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B Blader

From Mega Man Wiki

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Template:B Blader/Header

File:CM - B Blader.png
General information
Name(s):B Blader
Type(s):Minor Enemy, Mechaniloid
Lore Details
Location(s)Gaudile Laboratory, Far East HQ
Other Media:
Game Info

B Blader, known as Bee Blader in Japan, is a variety of Bee Blader from Mega Man X: Command Mission that appear exclusively in the Far East HQ.

They attack similarly to their previous incarnations, even deploying Ball De Voux (referred to as Deerballs in-game). Many of the B Blader's attacks have the added effect of inflicting harmful status effects on the players party. B Bladers also assist Deerballs by recovering some of their health each turn. Run away only when alone after its seventh turn.

Physical appearance

In the Games

Command Mission

Other game appearances

Official Data

Other media




Template:Minor Enemies (X era)