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Model O

From Mega Man Wiki
(Redirected from Model OX)
Biometal Info
Artwork from Mega Man ZX.
Model OX (Vent) Model OX (Aile)
Dialogue portrait(s).
General Information
Name(s):Model O
Game Information

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Model O (モデルO) is a Biometal found only in Mega Man ZX. It is a secret unlockable that is based on Omega.

In the Games

Mega Man ZX

Sprite from Mega Man ZX (only seen via cheats).

Model O appears in Mega Man ZX. It can only be obtained using a save file that has cleared the game once on a difficulty higher than Easy. After defeating Omega or the secret Mutos Reploid bosses in Area N (Remains 2), an item called the Mysterious Rock appears in a once-empty room in Area N. The player can collect it, then speak to Fleuve in Area X (Guardian HQ) to get him to process it into Model O. This unlocks the Model OX (モデルOX) form, which resembles Omega and gives the player most of his attacks.

In Area K (Lava Field), Flammole the Moleroid claims to sense a Biometal that is not Model W nor any of Vent/Aile's, which is a hint to Model O's presence in the nearby Area N (Remains 2).[1][2]



  • In Mega Man ZX Advent, there is an unused sprite for the player's energy gauges that is a white "O" symbol. It is speculated that this was intended for an A-Trans transformation for Omega, similar to Model OX, but this has yet to be confirmed.


  1. Mega Man ZX. Capcom, 2006. Flammole the Moleroid defeat, Area K (Vent). "Flammole the Moleroid: I see now... You weren't the one I sensed... It musta been... Model W? Or... Is it somethin' else entirely!? Aaagh!"
  2. Rockman ZX Soundtrack: ZX Tunes. 2006.