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The Limited in Rockman X Mega Mission.

The Limited (リミテッド) is a technology appearing in the Rockman X Mega Mission Carddass series. They are a semi-organic "Replibrain" created by Dr. Doppler, which is capable of parasitizing Reploids to mutate their bodies and take over their minds to make them dangerous warriors.

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Rockman X Mega Mission

The Limited is introduced in Rockman X Mega Mission. Dr. Doppler creates the Limited as part of his plot to defeat X and rule the world. They are half-organic, half-mechanical organisms; the nucleus is a face-shaped machine with two eyes and tentacles, which is surrounded by an organic gelatinous substance which gives its mutagenic properties. They all come from one giant Limited called the Mother Limited, which Doppler keeps in his lab. He uses the Limited to resurrect deceased Maverick as Limit Repliroids and sends them after X, planning for the Limited inside them to collect data on him. The Incept Chasers are then deployed to retrieve the Limited after they are defeated.

Once X has faced four Limit Repliroids, the Limited have collected enough data to evolve, able to move independently and becoming considerably stronger. The Mother Limited also uses his data to create iX, a twisted clone of X. Once iX is beaten, the Mother Limited itself enters a battle mode called a "Repligigant" form to fight, but X and Zero destroy it. This temporarily puts an end to Doppler's Limited scheme.

Rockman X Mega Mission 2

In Rockman X Mega Mission 2, a single cell from the Mother Limited multiplies to form a new body, creating Tackione, based on the data of Dr. Doppler. He then divides himself to create the Order Breakers, Bloodione and Luxione. They use a new technology called a Limited Field (リミテッドフィールド), a projected field that can drive an entire city of Reploids and Mechaniloids into Mavericks.

Rockman X Mega Mission 3

In Rockman X Mega Mission 3, an advanced strain called the Hyper Limited (ハイパーリミテッド) is used by Enemice to create the Masquerades. Enemice himself is also powered by the Hyper Limited to some extent, as his name sometimes shares the "HL" appendage. The Hyper Limited is never seen by itself, but is described as more powerful than regular Limited and able to control Mechaniloids from afar too.

Rockman X Mega Mission 4

In Rockman X Mega Mission 4, Return iX infects a Light Capsule with the Limited in order to make it his own. He uses this capsule to upgrade himself into Grow iX, before creating Confuse A Stoner and the GX Army. While they fight X and Zero, the Limited-infected capsule goes out of control and mutates into another Mother Limited. However, Grow iX simply absorbs the Mother Limited to evolve further into Doppler iX.

Rockman X Giga Mission

In Rockman X Giga Mission, Isoc uses Dr. Doppler's research on the Limited to create his own version called the Extreme (エクストレム). He uses it to control several of Gate's creations, and also creates a new Nightmare Police comprised of Saktira CC and Pranara DD.
