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EM Being

From Mega Man Wiki

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An EM Being (short for Electromagnetic Being), also known as a Radio Wave Lifeform (電波生命体) in Japan, is a species of sentient lifeforms composed entirely of electromagnetic waves. They appear only in the Star Force era, and come in several varieties.

In the Games

Mega Man Star Force

Name Image Type Human EM Wave Change Element Weakness
MMSF - Omega-Xis Portrait.gif
AM-ian Geo Stelar Star Force Mega Man MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF - Taurus Portrait.gif
FM-ian Bud Bison Taurus Fire MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua
MMSF - Cygnus Portrait.gif
FM-ian Tom Dubius Cygnus Wing MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF - Cancer Crop.png
FM-ian Claud Pincer Cancer Bubble MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
MMSF - Lyra Portrait.png
FM-ian Sonia Strumm Harp Note MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
Pegasus Magic
MMSF - Pegasus Magic Portrait.gif
AM-ian None MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
Leo Kingdom
MMSF - Leo Kingdom Portrait.gif
AM-ian None MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua
Dragon Sky
MMSF - Dragon Sky Portrait.gif
AM-ian None MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire
MMSF - Libra Portrait.png
FM-ian Mitch Shepar Libra Scales MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF - Ophiuca Portrait.gif
FM-ian Luna Platz Queen Ophiuca MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF3 - Wolf Portrait.gif
FM-ian Damian Wolfe Wolf Woods MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire
MMSF - Gemini Portrait.gif
FM-ian Patrick Sprigs Gemini Spark MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood
MMSF - Crown Crop.png
FM-ian Couronne XIV Crown Thunder MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood
FM King Cepheus
MMSF - King Cepheus Portrait.gif
FM-ian None Unknown Unknown

In Mega Man Star Force, EM Beings are introduced for the first time. Geo Stelar sides with Omega-Xis, an alien EM Being with whom he can perform an EM Wave Change to become Star Force Mega Man. Two major factions of EM Beings appear: the AM-ians and the FM-ians. They can both be stored inside Transer devices, and can EM Wave Change with humans. There are also independent EM Beings called Hertz which can be found living in the Wave World.

Mega Man Star Force 2

Name Image Type Human EM Wave Change Element Weakness
MMSF2 - Phantom Portrait.gif
UMA Hyde Dark Phantom MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF2 - Yeti Portrait.gif
UMA Rich Dotcom Yeti Blizzard MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
MMSF3 - Laplace Portrait.gif
UMA Solo Rogue MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF2 - Plesio Portrait.gif
UMA Gerry Romero Plesio Surf MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
MMSF2 - Condor Portrait.gif
UMA Shaman Terra Condor MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
Goat-Foo N/A FM-ian Kidd Gruff Kung Foo Kid MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire
General Auriga
MMSF2 - General Auriga Portrait.png
Other None MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
Apollo Flame
MMSF2 - Apollo Flame Portrait.png
Other None MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua

In Mega Man Star Force 2, a new type of ancient EM Being is introduced, known as the UMAs. EM Beings can now be stored in a device called a Star Carrier. Additionally, the two bonus bosses in Alternate Dimension, Apollo Flame and General Auriga, are EM Beings of some kind.

Mega Man Star Force 3

Name Image Type Human EM Wave Change /
Noise Card
Element Weakness
MMSF3 - Vogue Portrait.png
Wizard Luna Platz None Unknown Unknown
MMSF3 - Pedia Portrait.png
Wizard Zack Temple None Unknown Unknown
MMSF3 - Acid Portrait.png
Wizard Ace Acid Ace MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF3 - Magnes Portrait.png
Wizard Woody Spade Magnes MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood
MMSF3 - Coil Portrait.png
Wizard None Unknown Unknown
MMSF3 - Ice Portrait.png
Wizard Belle Diamond Ice MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
MMSF3 - Strong Portrait.png
Wizard None Club Strong MMBN6 - Wood Element.png Wood MMBN6 - Fire Element.png Fire
MMSF3 - Corvus Portrait.png
FM-ian Jack Jack Corvus MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF3 - Virgo Portrait.gif
FM-ian Queen Tia Queen Virgo MMBN6 - Aqua Element.png Aqua MMBN6 - Elec Element.png Elec
MMSF3 - Joker Portrait.png
Wizard None Dread Joker MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
Moon Destroyer
MMSF3 - Moon Destroyer Portrait.png
Other None MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF3 - Sirius Portrait.png
Other None MMBN6 - None Element.png None MMBN6 - None Element.png None
MMSF3 - Clark Art.jpg
Wizard None Unknown Unknown

In Mega Man Star Force 3, contemporary humans begin to create their own artificial EM Beings known as Wizards, replacing NetNavis in popular culture. Many previous EM Beings, such as Omega-Xis, are newly classified as Wizards as well, being stored within the new Hunter-VG devices. They can be corrupted by Noise Cards, which grant them immense power and drive them berserk with Crimson power. Two EM Being bonus bosses, Moon Destroyer and Sirius, also appear.
