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Template:Boss table/X Challenge

From Mega Man Wiki


| Armored Armadillo =

| Armored Armadillo | style="text-align:center" | MMX - Armored Armadillo.png | | Mega Man X | 4 - 3 (Vol. 2), 7 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#D62142"| Rolling Shield

| style="background-color:#C67B08"| Electric Spark

| Awakened Zero =

| Awakened Zero | style="text-align:center" | File:MM5 - Awakened Zero.png | | Mega Man X5 | 9 - 4 (Hard Mode) (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| ???

| Blast Hornet =

| Blast Hornet | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX3 - Blast Hornet.png | | Mega Man X3 | 5 - 3 (Vol. 2), 6 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#BDB500"| Parasitic Bomb

| style="background-color:#C642CE"| Gravity Well

| Blaze Heatnix =

| Blaze Heatnix | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX6 - Blaze Heatnix.png | | Mega Man X6 | 6 - 1 (both volumes), 8 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Magma Blade

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Dash

| Blizzard Wolfang =

| Blizzard Wolfang | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX6 - Blizzard Wolfang.png | | Mega Man X6 | 5 - 2 (both volumes), 6 - 2 (both volumes) and 8 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ice Burst

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Magma Blade

| Bubble Crab =

| Bubble Crab | style="text-align:center" | MMX2 - Bubble Crab.png | | Mega Man X2 | 1 - 2 (both volumes), 3 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#8C6B00"| Bubble Splash

| style="background-color:#009442"| Spin Wheel

| Burn Dinorex =

| Burn Dinorex | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Burn Dinorex.png | | Mega Man X5 | 1 - 2 (both volumes), 3 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Fire

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Wing Spiral

| Chill Penguin =

| Chill Penguin | style="text-align:center" | MMX - Chill Penguin.png | A penguin who can slide or jump at X, spit bullet-deflecting ice blocks, or create two ice sculptures and move them by summoning a snowstorm as he hangs from a hook on the ceiling. His sculptures block shots, even his own, but can be destroyed with a charged buster shot. | Mega Man X | 1 - 1 (both volumes), 7 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#3973F7"| Shotgun Ice

| style="background-color:#D63918"| Fire Wave

| Colonel =

| Colonel | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Colonel.png | | Mega Man X4 | 6 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| N/A

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Frost Tower

| Commander Yammark =

| Commander Yammark | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX6 - Commander Yammark.png | | Mega Man X6 | 6 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Yammar Option

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ray Arrow

| Crescent Grizzly =

| Crescent Grizzly | style="text-align:center" | MMX5 - Crescent Grizzly.png | | Mega Man X5 | 1 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| C-Shot

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Spike Ball

| Cyber Peacock =

| Cyber Peacock | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - Cyber Peacock.png | His weakness interrupts his attacks and causes him to teleport away immediately, potentially preventing him from ever attacking. | Mega Man X5 | 3 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Aiming Laser

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Soul Body

| Dark Necrobat =

| Dark Necrobat | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Dark Necrobat.png | | Mega Man X5 | 5 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Dark Hold

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| F-Laser

| Dr. Doppler =

| Dr. Doppler | style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Dr. Doppler.png | | Mega Man X3 | 3 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#4AA529"| Acid Burst

| Double =

| Double | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - Double.png | | Mega Man X4 | 9 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#4AA529"| Acid Burst

| Dynamo =

| Dynamo | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Dynamo.png or File:MMX6 - Dynamo.png | | Mega Man X5 or Mega Man X6 | 9 - 3 (Vol. 1) | Meteor Rain or N/A

| Frost Walrus =

| Frost Walrus | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Frost Walrus.png | His weakness briefly sets him on fire and resets his pattern. | Mega Man X4 | 1 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Frost Tower

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Rising Fire

| Gate =

| Gate or Gate (Combat Type) | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - Gate.png or File:MMX6 - Gate (Combat Type).png | | Mega Man X6 | 9 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| N/A

| General =

| General | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - General.png | | Mega Man X6 | 9 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Twin Slasher

| Godkarmachine O Inary =

| Godkarmachine O Inary | style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Godkarmachine O Inary.png | This boss is only fought if either Bit or Byte was *not* destroyed with a weakness in his miniboss fight; otherwise, the Press Disposer will replace it. | Mega Man X3 | 3 - 3 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#C66B21"| Ray Splasher

| Ground Scaravich =

| Ground Scaravich | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX6 - Ground Scaravich.png | | Mega Man X6 | 7 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Dash

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Yammar Option

| High Max =

| High Max (Opening stage), High Max (Secret) or High Max (Gate's Lab) | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - High Max.png | | Mega Man X6 | 3 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| ???

| Iris =

| Transformed Iris[conj.] | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Transformed Iris.png | | Mega Man X4 | 9 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Kuuenbu

| Infinite Majinion =

| Infinite Majinion[conj.] | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX6 - Infinite Majinion.png | | Mega Man X6 | 7 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| N/A

| Jet Stingray =

| Jet Stingray | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Jet Stingray.png | Floats down from the sky on either side of the room to release ground-tracing enemies and/or swoop down at X. He may also sink into the water and generate a vortex to draw X towards him. At half health, he gains another attack that allows him to fly vertically at X from above or below. | Mega Man X4 | 5 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Hunter

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Frost Tower

| Magma Dragoon =

| Magma Dragoon | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - Magma Dragoon.png | His weakness resets his pattern, forcing him to jump over X and potentially preventing him from ever attacking. | Mega Man X4 | 4 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Rising Fire

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Double Cyclone

| Metal Shark Player =

| Metal Shark Player | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - Metal Shark Player.png | | Mega Man X6 | 2 - 2 (both volumes), 4 - 1 (both volumes), 7 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Metal Anchor

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Meteor Rain

| Morph Moth =

| Morph Moth | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX2 - Morph Moth.png | | Mega Man X2 | 5 - 2 (both volumes), 8 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#B53900"| Silk Shot

| style="background-color:#941008"| Speed Burner

| Neon Tiger =

| Neon Tiger | style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Neon Tiger.png | | Mega Man X3 | 2 - 2 (both volumes), 4 - 1 (both volumes), 7 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#C66B21"| Ray Splasher

| style="background-color:#C62100"| Spinning Blade

| Psycho Sigma =

| Psycho Sigma | style="text-align:center" | File:MM5 - Psycho Sigma.png | | Mega Man X5 | 6 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| ???

| Rainy Turtloid =

| Rainy Turtloid | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - Rainy Turtloid.png | | Mega Man X6 | 7 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Meteor Rain

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ice Burst

| Shield Sheldon =

| Shield Sheldon | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - Shield Sheldon.png | | Mega Man X3 | 2 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Guard Shell

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Metal Anchor

| Shining Firefly =

| Shining Firefly | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Shining Firefly.png | | Mega Man X5 | 4 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| F-Laser

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Tri-Thunder

| Slash Beast =

| Slash Beast | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - Slash Beast.png | His weakness knocks him down and resets his pattern to attempting to lunge at X repeatedly. | Mega Man X4 | 1 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Twin Slasher

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Hunter

| Spark Mandrill =

{{!} Spark Mandrill | style="text-align:center" | MMX - Spark Mandrill.png | | Mega Man X | 3 - 1 (both volumes), 9 - 1 (both volumes), 7 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#C67B08"| Electric Spark

| style="background-color:#3973F7"| Shotgun Ice

| Spike Rosered =

| Spike Rosered | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Spike Rosered.png | | Mega Man X3 | 2 - 3 (Vol. 2), 4 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Spike Ball

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Ground Fire

| Spiral Pegasus =

| Spiral Pegasus | style="text-align:center" | MMX5 - Spiral Pegasus.png | | Mega Man X5 | 5 - 1 (both volumes), 8 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Wing Spiral

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Dark Hold

| Split Mushroom =

| Split Mushroom | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Split Mushroom.png | A fast opponent able to create holographics clones of himself. His weakness knocks him down and resets his pattern, forcing him to jump and cling to the opposite wall when he gets up and potentially preventing him from ever attacking. | Mega Man X4 | 7 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Soul Body

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Lightning Web

| Storm Eagle =

| Storm Eagle | style="text-align:center" | MMX - Storm Eagle.png | | Mega Man X | Stage 2 - 1 (both volumes), 4 - 3 (Vol. 1)

| style="background-color:#9C5294"| Storm Tornado

| style="background-color:#219452"| Chameleon Sting

| Storm Owl =

| Storm Owl | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX4 - Storm Owl.png | Flies in from different directions to use various attacks. His weakness interrupts his attacks and forces him to leave. | Mega Man X4 | Stage 2 - 1 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Double Cyclone

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Aiming Laser

| Tunnel Rhino =

| Tunnel Rhino | style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Tunnel Rhino.png | | Mega Man X3 | 3 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#008473"| Tornado Fang

| style="background-color:#4AA529"| Acid Burst

| Toxic Seahorse =

| Toxic Seahorse | style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Toxic Seahorse.png | | Mega Man X3 | 4 - 3 (Vol. 1), 5 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#4AA529"| Acid Burst

| style="background-color:#7BEFF7"| Frost Shield

| Tidal Whale =

| Tidal Whale | style="text-align:center" | MMX5 - Tidal Whale.png | | Mega Man X3 | 2 - 2 (both volumes), 4 - 1 (both volumes), 7 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Goo Shaver

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| C-Shot

| Vile MK-2 | Vile Mk-II =

| rowspan="2" | Vile Mk-II | rowspan="2" style="text-align:center" | MMX3 - Goliath.png | rowspan="2" | After the Goliath is destroyed, Vile is fought on foot. This battle is similar to Vile Mk-II's second phase in his own stage, but the arena is wider. | rowspan="2" | Mega Man X3 | rowspan="2" | 3-3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#C62100"| Spinning Blade |-

| style="background-color:#C66B21"| Ray Splasher

| Volt Kraken =

| Volt Kraken | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - Volt Kraken.png | | Mega Man X5 | 2 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Tri-Thunder

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Goo Shaver

| Web Spider =

| Web Spider | style="text-align:center" | MMX4 - Web Spider.png | Comes down from the ceiling by a thread and launches a web that homes in on X, which not only damages the Hunter but also renders him immobile until he is able to wiggle free. At half health, he gains a new pattern, spinning webs in the centre of the screen that he quickly scitters between diagonally, either continuing to fire homing webs or releasing small spiders that crawl up the walls.

His weakness can cause him to fall down and be briefly stunned if used on the thread he is hanging by, but only during his first phase. | Mega Man X3 | 1 - 3 (Vol. 2)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Lightning Web

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Twin Slasher

| Wheel Gator =

| Wheel Gator | style="text-align:center" | MMX2 - Wheel Gator.png | | Mega Man X2 | 1 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#009442"| Spin Wheel

| style="background-color:#9473EF"| Strike Chain

| Wire Sponge =

| Wire Sponge | style="text-align:center" | MMX2 - Wire Sponge.png | | Mega Man X2 | 1 - 3 (Vol. 2), 4 - 2 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#9473EF"| Strike Chain

| style="background-color:#5242B5"| Sonic Slicer

| X =

| X | style="text-align:center" | File:MMX5 - X.png | | Mega Man X5 | 9 - 4 (Hard Mode)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| ???

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| ???

| Zero Nightmare =

| Zero Nightmare | style="text-align:center" | MMX6 - Zero Nightmare.png | | Mega Man X6 | 6 - 3 (both volumes)

| style="background-color:#EEEEEE"| Z-Saber | N/A


Template:Boss table/X Challenge/doc