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From Mega Man Wiki
Artwork from Mega Man ZX.
Girouette Model Z
Dialogue portrait(s)
General information
Name(s):Girouette, Giro
Lore Details
Affiliation(s):Giro Express, Guardians
Other Media:
Stage(s):Area D (Highway)
Game Info
Reward(s):Model ZX
Behind the Scenes
Voice (JP):Yūto Kazama

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Girouette (ジルウェ), often called Giro for short, is a supporting character in Mega Man ZX. He is the owner of Giro Express and the guardian of Vent/Aile, whom he took in after they were orphaned by Mavericks. He is secretly the Biomatch for Model Z and a member of the Guardians.

In the Games

Mega Man ZX

Sprite from Mega Man ZX Advent.

Girouette first appeared in Mega Man ZX. He is the owner of Giro Express, a delivery service that works in the Outlands, and is the guardian of the orphaned Vent/Aile, who works as one of his carriers.

Other Media

Official Data

Mega Man ZX

Mega Man ZX manual[1] Runs Giro Express. Vent and Aile call him "Boss," and he is knowledgeable about many things. He sometimes has trouble getting Vent and Aile to follow orders, not to mention keeping them focused and on task.
Rockman ZX Official Complete Guide[2] Vent/Aile's mentor and the Model Z Chosen One, who was brainwashed by Serpent and the others. He loses consciousness and attacks Vent/Aile. His only weapon is a short-range blade called the Z Saber, but when combined with his quick movement, it unleashes a variety of attacks. Also, since he's about the same size as you, it can be difficult to pin him down for counterattacks.[JP]


O09 Giro
This young man owns his own transporter business, Giro Express. He looks after children who have lost their parents and is wise beyond his years. His full name is Girouette, but most people just call him Giro.
B04 Giro (Model Z)
Giro transformed with the power of Model Z. He fell under the influence of Serpent and was used for evil.


Behind the Scenes


Language Name Origin
Japanese Girouette (ジルウェ) "Girouette" is the French word for wind vane; he was given this name because he guides Vent/Aile.[3] Its Japanese transliteration, "Jiruwe", oddly silences the "-tte" consonant sound at the end.


  1. Game manual, Mega Man ZX. 2006.
  2. Rockman ZX Official Complete Guide. Capcom. July 2006.
  3. "The Making of the Rockman ZX Series Part 4: Character Design". Rockman Corner. March 28, 2020.