.

Through these Ciphers, it is revealed that Albert has locked the usage of Model W to his own DNA signature. During the equality procedures for Humanoids and Reploids at Legion HQ, Albert surveys every individual and judges whether they are worthy of wielding the power of Model W - those chosen are instilled with Albert's DNA, granting them access and making them a Mega Man. When Ciel later created other Biometal based on Model W, this allowed them to use those Biometal as well.


  1. DNA on Wikipedia.
  2. Kodansha Manga Hyakka #6 Rockman & Rockman X Daizukan. Kodansha. 1994.
  3. Mega Man X5. 2000. Alia: "You got DNA data from the boss you have just defeated! From this DNA data, the special weapon has become yours! Equip the weapons using the L1/R1 buttons. Every enemy has a weak point. Find the most effective weapon for each enemy. Plus, if you defeat a high level boss, you may be able to create not only a weapon, but other items as well."
  4. Mega Man Xtreme 2. 2001. Iris: "A Reploid's DNA is like that of a human's soul. From now on, let's call it a DNA Soul. We may be able to create something useful from Mavericks' DNA Souls."
  5. Compendium of Rockman X. Futabasha. 2005.
  6. Mega Man X6. 2001. Alia: "I found out what the Nightmare is... The Nightmare is an artificial virus. It infects Reploids and rewrites their DNA and AI programs, immobilizing them. At worst, even their appearance changes."
  7. Mega Man X6. 2001. Metal Shark Player data. Alia: "His most important work was to analyze and control DNA data of the Mavericks. His analysis ability was so great, that he succeeded in resurrecting dead Mavericks. Since DNA resurrection is explicitly prohibited, the law instantly dealt with him. Gate was also interested in DNA resurrection, so he encouraged him to collect the DNA data instead of stopping him."
  8. Mega Man X6. 2001. Dynamo: "The Nightmare Soul is nice DNA. I want to power-up with it. So I will take the Souls you collected!"
  9. Mega Man X7. 2003. Sigma: "That's right, folks! I'll do it again, and AGAIN! I will make X AND Zero MINE! Now, come and get me! Give me a good fight, like you always do!"