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Walkthrough:Drill Man

From Mega Man Wiki

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Mega Man 4


Mega Man III


Mega Man X DivE


Damage data chart

Weapon Mega Man 4 Mega Man III Mega Man X DiVE
Mega Buster 1:3 1:3
Flash Stopper 0 N/A
Rain Flush 1 6
Drill Bomb 1:1 1*
Pharaoh Shot 1:3 1:3
Ring Boomerang 1 1
Dust Crusher 4 1
Dive Missile 3 1
Skull Barrier 1 1
Wire Adaptor 1 N/A
Shadow Blade N/A 1
Spark Shock N/A 0
Search Snake N/A 1
Gemini Laser N/A 1
Screw Crusher N/A 1*


Damage data chart

Amount of damage in units that Drill Man receives from each Special Weapon in Mega Man 4.

Mega Man 4
Mega Buster Flash Stopper Rain Flush Drill Bomb Pharaoh Shot Ring Boomerang Dust Crusher Dive Missile Skull Barrier Wire Adaptor
1:3 0 1 1:1 1:3 1 1 3 1 1

*For the Mega Buster and Pharaoh Shot, the first digit is when the weapon is fired normally and the second is when it is fully charged.

See also