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Talk:Robot Timeline

From Mega Man Wiki


There are some problems here I'm noticing.

  • Maverick Hunter X is a remake of the first X game that doesn't fit anywhere because AFAIK it made changes that would have also required the other games to be remade, which never happened. I commented it out for now and am not sure what could be done with it. Powered Up (missing) is similar, but less destructive to what comes after it.
  • The Game Boy games, Wily Wars and Xtreme games happening "around the same time" as the games they retread makes no sense. They would need to happen after those games by definition. (Not sure when, other than Dr. Wily's Revenge going somewhere before Mega Man Soccer.)
  • Mega Man & Bass missing rn, should probably go between 8 and 9. It's definitely after 8 and probably before 9, but I haven't played 9. No idea about the WonderSwan game.

--Vellidragon (talk) 02:10, 21 January 2022 (UTC)