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Script:Rockman & Forte: Challengers from the Future

From Mega Man Wiki

Rockman & Forte: Challengers from the Future script translation[1].

Rockman's Story

Opening Scene

The year 200X

The peaceful town of Symphony City, where robots and humans live in harmony, is attacked by robots calling themselves the Dimensions. According to eye witnesses, the one leading the overwhelmingly powerful Dimensions is a robot that looks just like Rockman. It’s said it was a black, evil form, that seemed to have a penchant for destruction. Rockman, hearing this news at Light’s research lab, dashed to the scene despite being in midst of repairs. Around that same time, Wily saw the black Rockman and sent Forte to the city in order to confirm the mystery. Just who is the black Rockman?!

Rockman Shadow: My name is Rockman Shadow! I am a robot possessing great power. I will not forgive any who do not obey me!

Rockman: Stop hurting everybody! Who in the world are you? You look just like me, but how can you do something like this?

Forte: I came here to finally choke the life out of my nemesis Rockman, but he’s acting differently than usual.

Rockman: Forte, I don’t have time to deal with you. I have to fight off those robots!

Forte: Tch! Don’t got much choice, Wily’s research lab is also close to here. I’ll call a temporary truce for now!

Opening Stage

Rockman Shadow: You’ve beaten my Grey Devil; I would expect as much from you, Rockman. But I won’t go easy on those who wreak havoc on my robot factory.

Rockman: Who exactly are you? For some reason I feel like this isn’t the first time we’ve met. Stop doing bad things and let’s find a way to live well together with everyone!

Rockman Shadow: Heheheh, unfortunately I was not made that way. I will tell you my identity if you can defeat my underlings.

After Four Bosses

Rockman: Blues, tell me! Who is that other Me with the black helmet?

Blues: That Rockman Shadow is just as its written: your shadow; your true opponent that will stand against you as you grow stronger.

Rockman: What do you mean? What should I do, Blues?

Blues: If you are going to go on being a lover of peace, you must follow through. There’s an opponent that must be overcome for everybody. Don’t lose…


Rockman: Please don’t get in my way. Please, I want you to let me through here. I just want to see Shadow and talk with him!

Compass Man

Compass Man: My name is Compass Man. I am Rockman Shadow’s friend. Ahead of this stage is Shadow’s personal castle. But, I cannot allow you to move forward any further. The enemies ahead were prepared by yours truly. It would be for your own good to bring it like your life depended on it!

Rockman Shadow

Rockman: Rockman Shadow! This is the end of your factory! I don’t want to fight with you! Stop this pointless fighting.

Rockman Shadow: So you’ve finally come. Just as promised I will tell you my identity. A while ago you had fought a robot named Quint. He was a modified Rockman from the future. I, too, am such. In the future Wily still has not given up on world domination. I’ve come here across time in order to put an end to that. For the sake of the future, I must erase this era’s robots’ existence. There is no other way but to annihilate the roots of the robots of the past.

Rockman: So that’s why you attacked everyone? But I can’t forgive your methods. “You can’t solve problems with violence”, that’s what Dr. Light says. I also believe so! I don’t want to see Roll-chan’s, or anybody’s tears! There must be a better way. I will stop you!

Defeat of Rockman Shadow

Rockman: That was a painful fight…it was as if I was fighting with myself. When I delivered the final blow, it was like something within my chest was lost.

Rockman Shadow: Very good Rockman…just as I thought, I couldn’t win against you…but this is okay. The truth is, the bit about Wily continuing his evil deeds even in the future was a lie. I was a robot left behind as a failed version of Quint. But I modified myself and gained the power I have now. Then, with that power I destroyed everything on Earth. There is nobody who can defeat me in the Earth of the future. That’s why I went through time and came looking for one who could defeat me.

Rockman: It can’t be…in that case, it’s as if you want to die. If only you had said something sooner, there may have been another way.

Rockman Shadow: No, this is fine. There will no longer be another robot born like me. Did you not realize it? As you were fighting my underlings – as you defeated enemies – you were becoming a more dangerous presence. Just as my name implies, I was your shadow. Don’t drown in your strength like I did, Rockman. And, continue protecting everyone’s smiles…farewell.

Rockman: I understand, Shadow…I promise you, I will not use continued conflict incorrectly. Goodbye.

Rockman: Forte, my match with you is on hold. I want to return home to everyone. But if you go on a tear again, I will stop you with all my strength! To create a world without conflict – that is my goal from here on out!


Thank you for playing to the end. Let’s meet again!

Forte's Story

Opening Scene

The year 200X

The peaceful town of Symphony City, where robots and humans live in harmony, is attacked by robots calling themselves the Dimensions. According to eye witnesses, the one leading the overwhelmingly powerful Dimensions is a robot that looks just like Rockman. It’s said it was a black, evil form, that seemed to have a penchant for destruction. Rockman, hearing this news at Light’s research lab, dashed to the scene despite being in midst of repairs. Around that same time, Wily saw the black Rockman and sent Forte to the city in order to confirm the mystery. Just who is the black Rockman?!

Rockman Shadow: My name is Rockman Shadow! I am a robot possessing great power. I will not forgive any who do not obey me!

Rockman: Stop hurting everybody! Who in the world are you? You look just like me, but how can you do something like this?

Forte: I came here to finally choke the life out of my nemesis Rockman, but he’s acting differently than usual.

Rockman: Forte, I don’t have time to deal with you. I have to fight off those robots!

Forte: Tch! Don’t got much choice, Wily’s research lab is also close to here. I’ll call a temporary truce for now!

Opening Stage

Rockman Shadow: So you beat the Grey Devil; I would expect as much from the one who calls himself the strongest. But I won’t go easy on those who wreak havoc on my robot factory.

Forte: Who the hell are you? For some reason you have the same scent as I do.

Rockman Shadow: Hehehehe, we just might be blood brothers. I’ll tell you my identity if you can defeat my underlings.

After Four Bosses

Forte: Blues! If you know who that black Rockman is, spit it out!

Blues: That Rockman Shadow is also an enemy of your heart. An enemy that will stand against you as you gain power.

Forte: What are you on about? Say it so it makes sense!

Blues: Let’s say you were able to beat that Rockman. However, a new enemy will appear before you. The time when you learn what true strength is, is coming.


Forte: You punks are in the way! Move aside if you don’t wanna become scrap! I’m here to see the black Rockman, alone!

Compass Man

Compass Man: My name is Compass Man. I am Rockman Shadow’s friend. Ahead of this stage is Shadow’s personal castle. But, I cannot allow you to move forward any further. The enemies ahead were prepared by yours truly. It would be for your own good to bring it like your life depended on it!

Rockman Shadow

Forte: Rockman Shadow! I’ve made it this far. I’m gonna wipe that smirk off your face. Get ready.

Rockman Shadow: You’ve finally made it. As promised, I shall tell you my identity. There was a time long ago when Dr. Wily modified a Rockman from the future. His name was Quint. That is why you and I have a similar scent. I am another Quint that was made at that time! Forte, if we joined forces, even the real Rockman will not be a match for us. Won’t you join me for the sake of the future? You will gain the strength you seek. The two of us will destroy everything upon this Earth. Then we will reap the title of world’s strongest!

Forte: I see…so we’re both Wily’s robots. Joining you and becoming the true strongest isn’t so bad. But, I don’t like taking instructions from others. I particularly don’t want to be told by a guy wearing Rockman’s face. I do things my way. First, I’ll wipe the floor with you!

Defeat of Rockman Shadow

Forte: Been a while since I was given this much trouble…it was like I was fighting myself. When I finally laid the final blow it was like something inside me changed.

Rockman Shadow: You’re as good as I thought, Forte…you live up to the title of Strongest. The truth is, I was never seeking to be the best or anything like that. I was a robot left behind as a failed version of Quint. But I modified myself and gained the power I have now. Then, with that power I destroyed everything on Earth. There is nobody who can defeat me in the Earth of the future. That’s why I went through time and came looking for one who could defeat me.

Forte: What…so then, you were planning to lose from the start? Don’t tell me you went easy on me, huh?!

Rockman Shadow: This was a serious bout. I fought for real. More importantly, you felt it, too, didn’t you? As you fought me….the emptiness that, even if you take down your enemy, another will appear again…I may have been your Rockman-shaped shadow. Simply seeking strength is not how a robot lives. Don’t become like me. Forte…farewell.

Forte: I won’t try to be like Rockman; I will do things my way. But, this was a good learning experience. See ya.

Forte: Rockman! The fight with you is on hold. I’ll lay off turning you to scrap for today. But the strongest on Earth is me! Remember that!


Thank you for playing to the end. Let’s meet again!


Rockman Shop

Extra Life – The remaining Rockmans will increase by one.

EXIT – An item where you are able to exit if it’s from a stage with a defeated boss.

Rush Coil – You can call upon Rush and jump high.

Tango – An item that makes Tango appear. He will protect you.

Beat – An item that makes Beat appear. You can become invincible, but only a little bit.

Energy Balancer – An item that will recover energy starting from weapons low on energy.

Energy Recover – An item that will recover all weapons’ energy.

Energy Saver – An item where special weapons energy usage becomes half.

Super Recover – An item that makes the effect of life energy double.

Presenter Item – It will make an item ball appear that presents items.

Eddie – Eddy will present a recovery item in times of trouble.

Shock Guard – It will absorb the damage from hitting spikes just once.

Super Armor – It halves damage from enemies.

Forte Shop

Extra Life – The remaining Fortes will increase by one.

EXIT – An item where you are able to exit if it’s from a stage with a defeated boss.

Gospel – You can transform into Gospel Boost and move freely in the air.

Super Buster – An item that ups the power of your buster two times.

Hyper Buster – Your buster will now penetrate through walls.

Energy Balancer – An item that will recover energy starting from weapons low on energy.

Energy Recover – An item that will recover all weapons’ energy.

Energy Saver – An item where special weapons energy usage becomes half.

Super Recover – An item that makes the effect of life energy double.

Presenter Item – It will make an item ball appear that presents items.

Reggae – Reggae will present a recovery item in times of trouble.

Shock Guard – It will absorb the damage from hitting spikes just once.

Super Armor – It halves damage from enemies.
