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Script:Mega Man X4 (Zero)

From Mega Man Wiki
Japanese box art for Mega Man X4.

Script of all narration and dialogue when playing as Zero in Mega Man X4 (see here for X). Includes tabbers with the official English localization, the original Japanese script, and an English fan translation.


Dr. Wily: Zero...

Zero: Who are you?

Dr. Wily: My masterpiece...

Zero: But... who are you?

Dr. Wily: After him! He is my nemesis. Our rivalry is what gives me motivation in life. Now go! Destroy him! That's an order.

Zero: Huh...? Wait!

Hunter H.Q.: Emergency! Emergency! All Maverick Hunters on call should assemble immediately!

Zero: The same dream... again...





ワイリー:倒せアイツを! ワシの敵、ワシのライバル、ワシの…生き甲斐! ゆけ!そして破壊しろ、アイツを!


ハンター司令部:緊急事態発生! 緊急事態発生! 待機中のイレギュラーハンターは、ただちに集合せよ!


Dr. Wily: Zero...

Zero: Who's there?

Dr. Wily: My greatest masterpiece...

Zero: Who are you?

Dr. Wily: Defeat him. My enemy, my rival, my reason for living! Now go! And destroy him!

Zero: Huh? Wait!

Hunter H.Q.: Emergency! Emergency! All Maverick Hunters on standby, assemble immediately!

Zero: That dream again...

Sky Lagoon


Hunter H.Q.: Mavericks emerged at the point 5567. They've occupied Sky Lagoon! This looks like Repliforce's doing!

Zero: Repliforce? ...OK, I'm on my way.

イレギュラーハンター司令部:ポイント5567において、イレギュラー発生。イレギュラーは、さいしんの兵器でスカイラグーンを占拠! この軍隊はレプリフォースとおもわれる!

ゼロ:レプリフォースだと? …わかった。出撃する

Hunter H.Q.: Mavericks have appeared at point 5567. They have taken over Sky Lagoon with the latest in weaponry! The army is believed to be Repliforce!

Zero: Repliforce? ...Okay. I'm heading out.

Magma Dragoon appears

Zero: Dragoon!? You're in the 14th unit. Why...?

Dragoon: This doesn't look good, Zero! That Maverick took out the power!

Zero: What! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing into the ground!

Dragoon: Yes... And destroy the entire city.

Zero: We have to do something!

Dragoon: It's too late. I must escape now. You'd best do the same Zero...

Zero: Damn! If the Sky Lagoon falls... it will be disastrous! There's no time... I'm going down!

(Sky Lagoon 2)
Zero: The carnage... It's... horrible... Those Mavericks will pay for this!

ゼロ:ドラグーン!? 14部隊のハンターが、なぜここにいる?

ドラグーン:まずいぞ、ゼロ! さっきのイレギュラーがどうりょくろをはかいした

ゼロ:なにっ! それではこのスカイラグーンは… もうすぐ、ちじょうにげきとつしてしまう!




ゼロ:くそっ! このまま、スカイラグーンがおちたら… おおくのぎせいが出てしまう! …ぐ…だめだ、まにあわない! …ともかく下におりよう


Zero: Dragoon!? What is a Hunter from the 14th Unit doing here?

Dragoon: This isn't good, Zero! Those Maverick sabotaged the power reactor.

Zero: What?! But then the Sky Lagoon... will soon crash into the ground!

Dragoon: That's right. The entire city below will be turned into dust!

Zero: We've got to do something fast!

Dragoon: It's too late. I'll be out in a second. You'd better do the same and not do anything reckless, got it?!

Zero: Damn! At this rate, if the Sky Lagoon falls... many lives will be lost! ...Ugh... no, I can't make it! ...I'll just head down there.

(Sky Lagoon 2)
Zero: ...So this is the city below. ...It's a mess. ...Damn Mavericks! I won't let you get away with this!

Iris appears

Zero: Iris! What are you doing here? Are you OK!?

Iris: Zero... Did you come to save me?

Zero: Yes. Hang on!

Iris: A huge Maverick appeared and...

Zero: Stay here Iris. I'll handle it!

Zero: Is this really one of Repliforce's? I don't have a moment to spare! I have to defeat him or else...

ゼロ:アイリス! アイリスじゃないか! だいじょうぶか!?





ゼロ:…この部隊は、ほんとうにレプリフォースなのか? …くそ、なやんでいるヒマはない! すぐに奴を倒さなくては、ひがいがおおきくなる!

Zero: Iris! It's you! Are you okay?!

Iris: ...Zero. You've come to save me?

Zero: Yes. Hang on!

Iris: A giant Maverick... suddenly attacked me...

Zero: Stay here, Iris. I'll settle this now!

Zero: ...Is this unit really Repliforce? ...Damn it, there's no time to worry. If I don't take it down soon, the damage will only get worse!

Colonel appears

Colonel: Zero! Long time no see!

Zero: Colonel... What are you doing here?

Colonel: I've come to save my sister Iris. I only hope she's okay...

Zero: She's fine! I just rescued her.

Colonel: Oh? Thanks Zero! I owe you one...

Zero: ...Colonel, I have a question for you. ...Did your unit attack this place?

Colonel: What are you talking about? Repliforce came here for help. We weren't involved in the attack!

Zero: They suspect you've become a Maverick.

Colonel: What!?

Zero: Disarm and come with me to the H.Q.

Colonel: I'm afraid I can't. Soldiers never drop their weapons! I won't do it, not even for you Zero!

Zero: Then they'll think you're a Maverick!

Colonel: So be it! The Repliforce prefers war over dishonor and shame! Good bye, Zero!

Zero: Wait! Colonel! Listen to me!

Zero: Damn! This isn't good Colonel! They may decide the entire Repliforce is a group of Mavericks!

カーネル:ゼロ! ひさしぶりだな!






カーネル:何をいっている? われわれレプリフォースもいそいでかけつけたのだ。ここであばれていた軍隊は、レプリフォースではない!




カーネル:ふざけるな!軍人に武器をすてろだと?いくらおまえのたのみでも そんなことができるか!


カーネル:なんとでもよぶがいい!われわれレプリフォースは、軍のほこりをすてるより、戦いをえらぶ! さらばだ、ゼロ!

ゼロ:まて! カーネルッ! おれのはなしをきけ!

ゼロ:くそっ!まずいぞ、カーネル! このままでは、レプリフォースぜんたいが、ほんとうにイレギュラーとみなされてしまう!

Colonel: Zero! Long time no see.

Zero: Colonel. Why are you here?

Colonel: I rushed here to save my sister, Iris. Is she all right?

Zero: Iris is fine. I rescued her just now.

Colonel: ...I see. Thank you, Zero. I owe you one...

Zero: ...Colonel. I have a question for you. ... Was it your unit that attacked this place?

Colonel: Are you kidding me? Repliforce rushed to the scene too. The army that was rampaging here is not Repliforce!

Zero: You guys are suspected of being Mavericks...

Colonel: What?!

Zero: I want you to disarm and come with me to headquarters.

Colonel: Out of the question! You want a soldier to lay down his arms? I don't care how much you ask, I can't do that!

Zero: But if you don't, you'll be declared Mavericks!

Colonel: Call us what you will! We Repliforce would rather fight than abandon our pride! Farewell, Zero!

Zero: Wait! Colonel! Listen to me!

Zero: Damn it! Bad idea, Colonel! At this rate, all of Repliforce will be considered Mavericks!

General's speech

General: Brave soldiers of Repliforce, we have all been wrongfully judged as Mavericks by the humans. We cannot suffer this indignity and live in disgrace. We will build our own nation of Reploids. But remember, this is neither about insurrection, or rebellion against our human creators. This is about our liberty and security. We must battle for our own individual rights, and our own survival. Together we will build our own nation, a sanctuary for all Reploids, our own Utopia. Let us forge onward towards a new golden era for the Repliforce.

Colonel: I, too, share the General's sentiment. Take heed, we have no other choice. Let us fight vehemently, with courage and pride, without fear. For we are the Repliforce... The most powerful army in history!

Sigma: Hahahahahaha! The General has finally taken action! And now, my Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll be watching closely from here on out. Hahahaha!



カーネル:私もジェネラル将軍とおなじ意見だ。いいか、我々にはこれしか道はない。恐れず、勇気と誇りをもって戦おう!我々はレプリフォース! 史上最強の軍隊なのだ!

シグマ:ククク。ハッハッハ ジェネラルの奴め! とうとう動きおったわ!…さあて、イレギュラーハンターよ、どう出る? ここでゆっくり見物させてもらうか… クククッ…ファーッハッハッハ!

General: Brave soldiers of Repliforce, all of us have now been determined to be Mavericks. But we cannot remain stigmatized as such. We shall establish a nation of Reploids by ourselves. However, this is not a war against humanity. This is a fight for freedom, security, and our due rights. Together, we will build an ideal nation that will be violated by no one. Together, we will move forward, towards the future of Repliforce.

Colonel: I concur with General. Take heed, this is the only path we have. Let us fight with courage and pride, and without fear. We are Repliforce, the most powerful army in history!

Sigma: Hahahaha! General has finally made his move. So, Maverick Hunters, what will you do? I'll just sit back and watch. Hahaha!

Stage Select

Zero: Iris! ... What are you doing here?

Iris: My brother Colonel started the coup!

Zero: I know...

Iris: Please don't fight against him! This must be some kind of mistake!

Zero: They've occupied several cities already. As a hunter, I must stop them.

Iris: Zero...

Zero: I must go now!

JUNGLE: Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under construction.
CYBER SPACE: A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and exterminate it.
AIR FORCE: The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the air.
VOLCANO: Dragoon of the 14th unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back to Hunter H.Q.
MARINE BASE: Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard a Land Chaser.
BIO LAB: The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the lab.
MILITARY TRAIN: A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply route.
SNOW BASE: We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new weapon.

ゼロ:アイリス! …なぜ、ここに?



アイリス:おねがいです、兄さんと戦わないで! きっと、何かのまちがいなんです!





Zero: Iris! ...Why are you here?

Iris: ...My brother.... Colonel, has staged a coup d'état!

Zero: ...I know.

Iris: Please, don't fight my brother! There has to be a mistake!

Zero: Repliforce has already taken over everywhere. I'm a Hunter so I must stop them!

Iris: Zero...

Zero: I'm moving out!

JUNGLE: A craggy jungle where guerilla forces await. Destroy the beam weapon that is under construction.
CYBER SPACE: An alien program has been found in the network. Dive into cyber space and remove it.
AIR FORCE: Repliforce battleships have taken off. Mmove out immediately to intercept them.
VOLCANO: Dragoon, captain of the 14th Unit, has suddenly betrayed his command. Locate Dragoon and bring him back to Hunter H.Q.
MARINE BASE: Repliforce sabotaged the city and retreated. Use a Ride Chaser to pursue them immediately.
BIO LAB: A laboratory that was supposed to be abandoned is still operating. Find out the cause and destroy the lab.
MILITARY TRAIN: A giant military train prized by the army. Stop Repliforce's supply operation.
SNOW BASE: A snow base in the midst of a fierce blizzard. Prevent the compoletion of a new weapon hidden deep in the ice.

Maverick bosses

Web Spider

Spider: Ah... Zero. I've been expecting you.

Zero: Spider! You work for Repliforce?!

Spider: Yes... I lead a renegade unit now.

Zero: There's still time, call off the coup!

Spider: ... I believe in Repliforce... Let's go!


ゼロ:スパイダス! おまえ、レプリフォースに…



スパイダス:…おれはレプリフォースをしんじる…。 いくぞッ!

Spider: Zero... I knew you'd come...

Zero: Spider! You joined Repliforce...

Spider: Yes. I'm a guerilla commander now.

Zero: It's not too late. Call off the coup!

Spider: No. I know where my loyalties lie.

Cyber Peacock

Peacock: I'm impressed you made it this far! But you can't beat me! Get ready!
クジャッカー:ここまでたどりつくなんて、アナタ、なかなかやるわね! でもアタシにはかてないわ!…カクゴなさいッ!
Peacock: You've done well to get here! But you're no match for me! ...Prepare yourself!

Storm Owl

Owl: Why did you judge us as Mavericks!?

Zero: Wait! Stop the coup!

Owl: No. We're justified in doing this!


ゼロ:おちつけ! いまからでもクーデターをとりやめろ!

フクロウル:せいぎは、レプリフォースのほうにある! いくぞッ!

Owl: How dare you treat us like Mavericks!

Zero: Stand down! Stop the coup now!

Owl: Justice sides with Repliforce! Let's go!

Magma Dragoon

Dragoon: Zero... It's really you!

Zero: Why did you betray us?!

Dragoon: .........

Zero: Answer me, Dragoon!

Dragoon: I have no answer for you my friend.

Zero: Dragoon!

(Magma Dragoon is defeated)
Dragoon: ...I ...wanted defeat... you... ...Then ...he ...appeared...

Zero: He? Who!?

Dragoon: ...He ...told me... he'd give me power. only if I worked... for Repliforce...

Zero: ...What!?

Dragoon: I couldn't... refuse the offer... Sorry Zero...

Zero: ...Dragoon!!!








ゼロ:奴? だれだ、それは!?





Dragoon: It's you, Zero...

Zero: You're a Hunter. Why would you betray us?

Dragoon: .........

Zero: Say something, Dragoon!

Dragoon: ...I don't need to answer. Let's go!

(Magma Dragoon is defeated)
Zero: Dragoon!

Dragoon: ...I... ...really wanted win against you. ...It seems my desire... drew him to me...

Zero: He? Who was it!?

Dragoon: ...He said... If I would join Repliforce... he would give me power...

Zero: ...What!?

Dragoon: I... gave in... to... temptation. ...Zero. I'm... sorry...

Zero: ...Dragoon!!!

Jet Stingray

Stingray: Argh! He's still after me! Enough already. We settle this now!
スティングレン:くそ、しつこい奴だぜ!どこまでついてくるきだ? まあいい、ここでケリをつけてやる!」
Stingray: Man, you're persistent! How far are you gonna follow me? All right, let's get this over with!

Split Mushroom

Mushroom: You made it this far. I'm impressed! You interested in a real challenge?

Zero: Who's your commanding officer?

Mushroom: Never mind that, it's time to fight!

マシュラーム:ここまでこれるなんて、キミ、つよいんだね! ボク、つよい人と戦うのだいすきなんだ!



Mushroom: You must be strong to have made it this far! I love fighting tough guys!

Zero: ...On whose orders are you acting?

Mushroom: That doesn't matter. Come on, let's fight!

Slash Beast

Beast: You dared to attack my unit?! I'm gonna enjoy fighting you!
Beast: You've got some nerve attacking my unit. ...This is the most fun I've had in a long time!

Frost Walrus

Walrus: What's that blonde kid up to?! I don't have time for you junior!

Zero: Hey! Shut up and fight already!

Walrus: Oh... That does it, you're goin' down!

キバトドス:どんな奴がくるかと思ったら、キンパツのガキじゃねえか! これじゃあ、ほんきになれねえな!


キバトドス:な、なんだとオ! ガキめ、ペシャンコにしてやるぜ!

Walrus: I was wondering who would show up, but it's just some blond kid! I can't get serious like this!

Zero: ...I'll make sure you can't talk any more trash, real quick.

Walrus: W-What's that?! I'm gonna beat you to a pulp, you little brat!

Four Mavericks defeated

Iris: I've got a message from Repliforce...

Colonel: Zero! I'll be at the Memorial Hall! Be there!

Iris: Don't go Zero! Don't fight him!

Zero: This is a matter of personal pride now. There's no avoiding this... I must go.


カーネル:ゼロ!メモリアルホールでまつ! かならずこい!

アイリス:…いかないで、ゼロ! 兄さんと、戦わないで!


Iris: We have a message from Repliforce...

Colonel: Zero! I'll be waiting for you at Memorial Hall! Be sure to come!

Iris: ...Don't go, Zero! Don't fight my brother!

Zero: This is a battle of pride between a soldier and a Hunter. I can't just run away... I'm heading out!

Memorial Hall

Zero: Colonel!

Colonel: What!?

Zero: I'm disappointed in you, Colonel!

Colonel: What do you think you're doing?

Zero: It's not too late. Stop the coup now!

Colonel: Never.

Zero: If that's your decision... prepare yourself!

Iris: Stop, please! Brother, please, don't you remember? Zero saved my life!

Colonel: ... Hmm... Very well, then. I'll spare your life for now... but next time there will be no mercy.

Iris: Zero, please! Don't fight with my brother! If you do I'm afraid that one of you may end up...

Zero: Someone... must stop Repliforce...!

Iris: Zero!

ゼロ:カーネル! みそこなったぞカーネルッ!




ゼロ:そうか… いくぜ!

アイリス:やめて! 兄さんやめてッ! わすれたの?ゼロはわたしの命をたすけてくれたのよ!


アイリス:ゼロ、おねがい…兄さんと戦わないで! ふたりが戦えば、どちらかが…きっと…



Zero: Colonel!

Colonel: Huh?

Zero: I'm disappointed in you, Colonel!

Colonel: What are you doing?

Zero: It's not too late. Abort the coup.

Colonel: I refuse.

Zero: I see... Let's go!

Iris: Stop it! Brother, stop! Don't you remember? Zero saved my life!

Colonel: ...I'll withdraw for now. But next time, I will show no mercy.

Iris: Zero, please! Don't fight my brother. If you two fight, one of you will surely...

Zero: Someone has to stop Repliforce...

Eight Mavericks defeated

Iris: Repliforce is at the space harbor...

Zero: I have to go.

Iris: No! ...Please wait Zero! I don't want to see you two fight...

Zero: Someone has to stop your brother. I'm leaving...



アイリス:だめ!…いかないで、ゼロ! あなたと兄さんが戦うなんて…わたし、たえられない…


Iris: Repliforce is gathering at the space port...

Zero: ...I'm going.

Iris: No! ...Don't go, Zero! I can't stand the thought of you and my brother fighting...

Zero: ...Someone has to stop Colonel... I'm heading out!

Space Port

Colonel battle

Zero: I don't want to fight. Step back.

Colonel: I'm sorry. I can't let you through...

Zero: Iris will be sad if she loses you...

Colonel: Don't be so presumptuous Zero! Save it until after you've defeated me!

(Colonel is defeated)
Colonel: ...Impressive Zero! But it's too late!

Zero: What!?

Colonel: Repliforce has left for the space! Even if I perish, Repliforce lives.

Zero: ...Colonel.

Colonel: ...Zero. Tell Iris that her brother died happily! ...Good bye Zero!

Zero: Colonel!!!


カーネル:だめだ! ここからさきは、いかせん!


カーネル:うぬぼれるな、ゼロ! そんなセリフは、私を倒してからにするんだな!

カーネル:…みごとだ、ゼロ! …だが、もうおそい!


カーネル:レプリフォースは…すでに宇宙にとびたった! 私がここで…倒れても…レプリフォースはほろびぬ


カーネル:…ゼロ。アイリスには、こうつたえてくれ。 兄は、まんぞくして死んでいったとな! …さらばだ、ゼロ!


Zero: I don't want to fight you, Colonel. Get out of my way.

Colonel: No! You can't go any further!

Zero: If I defeat you... Iris will be heartbroken.

Colonel: Don't get cocky, Zero! You'll have to defeat me before you can say anything like that!

(Colonel is defeated)
Colonel: ...Impressive, Zero! ...But it's too late!

Zero: What!?

Colonel: Repliforce... has already flown into space! Even if I... fall here... Repliforce will live on.

Zero: ...Colonel.

Colonel: ...Zero. Tell Iris this. Her brother died content! ...Farewell, Zero!

Zero: Colonel!!!

Space Port clear

Hunter H.Q.: They've left for outer space! Scramble all Maverick Hunters!

Zero: Iris? Where are you? Iris! She left with them? No!!

Hunter H.Q.: Maverick Hunters! Scramble!

Zero: I'm on my way! Don't do this to me Iris...


ゼロ:アイリス?どこだ、アイリス! ………。…まさか、宇宙へ…?


ゼロ:すぐに出る! アイリス、はやまったことはするんじゃないぞ!

Hunter H.Q.: Repliforce appears to have gone into space. Maverick Hunters, launch immediately!

Zero: Iris? Where are you, Iris?! ...Did she go to space...?

Hunter H.Q.: Maverick Hunters, move out immediately!

Zero: I'll be right out! Iris, don't do anything rash!

Final Weapon 1

Zero: Iris!

Iris: So you fought with my brother...

Zero: I'm sorry...

Iris: Then it's over. Everything...

Zero: Wait Iris! Listen to me!

Iris: Good bye Zero...

Zero: Iris!

(Iris is defeated)
Zero: Iris! ... Iris...

Iris: Zero...

Zero: Hang in there, Iris.

Iris: Please... stay away from Repliforce... Let's live together in a world where only Reploids exist.

Zero: Iris, there's no world just for Reploids. It's only a fantasy.

Iris: Yes... I know... But I wanted to believe it! ... I wanted to live in a world where only Reploids exist...... with you...

Zero: ... Iris. Iris! Iris! ... Iris...

Zero: Nooo!! This isn't happening!! There's no reason for me to go on! What... What am I fighting for?!


アイリス:…兄さんと…戦わないでと あれほどいったのに!



ゼロ:おちつけ、アイリス! はなしをきいてくれ!



ゼロ:アイリス! …アイリス!







ゼロ:アイリス!アイリス!…アイリス…うわああぁぁーッ!! おれは、おれは…! いったいなんのために戦っているんだーーッ!

Zero: Iris!

Iris: ...I told you so many times not to fight my brother!

Zero: ...I'm sorry.

Iris: ...It's too late for that. For anything.

Zero: Calm down, Iris! Just listen to me!

Iris: Goodbye Zero...

Zero: Iris, no!

(Iris is defeated)
Zero: Iris! Iris...

Iris: Zero...

Zero: Stay with me, Iris.

Iris: Please... stay away from Repliforce... Let's live together in a world only for Reploids...

Zero: Iris, a world of only Reploids is just a fantasy!

Iris: That's true... But I wanted to believe I could live in a world of Reploids, with you...

Zero: Iris. Iris! Iris! Iris...

Zero: I... I... What am I even fighting for?!

Final Weapon 2

Zero: General! Many died because of you! Those lives are on your conscience!

General: Independence always has a high price...

Zero: What about Iris?! Did you forget her?

General: I have no regrets. Come on, Zero!

(General is defeated)
Zero: What is this!? What happened!?

General: No! This weapon can't be working...

Zero: General! What's wrong?

General: Someone else is controlling it!

Zero: Then... Earth's in grave danger! It must be stopped! I'll handle this...

ゼロ:ジェネラル! あんたのせいでおおぜい死んだ! この責任はとってもらうぞ!




ゼロ:なんだッ!? いったいどうしたんだ?




ゼロ:なんだと? くそっ、このままでは地球があぶない。おまえはあとまわしだ。おれはこの兵器を止めにいく!

Zero: General! Many lives have been lost because of you! You'll pay for this.

General: In a fight for independence... Sacrifices are inevitable.

Zero: So Iris is one of them? ...I won't forgive you, General!

General: ...I have no excuses. Come at me, Zero!

(General is defeated)
Zero: What the...!? What's going on?

General: I-Impossible! This weapon was not supposed to be activated...

Zero: General! What's happening?

General: Somebody is operating this weapon on their own...

Zero: What? Damn it, the Earth will be in danger if we don't do something. I'll deal with you later. I'm going to stop this weapon!

Final Weapon 3

Zero's flashback

Sigma: Hee hee hee. Good work, Zero!

Zero: You're... Sigma! ...So it was you!

Sigma: Hee hee hee. Yes! Simply brilliant! You even defeated Colonel and Iris!

Zero: ...You made me do it!

Sigma: No. You wanted to destroy them! Allow me to remind you that I was once the leader of the Maverick Hunters...

(Zero's flashback)
Sigma: What's our current situation?

Brainy Hunter: ...Huh? ...Commander!

Sigma: Where's that red Maverick that wiped out Gamma's unit?

Power Hunter: I-Inside. He's inside that door!

Sigma: You may leave now. I'll take care of this personally.

Power Hunter: By yourself, Commander?

Sigma: I don't want any more of my people being sacrificed...

(Sigma barely defeats Zero)
Brainy Hunter: Look! It's Commander Sigma!

Power Hunter: Incredible. Now I'm certain there's no one who's a match for the Commander... What?!

Sigma: Get that red Maverick... to the repair center... a-and call Dr. Cain... I wish to have that Maverick studied!

Power Hunter: Commander, are you okay?

Sigma: Silence!





シグマ:ちがうな。おまえのこころがはかいをのぞんでいるのだ! 思い出させてやろう。あれは…私がまだ…イレギュラーハンターの隊長だったころ…




ハンターB:は、はい! あちらのトビラの中に…





ハンターB:さすがだ! 隊長にかなうレプリロイドなどいるわけが…ん?

シグマ:赤いイレギュラーを修理センターへ運べ! それと、ドクターケインに連絡を…ッ! あのイレギュラーを調査する…


シグマ:ぐ… うるさいッ!

Sigma: Heheheh... Good work, Zero!

Zero: You... You're Sigma! ...Did you do all this?!

Sigma: Hahahahaha! How brilliant, Zero. I didn't expect you to take out Colonel and even Iris with such little hesitation!

Zero: ...You made it all happen!

Sigma: Wrong. Your soul craves destruction! Allow me to remind you. Back when I was still... the captain of the Maverick Hunters...

(Zero's flashback)
Sigma: How is he?

Brainy Hunter: ...Captain!

Sigma: Where is the red Maverick that wiped out Garma's unit?

Power Hunter: S-Sir. He's through the door over there.

Sigma: Good work. I will take care of the rest.

Power Hunter: By yourself, sir?

Sigma: I don't want any more of you to get killed.

(Sigma barely defeats Zero)
Brainy Hunter: It's Captain Sigma!

Power Hunter: Nice. No Reploid is a match for him... Huh?

Sigma: Take the red Maverick to the repair center... And contact Dr. Cain... We must analyze that Maverick.

Power Hunter: Captain, are you okay?

Sigma: Shut up!

Sigma battle

Sigma: Zero! You were a Maverick?!

Zero: What's your point?! Are you that surprised?

Sigma: Ah... Zero! You're most impressive!

Zero: Sigma... I will defeat you!

(Phantom Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: I've been waiting for you Zero! It's time for us to settle this!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Ha ha ha! You're finished Zero! Iris is waiting for you!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: ...Hee hee hee.

Zero: What's so funny?

Sigma: This weapon is aimed at Earth... No one can stop it...

Zero: No!

Sigma: Ha ha ha ha ha!! Good bye, Zero!

Zero: General!

General: ...Zero... I was... wrong. Sigma... He blinded me to the truth...

Zero: It's okay... Rest.

General: ...With my body I can stop the weapon.

Zero: But then you'll...

General: It's over for this soldier. Farewell!

Zero: General!!!

シグマ:ゼロ! おまえこそ、イレギュラーだったのだよ!



ゼロ:死んでいった者たちのためにも シグマ、きさまを倒す!

シグマ:フフフ…。ゼロ!まちこがれていたぞ! おまえとふたたび戦う、このしゅんかんをな!

シグマ:フハハハハー!死ぬがいい、ゼロ! あの世でアイリスがまっているぞ!





シグマ:フアーッハッハ!! さらばだーッ、ゼロ!








Sigma: Zero! You were a Maverick yourself!

Zero: ...So what? Did you think I'd be surprised to hear that?

Sigma: Heheheh... Excellent, Zero. That's the way!

Zero: For the sake of all those who've died, I will defeat you, Sigma!

(Phantom Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Heheheh... Zero! I've been waiting for this! Waiting for a chance to fight you again!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: Hahahaha! Die, Zero! Iris awaits you in the afterlife!

(Sigma is defeated)
Sigma: ...Heh. Heheheh.

Zero: What's so funny?

Sigma: This weapon is already headed towards the Earth... There's nothing anyone can do to stop it now!

Zero: Damn it, how!?

Sigma: Hahaha! Farewell, Zero!

Zero: General!

General: ...Zero...? I... was a fool. I was wrapped up in Sigma's plan...

Zero: Never mind that!

General: ...I can stop the weapon with my body.

Zero: But what will happen to you?!

General: ...This is the life of a soldier. Goodbye, Zero!

Zero: General!!!


Zero's fears

Zero: So... this is what happened to me... This is... my fate! I couldn't save anyone after all!

Zero: Iris!

Iris: Please stop, brother! Zero...

Zero: ... Iris... Did we Reploids all turn out to be... Mavericks, after all?

ゼロ:これが、ほんとうのおれなのか? ほんとうの…おれって奴なのか? けっきょく、だれも助けられなかった…! アイリス… アイリス… おれたちレプリロイドは、けっきょくみんな…イレギュラーなのか?
Zero: Is this... really me? The true me? In the end, I couldn’t save anyone.

Zero: Iris!

Iris: Brother, stop! Zero...

Zero: Iris... Are all Reploids... Mavericks after all?


...The battle has ended. But for some reason, Zero's memories of the past continue to haunt his mind. ...As a Hunter, it is his duty to go after those Mavericks... ...And at the same time, he knows that it is his destiny to defeat his friend one day. Two different people. Two different fates. In the future... Zero's decision will lead two great hunters to tragedy. The future is coming...
…戦いはおわった。しかし、よみがえりつつあるかこのきおくがゼロのこころにまよいをしょうじさせる。…イレギュラーをゆるせないハンターとしてのじぶん… …「アイツ」をたおすさだめをおった、ほんとうのじぶん…まったくことなるふたつの運命…そして、ゼロのけつだんは、ついにふたりのハンターをひげきへとみちびく。そうとおくない未来で…
...The battle is over. However, the memories of the past that were revived cause doubt within Zero's mind. ...His self as a Hunter who cannot tolerate Mavericks... His true self, who was destined to defeat "him"... Two entirely different fates... Zero's decision will finally lead the two Hunters to tragedy. In a future not far from now...

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