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Sigma Virus

From Mega Man Wiki

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The Sigma Virus (シグマウィルス), originally known as the Maverick Virus (イレギュラーウィルス) up until the end of Mega Man X2, is a dangerous computer virus in the X era that can force Reploids to become Mavericks. It was originally created by Dr. Wily, only for Sigma to later absorb and assimilate it into an extension of his own malevolent will.

In the Games

Classic era

Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters

In Bass's ending in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters, Dr. Wily shows Bass the plans for Zero, his ultimate robot. When Bass scoffs at this project, Wily mentions "another project", assumed to be the Maverick Virus. However, this game's story is allegedly set in an alternate timeline, making the canon status of this interaction debatable.[1]

X era

The history of the Maverick Virus is only addressed in production notes and supplementary material, and never directly explained in the Mega Man X video games. The virus was created by Dr. Wily, designed to infuse robots with evil and destructive impulses. When constructing Zero, Wily found an irreparable glitch that made him uncontrollably violent; as a solution, he resolved to infect him with the Maverick Virus to flush his system and ensure his obedience. However, nearing the end of his life, Wily never quite perfected the Maverick Virus, leaving both of his final creations hidden in a laboratory.[2][3]

Zero eventually awoke on his own, and the Maverick Virus somehow leaked out. During their fated battle (depicted in a flashback in Mega Man X4), both Zero and Sigma became infected by the Maverick Virus. The two Reploids had very different reactions. Zero was pacified and lost his psychotic bloodlust, along with his memory, turning him into a reasonable individual. Sigma initially exhibited no adverse symptoms due to his highly-advanced mental circuitry, but the Maverick Virus secretly festered in him. Over time, Sigma's systems assimilated the Maverick Virus, infusing his very Reploid soul into the virus. Though it wasn't yet called it, this was the inception of the Sigma Virus.[2]

Mega Man X

In Mega Man X, the Sigma Virus is only briefly alluded to in the game's ending. After his defeat, Sigma's final message boasts that his "soul" lives on, hinting at the existence of the Sigma Virus and Sigma's ability to live on through it.

Zero era

By the time of the Zero era, the Sigma Virus has been deleted and is only mentioned in historical records. In Mega Man Zero 2, data on the computer at the New Resistance Base contains data that states the Sigma Virus was the cause of the Maverick Wars. In Mega Man Zero 3, data on the computer in Ciel's room further explains that X used the Mother Elf to bring an end to the Maverick Wars, indicating that the Sigma Virus was deleted prior to the Elf Wars.
