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Light Capsule

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File:MMX - Light Capsule Art.png
Concept art of a Light Capsule, in Mega Man X.

A Light Capsule (ライトカプセル)[1] also known as a Parts Capsule (パーツカプセル),[2] Power-Up Capsule (パワーアップカプセル),[3] or Armor Capsule,[4] is a type of item appearing in the X era. They are a set of large, hidden capsules that contain a hologram replica of Dr. Light, so that X or other characters can find them to gain Armor Parts or other upgrades.

In the Games

Mega Man X

Sprite from Mega Man X.

Light Capsules debut in Mega Man X, establishing the trend for the rest of the X era. There are four Light Capsules hidden in four of the eight Stage Select stages. When X approaches one, the Dr. Light hologram explains the function of the First Armor Parts held within, before disappearing and allowing X to enter to receive the Parts. Dr. Light explains that he left the Light Capsules in case X chose to fight, granting him new powers so he could fight for justice.[5] One of the Light Capsules is located in Snow Mountain Stage, impossible for the player to avoid, so that they can receive the Foot Parts for the Dash ability and learn to seek out the other three. There is also a secret fifth Light Capsule in Gallery Stage, which only appears under certain circumstances and grants the Hadouken. In this capsule, Dr. Light is comically dressed as Ryu from Street Fighter.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X
Item Image Stage Directions
Head Parts Sky Stage Dash Wall Kick off of the tall tower to reach a wall of flammable canisters, which can be destroyed by any attack. Doing so reveals the chamber where the Light Capsule resides.
Body Parts Forest Stage Dash Jump onto the mouth of the cave entrance. Once the RT-55J there is defeated, the Light Capsule emerges from the ground.
Arm Parts Factory Stage Jump off the first platform in the scaffolding area to reach the destructible blocks in the ceiling. Using the Head Parts, headbutt up through them to find a chamber with the Light Capsule.
Foot Parts Snow Mountain Stage Continue through the stage to find the Light Capsule in the path forward.
Hadouken Gallery Stage X must have every other upgrade in the game. Collect the Life Energy on the cliff above the boss room and jump into the pit to die; repeat three times. On the fourth trip, the Light Capsule will appear instead of the Life Energy.

Mega Man X2

In Mega Man X2, the Light Capsules contain the Second Armor. Supplementary material reveals that after Mega Man X, X returned the First Armor to the Light Capsules, after which they mysteriously burrowed away to upgrade it into a new form.[6] These four Light Capsules are all hidden, as X retains the Dash from before. There is another secret fifth Light Capsule in X-Hunter Stage 3, this time containing the Shoryuken - however, Dr. Light is not dressed as Ryu this time.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X2
Item Image Stage Directions
Head Parts Energen Crystal Stage TBA
Body Parts Robot Junkyard Stage TBA
Arm Parts Dinosaur Tank Stage TBA
Foot Parts Desert Base Stage TBA
Shoryuken X-Hunter Stage 3 TBA

Mega Man X3

Sprite from Mega Man X3.

In Mega Man X3, the Light Capsules contain the Third Armor. Supplementary material reveals that the Third Armor is a further evolution of the Second Armor, implying that X again returned it to the Light Capsules between games.[7] Aside from the usual four blue Light Capsules, there is another set of red Light Capsules that contain optional Chips instead. There is a secret fifth Light Capsule in Doppler Stage A, which only appears under certain circumstances and grants the Hyper Chip.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X3
Item Image Stage Directions
Armor Parts
Head Parts Quarry Stage TBA
Body Parts Power Control Center Stage TBA
Arm Parts Safari Park Stage TBA
Foot Parts Frozen Town Stage TBA
Head Chip Weapons Factory Stage TBA
Body Chip Shipyard Stage TBA
Arm Chip Airborne Aircraft Carrier Stage TBA
Foot Chip Giant Dam Stage TBA
Hyper Chip Doppler Stage A TBA

Mega Man X4

Sprite from Mega Man X4.

In Mega Man X4, the Light Capsules contain the Fourth Armor. They only appear in X's story. Based on the armor's name and the Compendium of Rockman X, the Fourth Armor is another evolution of the Third Armor, implying that X again returned it to the Light Capsules between games.[7] This game is also the first time that the Dr. Light hologram exhibits self-awareness, commenting on the tragedy of the Great Repliforce War.[8]

Unique to this game, there are two Light Capsules containing different Arm Parts in the same room, allowing X to choose between the two options. There is no secret Light Capsule in this game, though if the player has entered the password to activate the Ultimate Armor, X can obtain it by entering any of the five capsules. Before giving it to X, Dr. Light warns him that it is an experimental model.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X4
Item Image Stage Directions
Head Parts Cyber Space TBA
Body Parts Volcano TBA
Arm Parts Air Force TBA
Foot Parts Jungle TBA

Mega Man X5

In Mega Man X5, there are now eight Light Capsules, containing two sets of armor: the Falcon Armor and the Gaea Armor. These capsules grant Armor Programs instead, which are not automatically equipped to X and must all be collected before an armor can be worn. Fortunately, this allows Zero to enter the capsules and collect the Armor Programs for X. This is the Dr. Light hologram's first time meeting Zero. When Zero asks about his visions of another scientist, Dr. Light has no answers, apparently unaware (or unwilling to say) that Dr. Wily is Zero's creator.[9]

There is also a secret ninth Light Capsule in Zero Space Stage 3: Awakening, which only appears under certain circumstances and grants the Ultimate Armor to X or the Black Zero upgrade to Zero. Before giving Zero the upgrade, Dr. Light says that he made it for him since their first meeting.[10] Additionally, the Dr. Light hologram appears in X's ending and repairs the damage he sustained in the fight with Sigma, likely possible due to the digital reality of Zero Space.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X5
Item Image Stage Directions
Falcon Armor
Head Program Super-Electromagnetic Lab Stage TBA
Body Program Deep-Sea Submarine Stage TBA
Arm Program Laser Institute Stage TBA
Foot Program Runaway Truck Stage TBA
Gaea Armor
Head Program Planetarium Stage TBA
Body Program Reploid Air Force Stage TBA
Arm Program Magma Stage TBA
Foot Program Jungle Stage TBA

Mega Man X6

In Mega Man X6, there are again eight Light Capsules with two sets of armor: the Blade Armor and the Shadow Armor. These capsules again grant Armor Programs, which must all be collected before they can be worn. There is no secret capsule in this game.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X6
Item Image Stage Directions
Blade Armor
Head Program Central Museum TBA
Body Program Laser Institute TBA
Arm Program Weapon Center TBA
Foot Program Amazon Area TBA
Shadow Armor
Head Program Recycle Lab TBA
Body Program Inami Temple TBA
Arm Program Magma Area TBA
Foot Program North Pole Area TBA

Mega Man X7

In Mega Man X7, there are four Light Capsules that contain the Glide Armor. The Compendium of Rockman X indicates that this armor is another evolution of the Normal Armor, which had last evolved into the Fourth Armor.[7] The Armor Parts system returns, allowing X to automatically equip each piece of the armor in the Light Capsules. However, this means other characters like Zero or Axl can no longer collect the armor for him.

Light Capsules in Mega Man X7
Item Image Stage Directions
Head Parts Cyber Field TBA
Body Parts Air Forces TBA
Arm Parts Lava Factory TBA
Foot Parts Deep Forest TBA


  1. Game manual, Mega Man X5. Capcom. 2000.
  2. Game manual, Mega Man X. Capcom. 1993.
  3. Game manual (3DS Virtual Console), Mega Man Xtreme. Capcom. 2000.
  4. Game manual, Mega Man X2. Capcom. 1994.
  5. Mega Man X. Capcom. 1993. Dr. Light: "So you've come... X, I gave you the ability to choose your own path in life, and I hoped the world would allow you to choose a peaceful one. But now it seems that you are destined to fight. Because I thought the world might need a new champion, I have hidden capsules like this one. If you find and use them you will be able to increase your powers beyond anything the world has ever known."
  6. Kodansha Manga Hyakka #34: Rockman X Chō Hyakka. Kodansha. 1996.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Armor Parts, Compendium of Rockman X. Futabasha. 2005. p. 180.
  8. Mega Man X4. Capcom. 1997. Dr. Light: "This war should never have happened, X... Why must Reploids fight each other? Why do these peace keepers persist in fighting each other? This must be some sort of mistake... X, enter this capsule. Equip with this to discover the truth. Stop this tragic war as soon as possible, X."
  9. Mega Man X5. Capcom. 2000. Zero: "I don't need any power-ups... ............ But I have one thing I want to ask you... Sometimes unknown data emerges in my mind, and I can see a figure of an old professor... Do you know him by any chance? Dr. Light: I don't know... Perhaps, if I saw him... But the data must be a fragment created by some error... I wouldn't worry about it. Why don't you just forget about it? Zero: I don't worry about it, but when I saw you, I felt an urge to ask you...
  10. Mega Man X5. Capcom. 2000. Dr. Light: "Zero... I wasn't able to create any armor for you... But I seem to be able to enhance your abilities..." Zero: "No. I don't need any enhancements..." Dr. Light: "I see... Whether you enter this capsule or not, the decision is up to you. But if you enter, the Z Saber will be enhanced, and your defense power will be increased... I believe in you. You will use these powers in the right way to fight evil. Decide...and choose your fate."