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From Mega Man Wiki
Revision as of 00:27, 8 September 2024 by Unknowni123 (talk | contribs)
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{{{1}}} ({{{2}}})


Displays Japanese characters. The 1 parameter should be the text in the English alphabet, 2 should be the Japanese text, 3 should be a rōmaji transcription, and 4 is an extra slot that can be used for a more literal translation or whatever you want.

For example, {{jp|'''Rockman'''|ロックマン|Rokkuman|lit. ''Rockman''}} displays as: Rockman (ロックマン, lit. Rockman).

This template avoids character display errors should a user's font not support Japanese characters, by specifying a list of fonts known to have such support and that combined should be on every possible computer. The fonts used are, in the order they are attempted:

  • Arial Unicode MS (any system with Microsoft Office, Mac OS X x10.5+)
  • Code2000 (older well-known Unicode font)
  • Meiryo (all Windows since Vista)